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Vol 164, No 2 (2017)


Experimental Study of Statistical Stability of Cardiointerval Samples

Zilov V.G., Khadartsev A.A., Eskov V.V., Eskov V.M.


In 1947 M. A. Bernstein proposed a hypothesis about “repetition without repetition” in biomechanics that was confirmed in psychophysiology by the Eskov—Zinchenko effect. This effect can be applied to all parameters (except the parameters of the neuromuscular system) of human body homeostasis. For instance, this instability can be demonstrated for repeated samples of cardiointerval parameters (and other homeostasis parameters) of the human cardiorespiratory system. Within the framework of the new theory of chaos and self-organization, a method is proposed for calculation of matrices of paired comparisons of cardiointerval samples for assessing the physiological status of the human body and changes in homeostasis. Statistical instability of cardiointerval samples and their statistical distribution functions f(x) for successive cardiointerval samples in one subject is proven.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):115-117
pages 115-117 views


Behavior Disorders Caused by Perinatal Hypoxia in Juvenile Rats and Their Correction with GABA Derivative

Ordyan N.E., Akulova V.K., Mironova V.I., Otellin V.A.


We studied the effects of acute normobaric hypoxia on postnatal day 2 (model of preterm pregnancy) on reflex activity and behavior of juvenile male Wistar rats and the possibility of correction of behavioral deficit by administration of GABA derivative Salifen after hypoxia. It is shown, that perinatal hypoxia impaired righting reflex and forelimb grip strength and increased motor activity in juvenile male rats. Administration of Salifen for 14 days in a dose of 15 mg/kg improved reflex activity and behavior of rats, which indicates the prospect of further study of the therapeutic efficacy of this drug on models of neonatal encephalopathy.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):118-122
pages 118-122 views

Inhibitory Effect of Interferons on Contractive Activity of Bovine Mesenteric Lymphatic Vessels and Nodes

Unt D.V., Lobov G.I.


We studied the effect of IFNα-2b and IFNβ-1a on phasic and tonic contractions of isolated bovine mesenteric lymphatic vessels and nodes. IFNα-2b and IFNβ-1a in concentrations of 250-1000 U/ml produced dose-dependent negative chronotropic and inotropic effects on spontaneous phasic contractions and tonus of lymphatic vessels and nodes. In de-endothelialized lymphatic vessels and nodes, IFNα-2b and IFNβ-1a in the same concentrations had less pronounced inhibitory effect on spontaneous contraction and tonus. L-NAME (100 μM) and charybdotoxin (0.1 μM with 0.5 μM apamine) significantly attenuated the inhibitory effect of IFNα-2b on phasic and tonic contractions of lymph nodes. L-NAME (100 μM) and indomethacin (10 μM) significantly reduced the IFNα-2b-induced inhibitory effect on phasic and tonic contractions of lymph node. These results indicate that IFNα-2b and IFNβ-1a have a pronounced inhibitory effect on the phasic and tonic contractions of bovine mesenteric lymphatic vessels and nodes. The responses are endothelium-dependent and are determined by production of NO and endothelium-dependent hyperpolarizing factor by endotheliocytes in lymphatic vessels and by production of NO and prostacyclin by endotheliocytes in the lymphatic nodes.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):123-126
pages 123-126 views

Oxidative Stress as a Mechanisms of Reduced Glucose Absorption under Conditions of Immobilization Stress

Kolesnikova L.I., Kolesnikov S.I., Korytov L.I., Suslikova M.I., Darenskaya M.A., Grebenkina L.A., Kolesnikova L.R.


Experimental studies demonstrated inhibition of glucose absorption in the jejunum in acute and chronic 1-h daily immobilization stress, with the maximum inhibition on day 7 of immobilization. These changes correlate with the development of oxidative stress in animals over the entire duration of the experiment, which manifested by an increase in the content of the primary and end LPO products and decrease of the total antioxidant activity of the blood. Correction of these shifts with the antioxidant drug inhibits accumulation of LPO products and increases antioxidant defense and glucose absorption rate. These data prove the important role of peroxidation in regulation of glucose absorption.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):132-135
pages 132-135 views

Effect of the Natural Cytokine Complex on the Structure and Metabolism of Contractile Myocardium Normally and under Increased Hemodynamic Load

Tverskaya M.S., Gankovskaya L.V., Sukhoparova V.V., Virganskii A.O.


