Мақалалар тізімі

Шығарылым Атауы Файл
Том 86, № 1 (2023) (@) Reactions on Natural Molybdenum
Remizov P., Zheltonozhskaya M., Chernyaev A., Zolotov S., Iatsenko V.
Том 86, № 1 (2023) Ab Initio Study of Near-Threshold Neutron Resonances of the Be Nucleus
Rodkin D., Tchuvil’sky Y.
Том 86, № 3 (2023) Tin Anomaly in Coulomb Energies and Analog Resonances of Neutron-Rich Tin Isotopes
Lutostansky Y.
Том 86, № 4 (2023) Erratum to: Approximation of Differential Cross Sections for Elastic Proton-Nucleus Scattering
Galyuzov A., Kosov M.
Том 86, № 1 (2023) Effect of Parton Distributions in Collisions of Relativistic Nuclei on -Meson Production
Mitrankova M., Bannikov E., Berdnikov A., Berdnikov Y., Kotov D., Mitrankov Y., Larionova D.
Том 86, № 1 (2023) Possible Studies at the First Stage of the NICA SPD Physics Program
Uzikov Y.
Том 86, № 2 (2023) Calculation of Neutron and Gamma Yields of (@, @) and (@,@) Reactions by Means of a New Version of the NeuCBOT Program for low background Experiments
Gromov M., Westerdale S., Goncharenko I., Chepurnov A.
Том 86, № 1 (2023) Data on the Neutron–Proton Scattering Length from the -Breakup Reaction at Low Energies
Kasparov A., Mordovskoy M., Afonin A., Potashev S., Mitcuk V.
Том 86, № 1 (2023) Dijet Events with Large Rapidity Separation in Proton–Proton Collisions at TeV with CMS Detector
Egorov A.
Том 86, № 5 (2023) Detector for Setting Up Beam Convergence and Determining Luminosity at the Interaction Point on the MPD NICA
Avdeev S., Busin S., Buryakov M., Golovatyuk V., Malakhov A., Milnov G., Kurepin A., Litvinenko A., Litvinenko E.
Том 86, № 3 (2023) Deformation Properties and Nuclear Radii ff Hg Isotopes
Borzov I., Pankratov S., Tolokonnikov S.
Том 86, № 5 (2023) Dependence of the Results of Nucleosynthesis on the Equation of State for Neutron-Star Matter
Ignatovskiy A., Panov I., Yudin A.
Том 86, № 3 (2023) Zenith-Angular Characteristics of Particles in EASs with @ eV According to the Yakutsk Array Data
Glushkov A., Lebedev K., Saburov A.
Том 86, № 6 (2023) Measuring the Neutron Timelike Electromagnetic Form Factor with the SND Detector
Achasov M., Barnyakov A., Bedarev E., Beloborodov K., Berdyugin A., Berkaev D., Bogdanchikov A., Botov A., Dimova T., Druzhinin V., Zhabin V., Zharinov Y., Kardapoltsev L., Kasaev A., Kovrizhin D., Koop I., Korol A., Kupich A., Kryukov A., Lysenko A., Melnikova N., Muchnoi N., Obrazovsky A., Pakhtusova E., Pugachev K., Rastigeev S., Rogovsky Y., Serednyakov S., Silagadze Z., Surin I., Usov Y., Kharlamov A., Shatunov Y., Shtol D.
Ладыгин В., Уесака Т., Тишевский А., Терёхин А., Резников С., Пиядин С., Ливанов А., Ладыгина Н., Курилкин П., Кривенков Д., Хренов А., Карачук Ю., Янек М., Исупов А., Гурчин Ю., Еначе Д., Черных Е., Аверьянов А., Волков И.
Том 86, № 3 (2023) Measurement of Radioactive Impurities in the Cr Source by Photon Radiation in the BEST Experiment
Gavrin V., Gorbachev V., Ibragimova T., Shikhin A.
Том 86, № 3 (2023) Measurement of the @ Cross Section near the Threshold with a High Energy Resolution
Bobrov A., Bondar A.
