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Volume 45, Nº 1 (2024)


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Social psychology

The degree of horizontal abnotivity as a determinant of experts’ teamwork

Kashapov M., Angelova O., Podolskaya T., Prokhorova M.


Actuality of the problem is conditioned by the necessity of searching new methods and techniques of organizational work in the high life speed environment and entropy of modern society. Objective is to identify the role and nature of the influence of horizontal abnotivity on the effectiveness and specificity of the perception of teamwork. Mechanism of horizontal abnotivity consists in revealing potential of equal in social and professional status of participants of cooperate activity and giving them support in self-realization and achieving success. The empirical investigation, in which 192 respondents took part, was carried out, by means of set of questionnaire techniques, that allow to collect general data about the respondents, evaluate the level of their horizontal abnotivity and involvement into teamwork, its peculiarities and efficiency in the participants’ conceptualization. By means of statistics methods and qualitative analysis the role of the horizontal abnotivity in determination efficiency and peculiarities of teamwork process was stated. Result of the study is the description of a new type of abnotivity, which assists in disclosing creative potential of equal in status participants of cooperate activity and offering them support in self-realization and achieving success. This type of abnotivity is called “horizontal”. It is stated that the level of expression of horizontal abnotivity impacts involvement of the subjects of professional activity into teamwork and determines its efficiency and peculiarities of its perception. For the first time principles of operation of horizontal abnotivity are described: the higher it is expressed the more often the subject of activity becomes a member of a team; the level of horizontal abnotivity expression of a subject of activity, included into a team, positively affects the evaluation of efficiency of its work, helping in revealing the abilities of each member. Conclusions: the main and additional roles, that moderately and highly abnotive subjects play in a team, differ. The degree of horizontal abnotivity determines efficiency and peculiarities of teamwork.

Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2024;45(1):5-18
pages 5-18 views

Cognitive psychology

Semantic reading deficits in young adults: lack of conceptual thinking

Shcherbakova O.


The paper describes the results of a series of qualitative studies on comprehension of metaphoric meanings of verbal texts by young healthy adults. Using stimuli of various genres (fables, jokes, short story, science education text) we showed that despite high IQ and education levels the majority of participants failed to reconstruct meanings of the texts. Namely, they struggled with: 1) formulating core ideas of the text; 2) differentiating important semantic features of the text from unimportant ones; 3) rewording the core ideas of the text with no distortion of their meanings; 4) building up the text’s cognitive representation; 5) putting together the information explicitly described in the text and use it to deduce new knowledge; 6) reading traditional cultural codes; 7) providing metacognitive control under their own subjective projections. All these difficulties indicate pre-conceptual stage of cognitive development and might be overcome through developing of conceptual thinking skills. We also discuss educational practices that supposedly contribute to the abovementioned difficulties: lack of semantic reading training in primary school, non-systematised presentation of information and prevalence of visual forms of communication, and early digitalization of education leading to the increase of cognitive load while reading.

Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2024;45(1):19-31
pages 19-31 views

Constructive and destructive aspects of empathy as a consequence of its multidimensional nature

Kholodnaya M., Solovyeva E.


Research objective: to consider possible causes of psychological heterogeneity of empathy [its constructive and destructive manifestations]. The specifics of the functions of different components and different levels of empathy in relation to the characteristics of mental activity are analyzed. Constructive and destructive manifestations of empathy are described, which are expressed both at the pole of high empathy and at the pole of low empathy. The existence of the splitting effect of both high and low indicators of empathy with the allocation of its productive and unproductive components is substantiated. The criterion for splitting the poles of empathy is the measure of formation [and the measure of interaction] of conceptual and metacognitive abilities. Thus, the multidimensional nature of empathy is characterized by three aspects: firstly, the complexity of the composition, taking into account the specifics of the functions of different components, secondly, the multilevel [the presence of lower and higher levels of emotional response] and, thirdly, the effect of splitting high and low empathy.

Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2024;45(1):32-45
pages 32-45 views

Subjective assessments for solving “insight” tasks

Vlasova A., Levshina M., Shipilova E., Kosolapova D.


This work attempted to study abstract assessments of subjects associated with classical “insight” tasks. The subjects were asked to solve three insight problems (“The Match Problem”, “Runner”, “9 Dots”) and one analytical problem (“Father and Sons”). After making a decision, it was necessary to give a measurement assessment of the solution found (this was done using insight or was non-insight). It was expected that when solving “insight” problems, subjects would more often describe their solution as insightful. The results obtained refuted the hypothesis. Subjects more often assessed the solution to insight problems as having been found as a result of an analytical solution “step by step”. Based on the data obtained, it is assumed that the subjective assessment reflects the general characteristics of the decision process.

Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2024;45(1):46-52
pages 46-52 views

Psychology of personality

The attitude to nails as a representation of the boundary of the bodily Self

Rebeko T.