Effect of natural complex of cytokines with activity of IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, TNF, MIF, GTFβ on the structure and metabolism of contractile ventricular cardiomyocytes was assessed in the control and under conditions of acute experimental aortic stenosis. Systemic administration of the complex in the control had no significant effect on myocardial morphology with low number of damaged cardiomyocytes and low degree of structural damage. Administration of the cytokine complex against the background of aortic stenosis did not exert any additional alterative effect on cardiomyocytes, structural damage of contractual nature was moderate. Systemic administration of the natural cytokine complex had a pronounced inhibitory effect on metabolic processes in the myocardium of both ventricles both in the control and against the background of increased hemodynamic load. In cardiomyocytes, glycolysis and citric acid cycle were slowed down, oxidation of free fatty acids and their metabolic products was inhibited as well as shuttle mechanisms and biosynthetic reactions. Inhibition of energy-producing processes is the cause of the lack of the contractile function energy supply and can worsen the course of cardiovascular diseases and increase the risk of their complications in conditions, accompanied by increased blood cytokine level.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):136-139
pages 136-139 views

Effects of Tripeptide Gly-His-Lys in Pain-Induced Aggressive-Defensive Behavior in Rats

Sever’yanova L.А., Dolgintsev M.E.


We studied the effect of Gly-His -Lys tripeptide administered intraperitoneally in doses of 5, 15, 50 and 150 μg/kg on pain-induced aggressive-defensive behavior. A foot-shock model of aggression in rats grouped in pairs in an electrified chamber was used. Analgesic and antiaggresiogenic effects of the peptide were demonstrated. It was found the L-lysine residue plays the key role in these effects, because they were observed under the influence of L-lysine administration in doses close to its equimolar content in the studied tripeptide.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):140-143
pages 140-143 views

Heat Stress and Agonists of Muscarinic Cholinergic Receptors Modulate Sensitivity of Nicotinic Cholinergic Receptors in Soil Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans

Kalinnikova T.B., Yakhina A.F., Egorova A.V., Shagidullin R.R., Gainutdinov M.H.


We studied the effect of moderate heat stress (30oC) and muscarinic cholinergic receptor agonists arecoline and pilocarpine on sensitivity of the behavior of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans of N2 line to the action of the agonist of nicotinic cholinergic receptor agonist levamisole. Heat stress and muscarinic cholinergic receptor agonists increased the sensitivity of swimming induced by mechanical stimulation to levamisole (32-64 μM), which manifested in dyscoordination of locomotor muscles during swimming and complete loss of ability to swim. Combined exposure to heat stress and muscarinic cholinergic receptor agonists revealed their synergism in the influence on sensitivity of swimming behavior to levamisole: heating to 30oC potentiated the effect of arecoline and arecoline potentiated the effect of heat stress. It is assumed, that the effect of heat stress on the sensitivity of nicotinic receptors is mediated by its effect on muscarinic receptors.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):144-147
pages 144-147 views

Effect of Xylan Sulfates on Coagulation of Human Blood Plasma

Drozd N.N., Kuznetsova S.A., Levdansky V.A., Mikhailenko M.A.


Sulfated derivatives of xylan (isolated from Bétula pubéscens wood) with average molecular weight ~34 kDa, sulfur content of 11.3-17.5%, a degree of substitution of 0.74-1.64 are anticoagulants of direct type of action. Antithrombin and antifactor Xa activities in three tested xylan samples did not differ and reached 30.8-31.8 and 13.5-14.3 U/mg, respectively.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):158-161
pages 158-161 views

Application of Preparations Containing Copper Nanoparticles for the Treatment of Experimental Septic Wounds

Babushkina I.V., Gladkova E.V., Belova S.V., Norkin I.A.


Regenerative activity of locally applied drugs based on copper nanoparticles was compared on white male rats with an experimental purulent wound infected with clinical polyantibiotic resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus. The use of a suspension of copper nanoparticles and complex drugs based on chitosan and starch with copper nanoparticles led to a rapid reduction of the wound area and elimination of the wound-contaminating agent, which confirmed high antibacterial and regenerative activity of copper nanoparticles in the composition of the studied drugs.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):162-164
pages 162-164 views

Melatonin—Aluminum Oxide—Polymethylsiloxane Complex on Apoptosis of Liver Cells in a Model of Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Michurina S.V., Ischenko I.Y., Arkhipov S.A., Klimontov V.V., Cherepanova M.A., Korolev M.A., Rachkovskaya L.N., Zav’yalov E.L., Konenkov V.I.


We studied the effects of a melatonin—aluminum oxide—polymethylsiloxane complex (complex M) on the expression of apoptosis regulators Bcl-2 and Bad in the liver of homozygous db/db BKS.Cg-Dock7m+/+Leprdb/J mice with obesity and type 2 diabetes. Complex M or placebo was administered daily through the gastric tube during weeks 8-16 of life. In mice with type 2 diabetes mellitus receiving placebo, enhanced immunohistochemical reactions for proapoptotic Bad protein and weak response for anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 protein were observed. Administration of complex M shifted the ratio of apoptosis regulators: the area of Bcl-2 expression significantly increased and against the background of reduced Bad expression area. These findings attest to antiapoptotic effect of complex M in the liver on the model of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):165-169
pages 165-169 views

Anticoagulant Effects of Arginine-Containing Peptides of the Glyproline Family (His-Phe-Arg-Trp-Pro-Gly-Pro and Thr-Lys-Pro-Arg-Pro-Gly-Pro) Revealed by Thromboelastography

Rogozinskaya E.Y., Lyapina M.G.


