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Vol 166, No 4 (2019)


Correlation between Urinary Excretion of Arginine-Vasopressin and Renal Reabsorption of Sodium and Water

Shakhmatova E.I., Golosova D.V., Natochin Y.V.


We developed an approach for quantitative assay of injected vasopressin in urine samples by ELISA under conditions of physiological suppression of hormone secretion from the neurohypophysis into the blood. In experiments on unanesthetized rats, water load (5 ml/100 g body weight) almost completely blocked secretion of arginine-vasopressin. Injection of arginine-vasopressin in a dose of 0.1 nmol/100 g body weight after water load enhanced reabsorption of solute-free water and renal excretion of Na+, K+, and Mg2+ by 13.3, 5.5, and 5.0 times, respectively; urinary excretion of Ca2+ remained unchanged. It was found that urinary excretion of arginine-vasopressin directly correlated with reabsorption of solute-free water and renal sodium excretion.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):417-420
pages 417-420 views


Role of Muscarinic M1, M2, and M3 Receptors in the Regulation of Electrical Activity of Myocardial Tissue of Caval Veins during the Early Postnatal Ontogeny

Ivanova A.D., Tapilina S.V., Kuz’min V.S.


We studied the influence of blockers of muscarinic M1, M2, and M3 receptors on the effect of acetylcholine in the myocardial tissue of caval veins in rats at the early stage of ontogeny. The experiments were performed on isolated preparations of the right superior vena cava working under their own rhythm. Action potentials were recorded using the standard microelectrode technique. Acetylcholine (1 μM) suppressed automatic activity in the superior vena cava myocardium. Preliminary perfusion of the preparation with non-selective blocker atropine (1 μM) completely abolished the effect of acetylcholine, treatment with M2 receptor blocker AQ-RA 741 (1 μM) led to partial suppression of the effect of acetylcholine. Blockers of M1 and M3 receptors pirenzepine (1 μM) and 4DAMP (0.1 μM) did not suppress the effect of acetylcholine. Thus, the effect of acetylcholine is predominantly realized via M2 receptors, but M3 receptors can also partially mediate its effect in the superior vena cava myocardium in rats at the early stages of ontogeny.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):421-425
pages 421-425 views

Blood Cytokine Profile in Rats with Different Behavioral Characteristics after Metabolic Stress

Kirbaeva N.V., Evstratova V.S., Riger N.A., Abramova A.Y., Pertsov S.S., Vasil’ev A.V.


Changes in the blood cytokine profile in rats with various parameters of behavior were studied under conditions of 5-day starvation not followed by the recovery period or with subsequent normalization of food intake. Metabolic stress had no effect on the content of most cytokines. The concentration of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in blood plasma of rats was shown to increase significantly by the end of a 5-day recovery period after food deprivation. These changes in behaviorally passive specimens were more pronounced than in active animals. Therefore, differences in the strain of immune reactions in mammals with different prognostic resistance to extreme factors are most pronounced during the post-stress period. These data illustrate the necessity of an individual approach to studying the systemic organization of physiological functions under normal and pathological conditions.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):432-435
pages 432-435 views

Effect of Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulation of Nerves on Blood Pressure and Blood Content of Neuropeptide CGRP and Nitric Oxide in Hypertensive Rats with Metabolic Disturbances

Spiridonov V.K., Tolochko Z.S., Korolenko T.A.


The development of arterial hypertension in male Wistar rats with fructose-induced metabolic syndrome (12.5% of fructose solution as the only drinking source for 10 weeks) along with impaired glucose tolerance and increased serum concentration of triglycerides and LPO products caused a decrease in the content of serum blood calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP). Low-frequency transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (1 mA, 2 Hz, 10 min daily for 2 weeks) performed in 8 weeks after the beginning of fructose treatment reduced systolic BP and serum concentration of triglycerides and LPO produces and improved glucose tolerance. After stimulation, CGRP content in rats maintained on fructose diet returned to normal values and the content of nitric oxide metabolites increased. We hypothesize that CGRP and nitric oxide are involved in mechanisms mediating the therapeutic effect of low-frequency transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on arterial hypertension developing in metabolic syndrome.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):436-439
pages 436-439 views

Effect of Antiobiotic-Induced Disbiosis and Its Correction with Probiotics on Myocardial Tolerance to Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in SPF Rats

Borshchev Y.Y., Sinitsa A.V., Zakharchenko M.M., Borshchev V.Y., Burovenko I.Y., Galagudza M.M.


