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Vol 88, No 3 (2023)

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The role of C1473G polymorphism in triptophanhydroxylase-2 gene in the acute ethanol effects on c-fos gene expression and metabolism of biogenic amines in brain of mice

Bazovkina D.V., Fursenko D.V., Naumenko V.S., Kulikov A.V.


Tryptophan hydroxylase-2 is a key enzyme in the synthesis of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which plays an important role in the mechanisms of regulation of a wide range of physiological functions and behaviors. In this work, we studied the effect of acute ethanol administration on the expression of the c-fos early response gene and the metabolism of serotonin and catecholamines in the brain structures of B6-1473C and B6-1473G congenic mice, which differ in the C1473G single-nucleotide substitution in the Tph2 gene and enzyme activity. Acute alcoholization led to a significant increase in c-fos gene expression in the frontal cortex and striatum of B6-1473G mice and the hippocampus of B6-1473C mice. The introduction of ethanol caused a decrease in the index of serotonin metabolism in the nucleus accumbens in B6-1473C mice, as well as in the hippocampus and striatum of B6-1473G mice. Also, ethanol led to a decrease in the level of norepinephrine in the hypothalamus in B6-1473C mice. Thus, the C1473G polymorphism in the Tph2 gene has a significant effect on changes in the c-fos gene expression pattern and metabolism of biogenic amines in the brain induced by acute ethanol administration.
Biohimiâ. 2023;88(3):355-367
pages 355-367 views

Differentiated approach to the pharmacotherapy of autism spectrum disorders: biochemical aspects

Boksha I.S., Prokhorova T.A., Savushkina O.K., Tereshkina E.B., Burbaeva G.S.


Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are highly heterogeneous neurodevelopmental disorders caused by a complex interaction of numerous genetic and environmental factors and leading to deviations in the nervous system formation at very early developmental stages. Currently, there are no accepted pharmacological treatments for so-called core symptoms of ASD, such as social communication disorders and restricted and repetitive behavior patterns. The lack of knowledge about biological basis of ASD, the absence of clinically significant biochemical parameters reflecting abnormalities in signaling molecular cascades controlling the nervous system development and functioning, and the lack of methods for selection of clinically and biologically homogeneous subgroups are considered among the causes for the failure of clinical trials of ASD pharmacotherapy. This review considers the possibilities of applying a differentiated clinical and biological approach to the targeted search for ASD pharmacotherapy with an emphasis on biochemical markers associated with ASD and attempts to stratify patients by biochemical parameters. The use of approach such as “target-oriented therapy and assessment of the status of the target before and during the treatment to identify patients with a positive response to treatment” is discussed using the published results of clinical trials as examples. It is concluded that the identification of biochemical parameters for the identification of distinct subgroups among ASD patients requires research on large samples reflecting the clinical and biological diversity of patients with ASD, and the use of unified approaches for such studies. An integrated approach, including clinical observation, clinical-psychological assessment of patient behavior, study of anamnesis and description of individual molecular profiles should become a new strategy for stratifying and subgrouping patients with ASD for clinical pharmacotherapeutic trials, as well as for evaluating its efficiency.
Biohimiâ. 2023;88(3):368-387
pages 368-387 views

The proteasome interactome and its role in the mechanisms of brain plasticity

Buneeva O.A., Kopylov A.T., Medvedev A.E.


Proteasomes are highly conserved multienzyme complexes responsible for the proteolytic degradation of short-lived, regulatory, misfolded, and damaged proteins. They play an important role in the processes of brain plasticity, and the decrease in their function is accompanied by the development of neurodegenerative pathology. Studies performed in different laboratories both on cultured mammalian and human cells and on preparations of the rat and rabbit brain cortex revealed a large number of proteasome-associated proteins. Since the identified proteins belong to certain metabolic pathways, multiple enrichment of the proteasome fraction with these proteins indicates their important role the proteasome functioning. Extrapolation of the experimental data, obtained on various biological objects, to the human brain, suggests that proteasome-associated proteins account for at least 28% of the human brain proteome. The proteasome interactome of the brain contains a large number of proteins involved in the assembly of these supramolecular complexes, regulation of their functioning, and intracellular localization, which can be changed at different conditions (for example, during oxidative stress) or in different phases of the cell cycle. In the context of the molecular functions of the Gene Ontology (GO) Pathways, the proteins of the proteasome interactome mediate cross-talk between components of more than 30 metabolic pathways annotated in terms of GO. The main result of these interactions is the binding of adenine and guanine nucleotides, crucial for realization of the nucleotide-dependent functions of the 26S and 20S proteasomes. Since the development of neurodegenerative pathology is often associated with a regioselective decrease in the functional activity of proteasomes, a positive therapeutic effect will obviously be provided by factors increasing the proteasomal activity. In any case, the pharmacological regulation of brain proteasomes seems to be realized through changes in the composition and/or activity of proteins associated with proteasomes (deubiquitinase, PKA, CaMKIIα, etc.).
Biohimiâ. 2023;88(3):388-408
pages 388-408 views

The role of lipid in the regulation of neuroglial interactions

Galkina O.V., Vetrovoy O.V., Krasovskaya I.E., Eschenko N.D.