Thromboelastography revealed anticoagulant effects of 3 glyproline oligopeptides (in various concentrations): His-Phe-Arg-Trp-Pro-Gly-Pro, Thr-Lys-Pro-Arg-Pro-Gly-Pro (Selank), and Pro-Gly-Pro. The parameters R, K, MA, S, TMA, and J changed to hypocoagulation direction in comparison to the control. At this, Selank demonstrated the maximal anticoagulation potency.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):170-172
pages 170-172 views

Comparison of the Pharmacological Effects of Dimeric Dipeptide Nerve Growth Factor Mimetic GK-2 and Mexidol on the Model of Ischemic Stroke in Rats

Povarnina P.Y., Volkova A.A., Gudasheva T.A., Seredenin S.B.


We compared the effects of GK-2 (dimeric dipeptide mimetic of nerve growth factor) and Mexidol (standard preparation for the therapy of stroke) on rat model of transient occlusion of the middle cerebral artery. GK-2 and Mexidol were administered intraperitoneally in the most active doses (1 and 100 mg/kg, respectively) 6 h after surgery and then once a day for 6 days. The preparations reduced the volume of cerebral infarction (by 60 and 30%, respectively). At the same time, GK-2 had a pronounced and statistically more reliable effect in a dose that is lower by two orders of magnitude. In addition, GK-2 significantly reduced the neurological deficit in the limb placement test, while Mexidol was ineffective in this test.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):173-176
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Inhibition of the Expression of Inducible NO Synthase by Neuroactive Amino Acid Derivatives Phenibut and Glufimet In Vitro and Ex Vivo

Borisov A.V., Prokofiev I.I., Mokrousov I.S., Perfilova V.N., Tyurenkov I.N.


The effects of glufimet and phenibut (glutamic acid and GABA derivatives, respectively) on concentration of inducible NO synthase and cGMP in LPS-activated mouse peritoneal macrophages and on NO end products in their culture medium were examined in vitro and ex vivo. Addition of LPS into culture medium elevated concentration of NO metabolites in this medium and increased concentration of inducible NO synthase and cGMP in the lysates of peritoneal macrophages, whereas incubation of the cells with examined agents applied at concentration of 10—5 M diminished these indices. Similar results were obtained with intraperitoneal injection of LPS, glufimet, and phenibut. In culture medium containing peritoneal macrophages from the mice injected with LPS (100 μg/kg), the concentrations of inducible NO synthase and cGMP as well as the total concentration of nitrite and nitrate ions increased, whereas in culture medium with the cells from LPS-exposed mice treated with glufimet (28.7 mg/kg) and phenibut (50 mg/kg) these indices significantly decreased.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):177-180
pages 177-180 views

Effect of Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation Therapy on Proteasome Pool in Rectal Cancer

Astakhova T.M., Ivanova E.V., Rodoman G.V., Sumedi I.R., Afanas’ev S.G., Goncharov A.L., Kondakova I.V., Sharova N.P.


In untreated rectal cancer patients, the chymotrypsin-like activity of proteasomes in tumor tissue was 3-fold higher than that in conventionally normal tissue, which is explained by up-regulation of expression of immunoproteasomes and total pool of proteasomes. After neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy, expressions of the total pool of proteasomes and immunoproteasomes in the tumor as well as the relative ratios of these indices to those in conventionally normal tissue were smaller by 1.4-3.3 times in comparison with the untreated patients. These changes were paralleled with pronounced (4.5-fold) down-regulation of proteasome activity in the tumor and a 3.7-fold decrease of activity ratio for the proteasomes in tumor and in conventionally normal tissue. The number of immunoproteasome subunits and the chymotrypsin-like activity of proteasomes can be viewed as potential markers to prognosticate effectiveness of neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy in rectal cancer patients.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):191-194
pages 191-194 views

Biodistribution of Alpha-Fetoprotein-Containing Noncovalent Complex Aimpila with Antitumor Activity

Grigor’eva E.Y., Treshchalina E.M., Lipengolts A.A., Smirnova A.V., Smirnova G.B., Borisova Y.A., Kalishyan M.S.


