
Toll-like receptor gene polymorphisms in a population-based study of HIV and tuberculosis patients from Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Salamaikina S., Korchagin V., Mironov К., Kulabukhova Е., Zimina V., Kravtchenko А.
Search for epistatically interacting genetic variants that are associated with vasovagal syncope within biallelic combinations
Titov B., Matveeva N., Bazyleva E., Pevzner A., Favorova O.
Аnalyzing buckwheat genotypes obtained on selective media with zinc in vitro using ISSR markers
Borovaya S., Klykov A., Boginskaya N.
Study of the association between oxytocin receptor gene polymorphism, childhood adversity and negative symptoms of schizophrenia
Lezheiko T., Mikhailova V., Gabaeva M., Golimbet V.
About the Genetic Divergence of Populations Coupled by Migrations: Modern Modeling Based on Experimental Results of Yu.P. Altukhov and Coauthors
Zhdanova O., Frisman E.
Study of Population Genetic Structure of Atlantic Chub Mackerel Scomber colias Gmelin, 1789 (Scombridae) in the Central-East Atlantic
Stroganov A., Nikitenko A., Rakitskaya T., Belyaev V.
Polymorphism of Core and Symbiotically Specialized Genes in the Polytypic Species of Nodule Bacteria
Provorov N., Kimeklis A., Karasev E., Khosid S., Onishchuk O., Kurchak O., Andronov E.
Mathematical Model Development for Schizophrenia Risk Prediction Based on Assessment of Polymorphic Alleles Carriage in 13 Genetic Loci Affecting Pterin Metabolism
Zhilyaeva T., Bavrina A., Kasyanov E., Blagonravova A., Mazo G.
Population Genetic Structure in Polar Bears (Ursus maritimus) from the Russian Arctic Seas
Sorokin P., Zvychaynaya E., Ivanov E., Mizin I., Mordvintsev I., Platonov N., Isachenko A., Lazareva R., Rozhnov V.
Association of VNTR Polymorphism of the AS3MT Gene with the Risk of Schizophrenia
Korovaitseva G., Lezheiko T., Oleichik I., Golimbet V.
Determination of G/C Polymorphism at chr20:37352001 Position in Human Blood DNA Preparations by GlaI- and Bst2UI-PCR Analyses Methods
Akishev A., Netesova N., Abdurashitov M., Degtyarev S.
Genetic Introgression in Populations of Two Related Species Adalia frigida (Schneider, 1792) and Adalia bipunctata (Linnaeus, 1758) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in the Zone of Sympatry
Romanov D., Shaikevich E., Zakharov I.
Genes of Hormone Receptors Affecting Egg Productivity and Reproductive Qualities of Chickens
Kulikov E., Malakheeva L., Martynova V., Popov V., Dmitrenko D., Kravchenko A., Komarchev A., Karapetyan R., Korshunova L., Efimov D.
Variability of 27 Autosomal STR Loci for the Population of the Republic of Belarus Based on the Mass Parallel Sequencing Data
Kotova S., Parfionava N., Zabauskaya T., Rybakova V., Spivak A., Paliavoi S., Lugovnev A.
Polymorphism of the MAOA Gene (rs1137070) and Internet Addiction in Adolescents
Kopylova K., Marchenko I., Shubina M., Gorbacheva N., Novitckii I., Smolnikova M.
Long-Term and Seasonal Dynamics of Inversion Polymorphism of the Malaria Mosquito Anopheles messeae Fall. (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Population of the Central Part of the Species Range (Western Siberia, Tomsk Region)
Sibataev A., Wasserlauf I., Usov K., Alekseeva S., Abylkassymova G., Stegniy V.
Study of the Association of Polymorphic Variants rs2295080 and rs1883965 of the MTOR Gene with the Development of Pulmonary Sarcoidosis
Malysheva I., Topchieva L., Tikhonovich E.
Polymorphism and Differentiation of the Evoron Vole Three Populations according to the mtDNA Control Region Variability
Sheremetyeva I., Kartavtseva I., Frisman L.
Variability of Supernumerary Chromosome Morphotypes and the Emergence of Micro-B-Chromosomes in the Karyotype of Apodemus peninsulae (Rodentia) in the Russian Far East
Roslik G., Kartavtseva I.
Association of Allelic Variants A and B of the Beta-Lactoglobulin Gene with Dairy Productivity of Cattle
Parygina E., Kozhevnikova I.
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