
Technology of Plastic Deformation Repair of Metallurgical Machine Parts
Skhirtladze A.G., Skryabin V.A.
Choice of Strip Tension Conditions for One-Zone Rolling with One Forward Region
Kokhan L.S., Morozov Y.A., Slavgorodskaya Y.B.
Comparative Estimation of the Qualities of the Titanium Alloy Joints Made by Traditional Argon-Arc Welding and Innovative Arc Welding with Alternate-Pulsed Supply of Different Protective Gases
Fetisov G.P., Tazetdinov R.G., Persidskii A.S., Strizhevskaya N.O.
Structure and Properties of the Solid-Phase Joints of a Wrought EP975 Nickel Alloy and a Single-Crystal Intermetallic VKNA-25 Alloy Formed by Pressure Welding at a Strain of 24% under the Superplasticity of the EP975 Alloy
Galieva E.V., Povarova K.B., Drozdov A.A., Valitov V.A.
Structure and Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of a Magnesium Mg–Y–Nd–Zr Alloy after High Pressure Torsion
Lukyanova E.A., Martynenko N.S., Serebryany V.N., Belyakov A.N., Rokhlin L.L., Dobatkin S.V., Estrin Y.Z.
Technologies of Production of Layered Composites
Marycheva A.N., Guzeva T.A., P’e P.M., Tun L.K., Malysheva G.V.
Microstructural Evolution in Ceramics and Glasses during High Pressure Torsion
Greenberg B.A., Ivanov M.A., Pilyugin V.P., Pushkin M.S., Plotnikov A.V., Tolmachev T.P., Patselov A.M., Tankeyev A.P.
Development of the manufacture of billets based on high-strength aluminum alloys
Korostelev V.F., Denisov M.S., Bol’shakov A.E., Van Khieu C.
Effect of the Deformation during Pressure Welding of a Wrought EP975 Nickel Alloy and a Single-Crystal Intermetallic VKNA-25 Alloy on the Structure and Properties of the Welded Joints
Drozdov A.A., Povarova K.B., Valitov V.A., Bazyleva O.A., Galieva E.V., Bulakhtina M.A., Arginbaeva E.G.
Microstructural Analysis of the Ni3Ge Intermetallic Compound after High Pressure Torsion
Greenberg B.A., Ivanov M.A., Pilyugin V.P., Pushkin M.S., Plotnikov A.V., Tolmachev T.P., Patselov A.M., Tankeyev A.P.
Primary radiation damage of an FeCr alloy under pressure: Atomistic simulation
Tikhonchev M.Y., Svetukhin V.V.
Creep of Tubes under External Pressure
Vorob’ev E.E., Peregud M.M., Khokhunova T.N., Mileshkina O.Y., Bekrenev S.A., Markelov V.A., Shtremel’ M.A.
Estimation of the Delayed Hydride Cracking Resistance of the Pressure Tubes in Nuclear Reactors
Shmakov A.A., Singh R.N., Matvienko Y.G., Kolmakov A.G.
Combined use of the leucoxene ores of the Yarega deposit with the formation of synthetic rutile and wollastonite and the recovery of rare and rare-earth elements
Olyunina T.V., Sadykhov G.B., Zablotskaya Y.V., Anisonyan K.G.
Effect of Severe Plastic Deformation on the Acoustic Emission and the Thermal Effects in Titanium Nickelide
Belousov N.N., Andreev V.A., Chernyaeva E.V., Volkov A.E., V’yunenko Y.N.
On the Theory of Isothermal Hot Rolling of an Aluminum Alloy Strip
Rudskoi A.I., Kodzhaspirov G.E., Kitaeva D.A., Rudaev Y.I., Subbotina E.A.
Technology for Producing a Low-Alloy Martensitic 10Kh3A Steel with an Overequilibrium Nitrogen Content
Kostina M.V., Rigina L.G., Blinov V.M., Muradyan S.O., Krylov S.A.
Formation of Gradient Structures in the Zone of Joining a Deformable Nickel Alloy and a Single-Crystal Intermetallic Alloy during Thermodiffusion Pressure Welding and Subsequent Heat Treatment
Povarova K.B., Valitov V.A., Drozdov A.A., Bazyleva O.A., Galieva E.V., Arginbaeva E.G.
Structure of the Al90Y10 Alloy Formed upon Pressure Solidification
Menshikova S.G., Shirinkina I.G., Brodova I.G., Brazhkin V.V.
Nonequilibrium Diamond Growth during the High-Temperature High-Pressure Synthesis of a Composite Material Made of a Mixture of Cobalt and Fullerene Powders
Bulienkov N.A., Zheligovskaya E.A., Chernogorova O.P., Drozdova E.I., Ushakova I.N., Ekimov E.A.
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