Biodistribution of [125I]Aimpila (20 mg/kg) in the tumor and normal tissues, including the mammary gland tissue, after single oral dose was studied in BALB/c nude mice with T47D/ReCAF+++ human breast tumor sensitive to this drug and in closely related BALB/c nude+mice without tumors. The maximum concentration of [125I]Aimpila was in fact the same in the tumor and in the mammary gland, while the time course of its accumulation/elimination differed. The time of the maximum accumulation of the drug in the tumor was shorter and its persistence longer than in normal tissue. After 24 h, label concentration in the tumor was 4.5 times higher (p=0.002). Differences in the time course of label accumulation in the tumor were detected. The maximum ratio of tumor/blood concentrations of the preparation was recorded in 1 h after administration. [125I]Aimpila and [125I]alpha-fetoprotein accumulated in the tumor in comparable concentrations and were eliminated simultaneously at the same rate. The results of comparative analysis of accumulation of the labeled compounds in Aimpila-sensitive T47D/RECAF+++ tumor from 0.5 to 9.0 h after drug administration could be interpreted as a result of possible receptor-mediated binding of the complex with the tumor at the expense of the alpha-fetoprotein transporting part. Differences in the parameters of [125I]Aimpila biodistribution in the tumor and normal mammary tissue indirectly attested to selective antiproliferative activity of the complex.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):195-198
pages 195-198 views

The Role of the Glutathione System in Oxidative Modification of Proteins and Dysregulation of Apoptosis in Jurkat Tumor Cells

Nosareva O.L., Stepovaya E.A., Ryazantseva N.V., Shakhristova E.V., Egorova M.Y., Novitsky V.V.


We compared changes in the redox status and intensity of oxidative modification of proteins in intact Jurkat tumor cells and cells cultured with buthionine sulfoximine, an inhibitor of the key enzyme of glutathione synthesis γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase. The glutathione system components play a role in modulation of the content of protein-bound glutathione, protein carbonyl derivatives, bityrosine, and oxidized tryptophan, and in dysregulation of apoptosis in Jurkat tumor cells. Inhibition of de novo synthesis of glutathione in Jurkat tumor cells was followed by accumulation of hydroxyl radical, a reduction in the level of protein-bound glutathione and oxidized tryptophan, and a rise in the concentration of protein carbonyl derivatives. These changes were accompanied by activation of programmed cell death.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):199-202
pages 199-202 views

Morphological Evaluation of the Influence of the Peptide Complex from Tissue of Porcine Kidneys on the Experimental Urolithiasis

Zharikov A.Y., Kiselev V.I., Saldan I.P., Zharikova G.V., Lepilov A.V., Bobrov I.P.


We performed morphological analysis of the effect of the peptide complex from porcine kidneys on the course of experimental urolithiasis modeled in rats by treatment with 1% ethylene glycol solution (in drinking water) for 6 weeks. The peptide complex obtained by acetic acid extraction was administered in a dose of 15 mg. Administration of the peptide complex to animals with experimental kidney stone disease leads to 100% destruction of large and medium stones to the “dust” granularity.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):207-210
pages 207-210 views

Focal Unilateral Traumatic brain injury Causes Delayed Neurodegenerative Changes in the Brain of Rats

Genrikhs E.E., Voronkov D.N., Kapkaeva M.R., Isaev N.K., Stelmashook E.V.


A cascade of pathological changes in the intact hemisphere developed in rats 6 months after focal unilateral traumatic brain injury: neuronal degeneration, hyperexpression of α-synuclein, APP (β-amyloid peptide precursor) protein, and glutamine synthetase in cells other than astrocytes. The development of these changes in the contralateral hemisphere indicated the emergence of extensive delayed neurodegenerative processes in the brain after traumatic brain injury, which were characteristic of diseases associated with pathological aging.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):211-213
pages 211-213 views

Regeneration Potential of Lymphoid Tissue of Small Intestine in Mice after Exposure to Low-Intensity Radiation

Klochkova S.V., Kvaratskheliya A.G., Alekseeva N.T., Nikityuk D.B.


Number and size of aggregated lymphoid nodules in the small intestine of mice exposed to radiation using a γ-irradiation unit GOBO-60 with 137Cs source were measured using the methods of visual microscopy and morphometry. Morphological status of the nodules was estimated on days 4, 28, 60, and 90 after the exposure. Significant changes were observed in the lymphoid system of the small intestine after exposure to low-intensity radiation. The size of aggregated lymphoid nodules decreased and the relative number of cells with degenerative changes increased. Regenerative processes were observed as soon as on day 4 of the rehabilitation period. However, the number and sizes of aggregated lymphoid nodules (length, width, and section area), and the ratio of lymphoid nodules with germinal center were still lower than in the control. The number of cells forming lymphoid interstitial plaques was close to the control on days 28-90 of the rehabilitation process.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):214-217
pages 214-217 views

Ultrastructure of Rat Kidneys after Intravenous Administration of Modified Magnetite Nanoparticles

Mil’to I.V., Sukhodolo I.V., Ivanova V.V., Yusubov M.S.


The ultrastructure of nephrocytes of the proximal and distal convoluted tubules, podocytes, mesangial cells, and macrophages of the interstitial connective tissue was studied after single intravenous administration of magnetite nanoparticles modified with chitosan (magnetic nanospheres) or lipids (magnetic liposomes). Transmission electron microscopy showed ultrastructural features of absorption of magnetite nanoparticles. The shape, size, and number of vesicles containing nanoparticles in nephrocytes of convoluted tubules and macrophages after administration of the suspensions of magnetic nanospheres and magnetic liposomes were described.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):218-222
pages 218-222 views

Complex Analysis of Diffusion Transport and Microstructure of an Intervertebral Disk

Byvaltsev V.A., Kolesnikov S.I., Belykh E.G., Stepanov I.A., Kalinin A.A., Bardonova L.A., Sudakov N.P., Klimenkov I.V., Nikiforov S.B., Semenov A.V., Perfil’ev D.V., Bespyatykh I.V., Antipina S.L., Giers M., Prul M.