The concepts of “cultural skin” and “second skin” are discussed as two behavioral patterns of Ego protection and representation of the boundaries of the bodily Self based on the relationship to nails. Two forms of manifestation of the second skin (encapsulation/fusion) are distinguished. The phenomenon of representing the bodily Self boundary as a combination of encapsulation/fusion is obtained. The online study involved 464 women who first answered the questions and identified themselves in three categories (nail biting, long nails, neat nails). Then it was necessary to perform blank methods: “Diagnosis of the bodily Self” (I.V. Lybko), “Self structural test of G. Ammon” (ISTA). According to the results of the analysis, the sample was divided into four categories depending on the measure of affective attitude towards nails and patterns of behavior towards the nail plate (nail care/self-harm). Using the Kruskal-Wallis test, it is proved that the attitude to nails is associated with different ways of representing the boundaries of the bodily self.

Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2024;45(1):53-64
pages 53-64 views


Features of physiological support for goal-directed activity of people with various individual typological characteristics

Pertsov S., Klimenko A.


The challenge of increasing human productivity in different fields of professional and other activities has become particularly acute in the 21st century. For many years, research into the field of psychophysiology, as one of the areas of medical and biological sciences, has been dedicated to solving a number of challenges related to optimizing human labor activity. However, the results of this work, especially when performed on different models, often present contradictory findings. This article presents both classical and new data on the physiological underpinnings for the goal-directed activity of individuals with various psychophysiological traits. Some of the most commonly analysed psychophysiological traits in the study of goal-directed activity in humans are intro-extraversion, neuroticism and personal anxiety. The behavioral characteristics of people with these individual typological features, and the variability of performance of goal-directed activity, are considered. The article presents data of vegetative support and the parameters of electrical brain activity during the realization of goal-directed activity of individuals with different psychophysiological characteristics.

Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2024;45(1):65-77
pages 65-77 views

Psychology and the internet

Subject-oriented comparison of different categories of users of the digital environment

Artemtseva N., Samoylenko E.


The article is devoted to the study of indicators of subject-oriented comparison of communicants communicating in a digital environment. The propensity for social comparison is considered, on the one hand, as a general characteristic, on the other hand, it is shown that the focus on comparison may be different for those who communicate a lot and a little on social networks. To assess the overall orientation to social comparison, a Russian-language Questionnaire of Orientation to Social Comparison was used, a Scale of Comparison of physical appearance was used to assess orientation to comparison by appearance, an author’s questionnaire was used to differentiate respondents by different categories. The study involved 156 respondents of different ages. The main hypothesis was that there are differences in the severity of the propensity to compare between those who communicate a lot and a little online. It was found that the more time users spend on social networks and the younger they are, the more they have a general focus on inter- and intra-subject types of comparison and comparison of their appearance. It was revealed that the indicators of orientation to compare oneself with familiar people and to compare oneself in the present with oneself as the respondent could have been, but did not, statistically significantly differ in two categories of social network users: non-communicative respondents are more prone to such types of subject-oriented comparison than communicative respondents, and there are no differences between these groups in their orientation to compare themselves with other people in appearance.

Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2024;45(1):78-87
pages 78-87 views

Methodes and procedures

Psychometric analysis of the Russian language version of the questionnaire “The Vengeance Scale”: questionnaire of revenge and forgiveness

Kolivanova E., Enikolopov S.


The phenomenon of revenge is actively studied in psychology, but the tendency to vindictive behavior is difficult to measure, which is confirmed by the small number of methods designed to measure it. The Vengeance Scale was developed as the first measure of vengefulness. The original version of the questionnaire is recognized in foreign psychology and is widely used for scientific and practical purposes. The purpose of this work is to analyze the psychometric characteristics of the Russian version of the “The Vengeance Scale” questionnaire. The study involved 317 people aged 18 to 69 years, of which 113 were men (35.6%). Respondents filled out the Russian version of the “The Vengeance Scale” questionnaire and the “BPAQ-24” questionnaire, which measures anger, physical aggression and hostility. As a result of factor analysis, a two-factor structure of the “The Vengeance scale” questionnaire was established, including the factors “vindictiveness” (Cronbach’s α = 0.902) and “forgiveness” (Cronbach’s α = 0.811), and therefore the technique received a modified name “Vengeance and Forgiveness Questionnaire” (WMD). Correlation analysis established significant positive relationships between vindictiveness and physical aggression, hostility and anger. Gender differences were found: in men, “vindictiveness” is more pronounced, in women, “forgiveness” is more pronounced. Psychometric analysis confirmed the reliability-consistency, validity and reliability-stability of the Vengeance and Forgiveness Questionnaire, which allows us to recommend the adaptable methodology as a tool for diagnosing vindictiveness.

Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2024;45(1):88-97
pages 88-97 views

History of psycology

Sergey V. Kravkov as a psychologist and psychophysiologist: milestones of scientific biography (to the 130th anniversary of the birth)

Noskova O.