Changes in morphofunctional parameters of the isolated heart subjected to global ischemia-reperfusion were studied in SPF Wistar rats with antibiotic-induced dysbiosis (AID) treated with lyophilized yeast Saccharomyces boulardii and inactivated probiotic bacteria Lactobacillus reuteri KR2017. In contrast to S. boulardii, correction of dysbiosis with L. reuteri KR2017 against the background of gastric hypersecretion and standard antimicrobial therapy led to an increase in fat content and a decrease in free and bound water in tissues and to a significant reduction in myocardial infarct size caused by ischemia/ reperfusion injury.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):440-443
pages 440-443 views

Effects of Natural Cytokine Complex on the Myocardial Blood Flow in Normal and under Conditions of Increased Hemodynamic Load

Tverskaya M.S., Gankovskaya L.V., Sukhoparova V.V., Virganskii A.O., Gorenkov R.V.


The effects of a natural complex of cytokines IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, TNF, MIF, and GTFβ on myocardial blood flow were studied under control conditions and during acute experimental aortal stenosis. Systemic administration of the cytokine complex under control conditions led to moderate impairment of the blood flow in the myocardium associated with plethora and perivascular edema. The number of functioning vessels in the myocardium significantly increased under these conditions, which reflected enhancement of the coronary blood flow. The comparison of the myocardial blood flow under conditions of acute heart overload alone and in combination with systemic administration of the cytokine complex revealed similar changes. In both cases, moderate plethora in all compartments of the vascular network, moderate perivascular edema, and moderate blood stasis in the myocardial capillaries were seen. The only difference the increase in the density of functioning capillaries that was significantly more pronounced after cytokine administration. These data indicate that the increase in the blood cytokine level induced dilatation of myocardial vessels and intensification of blood flow in normal and under conditions of acute hemodynamic heart overload. Against the background of pronounced vasodilatation, the dyscirculatory changes in the myocardium were moderate. It was assumed that the increase in the duration or frequency of hypercytokinemia episodes can induce more severe blood flow disturbances in the myocardium.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):444-447
pages 444-447 views

Comparative Analysis of Bioactivity of the Russian-Made Antitumor Substances of the Nitrosourea Group

Bunyatyan N.D., Oborotova N.A., Nikolaeva L.L., Saprykina N.S., Borisova L.M., Kiseleva M.P., Prokof’ev A.B.


We performed an in vivo comparative study of activity of three substances of the nitrosourea group produced in Russia. All substances demonstrated high antitumor activity against various solid and leukemic tumors. Aranosa significantly enhanced life duration in mice with leukemia (by 65-194%) and inhibited the growth of solid tumors (by 49-99.6%). Lisomustine and ormustine showed higher activity than aranose. Single administration of lisomustine increased life span of mice (by 22-114%) and resulted in cure of all animals in four models: lymphoblastic leukemia L-1210, lymphocytic leukemia P-388, Lewis lung carcinoma, and cervical cancer RShM-5. After ormustine treatment, full recovery was observed only in groups with lymphocytic leukemia P-388 and cervical cancer RShM-5. These findings attest to higher activity of lisomustine in the studied models.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):456-460
pages 456-460 views

Analgesic Activity of Hexaazaisowurtzitane Derivatives

Krylova S.G., Povet’eva T.N., Zueva E.P., Suslov N.I., Amosova E.N., Razina T.G., Lopatina K.A., Rybalkina O.Y., Nesterova Y.V., Afanas’eva O.G., Kiseleva E.A., Sysolyatin S.V., Kulagina D.A., Zhdanov V.V.


Pronounced analgesic activity of the innovative compound 4-(3,4-dibromthiophencarbonyl)-2,6,8,12-tetraacethyl-2,4,6,8,10,12hexaazatetracyclo[5,5,0,03, 11,05, 9] dodecane (thiowurtzine) was observed in the thermal nociceptive hot plate test and in the acute visceral and somatic deep pain model (acetic acid writhing test). In these experimental models, naloxone-sensitive thiowurtzine-induced analgesia was revealed. The absence of tropism to peripheral opioid receptors in the acetic acid writhing test was demonstrated using naloxone methiodide. Course administration of low-toxic thiowurtzine in effective doses was not associated with ulcerogenic damage to the gastric mucosa in experimental animals.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):461-465
pages 461-465 views

Drug with Neuroprotective Properties Noopept Does Not Stimulate Cell Proliferation

Zainullina L.F., Ivanova T.V., Ostrovskaya R.U., Gudasheva T.A., Vakhitova Y.V., Seredenin S.B.


Effects of Noopept (N-phenylacetyl-L-prolylglycine ethyl ester) on the relative level of proliferation marker Ki-67 and cell cycle parameters were studied in HEK293 and SH-SY5Y cell lines. The previously established multifactorial mechanism of action of the drug includes enhancement of neurotrophin NGF and BDNF expression and increase in HIF-1 activity. The possible mitogenic action of Noopept was estimated by its effect on cell proliferation. Noopept did not affect cell distribution over G1, S, G2 cell cycle phases and the relative level of proliferation marker Ki-67 in the cell lines under study. These data suggest that Noopept does not stimulate cell growth.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):466-468
pages 466-468 views

Ligands of NOD2 (Muramyl Dipeptide) and TLR4 (LPS) in 24 h after Combined In Vivo Administration Produce a Synergistic Increase in the Content of Multipotent Stromal Cells in the Bone Marrow and Peritoneal Exudate of CBA Mice

Gorskaya Y.F., Tukhvatulin A.I., Dzharullaeva A.S., Nesterenko V.G.


