Stage Development of the Ryshkovo Pedolithocomplex (127–117 Ka) as a Change of Favorable and Extremal Conditions in the Complete Interglacial-Glacial Cycle

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In 2011, the Ryshkovo pedolithocomplex of the Mikulino Interglacial (MIS-5e), consisting of three or four soil profiles separated by humus pedosediments, was studied in the Alexandrov quarry (Kursk, Russia). The lower soil is eroded gray, the two middle ones are meadow soils at the bottom of the coastal ravine, the middle one on the paleoslope is soddy-podzolic, and the upper poorly developed soils with elements of forest soil formation. Morphological, physicochemical, and microbiomorphic study of the pedolithic complex on the slope and in the bottom of the buried coastal ravine filled with colluvial and alluvial-colluvial deposits made it possible to reconstruct at least three or four pedogenic and four morpholithogenic stages in MIS-5e, which significantly detailed the event history of the interglacial. In the profile of the Ryshkovo pedolithocomplex, a buried humus horizon of the lower gray soil is well expressed, reflecting the warmer climatic conditions of the first half of the last completed interglacial compared to the second half. Soil formation in trans-accumulative landscapes was repeatedly interrupted by erosion-accumulative processes, which reflects the instability (rhythmicity) of the climatic situation during the Mikulino (Eem) interglacial and correlates well with other detailed records of geological archives.

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About the authors

S. A. Sycheva

Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0009-0005-8835-0877
Russian Federation, Moscow, 119017

P. R. Pushkina

Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, Moscow, 119017

A. A. Golyeva

Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, Moscow, 119017

O. S. Khokhlova

Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems of Soil Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8989-9395
Russian Federation, Pushchino, 142290

T. M. Gorbacheva

National Research University Higher School of Economics

Russian Federation, Moscow, 109028

I. V. Kovda

Dokuchaev Soil Institute

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1382-8600
Russian Federation, Moscow, 119017


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