Overcoming vertical obstacles and ditches by car and wheeled tractor

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Functional dependencies between all relevant parameters of wheeled vehicles of different drive types and driving conditions with maximum height of obstacle and width of ditch are obtained for the first time. The dependencies allow to ensure at the design stage the optimum axle weight distribution of machine for specified operating conditions, and thus maximum possible traction force and cross-country ability. The influence of resistance of motion on cross-country ability of wheeled vehicle is shown by specific example.

About the authors

G. I Mamiti

Gorskiy State Agrarian University

Email: avtofak.ggau@yandex.ru
д-р техн. наук

S. Kh Pliyev

Gorskiy State Agrarian University

канд. техн. наук

V. G Vasilyev

Perm Military Institute of Interior Ministry troops of the Russian Federation



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Copyright (c) 2015 Mamiti G.I., Pliyev S.K., Vasilyev V.G.

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