
Formation the driving force of wheeled and caterpillar machine-tractor units
Makhmutov M., Khismatullina Y.
Flotation of all-wheel drive vehicle on snowy wild land
Ostretsov A., Sharipov V., Klimova Y., Tarasova L.
Loading of tractor on drawbar test when pulling force is directed at the angle
Gorodetskiy K., Lavlinskiy A., Alendeev E.
Power parameters of rolling wheel in the driving mode
Romanchenko M.
Measurement of tractive effort at the drawbar of tractor in aggregate with mounted agricultural machine
Parkhomenko S., Parkhomenko G.
Methods of assessment of mobile energetic vehicles' technological versatility
Kutkov G., Kuzmichiov V.
The choice of a rational ballasting scheme and the angle of application of the traction force for a caterpillar tractor
Gorodetskiy K., Sharipov V., Alendeev E., Lavlinskiy A.
Determination of traction coefficient of driving wheels of the MTZ-82 tractor
Gorodetskiy K., Serebryakov V., Lavlinskiy A.
Tangential tractive effort of a wheeled tractor
Turgiyev A., Karapetyan M., Mochunova N.
Study of traction dynamics of a caterpillar tractor wagon
Voynash S., Voynash A.
Identification of tractor tires by traction class
Goncharenko S., Popovskiy A., Godzhayev Z., Stankevich E., Koren V., Obukhova Y., Khvan O.
Ballasting of tractors
Kut'kov G., Gribov I., Perevozchikova N.
Overcoming vertical obstacles and ditches by car and wheeled tractor
Mamiti G., Pliyev S., Vasilyev V.
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