We studied the relationship between diffusion transport and morphological and microstructural organization of extracellular matrix of human intervertebral disk. Specimens of the lumbar intervertebral disks without abnormalities were studied ex vivo by diffusion-weighed magnetic resonance imaging, histological and immunohistochemical methods, and electron microscopy. Distribution of the diffusion coefficient in various compartments of the intervertebral disk was studied. Significant correlations between diffusion coefficient and cell density in the nucleus pulposus, posterior aspects of annulus fibrosus, and endplate at the level of the posterior annulus fibrosus were detected for each disk. In disks with nucleus pulposus diffusion coefficient below 15×10-4 mm2/sec, collagens X and XI were detected apart from aggrecan and collagens I and II. The results supplement the concept on the relationship between the microstructure and cell composition of various compartments of the intervertebral disk and parameters of nutrient transport.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):223-228
pages 223-228 views

Bioluminescent Study of the Distribution of High-Molecular-Weight Protein Fraction of Cellex Daily Preparation in the Brain after Intranasal Administation

Baklaushev V.P., Yusubalieva G.M., Burenkov M.S., Mel’nikov P.A., Bozhko E.A., Mentyukov G.A., Lavrent’eva L.S., Sokolov M.A., Chekhonin V.P.


Permeability of the blood—brain barrier for protein fractions 50-100 kDa (PF50–100) of Cellex Daily preparation labeled with fluorescent tracer FITC and non-conjugated FITC were compared after intranasal administration of the preparations to healthy rats. Fluorimetrical analysis of the serum and cerebrospinal fluid samples showed that Cellex Daily PF50–100-FITC administered intranasally penetrated into the blood and cerebrospinal fluid with maximum accumulation in 2 h after administration and persists in the circulation for 24 h probably due to binding with plasma proteins. The differences in the kinetic profile of PF50–100-FITC and free FITC indirectly suggest that the major part of the preparation is not degraded within 24 h and FITC is probably not cleaved from the protein components of the preparation. In vivo fluorescence analysis showed significant fluorescent signal in the olfactory bulbs in 6 h after intranasal administration; hence, the preparation administered via this route can bypass the blood—brain barrier. Scanning laser confocal microscopy of rat brain sections confirmed penetration of the high-molecular weight protein fraction PF50–100-FITC into CNS structures. The most pronounced accumulation of the labeled drug was observed in the olfactory bulb in 6 and 12 h after administration. In contrast to free FITC administered in the control group, significant accumulation of PF50–100-FITC in the olfactory cortex and frontal cortex neurons with functionally active nuclei was observed in 6, 12 and 24 h after intranasal administration.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):285-292
pages 285-292 views

General Pathology and Pathophysiology

Role of Sertoli and Leydig Cells in the Regulation of Spermatogonial Stem Cell and Development of Reproductive Disorders in Male C57Bl/6 Mice with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Skurikhin E.G., Pakhomova A.V., Pershina O.V., Krupin V.A., Ermakova N.N., Pan E.S., Kudryashova A.I., Ermolaeva L.A., Khmelevskaya E.S., Goldberg V.E., Zhdanov V.V., Dygai A.M.


Course administration streptozotocin to male C57Bl/6 mice induces a complex of symptoms typical of type 1 diabetes mellitus: hyperglycemia and insulin deficiency, focal inflammatory infiltration of the pancreas, destructive changes in the Langerhans islets, damage to the insular apparatus (reduced number of PDX1+ cells and insulin expression by the secreting cells). Male reproductive disorder are serious complications of type 1 diabetes mellitus. In “diabetic” mice, interstitial edema with inflammatory infiltration and microvascular disorders in the testicular tissue are observed, the number of endothelial precursors (CD45/CD31+) and the total number and percentage of motile spermatozoa decreased, immature spermatogenic epithelium cells are desquamated of into the lumen of the tubules. Disturbances in the proliferation and differentiation of various spermatogonial stem cell populations (c-kit/CD90+, c-kit+/CD90+, and CD51/CD24+/CD52+) in diabetes can be explained by the inhibitory influence of inflammatory factors on testosterone-producing Leydig cells.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):127-131
pages 127-131 views

Biophysics and Biochemistry

Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 (rhBMP-2) with Additional Protein Domain Synthesized in E. coli: In Vivo Osteoinductivity in Experimental Models on Small and Large Laboratory Animals

Bartov M.S., Gromov A.V., Manskih V.N., Makarova E.B., Rubshtein A.P., Poponova M.S., Savina D.M., Savin K.S., Nikitin K.E., Grunina T.M., Boksha I.S., Orlova P.A., Krivozubov M.S., Subbotina M.E., Lunin V.G., Karyagina A.S., Gintsburg A.L.


Recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 with an additional s-tag domain (s-tag-BMP-2) synthesized in E. coli is characterized by higher solubility and activity than the protein without additional s-tag domain, which increases the yield during purification and simplifies protein introduction into the osteoplastic materials. The high osteoinductivity of the demineralized bone matrix with s-tag-BMP-2 was shown on the model of regeneration of cranial defects of a critical size in mice and on the model of implantation of porous titanium matrix into defects of femoral and tibial bones in rabbits.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):148-151
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Pharmacology and Toxicology

Non-Competitive NMDA Receptor Antagonist Hemantane Reduces Ethanol Consumption in Long-Term Alcohol Experienced Rats

Kolik L.G., Nadorova A.V., Seredenin S.B.


Activity of hemantane, an amino adamantane derivative, exhibiting the properties of lowaffinity non-competitive NMDA receptor antagonist, was evaluated in experimental in vivo models of alcoholism. Hemantane had no effects on the formation and manifestation of behavioral sensitization to ethanol in DBA/2 mice. Under conditions of free choice between 10% ethanol and water, hemantane (20 mg/kg/day for 14 days, intraperitoneally) significantly reduced the daily ethanol intake in random-bred male rats with formed alcohol motivation (>4 g/kg of ethanol). During modelling of withdrawal syndrome, hemantane administered intraperitoneally in doses of 5-20 mg/kg dose-dependently attenuated alcohol-deprivation effect after acute withdrawal with no effects on protracted abstinence. It was found that hemantane suppressed alcohol drinking behavior in long-term ethanol experienced rats and attenuated alcohol-seeking behavior after acute withdrawal.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):152-157
pages 152-157 views


Gene TNF Polymorphism -308G>A (rs1800629) and Its Relationship with the Efficiency of Ursodeoxycholic Acid Therapy in Patients with Nonalcoholic Stetohepatitis

Topchieva L.V., Dudanova O.P., Kurbatova I.V.


Association of TNF gene polymorphism -308G>A with the development of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in the Russian population was revealed. Carriers of allele A of the TNF gene marker -308G>A have significantly higher risk of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis development: OR=1.69 (1.05; 2.71). Allele A carriage by this marker predicts an increase in the basal HDL level and a decrease in LDL and IL-10 levels in the blood of healthy subjects. Patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, differing by the TNF gene -308G>A marker genotype, differ by the time course of the markers of hepatocellular damage (ALT, AST), activity of hepatocyte apoptosis (tissue polypeptide-specific antigen), and activation of specific humoral immunity (γ-globulin) in response to therapy with ursodeoxycholic acid in a dose of 10-15 mg/kg over 4-6 weeks. Carriers of allele A of the TNF gene polymorphic marker -308G>A are more sensitive to ursodeoxycholic acid therapy than carriers of GG genotype.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):181-185
pages 181-185 views


Anterior Mediastinal Lymph Nodes in Chemically Induced Breast Cancer

Kazakov O.V., Kabakov A.V., Poveshchenko A.F., Raiter T.V., Strunkin D.N., Ishchenko I.Y., Lykov A.P., Michurina S.V., Konenkov V.I.


The anterior mediastinal lymph nodes were analyzed morphometrically in rats with chemically provoked breast cancer. Rats with untreated breast cancer and animals receiving chemotherapy demonstrated decreased volumes of paracortical region and lymphoid nodules with the germinal centers accompanied by extended medullary thymic substance. Resection of largest focus of breast tumor improved the filtration barrier potential of anterior mediastinal lymph nodes, up-regulated the proliferative activity of lymphoid cells in T-cell zones, and down-regulated proliferation of plasmatic cells.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):186-190
pages 186-190 views

Morphology and Pathomorphology

Immunomorphological Changes in the Olfactory Bulbs of Rats after Intranasal Administration of Rotenone

Voronkov D.N., Kutukova K.A., Ivanov M.V., Khudoerkov R.M.


Changes in the structure of the olfactory bulbs after long-term intranasal administration of pesticide rotenone, a classical inductor of parkinsonism, to rats were studied by the methods of immunomorphology. In rats intranasally receiving rotenone in a dose of 2.5 mg/kg every other day over 2 weeks, a decrease in the density of dopaminergic neurons and the area of astrocyte processes in the olfactory bulbs, activation of microglia in the glomerular layer, and enhanced α-synuclein phosphorylation and its accumulation in the bodies of mitral layer neurons were observed. The observed changes agree with the hypothesis on pathological α-synuclein transport via the olfactory route in Parkinson’s disease and confirm relevance of the rotenone model of Parkinson’s disease for studies of the pathological accumulation of α-synuclein.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):203-206
pages 203-206 views


Comparison of Different Methods of Purification and Concentration in Production of Influenza Vaccine

Asanzhanova N.N., Ryskeldinova S.Z., Chervyakova O.V., Khairullin B.M., Kasenov M.M., Tabynov K.K.