In 24 h after combined administration of ligands of NOD2 (muramyl dipeptide) and TLR4 (LPS) receptors to CBA mice, a synergistic increase (by 10 times compared to the intact control) in cloning efficiency and content of multipotent stromal cells was observed in the bone marrow in comparison with the total effects of their individual administration (by 2.1 and 4.1 times, respectively). A similar effect was also observed in the peritoneal exudate. When ligands were administered simultaneously, the concentration of osteogenic multipotent stromal cells in the bone marrow decreased to a greater extent than in case of individual injections of the ligands, but did not drop below 7% of the control, which is apparently indicative of a decline threshold. In 3 h after simultaneous addition of the ligands in vitro to 12-day primary cultures of mouse bone marrow stromal cells, a synergistic increase in TNFα concentration was observed (32-fold increase from the level of intact control), while IL-10 concentration did not differ from the control, which is indicative of the proinflammatory nature of the process and the absence of immunosuppressive effect. These results suggest that activation of the stromal tissue depends on the intensity of innate immunity reactions.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):473-476
pages 473-476 views

Carbohydrate Specificity and Isotypes of Monoclonal and Polyclonal Antibodies to Conjugated Tetrasaccharide, a Synthetic Analogue of Repeating Unit of Capsular Polysaccharide of Streptococcus Pneumoniae Serotype 14

Kurbatova Е.А., Yakovleva I.V., Akhmatova E.А., Sukhova Е.V., Yashunsky D.V., Tsvetkov Y.E., Nifantiev N.E.


We studied carbohydrate specificity and isotypes of antibodies to BSA-conjugated tetrasaccharide, a repeating unit of the capsular polysaccharide of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 14, in mouse polyclonal sera and hybridoma-synthesized products. Natural IgM antibodies to the tetrasaccharide containing epitopes similar to surface carbohydrate structures of mammalian and human cells in low titers were determined in native mouse serum by ELISA using biotinylated tetrasaccharide and synthetic capsular polysaccharide as the solid-phase antigens. Polyclonal sera to the conjugated tetrasaccharide contained IgM and all subclasses of IgG antibodies, which were detected in a higher titer when the biotinylated tetrasaccharide was used as a solid phase antigen compared to synthetic capsular polysaccharide. Monoclonal antibodies to S. pneumoniae serotype 14 tetrasaccharide were identified in an equivalent titer using either biotinylated tetrasaccharide or synthetic capsular polysaccharide. Monoclonal antibodies obtained in vitro belonged to IgM isotype and cross-reacted with secondary full-size IgG antibodies. In the serum of mice inoculated with hybridoma, IgM and IgG2a antibodies recognizing the tetrasaccharide epitope in the structure of synthetic capsular polysaccharide were simultaneously determined.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):477-480
pages 477-480 views

Modulation of Structural and Functional Properties of Human Lymphocytes by Reactive Oxygen Species

Nakvasina M.A., Popova L.I., Lidokhova O.V., Artyukhov V.G.


The effects of ROS on functional properties (cytotoxic activity, antibody-producing activity, TNFα synthesis, and free cytosol calcium level), membrane structure (by expression of some surface markers), and apoptosis of lymphocytic cells were estimated in the peripheral blood of healthy volunteers. 1O2, \( {\mathrm{O}}_2^{\underset{\_}{\bullet }} \), OH, and H2O2 mostly suppressed cytotoxic activity of lymphocytes against Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells and inhibited IgG synthesis and expression of receptors and surface markers (Fc receptors, CD3, CD19, and CD56). The exposure of lymphocytes to H2O2 (10—6 M), 1O2, and OH was followed by an increase in the level of a secondary messenger, intracellular calcium, in comparison with non-exposed cells. The presence of exogenous calcium in the medium for lymphocyte suspending induced an increase in the number of cells at early and late stages of apoptosis 6 h after exposure to H2O2 and 1O2 in comparison with lymphocytes incubated in Ca2+-free medium.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):481-486
pages 481-486 views

Peculiarities of the Expression of TLR4 and Inhibitor of TLR-Cascade Tollip in the Placenta in Earlyand Late-Onset Preeclampsia

Nizyaeva N.V., Kulikova G.V., Nagovitsyna M.N., Shchegolev A.I.


