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编号 1 (2024)



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Acoustic methods

Measurement of ultrasonic pulse arrival time by constructing a signal model to determine its propagation velocity

Bazulin E., Krylovich A.


The paper considers several methods of measuring the arrival time of ultrasonic pulses. A method for determining the pulse arrival time based on the construction of a signal model with an adaptive dictionary and the search for the minimum of the target function by the quantum swarm intelligence method is proposed. The results of numerical and modeling experiments on measuring the propagation velocity of ultrasonic waves in various samples are presented. It is shown that the proposed method of determining the time of pulse arrival is more resistant to distortion of the echo waveform arising due to frequency-dependent attenuation in the material of the control object.

Defektoskopiâ. 2024;(1):3-20
pages 3-20 views

Features of application of adaptive interferometric fiber sensors of acoustic emission to monitor the condition of polymer composite materials

Romashko R., Bashkov O., Efimov T., Bezruk M., Bobruyko D., Makarova N.


The results of an experimental study of the operation of fiber optic sensors (FOS) of acoustic emission introduced into the structure of polymer composite materials (PCM) are presented. The reliability and fault tolerance of FOS under critical mechanical loads on PCM was assessed, and the influence of the presence of FOS embedded into the structure of PCM on the mechanical characteristics of the material was investigated. For demodulation of FOS output signals, the principles of adaptive holographic interferometry based on two-wave mixing at dynamic hologram formed in a photorefractive crystal are used.

Defektoskopiâ. 2024;(1):21-27
pages 21-27 views

Radiation methods

Study of additive manufacturing products using neutron imaging

Murashev M., Em V., Glazkov V., Shishkovsky I., Makarenko K., Sulyanova E.


The article presents the results of studies of additively manufactured metal samples using neutron imaging at the IR-8 research reactor of the National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” (NRC KI). The advantages and disadvantages of neutron imaging using monochromatic (DRAGON station) and polychromatic (PONI tomograph) neutrons when studying internal structure of the samples are demonstrated.

Defektoskopiâ. 2024;(1):28-39
pages 28-39 views

Thermal methods

Application of laser scanning thermography and regression analysis to determine characteristics of defects in polymer composite materials

Divin A., Ponomarev S., Mishchenko S., Zakharov Y., Karpova N., Samodurov A., Golovin D., Tyurin A.


The method of laser point scanning thermography is highly sensitive and allows for reliable detection of surface and subsurface defects in products made of polymer composite materials. When implementing this method, the use of robotic manipulators as a scanning device makes it possible to inspect small objects with a curved surface or to further examine questionable areas identified by other methods. The article provides information about the layout of a robotic complex for laser scanning thermography based on a five-axis robotic manipulator, laser power up to 3 W and wavelength 405 nm, as well as a COX CG640 thermal imager. A technique for processing experimental data has been proposed and regression models have been developed to make it possible to measure the size of defects along the trajectory and determine their location. To test the protocol, a control sample was made from fiberglass laminate, including artificial defects of the “delamination” type, in the form of squares of various sizes. The coefficient of determination R2 of regression models turned out to be no worse than 0.94, the root mean square error of the defect model and the transverse size were no worse than ±0.2 and ±1.5 mm2, respectively.

Defektoskopiâ. 2024;(1):40-48
pages 40-48 views

Inspection of press joints based on the analysis of their deformation patterns under local thermal loading

Becher S., Popkov A., Vyplaven A., Fedorinin V., Sidorov V., Shlyakhtenkov S., Kinzhagulov I.


The results of experimental studies of the possibility of using strain gauges under local pulsed thermal loading to evaluate the tension of the press connections of bearing rings with shafts are presented. Samples of press joints with tightness in the range from 38 to 118 microns were made. As a result of the study of the patterns of heat flow propagation in bearing rings and tension samples by contact method and means of thermal imaging, the possibility of separating deformations associated with the influence of temperature on the deformation measurement area and the temperature gradient in the heating area is shown. The methods of inspecting the press joint when exposed to a heater ring with a heat power capacity of 80 kJ and a temperature of 200°C and measuring the deformations of the ring and shaft by an opto-polarizing sensor with a base of 60 mm and a resolution of 2×10 — 7 relative deformations have been experimentally implemented. A correlation has been established between the time of reaching the maximum of local deformations of the shaft with the tightness of the press joints and the sign of deformations of the bearing ring with the tightness of the press fit, the gap between the ring and the shaft.

Defektoskopiâ. 2024;(1):49-59
pages 49-59 views

Electromagnetic methods

Investigation of the possibility detection of defects in rail foot by mfl method

Markov A., Mosyagin V., Antipov A., Ivanov G.


The article investigates the possibility of detecting defects in the form of transverse cracks in the rail foot at continuous inspection of rails during their operation. Magnetic method is chosen as an alternative to ultrasonic inspection. Computer modeling was carried out, based on the results of which a working model of the magnetization system and registration of control signals was developed and manufactured. Experimental studies of detection of crack models in the rail foot were carried out in laboratory conditions. The studies confirmed the results of computer modeling and proved the possibility of detecting such crack models. The minimum sizes of detectable crack models in rail foot in the zone of rail fasteners and between them have been estimated.

Defektoskopiâ. 2024;(1):60-72
pages 60-72 views

Comprehensive application of non-destructive testing methods

Diagnostic complex «MicroLab-Z2» for non-destructive evaluation of structural and deformation parameters of metal conscructions

Zorin A., Krasnenkov V.


The behavior of the construction under the influence of external factors is determined by three key groups of parameters of the metal composition (chemical, structural and deformation). Obtaining information about these parameters directly on the construction will effectively solve the problem of assessing its actual technical condition. The problem of non-destructive evaluation of the chemical composition of a metal is solved using portable spectrometers. The MicroLab-Z2 diagnostic complex has been developed to evaluate the other two groups of parameters. It has two functional blocks. The surface preparation unit ensures that the surface of the construction site has a roughness, flatness and level of applied mechanical hardening corresponding to the laboratory preparation of metallographic grinds. The research unit is a platform on which a metallographic microscope and a portable microhardness tester are installed. It allows metallographic researches with magnification up to x1000, surface microindentation, measurement of microhardness values at load of 0—200 gs and optical study of the morphology of imprints in any spatial position. The reliability of the data obtained by the MicroLab-Z2 diagnostic complex has been confirmed during comparative tests with stationary equipment. With the help of the developed device, an assessment of the structure parameters, contamination of metal with non-metallic inclusions, assessment of the degree of hardening and embrittlement of metal, detection of aging processes can be performed. The use of the MicroLab-Z2 diagnostic complex for operational non-destructive evaluation of structural and deformation parameters of metal constructions will allow us to reach a qualitatively different level of efficiency in performing production and input control of manufactured products, assessing the maintainability of defects, planning repairs and other compensating measures, and industrial safety expertise.

Defektoskopiâ. 2024;(1):73-84
pages 73-84 views