The overwhelming majority of influenza vaccines are prepared with the use of chicken embryo allantoic fluid. The presence of ovalbumin (this protein constitutes >60% total protein in the allantoic fluid) in the vaccine can lead to severe allergy. Hence, effective reduction of ovalbumin content is of crucial importance for vaccine production. We compared two methods of purification and concentration of influenza virus: zonal gradient ultracentrifugation and combined ultrafiltration/diafiltration and exclusion chromatography protocol, used for fabrication of seasonal vaccines. Combined chromatography is comparable with zonal centrifugation protocol by the results of ovalbumin removal (to meet standard requirements).

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):229-232
pages 229-232 views

Сell Technologies in Biology and Medicine

Modifying Effect of Autotransfusion of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells on the Production of Reactive Oxygen Species and Cytokines by Mononuclear Cells in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure

Petrov V.N., Agaeva E.V., Popovkina O.E., Konoplyannikov A.G., Kaplan M.A., Lepekhina L.A., Sayapina E.V., Semenkova I.V.


We studied in vivo modifying effect of autotransfusion of human bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells on ROS generation and production of cytokines (TNFα,TNFβ, IL-1α, IL-10, IFNγ, and GM-CSF) and PGE2 by mononuclear cells of patients (N=21) with chronic heart failure. These parameters were evaluated prior to (control) and after (immediately and on day 14) intravenous administration of stromal cells in doses of 100-200×106. Immediately after autotransfusion, significant increase of in vitro zymosan-induced chemiluminescence of blood mononuclear cells from 10 patients was observed. At later terms after autotransfusion (day 14), inhibition of chemiluminescent activity of blood mononuclear cells was revealed in 50% patients. We discuss possible mechanisms of involvement of transplanted autologous bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells in reprogramming of blood mononuclear phagocytes from the pro- to anti-inflammatory phenotype under conditions of their in vivo interaction manifesting in transition from activation to inhibition of ROS-producing activity of macrophages and significant suppression of in vitro LPS-induced production of TNFα and GM-CSF by blood mononuclears against the background of significantly elevated TNFβ, IL-10, and IL-1α concentrations.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):233-240
pages 233-240 views

Translated from Kletochnye Tekhnologii v Biologii i Meditsine (Cell Technologies in Biology and Medicine)

Morphofunctional Properties of Human Platelets Treated with Silver Nanoparticles

Makarov M.S., Borovkova N.V., Storozheva M.V.


We studied structural and functional properties of human platelets in the presence of nanosilver particles. Incubation with 0.05-5 μM silver nanoparticles suppressed platelet adhesion in a dose-dependent manner without affecting internal platelet structure; during adhesion, some granules were not exocytized. Spontaneous platelet activation was observed at nanoparticle concentrations 15-100 μM. Addition of 1-5 μM nanosilver to cells undergoing adhesion blocked massive platelet degranulation, but did not prevent the formation of lamellopodia. The maximum number of preserved granules in platelets was revealed in the presence of 2.5-5 μM silver nanoparticles: 50% after platelet preincubation with silver nanoparticles and 75-77% after stabilization of adherent platelets with silver nanoparticles.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):241-246
pages 241-246 views

Effect of Native and Modified Apolipoprotein A-I on DNA Synthesis in Cultures of Different Cells

Usynin I.F., Dudarev A.N., Miroshnichenko S.M., Tkachenko T.A., Gorodetskaya A.Y.


Culturing of bone marrow cells in serum-free RPMI-1640 medium for 24 h was accompanied by a decrease in the rate of [3H]-thymidine incorporation into DNA. Addition of native apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) or plasma LDL and HDL to the culture medium increased this parameter. In contrast to native apoA-I, its modified form decelerated DNA synthesis in bone marrow cells. A similar inhibitory effect of modified protein was observed in cultures of human embryonic kidney cells (HEK293) and in rapidly proliferating mouse macrophage cell line ANA-1. The only exclusion was human myeloid cell line U937: neither native nor modified apoA-I affected DNA synthesis in these cells. Thus, the regulatory effects of apoA-I are tissue-specific; this protein can produce either stimulatory or inhibitory effect on DNA biosynthesis in cells depending on its conformation.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):247-251
pages 247-251 views

Neuroprotective Effect of σ1-Receptors on the Cell Model of Huntington’s Disease

Bol’shakova A.V., Kraskovskaya N.A., Gainullina A.N., Kukanova E.O., Vlasova O.L., Bezprozvanny I.B.


