Phytolithic and Paleolandscape Evidence of Environmental Change in the South of the East European Plain in the Pleistocene

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The work is devoted to the reconstruction of paleoclimatic regularities in the formation of the Chumbur-Kosa (MIS-17…MIS-1) loess-soil series and the assessment of the possibility of using phytolith analysis to diagnose vegetation cover in the interglacial and glacial periods of the Pleistocene. v the index of magnetic susceptibility, the average annual precipitation was calculated. It has been established that in the Pleistocene there was a directed climate change towards aridization, in which the amount of precipitation during the interglacial periods decreased from 600 to 550 mm/year, and during the glacial periods it did not exceed 200–250 mm/year. Aridization of the climate led to xerophytization of plant communities, a decrease in bioproductivity and landscape diversity. In the warm intervals of the Pleistocene, meadow-forb associations prevailed, which were replaced by steppe associations at the onset of the glacial stage. Natural and climatic zones were within the modern borders, demonstrating the relative stability of the steppe landscapes to global climatic fluctuations.

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About the authors

P. I. Kalinin

Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7252-2997
Russian Federation, Pushchino, 142290

O. G. Zanina

Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, Pushchino, 142290

P. G. Panin

Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, Moscow, 119017

I. Yu. Kudrevatykh

Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, Pushchino, 142290


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