We studied the peculiarities of the expression of TLR4 and its inhibitor Tollip in placentas obtained from women aged 23-40 years with early- and late-onset preeclampsia. Histological examination of placental tissue (hematoxylin and eosin staining) and immunohistochemical analysis with primary monoclonal antibodies to TLR4 and Tollip were performed on serial paraffin sections. It was found that the expression of TLR4 increased with increasing gestation term in both the syncytiotrophoblast and vascular endothelium of the placental villi (p<0.05). The expression of TLR4 in syncytiotrophoblast and in the endothelium in early preeclampsia was also significantly (p<0.00001) higher than in the reference group (preterm birth before 34 weeks gestation). In the vascular endothelium of placental villi, the expression of TLR4 in placentas from women with early-onset preeclampsia was higher than in late-onset preeclampsia (p=0.002), while Tollip was lower in early-onset preeclampsia than in the reference group. In preeclampsia, especially in early-onset preeclampsia, marked changes in the expression of TLR4 and Tollip in the placental tissue were detected; the severity of preeclampsia correlated with the degree of damage to the placental villi.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):507-511
pages 507-511 views

Application of Impedance Spectroscopy for the Control of the Integrity of In Vitro Models of Barrier Tissues

Nikulin S.V., Gerasimenko T.N., Shilin S.A., Zakharova G.S., Gazizov I.N., Poloznikov A.A., Sakharov D.A.


We compared available methods for monitoring the integrity of in vitro models of barrier tissues and studied the possibility of using impedance spectroscopy to solve this problem. It was demonstrated (theoretically and experimentally) that TEER measurements are not sufficiently sensitive to detect small defects in the cell barrier that significantly affect its permeability. For obtaining reliable results, it is necessary to set a sufficiently high threshold TEER, which leads to the loss of many intact samples. At the same time, impedance spectroscopy has all advantages of the classical method of measuring TEER (it is rapid and non-invasive method), while its application in combination with the methods of machine learning allows reliable detection of defects in the cell barrier.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):512-516
pages 512-516 views

Experimental Study of the Biomechanics of Maxillary Implants under Conditions of Biomechanical Modeling

Olesova V.N., Amkhadova M.A., Zaslavskii S.A., Olesov E.E., Shashmurina V.R.


We studied the stress-strain state of the bone tissue and maxillary full-arch fixed implantretained denture. Load was applied to the anterior (150 N) and posterior (250 N) parts of the denture supported by 6 or 4 implants, including zygomatic ones and placed by on-all-4 treatment technology. The obtained stress values in the bone tissue, implants, and denture show a large strength margin of structural materials. At the same time, the bone strength values were low, especially around the zygomatic and distal implants of all-on-4-implants-supported dentures when the posterior part of the denture was under load.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):522-526
pages 522-526 views

Comparative Analysis of Secretome of Human Umbilical Cord- and Bone Marrow-Derived Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cells

Romanov Y.A., Volgina N.E., Vtorushina V.V., Romanov A.Y., Dugina T.N., Kabaeva N.V., Sukhikh G.T.


Production of cytokines and growth factors by cultured human umbilical cord tissue- and bone marrow-derived multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells was measured by multiplex analysis. In most cases, the concentrations of bioactive factors in the culture medium conditioned by umbilical cord-derived cells was ten- to hundred-times higher than in the medium conditioned by bone marrow-derived cells. These results suggest that both multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells from the umbilical cord and cell-free products can have more pronounced therapeutic effect in comparison with mesenchymal stromal cells obtained from “adult” sources.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):535-540
pages 535-540 views

Comparative Analysis of the Effects of Intravenous Administration of Placental Mesenchymal Stromal Cells and Neural Progenitor Cells Derived from Induced Pluripotent Cells on the Course of Acute Ischemic Stroke in Rats

Gubskii I.L., Salikhova D.I., Galitsina E.V., Leonov G.E., Chekhonin V.P., Gubskii L.V., Kisevev S.L., Goldstein D.V., Yarygin K.N., Cherkashova E.A., Burunova V.V., Bukharova T.B., Namestnikova D.D.


We compared the effects of placental mesenchymal stromal cells and neural progenitor cells derived from induced human pluripotent cells after their intravenous administration to rats in 24 h after transitory occlusion of the middle cerebral artery. The therapeutic effects were evaluated by the dynamics of animal survival, body weight, neurological deficit, and the volume of infarction focus in 7, 14, 30, and 60 days after surgery. Intravenous injection of neural progenitor cells produced a therapeutic effect on the course of experimental ischemic stroke by increasing animal survival in the most acute period and accelerating compensation of neurological deficit and body weight recovery. Neural progenitor cells were more effective than mesenchymal stromal cells from human placenta. The effectiveness of intravenous transplantation of neural progenitor cells in the model of occlusion of the middle cerebral artery is shown by us for the first time, although the therapeutic effect of their direct transplantation into the brain has already been described.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):558-566
pages 558-566 views

Cytotoxic Activity of Peripheral Blood NK Cells towards Trophoblast Cells during Pregnancy

Mikhailova V.A., Bazhenov D.O., Viazmina L.P., Agnaeva A.O., Bespalova O.N., Sel’kov S.A., Sokolov D.I.