Huntington’s disease is a hereditary neurodegenerative disease that primarily affects striatal neurons. Recent studies demonstrated abnormalities in calcium regulation in striatal neurons in Huntington’s disease, which leads to elimination of synaptic connections between cortical and striatal neurons. In the present study, we focused on the neuroprotective properties of σ1-receptor, because one of its main functions is associated with modulation of calcium homeostasis in cells. The application of selective σ1-receptor agonists to the corticostriatal cell culture restores synaptic connections between the cortical and striatal neurons. Based on the obtained data, we assume that σ1-receptor is a promising target for the development of drugs for the therapy of Huntington’s disease.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):252-258
pages 252-258 views

Characteristics of Trophoblasts in Long-Term Culture

Kolokol’tsova T.D., Saburina I.N., Nanovskaya T.N., Patrikeeva S.L., Vernikovskaya D.I., Zurina I.M., Gorkun A.A., Kosheleva N.V., Poltavtseva R.A., Sukhikh G.T.


We analyzed more than 40 cytotrophoblast cultures derived from cell islets that grew from trypsinized tissue fragments of placental microvilli. Phenotypic variability of trophoblasts was demonstrated. Changes in trophoblast morphology from epithelium-like or oval cells to bipolar and spindle-shaped or twisted and then to mesenchymal-like cells as well as intensive expression of cytokeratin-7 and vimentin attested to epithelial-mesenchymal transition of trophoblasts during in vitro culturing. Analysis of the expression of specific markers in long-term trophoblast culture (≥7 passages) revealed the possibility of culture contamination with other non-trophoblast cells including fibroblasts. High risk of trophoblast culture contamination with rapidly growing cells necessitates regular control of the cultures used in fundamental studies. Our experiments confirmed the possibility of long-term culturing of cells maintaining trophoblast properties. The identity and purity of 4 trophoblast cultures free from contamination and retaining the properties of pure culture during long-term (>10 passages) culturing in vitro were confirmed.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):259-265
pages 259-265 views

Prospect of Using Cell Product for the Therapy of Skin Defects in Diabetes Mellitus

Lykov A.P., Bondarenko N.A., Poveshchenko O.V., Miller T.V., Poveshchenko A.F., Surovtseva M.A., Bgatova N.P., Konenkov V.I.


The effectiveness of autologous cell product in the therapy of skin burn wounds was studied in C57B1/6 male mice against the background of streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus. In animals with and without modeled diabetes mellitus, significant decrease in skin defect area was observed after single administration of the cell product (bone marrow multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells, fibroblasts or media conditioned by these cells).

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):266-268
pages 266-268 views

Formation of Tissue-Engineered Construct of Human Cartilage Tissue in a Flow-Through Bioreactor

Sevastianov V.I., Basok Y.B., Grigor’ev A.M., Kirsanova L.A., Vasilets V.N.


We performed culturing of a cell-engineered construct of human cartilage tissue consisting of biopolymer microstructured collagen-containing hydrogel, human adipose tissue mesenchymal stromal cells, and induction chondrogenic culture medium in a specially designed flow-through bioreactor. On day 16 of the experiment, human adipose tissue mesenchymal stromal cells acquired flattened shape typical for chondroblasts, demonstrated high proliferative activity, and formed extracellular matrix. The observed histological changes in the cultured system attested to the beginning of the formation of a tissue-engineered construct of human cartilage tissue.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):269-273
pages 269-273 views

Structural Dynamics of Chondrocytes during Culturing

Omelyanenko N.P., Rodionov S.A.


We performed comparative analysis of the morphology of chondrocytes in normal cartilage, after their isolation from the tissue, and at different stages of culturing; structural dynamics of cells during culturing was also studied. Significant morphological differences in chondrocytes at the specified stages of their preparation to in vivo use were revealed. Pronounced structural changes (blebbing and cytoplasm swelling) were found in chondrocytes before their implantation, which can affect the formation of cartilage regenerate. The study was performed using light microscopy methods including time-lapse recording of the cell cultures with differential interference Nomarski contrasting combined with transmission electron microscopy.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):274-280
pages 274-280 views

Peculiarities of Cell Seeding on Polylactic Acid-Based Scaffolds Fabricated Using Electrospinning and Solution Blow Spinning Technologies

Afanasiev S.A., Muslimova E.F., Nashchekina Y.A., Nikonov P.O., Rogovskaya Y.V., Bolbasov E.N., Tverdokhlebov S.I.


We studied the possibility of seeding bone marrow-derived stromal cells onto polylactic acid-based scaffolds fabricated by electrospinning and solution blow spinning technologies. The cells were applied to the scaffolds by dynamic seeding and scaffolds were then cultured in Petri dishes in culture medium for 3 days. Cell migration to the Petri dish surface was noted only for scaffolds fabricated by electrospinning technology, but DAPI staining confirmed the presence of cells in both scaffolds. The mean number of cells in scaffolds fabricated by electrospinning and solution blow spinning was 56±9 and 81±6, respectively. The scaffold fabricated by solution blow spinning was more effectively (p<0.05) colonized by cells due to its more optimal spatial structure.

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2017;164(2):281-284
pages 281-284 views

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