Lipids are an extremely heterogeneous group of compounds, resulting in a wide variety of biological functions they perform. The traditional view of lipids as important structural components of the cell and compounds playing a trophic role is currently being supplemented by information on the possible participation of lipids in signaling, not only intracellular, but also intercellular. The review article discusses current data on the role of lipids and their metabolites formed in glial cells (astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, microglia) in the communication of these cells with neurons. In addition to the metabolic transformations of lipids in each type of glial cells, special attention is paid to the lipid signal molecules (phosphatidic acid, arachidonic acid and its metabolites, cholesterol, etc.) and the possibility of their participation in the implementation of the synaptic plasticity, as well as in other possible mechanisms associated with the realization of the neuroplasticity. The generalization of these new data can significantly expand knowledge about the regulatory functions of lipids in neuroglial relationships.
Biohimiâ. 2023;88(3):409-428
pages 409-428 views

Alterations in the properties of the glutamatergic system of the rat hippocampus in a lithium-pilocarpine model of temporal lobe epilepsy

Diespirov G.P., Postnikova T.Y., Griflyuk A.V., Kovalenko A.A., Zaitsev A.V.


Status epilepticus (SE) triggers many pathological changes in the nervous system that are not yet fully understood and may lead to the development of epilepsy. In this work, we studied the effects of SE on the properties of excitatory glutamatergic transmission in the hippocampus in a rat model of lithium-pilocarpine temporal lobe epilepsy. Studies were performed 1 day (acute phase of the model), 3 and 7 days (latent phase), and 30 to 80 days (chronic phase) after SE. Using real-time PCR, we found that in the latent phase there is a decrease in gene expression of GluA1 and GluA2 AMPA receptor subunits, which may also be accompanied by an increased proportion of calcium-permeable AMPA receptors, which play an essential role in the pathogenesis of many CNS diseases. In acute brain slices we found a decrease in the efficiency of excitatory synaptic neurotransmission in all phases of the model when recording field responses in the CA1 region of the hippocampus in response to stimulation of Schaffer collaterals by electric currents of different intensities. However, in the chronic phase we found an increase in the frequency of spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic potentials, indicating an increased background activity of the glutamatergic system in epilepsy. This is also supported by a decrease in the threshold of hind limb extension in the test of maximal electroshock seizure in rats with temporal lobe epilepsy compared to control animals. The results obtained indicate the presence of a number of functional alterations in the glutamatergic system related to epilepsy. These findings can be used to develop antiepileptogenic therapy.
Biohimiâ. 2023;88(3):429-442
pages 429-442 views

Sympathetic innervation and endogenous catecholamines in neuromuscular preparations of muscles of different functional profiles

Dmitrieva S.A., Vologin S.G., Tsentsevitsky A.N., Arkhipov A.Y., Khuzakhmetova V.F., Sibgatullina G.V., Bukharaeva E.A.


Influence of the sympathetic nervous system on the work of skeletal muscles contractile apparatus is now beyond doubt. However, until recently there was no evidence that the endings of sympathetic nerves can be located in close proximity to the neuromuscular synapses, and there is also no reliable data on how much endogenous adrenaline and noradrenaline can be contained near the synaptic contact in skeletal muscles. In this research, using fluorescent analysis, immunohistochemical and enzyme immunoassays the isolated neuromuscular preparations of three skeletal muscles of different functional profiles and containing different types of muscle fibers were examined. Close contact between the sympathetic and motor cholinergic nerve endings and the presence of tyrosine hydroxylase in this area were demonstrated. Concentrations of endogenous adrenaline and noradrenaline in the solution perfusing the neuromuscular preparation were determined under different modes of its functioning. The effects of α and β adrenoreceptor blockers on the processes of acetylcholine quantal secretion from the motor nerve endings were compared. The data obtained provide evidence for the presence of endogenous catecholamines in the neuromuscular junction region and their role in the modulation of the synaptic function.
Biohimiâ. 2023;88(3):443-454
pages 443-454 views

Prospects for the use of intranasally administered insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1 in cerebral ischemia

Zorina I.I., Avrova N.F., Zakharova I.O., Shpakov A.O.