We evaluated cytotoxic activity of peripheral blood NK cells towards trophoblast cells. NK cells either isolated or in the composition of mononuclear cell fraction, caused death of trophoblast cells. In women with physiological pregnancy, the cytotoxic effect of NK cells present in mononuclear cell fraction preincubated with IL-2 was lower than in nonpregnant women, who had never been pregnant previously, and in fertile women. Cytotoxic activity of isolated NK cells preincubated with IL-2 in fertile women was lower than in nonpregnant women, who had never been pregnant previously.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):567-573
pages 567-573 views

General Pathology and Pathophysiology

Peculiarities of Immediate Response of Respiratory Chain Enzymes in Rat Cerebral Cortex to Hypoxia

Luk’yanova L.D., Kirova Y.I., Germanova E.L.


We performed a complex study of the dependence of immediate reaction of catalytic subunits in mitochondrial enzymes (NDUFV2, SDHA, Cyt b, COX1, and ATP5A) in rat cerebral cortex (the most hypoxia-sensitive tissue) on the severity and duration of hypoxia in vivo and the role of individual resistance of rats to oxygen deficiency in this process. Three types of responses to hypoxia were revealed. The immediate response of mitochondria to oxygen deficiency appeared after its drop by 30-33% relatively to normal atmosphere level. It manifested in up-regulation of NAD-dependent oxidation, i.e., activation of respiratory chain complex I. Further decrease in oxygen concentration by 50% reprogrammed the work of respiratory chain via activation of respiratory chain complex II in parallel with down-regulation of the electron transport function of the respiratory chain complex I. This response was optimal for the expression of adaptation genes and for the formation of immediate tolerance of rats to hypoxia. The greatest drop of oxygen concentration by 60-62% reversed the Krebs cycle promoting recovery of the electron transport function of respiratory chain complex I. Despite this, the energy efficiency of the respiratory chain and the potency to mobilize the rapid adaptation mechanisms degraded due to abnormalities in cytochrome segment of the respiratory chain.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):426-431
pages 426-431 views

Pharmacology and Toxicology

Strategy of Pharmacological Regulation of Intracellular Signal Transduction in Regeneration-Competent Cells

Zyuz’kov G.N., Zhdanov V.V., Udut E.V., Miroshnichenko L.A., Polyakova T.Y., Stavrova L.A., Udut V.V.


The study focuses on the development of principally novel priority-oriented healthcare strategy targeted therapy in regenerative medicine known as Strategy of Pharmacological Control over Intracellular Signal Transduction in Regeneration-Competent Cells. It implies selective action of promising drugs on specific key elements in the signaling cascade responsible for functional activity of various progenitor cells (including stem cells) and elements of tissue microenvironment. The results of pioneer studies are described that were aimed on revealing the peculiarities in signal transduction and the role of distinct signaling molecules (the potential targets) in the control of cell cycle and other functions of progenitor elements and regulatory cells of different types. The models of some pathological states were employed to demonstrate the possibility of effective implementation of the advanced pharmacotherapeutic concept. The developed theoretical and applied platform can be used to launch synthesis of principally novel preparations with regenerative activity.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):448-455
pages 448-455 views

Immunology and Microbiology

Correlations between the Levels of the Main Extracellular Matrix Components in Mouse Liver in Chronic BCG-Induced Granulomatosis

Kim L.B., Shkurupy V.A., Putyatina A.N.


Correlations between extracellular matrix components in mouse liver revealed the pathogenetically determined dynamic structure of these interrelations (some correlations appeared while others disappeared) at various terms of BCG-induced granulomatosis. The correlations between the studied parameters were strong during the first (postinfection days 3-10) and the second (postinfection days 60-90) periods but became moderate during the third period manifested by chronic inflammation (postinjection day 180). The greatest number of correlations was observed at the beginning of the stabilization period (postinjection day 60). At this period, the content of all structural components of hepatic proteoglycans closely correlated with that of hydroxyproline. These findings attested to systemic changes in metabolism of extracellular matrix components and interrelation between some structural units of proteoglycans in the liver and the components of extracellular matrix in the lungs. The common and typical organ-specific correlations in the liver and lungs suggest the existence of correlations between different organs during progression of BCG-induced granulomatosis.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):469-472
pages 469-472 views


Association of Regulatory and Adaptive Status in Humans with Serotonergic Transmitter System Gene Polymorphism

Pokrovskii V.M., Kashina Y.V., Kiek O.V., Gumerova O.V., Gorbunova V.Y., Abushkevich V.G., Penzhoyan A.G., Zabolotskikh N.V.


