Loading of tractor on drawbar test when pulling force is directed at the angle

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Foreign methods of tractor drawbar testing do not allow to evaluate the performance capabilities of movers and drive system in general with a number of other common characteristics, because of using a tar makadam as a surfacing. Methods of tractor testing used in Russia provide the experiments on real soils and aiming to a wide variety of the country's natural environments. But even these tests do not give a full picture of performance of a machine-tractor unit. Tractor is a multipurpose machine that aggregates with a variety of implements that have a wide range of draught resistance. Therefore, during aggregation it is necessary to load tractor’s axles efficiently. Tractor ballasting increases the rolling resistance force that affects negatively on the propulsive efficiency. In most cases, the front ballast is not removed and remains on a tractor permanently, which increases the fuel consumption. There is a search problem for technical solutions that would optimize the tractor performance without using front ballast. For solving this problem, it is proposed to improve the methods of drawbar testing by directing of pulling force at the angle. If this angle is controlled, it is possible to load a front axle without ballast. In this case, the rear axle is loaded, and its trailing weight is decreased. Additional loading of the rear axle is adjusted by adding ballast weights to the rear wheels or on a cross bar of lower arms. For each case of loading by pulling force, it is necessary to provide the proper rational weight distribution to achieve the highest propulsive efficiency.

About the authors

K. I Gorodetskiy

University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)

Email: kg1101@yandex.ru
DSc in Engineering Moscow, Russia

A. M Lavlinskiy

University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI)

Engineer Moscow, Russia

E. M Alendeev

Research Institute of Steel

Email: evg9702@gmail.com
PhD in Engineering Moscow, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2016 Gorodetskiy K.I., Lavlinskiy A.M., Alendeev E.M.

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