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Vol 59, No 1 (2023)

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Pre-Harvest Sprouting in Soft Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and Evaluation Methods

Fedyaeva A.V., Salina E.A., Shumny V.K.


The review is devoted to pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) in soft winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) as one of the main problems faced by specialists in the field of genetics and selection of grain crops. Pre-harvest sprouting leads to a decrease in yields and economic losses. In the present work the internal and external factors which influence PHS grain crops as well as their interrelation, has been described. The characteristic for efficiency and featuresthe use of physiology-biochemical and molecular genetic methods to evaluate the pre-harvest sprouting resistance of soft wheat grain are given.

Genetika. 2023;59(1):5-17
pages 5-17 views


nm-Test – An Improved Version of the Alpha-Test in Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae with a Higher Sensitivity to Genotoxic Factors

Stepchenkova E.I., Andreychuk Y.V., Afanasova D.V., Zadorsky S.P., Inge-Vechtomov S.G.


One of the urgent problems of genetic toxicology is the development of new and improvement of existing test systems for the detection and assessment of the level of mutagenic and carcinogenic activity of various factors. A unique position among the known test systems belongs to the alpha test, that is based on the life cycle of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Its main difference from existing test systems is the ability to detect a wide range of genetic events, such as gene mutations, conversion, recombination, loss of the right arm and the entire III chromosome, as well as primary lesions to the genetic material before they are eliminated by repair systems. Here, we proposed and tested a genetic modification of tester strains that increased the sensitivity and efficiency of the test system. Our results allowed us to conclude that the proposed modification of the tester strain led to the sensitivity increase of the test system by an order of magnitude.

Genetika. 2023;59(1):18-25
pages 18-25 views

The Effect of the aPKC Gene Encoding Atypical Protein Kinase C on the Lifespan of Drosophila melanogaster Depends on the Expression Level of Protein Kinase GSK3

Trostnikov M.V., Veselkina E.R., Andreev Y.A., Khryachkova A.Y., Roshina N.V., Pasyukova E.G.


Drosophila melanogaster shaggy and aPKC genes encode highly conserved GSK3 (Glycogen Syntase Kinase 3) and aPKC (Protein Kinase C) proteinkinases that play key roles in many cellular processes. We previously demonstrated that changes in shaggy expression in neurons affect lifespan. In this article we show that changing the expression of the aPKC gene in neurons also affects lifespan. Changing the expression of the two protein kinases in all male or female neurons and in male motoneurons led to changes in lifespan, indicating that aPKC has no effect on GSK3 and GSK3 has a possible inhibitory effect on aPKC. At the same time, changes in the expression of two protein kinases in female motoneurons led to changes in lifespan, indicating the existence of a still unclear mechanism of interaction between these proteins. The elucidation of the mechanisms of interaction between aPKC, GSK3 and their other partners will deepen and expand our understanding of the causes of longevity and the ways to extend life.

Genetika. 2023;59(1):26-38
pages 26-38 views


Study of Myb114 Gene Polymorphism in the Cole Crops (Brassica oleracea L.) in Connection with Anthocyanin Biosynthesis Regulation Based on Comparison with the MYB Factors of Vegetable Nightshades (Solanaceae)

Fateev D.A., Berensen F.A., Artemyeva A.M., Babak O.G., Yatsevich K.K., Drozd E.V., Kilchevsky A.V.