The regulatory and adaptive status was determined in 202 healthy subjects by the parameters of the cardiorespiratory synchronism probe. We performed molecular-genetic analysis of polymorphic variants of the main gene of serotonin biosynthesis, tryptophan hydroxylase TPH1 (A218C polymorphism) and TPH2 (G703T polymorphism), and serotonin receptors (HTR2C and HTR2A genes). The association of the regulatory and adaptive status of a subject with the polymorphism of serotonergic mediator system genes was revealed.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):487-488
pages 487-488 views


Analysis of Anti-Glycan IgG and IgM Antibodies in Colorectal Cancer

Tikhonov A.A., Savvateeva E.N., Chernichenko M.A., Maslennikov V.V., Sidorov D.V., Rubina A.Y., Kushlinskii N.E.


We propose an approach that allows simultaneous determination of the levels of M and G isotypes of antibodies to the panel of glycans using microarrays. The level of IgG antibodies to 3’-O-su-Lea glycan detects patients with colorectal cancer with a sensitivity of 69.77% and specificity of 62.75%. The percentage of correctly classified colorectal cancer patients with the use of a combination of two markers IgM antibodies to glycans 3’-sialyl-TF and 3’-O-su-Lea is as high as 74.23%. The levels of IgM antibodies to 3’-O-su-Lea glycan differ significantly in patients with and without regional metastases. The levels of some of antiglycan IgM or IgG antibodies differed significantly in patients with tumors of different location and differentiation.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):489-493
pages 489-493 views

Experimental Methods for Clinical Practice

Prognostic Risk Models for the Development of Cardiovascular Dysfunction in Adolescents with Essential Hypertension

Kosovtseva A.S., Bairova Т.А., Rychkova L.V., Polyakov V.M., Kolesnikova L.I.


We present prognostic risk models for structural and functional cardiovascular disorders in Caucasian adolescents (Russians) with essential hypertension aged 14-17 years (15.92±1.12) taking into account biochemical (catecholamines and cortisol) and genetic parameters (carriage of polymorphic variants of α2A-adrenergic receptor gene ARA2A (-1291С>G), norepinephrine transporter NET (-1287G>A), and D2-dopamine receptor DRD2 (-141C Ins/Del) and the data of psychological testing. Prognostically significant risk factors for increased specific peripheral vascular resistance and variability of daytime systolic BP were a combination of [CC+AA] genotypes of ADRA2A -1291C>G and NET -1287G>A polymorphisms, cortisol level, anxiety, and proneness to conflict. The combination of genotypes [CC+GG+II] of polymorphisms -1291C>G ADRA2A, -1287G>A NET and -141C Ins/Del DRD is prognostically significant, with the GG genotype NET being epistatic.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):494-496
pages 494-496 views

Experimental Biology

Stimulation of Spermatogenesis and Synthesis of Testosterone by Allotransplantation of Neonatal Testicular Tissue under Tunica Albuginea of Cryptorchid Testis

Kirpatovskii V.I., Efremov G.D., Frolova E.V., Kudryavtseva L.V.


The abdominal type of cryptorchism was modeled on random-bred albino rats by replacing both testes from the scrotum into the abdominal cavity for 3 weeks; thereupon they were manipulated into the scrotum. In control rats, no additional surgery was performed. In experimental rats, the testicular tissue obtained from 1-2-day rat pups was transplanted under testicular tunica albuginea. Prior to orchiopexy, the weight of testes decreased by 62.5-64.1%. In 6 month after the surgery, it increased by 36.1% in the control group, whereas in experimental rats the weight of testes elevated by 123.2% and approximated the normal value. Histologically, the control group demonstrated persistent disturbance in spermatogenesis with emptiness of numerous seminiferous tubules where only Sertoli cells could be revealed and with pronounced dystrophic alterations in the spermatogenous epithelium of the partially preserved tubules where spermatogenesis was blocked at the spermatogonial level. In contrast, the transplantation region of the experimental testes exhibited formation of novel mature testicular tissue enclosed by a connective tissue capsule incorporating the seminiferous tubules with differentiated epithelium and with the clusters of Leydig cells in the stroma. In 6 month, spermatogenesis was observed in most seminiferous tubules of the host testicular tissue, which had spermatozoa in the lumens. To the moment of orchiopexy, the blood testosterone decreased by about 2.5-fold. In control group it remained diminished during entire observation period (up to 6 month), while in the experiment group its level normalized completely as early as in 2 month and remained even elevated to the end of observation period.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):497-502
pages 497-502 views

Morphology and Pathomorphology

Role of Immune Distribution of Tissue Factor in the Development of Hemostasis during the First Trimester of Normal Pregnancy

Milovanov A.P., Kuznetsova N.B., Fokina T.V.