Том 86, № 6 (2023) Deuteron Beam Vector Polarization Measurement Using Proton–Proton Quasielastic Scattering at the Energies of 500 and 650 MeV/nucleon
Volkov I., Ladygin V., Skhomenko Y., Gurchin Y., Isupov A., Janek M., Karachuk Y., Khrenov A., Kurilkin P., Livanov A., Piyadin S., Reznikov S., Terekhin A., Tishevsky A., Averyanov A., Chernykh E., Enache D., Krivenkov D., Vnukov I.
Глушков А., Сабуров А., Ксенофонтов Л., Лебедев К.
Том 86, № 6 (2023) Study of the Process e+e− → − ηγ →7 γ in the Energy Range √ s = 1.07−2 GeV
Achasov M., Barnyakov A., Beloborodov K., Berdyugin A., Bogdanchikov A., Botov A., Denisov V., Dimova T., Druzhinin V., Fomin L., Kharlamov A., Kardapoltsev L., Kyrpotin A., Koop I., Korol A., Kovrizhin D., Kryukov A., Kupich A., Melnikova N., Muchnoi N., Obrazovsky A., Pakhtusova E., Perevedentsev E., Pugachev K., Rogovsky Y., Serednyakov S., Silagadze Z., Surin I., Timoshenko M., Usov Y., Zhabin V., Zhulanov V., Zemlyansky I., Shatunov Y., Shtol D., Eminov E.
Том 86, № 1 (2023) Study of Nucleon-Transfer Processes in Low-Energy Reactions of Helium Isotopes with Au Nuclei
Samarin V., Naumenko M.
Том 86, № 2 (2023) Use of Global Predictions for Beta-Decay Rates in Astrophysical Models
Panov I.
Том 86, № 6 (2023) Investigation of (γ,α) Reactions on Natural Tantalum
Zheltonovskaya M., Remizov P., Lenivkin M., Yatsenko V., Chernyaev A.
Том 86, № 1 (2023) Investigation of the ( ) Reaction on the Nickel Isotopes Ni
Zheltonozhskaya M., Chernyaev A., Iusiuk D., Shcherbakov A.
Том 86, № 1 (2023) Investigation of Excited States of the C Nucleus in Alpha-Particle Scattering
Goncharov S., Demyanova A., Danilov A., Starastsin V., Belyaeva T., Trzaska V., Burtebayev N., Nasurlla M., Gurov Y.
Том 86, № 1 (2023) Investigation of Fission Modes of Cf and Fm Nuclei Produced in Heavy-Ion Reactions
Ostroukhov A., Novikov K., Mukhamejanov S., Kvochkina T., Knyazheva G., Itkis Y., Gikal K., Bogachev A., Burtebayev N., Kozulin E., Pan A.
Том 86, № 1 (2023) Quark–Gluon String Model and Its Application to Inelastic C Interactions at a Momentum of 4.2 GeV/ per Nucleon
Bekmirzaev R., Sultanov M., Yuldashev S.
Том 86, № 1 (2023) Compact Calibration Source of Neutrons on the Basis of the Cf Radionuclide and a Silicon Semiconductor Detector
Bazlov N., Unzhakov E., Trushin M., Semenov D., Niyazova N., Muratova V., Mikulich M., Kotina I., Konkov O., Ivanov D., Drachnev I., Derbin A., Bubnov E., Chmel E.
Том 86, № 4 (2023) Leptonic Decay Widths for the Composite System of Two Relativistic Fermions
Chernichenko Y.
Том 86, № 6 (2023) Metal-Loading Liquid Organic Scintillators for Recording Rare Events: Light Yield at High Metal Concentration
Barabanov I., Veresnikova A., Isupova Z., Lokshin B., Morgalyuk V., Nemeryuk A., Novikova G., Elcheparova S., Yanovich E.
Том 86, № 5 (2023) Ionization Loss Simulation in Gaps of Fast Neutron Detector Based on 10B Layer and Gaseous Chamber
Potashev S.
Том 86, № 4 (2023) Nuclear Mass Model Based on Bayesian Estimate of Local Difference Experssions of Binding Energies
Stopani K., Vladimirova E., Negrebetskiy V., Simonov M., Tretyakova T.
Том 86, № 6 (2023) Is It Possible to Estimate the Parameters of the 2D Evolution of the Space Metric Signature with Energy from the Correlations of the Azimuthal Characteristics of Particles?
Mukhamedshin R.
Том 86, № 1 (2023) Nonequilibrium Hydrodynamic Approach to Describing the Emission of High-Energy Secondary Particles in Intermediate-Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions
D’yachenko A., Mitropolsky I.
