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Author Guidelines

The monthly mathematical journal "Differencial'nye uravneniya" publishes  the articles on the theory of ordinary differential equations, the theory of equations in partialderivatives, the theory of integral and integro-differential equations, theory of finite difference equations, mathematical control theory and variational calculus, numerical methods of solution of differential and integral equations and applications of the indicated theories to mathematical modeling of real processes; review articles, chronicles of scientific life, anniversary articles and obituaries.

The journal is distributed in printed and electronic versions. Articles, submitted to the editorial office of the journal "Differencial'nye uravneniya", are subjected to scientific review by leading specialized professionals, including the professionals from foreign countries.

During the consideration of the materials, submitted for publication in the journal, the editorial policy is based on the standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics. A submission may be rejected at the stage, preceding to the review, if it does not correspond to theremit of the journal.


1. Submissions are accepted for consideration through the Auctorial Portal (electronic editorial office):, additionally files of article (in tex- and pdf-format) and files of illustrations (in eps-format), in case of presence of the latter are sent to
The date of receipt of the article to the editorial office is considered to be the date of its upload through the Auctorial Portal.

2. The author(s) of the article guarantees that it (in original or translation in or from other languages) has not been previously published elsewhere and is not under consideration for publication in editorial office of other journals. The author(s) bear all responsibility for scientific content of the article and the accuracy of the data, used in it.

3. The article must be signed by all authors and accompanied by the permission for publication from the institution, where the work was executed and, an expert opinion on the absence of restrictions for open access publication of materials.

4. The following information about the author should beobligatory attached as a separate file: surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, place of work, job position, academic title and degree, office address, office telephone (with area code), home address, home telephone (with area code), e-mail address, main fields of scientific research. All metadata (title of the article, full name and full title of places of work of each author) should be duplicated in English. 
The pdf-files of the Russian and English versions of the published article are sent to the e-mail address, specified by the authors.
5. The journal is published in Russian language, its translation into English language is published under the title "Differencial'nye uravneniya". The indispensable condition for publication is the conclusion of contracts with the publishers of Russian and English versions of the journal.
After the article is accepted for publication, the completed and signed contracts with all co-authors are sent to:
Forms of the standard author's contract are published on the following websites: Agreement, Agreement on transfer of authors' rights.


1. The electronic version of the article should be prepared in the publishing system LaTeX according to the sample, located at the journal's website (files Sample (DOScp866).tex and Sample(WINcp1251).tex differ only in encoding).

It is forbidden to useproprietary style files, to enter overriding of the standard LaTeX commands \def, \newcommand, \renewcommand andproprietary ambient \newtheorem, \newenvironment for theorems, lemmas, definitions and so on.

2. The length of the article should not exceed 20 journal pages (page parameters see in the sample), and the length of brief communication should not exceed 5 pages. The big volume of the article is allowed on an individual basis, by the decision of the editorial board.

3. It is necessary to indicate the column of the journal to which the article is related (ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, integral equations, integral and integro-differential equations, control theory, numerical methods, finite difference equations, brief communication), and the UDC index to which the content of the article corresponds (if the article corresponds to several indices, all of them should be indicated according to the rules of compilation of complex indices).

4. The title of the article should accurately reflect the main topic of the research.
The text of the article should be scrupulously edited and verified by the authors, and its results should be formulated in the form of accurate statements (theorems, lemmas, results, etc.) accompanied by rigorous mathematical proofs.

5. After the UDC, the title of the article and the surname of the author(s), an abstract with the volume of up to 15 lines is provided, containing a statement of the main results (without references to the text of the article or list of references, cumbersome formulas, undeciphered abbreviations and repetition of the text from introduction).

6. An article may contain no more than 5 illustrations (including parts of illustration with separate signatures). Each illustration is provided as a separate graphic file in eps format. Illustration parameters: width no more than 16 cm, height – 10 cm, image only in black and white or in shades of gray; the minimum resolution is 300 dpi, and for photographs 600 dpi.
All the illustrations must be numbered in the order, in which they appear in the text, each illustration must be provided with descriptive information, and link to it should be present in the text of the article.
Figures, tables and diagrams are included directly in the text of the article.

7. Numbered formulas are included in a separate line on center, the formula number is placed at the right edge of the page. If the formula has several lines, then the number is placed at its last line. Numeration of formulas can be performed using the \eqno command. Automatic numeration of formulas using the {equation} procedure is welcomed. Moreover, authors must ensure the uniqueness of proprietary labels in relation to the labels of the authors of other articles from the journal number, using several initial letters of the surname of the first author in the label name.
Only those formulas which are referenced in the article should be numbered.

