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Vol 59, No 2 (2023)

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Viktor Valentinovich Vlasov (18.11.1956-04.01.2023)

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Редакционная коллегия журнала ``Дифференциальные уравнения'' с глубоким прискорбием сообщает, что 4 января 2023 г. на 67-м году жизни скоропостижно скончался Власов Виктор Валентинович, известный российский математик, доктор физико-математических наук, профессор, заместитель заведующего кафедрой математического анализа механико-математического факультета Московского государственного университета имени М.В. Ломоносова, член редколлегии журнала. В.В. Власову неоднократно присуждались гранты Российского фонда фундаментальных исследований, Международного научного фонда, INTAS. В 2000 г. ему была присуждена государственная научная стипендия для выдающихся ученых. Он неоднократно являлся лауреатом конкурсов ``Соросовский доцент'' и ``Соросовский профессор'', а также конкурсов ``Профессор года'' МГУ. Области научных интересов: теория функционально-дифференциальных уравнений и спектральная теория несамосопряжённых операторов. В.В. Власову принадлежит ряд значимых результатов об асимптотическом поведении решений функционально-дифференциальных уравнений в гильбертовом пространстве, а также им получены неулучшаемые оценки их решений. Автор более 150 научных работ в реферируемых журналах. Он был отзывчивым, доброжелательным, глубоко порядочным человеком. Выражаем искренние соболезнования его семье и близким, друзьям, коллегам. Светлая память о Викторе Валентиновиче Власове навсегда сохранится в наших сердцах.
Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2023;59(2):149-149
pages 149-149 views

On One Type of Oscillating Solutions of a Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equation with a Three-Position Hysteresis Relay and a Perturbation

Evstaf'eva V.V., Kamachkin A.M., Potapov D.K.


A second-order ordinary differential equation with a three-position hysteresis relay characteristic and a periodic perturbation function is considered. The existence theorem is proved for an oscillatory solution with a complete traversal of the characteristic with a possible exit into its saturation zones in some finite time and with a closed phase trajectory of an arbitrary shape. Sufficient conditions for the existence of periodic solutions with arbitrary and symmetric phase trajectories are established, as well as conditions for the nonexistence of a periodic solution with a symmetric phase trajectory. Numerical examples are given.

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2023;59(2):150-163
pages 150-163 views

On the Spectral Properties of a Fourth-Order Self-Adjoint Operator

Polyakov D.M.


We consider a spectral problem for a fourth-order differential operator with real periodic coefficients and Neumann-type boundary conditions. For this operator, the eigenvalue asymptotics and a regularized trace formula are obtained.

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2023;59(2):164-169
pages 164-169 views

On the Gröbner Basis of the Ideal of Lyapunov Quantities of the Kukles System

Rudenok A.E., Vasilevich M.N.


The center problem and the cyclicity of singular points of the Kukles system are studied. The necessary conditions for the center at the origin are obtained as the variety of the ideal of Lyapunov quantities calculated by direct solution of the polynomial system whose left-hand sides form the Gröbner basis of the ideal. This ideal is also used to calculate the cyclicity of the centers and foci of the system. A theorem is proved that allows one to find the cyclicity of the centers of polynomial systems by using its Gröbner basis instead of the ideal of Lyapunov quantities.

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2023;59(2):170-182
pages 170-182 views

Boundary Value Problem for an Inhomogeneous Fourth-Order Equation with Lower-Order Terms

Apakov Y.P., Mamazhonov S.M.


We consider the first boundary value problem in a rectangular domain for an inhomogeneous fourth-order differential equation with lower-order terms. The uniqueness of a solution of the stated problem is proved. The solution is obtained explicitly using the Green’s function constructed.

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2023;59(2):183-192
pages 183-192 views

On the Fundamental Solution of a Parabolic Equation with Dini Continuous Coefficients

Baderko E.A., Semenov K.V.


We consider a parabolic equation in one spatial variable with Dini continuous coefficients. For this equation, the existence of a classical fundamental solution is proved and estimates are given. The condition on the nature of the continuity of the leading coefficient of the equation for the existence of a fundamental solution is sharp.

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2023;59(2):193-207
pages 193-207 views

Finding the Two-Dimensional Relaxation Kernel of an Integro-Differential Wave Equation

Durdiev D.K., Safarov Z.S.


We consider the multidimensional inverse problem of determining the kernel of the integral term in an integro-differential wave equation. In the direct problem, it is required to find the displacement function from an initial–boundary value problem, and in the inverse one, to determine the kernel of the integral term depending on both time and one of the spatial variables. The local unique solvability of the problem in the class of functions continuous in one of the variables and analytic in the other one is proved on the basis of the method of scales of Banach spaces of real analytic functions.