The article is prepared for the 130th anniversary of the birth of S.V. Kravkov (1893–1951), a preeminent Russian scientist, experimental psychologist and specialist in the field of psychophysiology of vision. The subject of this historical and psychological study is the period of his professional development between 1916 and 1935. The biographical method is used. The materials from the Archive of Russian Academy of Sciences, works of S.V. Kravkov, memories and assessments of other scientists are used. Information about his family and personality is provided. The employment positions and types of professional activities of S.V. Kravkov in the first 20 years of his work are identified. The prerequisites for the scientist’s transition from an initially wide range of psychological issues to light engineering and the psychophysiology of vision as the central area of his applied and fundamental research are revealed. The originality of the method of introspection in experimental studies of vision in the scientist’s works is shown. It is concluded that P.P. Lazarev had a predominant influence on S.V. Kravkov’s scientific development as a specialist in the field of physiological optics and psychophysiology of vision.

Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2024;45(1):98-106
pages 98-106 views

Memorable dates

The expressiveness of human speech and voice: on the 95th anniversary of the birth of V.P. Morozov

Zhuravlev A., Pavlova N.


The article analyzes the professional path of Vladimir Petrovich Morozov, the author of fundamental works in the field of psychophysiology and psychoacoustics of speech and voice, non-verbal communication, scientific foundations of vocal art. The main directions of his scientific activity are highlighted, their connection with the trends in the development of modern science, high relevance and interdisciplinary demand are shown. The special style of Morozov’s scientific creativity is emphasized, manifested in a combination of original theoretical ideas with the solution of practical problems, addressing borderline issues of psychology and musical art. The most important milestones of the scientist’s professional path and achievements in the methodology and theory of speech and voice psychology, as well as in experimental research, are described.

Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2024;45(1):107-113
pages 107-113 views


Analysis of modern concepts in psychology: the answer to the debaters

Zhuravlev A., Sergienko E.


Debatable issues are discussed in the responses and comments of the debaters (9 papers) on a series of articles by A.L. Zhuravlev, E.A. Sergienko “Analysis of modern concepts in psychology. Part I. The experience of systematization of concepts”, “Analysis of modern concepts in psychology. Part II. Development of modern concepts by scientists of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, “System-network organization of modern concepts of psychology (using the example of developments by employees of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences)”, which were prepared on the basis of collective work “Development of concepts of modern Psychology” (2018, 2019, 2021). Most of the debaters discussed the system-network hypothesis of the organization of the conceptual space, paying little attention to the characteristics of modern concepts that we have highlighted. Judgments have been made about the polyparadigmatic nature of modern concepts, which on the one hand may contradict the pre-paradigm status of psychology (V.A. Mazilov), and on the other — to confuse the theoretical planning of research. Modern views on the polyparadigmality of psychology in the era of metamodern, constant interaction and mutual influence of different paradigms, not always reflected by the authors, were presented. The proposal to develop a system-network approach, taking into account the strength of connections and the degree of growth of hierarchies, becomes a task for further testing of this hypothesis. There may also be a different division of concepts than that undertaken by the authors, and this would show that the essence of their organization probably would not have changed. The prospects of our work may be further substantiation of the criteria for the allocation of psychological concepts, their place and significance in the socio-human sciences and strengthening interdisciplinary analysis. In part, some answers to the debatable questions are presented in a subsequent article by A.L. Zhuravlev, E.A. Sergienko, A.A. Fedorov “Bibliometric analysis of the three-volume work “Development of concepts of modern psychology” (2018–2021)” (2023) and the collective monograph “Scientific approaches in modern domestic psychology” (2023).

Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2024;45(1):114-123
pages 114-123 views

Scientific life

X anniversary international conference of young scientists “Psychology — the science of the future”

Tarasov S.


On November 16–17, 2023, the X anniversary international conference of young scientists “Psychology — the Science of the Future” was held at the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) with the support of the Faculty of Psychology of the State Academic University of Humanities. The event was dedicated to discussing topical issues of psychological science, new methods of research and data processing, and the development of cooperation between young scientists from various universities and scientific institutes. The conference featured presentations by participants from more than 30 cities of Russia, near and far abroad in nine scientific areas, breakout sessions, master classes, a round table and lectures. As a result, an electronic collection of conference materials was released. Also experts highlighted the best reports with the right to publish articles in the twelfth collection of young scientists “Psychological Research”, published by the by the Faculty of Psychology of the State Academic University of Humanities and the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2024;45(1):124-128
pages 124-128 views

International anniversary scientific conference “Problems of social and economic psychology: research results and prospects”

Vorobieva А.


On December 7–8, 2023, the International Anniversary Scientific Conference “Problems of Social and Economic Psychology: Research Results and Prospects” was held at the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow), dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Laboratory of Social and Economic Psychology of the IP RAS and the 75th anniversary of RAS Academician A.L. Zhuravlev. The conference included plenary and seven breakout sessions, a master class and a round table. As a result, a collection of scientific papers was published. The conference made it possible to discuss the leading scientific problems of psychology, present breakthrough areas of research (the psychology of competition, socio-psychological understanding of collective and interpersonal solidarity, scientometric analysis combining bibliometric and thematic indicators), and outline prospects for further research and cooperation. Meetings of many sections were accompanied by active discussion on issues of methodology and concept development. Also, in a number of reports, the interdisciplinary and organizational-scientific contribution in the development of modern domestic psychology of A.L. Zhuravlev was presented.

Psihologičeskij žurnal. 2024;45(1):129-133
pages 129-133 views

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