Том 86, № 2 (2023) New Basic Solvents for Liquid Organic Scintillators. Development of Nd-Loaded Scintillators on the Basis of Synthine–Pseudocumene Mixture
Barabanov I., Veresnikova A., Moiseeva A., Morgalyuk V., Novikova G., Yanovich E.
Том 86, № 6 (2023) New Possibilities for pp-Cycle Solar Neutrino Registration by Use of Indium Detector
Barabanov I., Bezrukov L., Gurentsov V., Novikova G., Sinev V., Yanovich E.
Том 86, № 1 (2023) New Antineutrino Spectra of Nuclear-Reactor Fissile Isotopes: Experiment and Calculations
Vlasenko A., Naumov P., Silaeva S., Sinev V.
Том 86, № 2 (2023) Nucleon–Nucleon Interaction As a Basis for Studying the Structure of Heavy Nuclei
Jolos R.
Том 86, № 6 (2023) On the Importance of Inelastic Interactions in Direct Dark Matter Searches
Bednyakov V.
Том 86, № 5 (2023) On Observed Effects in Experiments on the Fissile Nuclei Rotaton (ROT Effects)
Danilyan G.
Том 86, № 1 (2023) Detection of New Particles—Possible Candidates for the Role of Dark Matter Particles in Collisions of Protons and Nuclei from Spectra of Soft Photons
D’yachenko A.
Том 86, № 1 (2023) Determination of Parameters of the Model Involving Three Sterile Neutrinos on the Basis of the Results of the BEST Experiment
Khruschov V., Fomichev S.
Том 86, № 4 (2023) Peculiarities of Rotational Bands in Heavy and Superheavy Nuclei: Description of Yrast-Band States in 248Cm
Efimov A., Izosimov I.
Том 86, № 1 (2023) Perspectives of Inorganic Scintillator GAGG Application for Precision Electromagnetic Calorimetry
Averyanov D., Blau D., Tsyvkunova E.
Том 86, № 1 (2023) Search for New Physics in Ultraperipheral Collisions at the Large Hadron Collider
Burmasov N.
Том 86, № 2 (2023) Search for New Resonances in Proton–Proton Interactions at 13 TeV
Smirnova I., Smirnova L.
Том 86, № 1 (2023) Search for Nucleon–Nucleon Correlations in Nucleus–Nucleus Collisions at NICA
Kurepin A., Lavrov B.
Том 86, № 3 (2023) Search for Bound States in \(\boldsymbol{\Xi^{-}nn}\)-, \(\boldsymbol{\Xi^{-}pn}\)- and \(\boldsymbol{\Xi^{-}pp}\)- Systems
Egorov M.
Ivanov K., Chistov R.
Том 86, № 6 (2023) Latest Results on the Search of Dark Photons with a Multicathode Counter
Kopylov A., Orekhov I., Petukhov V.
Том 86, № 4 (2023) Proposal and Analysis of an Experiment for Accurate Measurement of the Muon Lifetime and the Fermi Constant
Bakalyarov A., Klimov A., Machulin I., Meleshko E., Selivanov V.
Том 86, № 1 (2023) Precision Measurement of Ce–Pr Beta Spectrum by Means of Semiconductor Spectrometer
Bakhlanov S., Derbin A., Drachnev I., Lomskay I., Kotina I., Muratov V., Niyazova N., Trushin M., Chmel’ E.
Том 86, № 1 (2023) Manifestations of the Structure of Wave Functions of the O(g. s.; 3 , 6.13 MeV) Nucleus in the Reactions O O and N O
Galanina L., Zelenskaya N., Lebedev V., Orlova N., Spassky A.
Том 86, № 1 (2023) Energy Distribution of Electrons in the Migdal Model of Atomic Ionization
Men’shikov L., Men’shikov P., Faifman M.
Том 86, № 4 (2023) Scattering of Positive Muons by Atoms of Inert Gases
Chernysheva L., Yarzhemsky V.
Том 86, № 1 (2023) Bound and Resonant States of the Li Nucleus with Daejeon16 Nucleon–Nucleon Interaction
Mazur I., Mazur A., Kulikov V., Shirokov A., Shin I., Kim Y., Maris P., Vary J.