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2023;59(2):208-222
pages 208-222 views

Well-Posedness of the Generalized Samarskii–Ionkin Problem for Elliptic Equations in a Cylindrical Domain

Kozhanov A.I., Dyuzheva A.V.


We study the well-posedness of some analogs of the nonlocal Samarskii–Ionkin problem for second-order elliptic equations in Sobolev spaces. For the problems in question, existence and uniqueness theorems are proved for regular solutions, i.e., solutions that have all generalized Sobolev derivatives occurring in the corresponding equation. Some spectral problems for elliptic equations with the nonlocal Samarskii–Ionkin condition are studied.

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2023;59(2):223-235
pages 223-235 views

On the Absence of Solutions of Differential Inequalities with the -Laplacian

Kon'kov A.A.


For differential inequalities with the ∞-Laplacian in the principal part, we find conditions for the absence of solutions in unbounded domains. Examples are given that demonstrate the accuracy of these conditions.

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2023;59(2):236-251
pages 236-251 views

Stability Criterion and Sharp Estimates for the “Super-Twisting” Algorithm

Fomichev V.V., Vysotskiy A.O.


A new method for proving necessary and sufficient conditions for the global asymptotic stability of the “super-twisting” algorithm is given. The new method is based on obtaining a complete analytical solution of the system for the “worst-case” perturbation and permits one to obtain a criterion in a simpler, completely real form as well as to find estimates for the worst-case (majorizing) trajectory.

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2023;59(2):252-256
pages 252-256 views

On the Exact Controllability of a Semilinear Evolution Equation with an Unbounded Operator

Chernov A.V.


For the Cauchy problem associated with a controlled semilinear evolution equation with an unbounded maximal monotone operator in a Hilbert space, sufficient conditions are obtained for exact controllability to a given final state. Here a generalization of the Browder–Minty theorem and results on the total global solvability of this equation obtained by the author earlier are used. As an example, a semilinear wave equation is considered.

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2023;59(2):257-269
pages 257-269 views

On the Bifurcation of Thresholds of the Essential Spectrum with a Spectral Singularity

Borisov D.I., Zezyulin D.A.


We consider the Schrödinger operator on the plane with bounded potential, where is a real potential, and are compactly supported complex potentials, and 
 is a small parameter, assuming that the lower part of the spectrum of the one-dimensional Schrödinger operator consists of a pair of isolated eigenvalues and the essential spectrum of the operator has a virtual level at its lower edge and a spectral singularity inside.

Additionally, we assume that there is a certain superposition of eigenvalues of the operator with the virtual level and spectral singularity of the operator; this leads to the emergence of a special threshold in the essential spectrum of the perturbed operator, with the perturbation leading to a bifurcation of this threshold into eigenvalues and resonances with multiplicity doubling. The bifurcation scenario described in this paper is qualitatively different from the previously known ones.

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2023;59(2):270-274
pages 270-274 views

Spectral Properties of the Generator of a Semigroup Generated by the Volterra Integro-Differential Equation

Vlasov V.V., Rautian N.A.


The spectral properties of a linear operator that is the generator of a semigroup generated by a Volterra integro-differential equation in a Hilbert space are studied. Such integro-differential equations can be implemented as partial integro-differential equations arising in the theory of viscoelasticity and the theory of heat propagation in media with memory and also have many other important applications.The established results on the Riesz basis property of the root vectors of the semigroup generator can be used in studying the properties of solutions of integro-differential equations.

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2023;59(2):275-279
pages 275-279 views

On the Solvability of a Periodic Problem for a System of Ordinary Differential Equations with the Main Positive Homogeneous Nonlinearity

Mukhamadiev E., Naimov A.N.


We study the solvability of a periodic problem for a system of ordinary differential equations in which we separate the main nonlinear part that is positive homogeneous mapping (of order greater than unity), with the rest called a perturbation. It is proved that if the unperturbed system of equations has no nonzero bounded solutions, then the periodic problem is solvable under any perturbation if and only if the degree of the positive homogeneous mapping on the unit sphere is nonzero. The result obtained is of interest from the point of view of the application and development of methods of nonlinear analysis in the theory of differential and integral equations.

Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2023;59(2):280-282
pages 280-282 views

O seminare po problemam nelineynoy dinamiki i upravleniya pri Moskovskom gosudarstvennom universitete im. M.V. Lomonosova

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Ниже публикуются краткие аннотации докладов, состоявшихся в осеннем семестре 2022 г. (предыдущее сообщение о работе семинара дано в журнале ``Дифференц. уравнения''. 2022. Т. 58. № 8. Семинар основан академиками РАН С.В. Емельяновым и С.К. Коровиным. За дополнительной информацией обращаться по адресу: Составитель хроники А.В. Ильин.
Differencial'nye uravneniya. 2023;59(2):283-292
pages 283-292 views

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