In order to study a regulation mechanism for one of the most ancient processes of anthocyanin biosynthesis in plants based on comparison of R2R3-MYB genes in Solanaceae (S. lycopersicum: An1, An2; S. melongena: Myb1; C. annuum: Myb113-like1 и Myb113-like2) and Brassicaeae crops, a search for orthologous sequences in Brassica oleracea was performed. A sequence encoding MYB114 TF was found to be the closest in a nucleotide structure to the previously investigated genes in Solanaceae. Primers were selected and a comparative analysis of Myb114 gene sequences was performed in B. oleracea varieties (white cabbage, red cabbage, kale, cauliflower, broccoli, and kohlrabi) with a wide intraspecies diversity by the anthocyanin accumulation in leaves and various food organs: heads, curds and stems. Alignment of Myb114 sequences revealed a number of gene polymorphisms that closely correlate with high anthocyanin accumulation in B. oleracea leaves, including 3 SNPs in exon regions and a 271 bp deletion in the 1st intron. The identified SNPs lead to the replacement of two amino acids located in the region of DNA-binding domains, which leads to a change in the binding efficiency of this transcription factor with the promoters of structural biosynthesis genes and a decrease in their expression level in the forms without anthocyanin accumulation in leaves compared with the forms with their accumulation in vegetative plant parts. A molecular marker MYB114.2 has been proposed that may be used for the identification of headed cabbages and kales with high/low anthocyanin accumulation. By the amino acid structure and phenotypic manifestation (regulation of anthocyanin accumulation in leaves), Myb114 B. oleracea is the closest to Ant2 tomato, Myb2 eggplant and Myb113-like2 pepper alleles. A high degree of conservatism of the SANT DNA-binding domains of MYB114 TF of B. oleracea and R2R3-MYB TF of nightshades was established.

Genetika. 2023;59(1):39-49
pages 39-49 views

Chloroplast DNA Markers on the Phylogeography Study of Roburoid Oaks (Quercus L. sect. Quercus, Fagaceae) in the Crimean-Caucasian Region

Semerikova S.A.


The variability of five fragments of chloroplast DNA (ASq, CDq, TFq, trnH-psbA and trnK-matK) with a total length of more than 10,000 bp in three species of roburoid oaks of the Crimean-Caucasian region (Q. robur, Q. petraea, Q. pubescens) was studied. A total of 11 haplotypes were found in 290 individuals from 20 populations, 10 of which differed from the haplotypes of the main range. The obtained results show a pronounced structure of the geographical distribution of haplotypes of roburoid oaks in the Crimea and the Caucasus, and the chloroplast haplotypes of the region belong to several divergent phylogenetic lines. A comparison with data from other studies was carried out, with an assessment of the degree of effectiveness of the use of various chloroplast fragments and markers. The isolated phylogenetic position of the haplotypes of the Crimean-Caucasian populations and deep differences from the haplotypes of the main area allows us to conclude that robouroid oaks have historically been isolated for a long time in the Caucasus and Crimea. At the same time, the presence of common haplotypes indicates closer historical ties between the Crimean-Caucasian populations with Asia Minor and the Balkans. All haplotypes are identified by three fragments (ASq, CDq and TFq), with a sufficient level of variability and suitable for solving problems of oak phylogeography in the Crimean-Caucasian region. The trnH-psbA and trnK-matK markers had a low level of variability and did not reveal additional haplotypes. Optimized genotyping options have been proposed, including both step by step sequencing, and a combination of analysis of chloroplast DNA microsatellite loci (cpSSR), restriction analysis (PCR-RFLP), and sequencing. To assess the variability of markers in a larger taxonomic range, representatives of other sections of the genus Quercus were included in the analysis. It was shown that the oak-specific primers proposed for ASq, CDq, and TFq fragments are suitable for species of other sections.

Genetika. 2023;59(1):50-64
pages 50-64 views

Influence of Application of Various Doses of Lime Immeliorant into the Soil on QTL Mapping in Spring Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Chesnokov Y.V., Fesenko М.А., Ivanov А.I., Rusakov D.V., Kocherina N.V., Lohwasser U., Börner А.