8. The formulization of statements (theorems, lemmas, results, etc.) is typed in italic \textit.

9. Fractions in formulas, not allocated in separate lines, as well as multilevel fractions in formulas, allocated in a separate line, should be written with a slash sign or with the usage of negative indicators.

10. The mathematical symbols lim, sup, ln, sin, Re, Im, etc. and the numeral 0 (zero) are typed in Roman font \lim, \sup, \ln, \sin, \mathrm{Re},\mathrm{Im}, etc. An exponential function with a complex argument should be written as the form of exp(...) or exp{...}.

11. The list of references is compiled in the order of reference of literary sources in the text of the paper and should contain only those sources, referenced in the paper. The total number of literary sources should not exceed 30.
In periodicals it is necessary to indicate the name of the journal, year, volume, number and pages. In references to monographs, pages (e.g., [1, p. 30]) or chapters and paragraphs (e.g., [1, Ch. 2, § 3]) must be provided after the serial number. References to unpublished works (except for dissertations) are not allowed.
In case of citation, the material should be cited only in the original language.
Group references should be avoided. All sources should be in public domain, it is preferable to indicate DOI (if available).
If in the course of work on text inLaTeX the support of bibliography{thebibliography}is used, then after completion of work on the article and compilation of short list of literature, the automatic numeration of list of references should be replaced by \cite manual numeration in the text. The list of references is organized using the \lit command. Its definition and examples of usage are provided in the abovementioned in art.1 of tex-file of the example of print design of article.

12. At the end of the article, the authors at their discretion can place acknowledgements to colleagues or supervisors and in special cases to reviewers, as well as indicate the sources of financial support for the research (grants, state programs, projects, sponsorship, etc.).

13. It is not recommended to make the final text composition: use additional vertical or horizontal spaces in the text or between values in formulas, get rid of small line overflows with the usage of forced hyphenation, etc.

14. Return of an article to the author for revision does not mean that it is approved for printing. The author should send the revised version of the article to the editorial office together with a reply to all the reviewer's comments and list of corrections. By decision of the Editorial Board, the article may be sent for additional review.
The Editorial Board reserves the right to reduce and edit the materials, intended for publication.

15. The submissions, which do not meet the indicated requirements or do not meet the profile of the journal, are rejected by the Editorial Board without their review on the merits. The decisionoftheEditorial Board isfinal.


Copyright Notice

Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:

  1. Authors retain copyright and grant the Publisher exclusive license to first publication.
  2. Authors are able to distribute the manuscript and/or the article in accordance with Self-Archiving policy of the journal (see details).
  3. The manuscript can be accepted for publication only by decision of the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial board of the journal in accordance with the Manuscript stelection policy of the journal (see details).
  4. Published Article will be distributed in print and electronic version and will be available online by Subscription or in Open Access at the discretion of the Publisher. 


An exclusive license for publication granted by authors allows the publisher to use the article in the following ways:

  • the reproduction of the Article, as well as the metadata of the Article, in any material form, including on paper and/or electronic media as a separate work and/or as part of the Journal, and/or as part of the Licensee's and/or other parties' databases, at the Licensee's discretion;
  • the dissemination of copies of the Article, as well as the metadata of the Article, or any other disposal of its original or copies, including on paper and/or electronic media as a separate work and/or as part of the Journal, and/or as part of the Licensee's and/or any other parties' databases, at the Licensee's discretion, including distributing or otherwise using the Article or portions (excerpts) thereof for publication in scientific, educational, technical or professional journals or other periodicals and derivative works; in printed and electronic versions of such journals, periodicals and derivative works in all media and formats now existing and which may arise in the future;
  • making the Article available to the public in a way that any person may gain access to the Article from any place and at any time out of preference;
  • reprocessing of the Article by translating it into any languages at the Licensee's option, and using the reprocessed (translated) Article in the above ways.

Other rights not directly transferred to the publisher under this License Agreement, including patent rights to any process, method etc., described by the Authors in the manuscript, as well as trademark rights, are reserved for the Authors.


All the Copyright statements for authors are present in the Standart Publishing Agreement to Publish an Article. The Agreement filled in and signed by authors should be upload to the Publisher within the all other files accompainged a manuscript when submitting.


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