Constructive and destructive aspects of empathy as a consequence of its multidimensional nature

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Research objective: to consider possible causes of psychological heterogeneity of empathy [its constructive and destructive manifestations]. The specifics of the functions of different components and different levels of empathy in relation to the characteristics of mental activity are analyzed. Constructive and destructive manifestations of empathy are described, which are expressed both at the pole of high empathy and at the pole of low empathy. The existence of the splitting effect of both high and low indicators of empathy with the allocation of its productive and unproductive components is substantiated. The criterion for splitting the poles of empathy is the measure of formation [and the measure of interaction] of conceptual and metacognitive abilities. Thus, the multidimensional nature of empathy is characterized by three aspects: firstly, the complexity of the composition, taking into account the specifics of the functions of different components, secondly, the multilevel [the presence of lower and higher levels of emotional response] and, thirdly, the effect of splitting high and low empathy.

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About the authors

M. A. Kholodnaya

Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.

ScD (Psychology), Professor, Chief Scientific Officer of Laboratory of Psychology of Abilities and Mental Resources Named after V.N. Druzhinin

Russian Federation, 129366, Moscow, Yaroslavskaya str., 13, bldg. 1

E. V. Solovyeva

Demidov Yaroslavl State University


Assistant of the chair of pedagogy and pedagogical psychology

Russian Federation, 150003, Yaroslavl, Matrosov Passage, 9


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. The effect of splitting high and low empathy scores

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