In this work, quantitative trait loci (QTL) were mapped for the first time in spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) when various doses of a lime ameliorant, raw-milled dolomite, were introduced into the soil in order to reveal and identify genetic determinants that determine the ecological genetic interaction “genotype–environment” in recombinant inbred lines of this crop. As a result of the research, 29 economically valuable traits were evaluated and a total of 150 QTLs were mapped. The significance of the relationship between the identified QTLs and polymorphism for each studied trait was established based on the threshold values of the likelihood ratio of the logarithm of odds (LOD-score). It was found that when half and full doses of the ameliorant were applied to the soil, the QTLs that determine the manifestation of 14 studied traits changed their location on the linkage groups depending on the applied dose of raw ground dolomite, and the QTL of 15 traits remained stable and did not change the localization on the chromosomes established in the experiments. Conducted correlation and one-way analysis of variance made it possible to establish the nature of the conjugation of the relationship between the traits and the dose of the introduced lime ameliorant. When performing mathematical calculations, the maximum likelihood criterion and statistical criteria for assessing the significance of the results were used. The results obtained are of interest for the subsequent study of the ecological and genetic mechanisms of the realization of the studied traits and the control of growth, development and productivity in spring soft wheat, and the establishment of trigger mechanisms for the action of the ameliorant on the physiological state of plants.

Genetika. 2023;59(1):65-79
pages 65-79 views


Study of Population Genetic Structure of Atlantic Chub Mackerel Scomber colias Gmelin, 1789 (Scombridae) in the Central-East Atlantic

Stroganov A.N., Nikitenko A.I., Rakitskaya T.A., Belyaev V.A.


A study of genetic diversity in groups of Atlantic Сhub mackerel from the waters of the Central-East Atlantic was carried out on the basis of seven microsatellite loci. All loci were polymorphic, the estimates of expected heterozygosity varied from 0.021 to 0.914. For all studied samples of Atlantic Сhub mackerel, a heterozygosity deficiency was identified, associated with the presence of null alleles in four of the seven studied microsatellite loci. A low but significant value of genetic differentiation was obtained, calculated for all loci (θ = 0.0052), which, presumably, may also be associated with the violation of panmixia due to the formation of individual subpopulations as a result of the uneven impact of fishing in different localities.

Genetika. 2023;59(1):80-88
pages 80-88 views

Genetic Diversity Research in the Population of the Kyrgyz Mountain Merino Using Microsatellite Loci

Isakova Z.T., Bekturov A.В., Chortonbaeb T.D., Kipen V.N., Mukeeva S.B., Shergaziev U.A., Aitbaev K.A.


The aim was to ascertain genetic structure and diversity of Kyrgyz mountainous merino via microsatellite DNA markers. We analyzed DNA samples of 109 Kyrgyz mountaneous merino specimens, bred in three state breeding factories (STB), including “Orgochor” in the Issykul Province, “Katta-Taldyk” in the Osh Province and STB named after Luschikhin in the Talas Province. We identified 126 alleles in 12 microsatellite loci (McM042, INRA006, McM527, ETH152, CSRD247, OarFCB20, INRA172, INRA063, MAF065, MAF214, INRA005, INRA023). There were 6 to 16 alleles in each locus (mean 10.500 ± 0.957 alleles per locus). We identified 67 rare alleles (prevalence less than 5.0%), which made 53.2% of all alleles found. The greatest number of alleles were found in INRA023 (12 alleles), INRA005 (13 alleles), OarFCB20 and INRA063 (14 in each) and CSRD247 (16 alleles) autosomal loci. Based on the mean number per locus (Na = = 10.500 ± 0.957), number of efficient alleles (Ne = 4.556 ± 0.394), the observed (Ho = 0.731 ± 0.023) an expected (He = 0.761 ± 0.021) heterozygosity, we conclude high genetic diversity of the selected sheep sample attributed to Kyrgyz mountainous merino and its significant genetic potential.

Genetika. 2023;59(1):89-96
pages 89-96 views

Evidence of the Genetic Mating System in Viviparity White-Edged Rockfish, Sebastes taczanowskii Steindachner, 1880

Batishcheva N.M., Yagodina V.D., Brykov V.A.


Internal fertilization and viviparity are characteristic of some species of the genus Sebastes. Polyandry has also been reported for some species of this genus. We used five microsatellite markers and three main statistical approaches to estimate the level of polyandry in a wild population of white-edged rockfish (Sebastes taczanowskii). In some clutches, we detected multiple paternity. This study is the first record of multiple paternity in white-edged rockfish from the Far East. Polyandry is probably quite a widespread strategy in this species inhabiting the Far Eastern seas, and also an important factor in the regulation of genetic diversity and productivity.