Currently, the approaches used to treat stroke have significant limitations, and neuroprotective therapy is ineffective. In this regard, the search for effective neuroprotectors and the development of new neuroprotective strategies in cerebral ischemia are still relevant. Insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) play a key role in the functioning of the brain, are involved in the regulation of growth, differentiation and survival of neurons, neuronal plasticity, food intake, control peripheral metabolism and endocrine functions. They have a complex effect on the brain, including neuroprotective effects in cerebral ischemia and stroke. Experiments on animals and cell cultures have shown that insulin and IGF-1 under hypoxic conditions improve energy metabolism in neurons and glial cells, have a positive effect on blood microcirculation in the brain, restore nerve cell functions and neurotransmission processes, and have anti-inflammatory and antiapoptotic effects on brain cells. Of greatest interest to the clinic is the intranasal route of administration of insulin and IGF-1, since it allows dosed delivery of these hormones directly to the brain, bypassing the blood-brain barrier. Intranasally administered insulin demonstrates a pronounced positive effect in the correction of cognitive impairment in elderly people with neurodegenerative and metabolic disorders. Insulin and IGF-1 administered intranasally improve increase the survival of animals with ischemic stroke. The review discusses literature data and the results of our own studies on the mechanisms of the neuroprotective action of intranasally administered insulin and IGF-1 in cerebral ischemia and the prospects for their use to normalize CNS functions and reduce neurodegenerative changes in this pathology.
Biohimiâ. 2023;88(3):455-476
pages 455-476 views

Presynaptic plasticity is associated with actin polymerization

Kudryashova I.V.


Modifications of presynaptic short-term plasticity as a result of actin polymerization were tested in rat hippocampal slices using a paired-pulse paradigm. Paired-pulse stimulation of Schaffer collaterals with 70 ms interpulse interval was continuously presented every 30 s before and during perfusion with jasplakinolide, an activator of actin polymerization. Jasplakinolide application resulted in the potentiation of CA3-CA1 responses accompanied by paired-pulse facilitation decrease, these effects suggesting presynaptic modifications. The jasplakinolide-induced potentiation significantly depended on the initial paired-pulse facilitation values. These data indicate that jasplakinolide-mediated changes in actin polymerization may promote high probability of release. Less typical for CA3-CA1 synapses responses with very low initial paired-pulse facilitation or paired-pulse depression (close to 1 or even lower) demonstrated the potentiation of the second, but not the first amplitude in a pair, paired-pulse ratio significantly increasing from 0.8 to 1.0 in average. This may suggest a negative impact of jasplakinolide on the mechanisms underlying paired-pulse depression. Nonetheless, actin polymerization promotes potentiation, though patterns of this activation may differ depending on initial input characteristics. We conclude that in addition to increased neurotransmitter release probability other mechanisms known to suppress paired pulse facilitation may be also involved in effects of jasplakinolide.
Biohimiâ. 2023;88(3):477-490
pages 477-490 views

Role of BDNF in neuroplasticity associated with alcohol dependence

Peregud D.I., Baronets V.Y., Terebilina N.N., Gulyaeva N.V.


Chronic alcohol consumption is characterized by disturbances of neuroplasticity. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) may mechanistically participate in this process. Here we aimed to review actual experimental and clinical data related to BDNF involvement in neuroplasticity in the context of alcohol dependence. As shown in experiments on the rodents alcohol consumption is accompanied brain region-specific changes of BDNF expression and by structural and behavioral impairments. BDNF reverses aberrant neuroplasticity during alcohol intoxication. According to clinical data indices characterized BDNF demonstrate close relationship with consequences of alcohol dependence. Polymorphism rs6265 within BDNF gene interacts with macrostructural changes in the brain, while peripheral BDNF concentration may reflect anxiety, depression and cognitive decline. Thus, BDNF is involved in mechanisms of alcohol-related aberrant neuroplasticity, while polymorphisms within BDNF gene and peripheral BDNF concentration may be biomarkers, diagnostic or prognostic factors in clinics of alcoholism.
Biohimiâ. 2023;88(3):491-507
pages 491-507 views

Genetic architecture of Parkinson’s disease

Shadrina M.I., Slominsky P.A.


Year 2022 marks the 25th anniversary of the first mutation in familial autosomal dominant Parkinson’s disease. Over the years, our understanding of the role of genetics in the pathogenesis of familial and idiopathic forms of Parkinson’s disease has expanded significantly - a number of genes for the familial form of the disease have been identified, and DNA markers of an increased risk of developing a sporadic form of the disease have been identified. But, despite all the successes achieved, we are far from an accurate assessment of the contribution to the development of the disease as a whole, both genetic factors and (and even more so) epigenetic factors. The review summarizes the information accumulated to date on the genetic architecture of Parkinson’s disease and formulates issues that need to be addressed and are primarily related to the assessment of epigenetic factors in the pathogenesis of the disease.
Biohimiâ. 2023;88(3):508-527
pages 508-527 views

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