Том 86, № 6 (2023) Connection between the Dipole Polarizabilities of Charged and Neutral π-Mesons
Fil’kov L.
Том 86, № 5 (2023) Cross Sections of Partial Photoneutron Reactions on 59Co in Experiments with Bremsstrahlung
Varlamov V., Davydov A., Mostakov I., Orlin V.
Том 86, № 1 (2023) Synthesis of ‘‘Light’’ Heavy Elements upon the Explosion of a Low-Mass Neutron Star
Panov I., Yudin A.
Том 86, № 1 (2023) Hidden Variables in Angular Correlations of Fission Products
Karpeshin F.
Том 86, № 5 (2023) Spectra of Prompt Fission Neutrons in the Reactions 235U(n, F) and 239Pu(n, F)
Maslov V.
Том 86, № 1 (2023) Supernova Neutrino Spectra and Observations by Large Volume Telescopes
Kondratyev V., Khor’kova N., Cherubini S.
Том 86, № 4 (2023) Nuclear Spin-Isospin Response within the Fayans Functional
Borzov I., Tolokonnikov S.
Том 86, № 1 (2023) Comparison of Some Kinematical Characteristics of Protons in C and C Collisions at 4.2 GeV/
Bekmirzaev R., Olimov K.
Том 86, № 2 (2023) Structures of Weak-Mixing Matrices As a Consequence of Broken Mirror Symmetry
Dyatlov I.
Том 86, № 1 (2023) Theoretical Approaches Making It Possible to Describe Simultaneously P-Even T-Odd Asymmetries in Nuclear-Fission Processes Induced by Polarized Neutrons and Accompanied by the Emission of Various Light Particles
Kadmensky S., Lyubashevsky D.
Том 86, № 3 (2023) Equations of Quantum Relativistic Hydrodynamics and Soliton Solutions in Describing Nucleus–Nucleus Collisions
D’yachenko A.
Том 86, № 1 (2023) Inclusion of Electron Binding in Atomic Shells in Calculation of Cross Sections for Magnetic and Weak Neutrino–Electron Scattering
Abdurashitov D., Vlasenko A., Ivashkin A., Silaeva S., Sinev V.
Том 86, № 5 (2023) Phenomenological Description and Parameterization of Nucleon-Induced Fission Cross Sections of Heavy Nuclei in Intermediate and High Energy Region
Yurevich V.
Том 86, № 2 (2023) Fragmentation of Nuclei under the Effect of Radiation of Various Types
Novikov N., Chechenin N., Shirokova A.
Том 86, № 1 (2023) Fractal Analysis of Monte Carlo AuAu Events at GeV
Dedovich T., Tokarev M.
Том 86, № 3 (2023) Fayans Functional. Constraints from Equations of State
Borzov I., Tolokonnikov S.
Том 86, № 4 (2023) Numerical Simulations of the Acceleration of Fast Protons and of the Excitation of Nuclear Reactions 11B(p, 3a) and 11B(p, n)C11 at the Intensities of Picosecond Laser Radiation in the Range 1018-1019 W/cm2
Andreev S., Matafonov A., Tarakanov V., Belyaev V., Kedrov A., Krainov V., Mukhanov S., Lobanov A.
Том 86, № 1 (2023) Experimental Study of Mass–Energy Distribution of Fragments Produced in the Zr Reaction Leading to the Formation of Hg at Energies near the Coulomb Barrier
Kulkov K., Bublikova N., Pchelintsev I., Vorobiev I., Novikov K., Itkis Y., Knyazheva G., Bogachev A., Kozulin E., Voronyuk M.
Том 86, № 3 (2023) Neutrino Electromagnetic Properties in Elastic Neutrino–Proton Scattering
Kouzakov K., Lazarev F., Studenikin A.
Том 86, № 1 (2023) Electroweak Corrections to Dilepton Production in Photon Fusion at the LHC
Zykunov V.
Том 86, № 1 (2023) Elliptic Flow for Neutral Pions in the Asymmetric Collision System at GeV
Bannikov E., Berdnikov A., Berdnikov Y., Kotov D., Mitrankov Y., Mitrankova M., Larionova D.
Том 86, № 1 (2023) Nuclear Structure and Dynamics of the H System within a Microscopic Cluster Approach
Solovyev S.
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