Genetika. 2023;59(1):97-105
pages 97-105 views


Mitochondrial Gene Pool of Ukrainians in the Context of Variability of Whole Mitogenomes in Slavic Peoples

Malyarchuk B.A., Derenko M.V.


Data on the variability of nucleotide sequences of whole mitochondrial genomes in Ukrainians were analyzed. A comparative analysis of genetic diversity parameters showed that Ukrainians, like other European populations, are characterized by a high level of mtDNA diversity. However, between-population differences in Europe are very low (FST = 0.36%, p < 0.00001). According to the results of the FST-analysis, Ukrainians show the greatest similarity with Slovaks, Russians, Poles, Serbs, and Estonians. On the graph of multidimensional scaling of FST-distances, Ukrainians are located together with Western and Eastern Slavs, occupying a central position among them. The results of the analysis of the dynamics of the effective population size (Ne) showed differences in the long-term dynamics of Ne between populations of the north and south of Eastern Europe. For Ukrainians and the southwestern Russian populations, a period of sharp population growth was recorded in the Neolithic period (approximately 8.2 thousand years ago), while for Estonians and northwestern Russians, population growth was observed much later, in the Bronze Age (approximately 4.3 thousand years ago). An analysis of data on mtDNA variability in Slavic populations showed that the frequency of ethnic specific mtDNA haplotypes varies quite widely in different ethnic groups, from 1.3% in Slovaks to 10.3% in Poles. The proportion of Slavic-specific mtDNA haplotypes also varies: the least number of such haplotypes was found in Czechs and Serbs (less than 10%), and most of all in Ukrainians (23.6%).

Genetika. 2023;59(1):106-114
pages 106-114 views

The Role of rs2238296 of the Mitochondrial DNA Polymerase Gamma Gene in Combination with Polymorphic Variants of Antioxidant Defense Genes in the Development of Postinfarction Left Ventricular Aneurysm

Kuzheleva E.A., Garganeeva A.A., Tukish O.V., Nesova A.K., Golubenko M.V., Andreev S.L., Shipulin V.M.


Studied the relationship of the polymorphic variant of the mitochondrial DNA polymerase gamma gene (POLG rs2238296) in combination with single-nucleotide polymorphic variants of the genes of the antioxidant system of the body (mitochondrial transcription factor A (TFAM rs1937), superoxide dismutase (SOD2 rs4880), glutathione peroxidase (GPX1 rs1050450), catalase (CAT rs1001179), paraoxonase 1 (PON1 rs854560) and NADP-H oxidase (CYBA rs4673)) with features of postinfarction remodeling of the left ventricle (LV). One hundred and fifty-three patients with coronary heart disease (137 men and 16 women) aged 56 (50; 60.5) years were examined. Genotyping was carried out using a polymerase chain reaction followed by analysis of the polymorphism of the lengths of restriction fragments. No significant difference was found in the SOD2, GPX1, CAT, PON1, TFAM genes in the studied groups. Significant differences were found with respect to the POLG and CYBA genes: the CC rs2238296 genotype of the POLG gene was found in every third patient with LV aneurysm (30.3%), where as in the group without aneurysm – only in every eighth case (12.3%, p = 0.006). The CC rs4673 genotype of the CYBA gene was found in every second patient with an aneurysm (51.8%) and in 32% without LV aneurysm (p = 0.01). Patients with a combination of CC (POLG) and CC (CYBA) genotypes were represented exclusively by younger men, who were characterized by a less burdened comorbid background, in comparison with patients with a different genotype of these genes. At the same time, the LV ejection fraction in such patients was significantly lower (40 (27; 52) and 50 (40; 61), p = = 0.006), and the development of LV aneurysm was recorded in 73% of cases.

Genetika. 2023;59(1):115-122
pages 115-122 views

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