Study of Population Genetic Structure of Atlantic Chub Mackerel Scomber colias Gmelin, 1789 (Scombridae) in the Central-East Atlantic

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A study of genetic diversity in groups of Atlantic Сhub mackerel from the waters of the Central-East Atlantic was carried out on the basis of seven microsatellite loci. All loci were polymorphic, the estimates of expected heterozygosity varied from 0.021 to 0.914. For all studied samples of Atlantic Сhub mackerel, a heterozygosity deficiency was identified, associated with the presence of null alleles in four of the seven studied microsatellite loci. A low but significant value of genetic differentiation was obtained, calculated for all loci (θ = 0.0052), which, presumably, may also be associated with the violation of panmixia due to the formation of individual subpopulations as a result of the uneven impact of fishing in different localities.

About the authors

A. N. Stroganov

Moscow State University, Department of Ichthyology

Author for correspondence.
Russia, 119234, Moscow

A. I. Nikitenko

Branch for Freshwater Fisheries of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO)

Russia, 141821, Moscow oblast, pos. Rybnoe

T. A. Rakitskaya

Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, 119991, Moscow

V. A. Belyaev

All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO)

Russia, 107140, Moscow


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Copyright (c) 2023 А.Н. Строганов, А.И. Никитенко, Т.А. Ракицкая, В.А. Беляев

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