Immunohistochemistry of tissue factor, vimentin, and cytokeratin-8 was studied in the medical abortion material at gestation week 5-10 in 20 healthy women. No expression of tissue factor was found in vimentin-positive decidual cells of the parietal endometrium. By contrast, intensive immunostaining of the TF/FVIIα complex was detected in the marginal layer of Rohr fibrinoid and less intense staining was found in vimentin-positive decidual cells adjacent to the walls of modified spiral arteries in the utero-placental region under conditions of invasion of the interstitial and intravascular cytotrophoblast (marker: cytokeratin-8). In the villi, tissue factor was expressed only in the fibrinoid lumps at sites of the syncytiotrophoblast defects. We demonstrated the formation of local hemostasis system in the uteroplacental region at weeks 5-8. This system creates optimal conditions for external thrombogenesis aimed at realization of the cytotrophoblast invasion and subsequent flow of arterial blood between the villi at the end of the first trimester.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):503-506
pages 503-506 views


Efficiency and Prospects of Diagnosis of the Functional State of the Dental System

Solovykh E.A., Leont’ev V.K., Zubrikhina M.O., Molodchenkov A.I.


This paper presents the results of studying the effectiveness of the developed method for diagnosing the functional state of the dental system. The results indicate that the accuracy of the method is about 80%. The results of previous studies are reviewed and the prospects for diagnosis of the functional state of the dental system as a research and practical trend in dentistry are outlined. The physiological regularities of the dental system functioning and relationship between its functional status and the autonomic nervous and postural systems prompt a new trend of research, functional diagnosis in dentistry and interpretation of the findings of functional studies. The prospects of functional diagnosis in dentistry are discussed.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):517-521
pages 517-521 views

Cell Technologies in Biology and Medicine

Application of Adeno-Associated Virus Vectors for Engineering SCF-Containing Extracellular Vesicles of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells

Zubkova E.S., Beloglazova I.B., Evtushenko E.G., Kopylov A.T., Shevchenko E.K., Dergilev K.V., Ratner E.I., Parfenova E.V., Men’shikov M.Y.


Mesenchymal stromal cells from rat adipose tissue were transduced with adeno-associated viral (AAV) vector encoding stem cell factor SCF that stimulates proliferation of cardiac c-kit+ cells and improved cardiac function and survival of animals after myocardial infarction. Extracellular vesicles isolated from the medium conditioned by mesenchymal stromal cells by ultracentrifugation were characterized by Western blotting, transmission electron microscopy, nanoparticle tracking analysis, immunostaining, and mass spectrometry analysis. Using proteomic analysis, we identified transgenic SCF in extracellular vesicles released by AAV-modified mesenchymal stromal cells and detected some proteins specific of extracellular vesicles secreted by transduced cells. Extracellular vesicles from AAV-transduced mesenchymal stromal cells could be used for delivery of transgenic proteins as they were readily endocytosed by both cardiosphere-derived cells and cardiac-progenitor cells.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):527-534
pages 527-534 views

Translated from Kletochnye Tekhnologii v Biologii i Meditsine (Cell Technologies in Biology and Medicine)

Involvement of Actin Filaments in the Cytotoxic Effect of GD2-Specific Antibodies

Doronin I.I., Kholodenko I.V., Zubareva A.A., Yarygin K.N., Deev S.M., Kholodenko R.V.


Induction of direct cell death is one of the mechanisms of the antitumor effect of GD2-specific antibodies used for the therapy of high-risk neuroblastoma. The mechanisms of the cytotoxic signal triggered by antibody binding to GD2 ganglioside on the surface of the tumor cell remain insufficiently studied. Using inhibitor analysis we demonstrated that actin microfilaments are involved in the cell death induced by GD2-specific antibodies. Specifically, a strong antagonistic influence of cytochalasin D on the cytotoxic effect induced by GD2-specific antibodies was demonstrated in GD2+ tumor cell lines, which was expressed in at least 20% increase in cell survival and a significant decrease of the fraction of cells with fragmented DNA.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):541-547
pages 541-547 views

Combination of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells and Cardiac Stem Cells in a Multilayer Cell Construct Promotes Activation of Notch Signaling and Initiation of Endothelial Differentiation

Shevchenko E.K., Dergilev K.V., Tsokolaeva Z.I., Beloglazova I.B., Molokotina Y.D., Parfenova E.V., Men’shikov M.Y.


We showed the possibility of generating combined tissue-engineered cell consisting of layers of rat cardiac stem cells and mesenchymal stromal cells from the adipose tissue. Cell—cell interaction within the cell sheet promoted proliferation of cardiac stem cells, expression of endothelial differentiation marker ETS1, and Notch signaling activation. The obtained results provide new insights into possible mechanisms of stimulation of endogenous regeneration processes after myocardial damage and demonstrate potential of cell-based cardiomyoplasty with the use of these combined cell sheets.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):548-552
pages 548-552 views

Effect of Different Regimens of Co-Transplantation of Hemopoietic and Mesenchymal Hemopoietic Stem Cells on the Rates of Hemopoietic Recovery in Laboratory Mice Treated with Cyclophosphamide in Sublethal Doses

Pavlov V.V., Pavlova L.N., Chibisova O.F., Ivanov V.L., Selivanova E.I., Konoplyannikov A.G., Zhavoronkov L.P.


We studied the effect of mesenchymal stem cells and hemopoietic stem cells co-transplanted in different regimens (sequence and intervals between the injections within 0-48 h) on the rate of the bone marrow hemopoiesis recovery in 468 inbred mice with cytostatic aplasia caused by a single injection of cyclophosphamide in a dose of 500 mg/kg. The efficacy of stem cells was evaluated by animal survival and general physical condition, body weight dynamics, peripheral blood counts (leucocytes, platelets, and reticulocytes), total cellularity and the presence of hemopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow on day 9 after cyclophosphamide injection. The relative content of hemopoietic stem cells in the total myelokaryocyte pool was assessed by flow cytofluorometry using specific monoclonal antibodies to CD117 and CD184. The stimulating effect of co-transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells and hemopoietic stem cells on hemopoiesis was demonstrated by the indices of total cellularity and the relative content of CD117+ hemopoietic stem cells. The schemes with injection of mesenchymal stem cells 24-48 h prior to injection of hemopoietic stem cells were most effective.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):553-557
pages 553-557 views

Effect of Extracellular Vesicles Formed by Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cells on Irradiated Animals

Alchinova I.B., Polyakova M.V., Yakovenko E.N., Medvedeva Y.S., Saburina I.N., Karganov M.Y.


C57Bl/6J mice were exposed to γ-radiation in a dose of 7.5 Gy. A week later, the experimental group received intravenous injection of extracellular vesicles isolated from the culture medium of human bone marrow multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells. Changes in the physiological parameters of animals were assessed by laser correlation spectroscopy, histological examination, cytometry, and by differential leukocyte count. In 3 and 6 weeks, the parameters of the experimental group occupied an intermediate position between the intact and irradiated groups or did not differ significantly from the parameters of the intact group. The rate and efficiency of recovery varied at different levels of organization. Reduction of damage caused by irradiation in a sublethal dose at different levels of organization of experimental animals was shown.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):574-579
pages 574-579 views

Effect of Polyethylene Terephthalate on Functional Properties of Endothelial and Mesenchymal Cells

Lykov A.P., Poveshchenko O.V., Surovtseva M.A., Bondarenko N.A., Kim I.I., Karpenko A.A., Pokushalov E.A., Karaskov A.M.


We studied the influence of vascular prostheses made of polytetrafluoroethylene and polyethylene terephthalate on the proliferation, migration, and NO production by bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells, human endothelial progenitor cells, and EA.hy926 endothelial cells, colonization of the prosthesis surface by endothelial and mesenchymal cells was also analyzed. Synthetic prostheses have a negative effect on cell proliferation and migration, while surface treatment with proteins (fibronectin or gelatin) promotes colonization of the prostheses with cells.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):580-585
pages 580-585 views

Cerebral Blood Flow in SHR Rats after Transplantation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Sokolova I.B., Lobov G.I.


Intracerebral transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells to 6- and 12-month-old SHR rats induced angiogenesis in the pia mater. In 6-months-old SHR rats, perfusion in the brain tissue after cell transplantation considerably increased, while in 12-month-old rats it remained practically unchanged. We also observed marked activation of regulatory processes in the cerebral vascular system, most pronounced in 12-month-old rats. Neurogenic and myogenic tone of cerebral vessels increased significantly, while endothelium-dependent tone slightly decreased. The increase in neurogenic and myogenic tone of blood vessels in SHR rats at the age of 6 and 12 months after transplantation of stem cells can be explained by the formation of new smooth muscle cells in the pre-existing arteries walls. Greater muscle mass developed stronger force and contributed to narrowing of the arterial lumen, as a result, there was no increase in blood flow despite the downstream angiogenesis. A slight decrease in endothelium-dependent tone can be explained by increased production of vasodilators by newly formed endothelial cells.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):586-590
pages 586-590 views


Correction to: Role of β Cell Precursors in the Regeneration of Insulin-Producing Pancreatic β Cells under the Influence of the Pegylated Form of Glucagon-Like Peptide 1

Skurikhin E.G., Pakhomova A.V., Epanchintsev A.A., Stronin O.V., Ermakova N.N., Pershina O.V., Ermolaeva L.A., Krupin V.A., Kudryashova A.I., Zhdanov V.V., Dygai A.M.


The title of the article should read:

“Role of β Cell Precursors in the Regeneration of Insulin-Producing Pancreatic β Cells under the Influence of the Pegylated Form of Glucagon-Like Peptide 1”.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2019;166(4):591-591
pages 591-591 views

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