
Adaptive Scheme for Stabilizing Oscillations of an Autonomous System
Tkhai V.
On Optimal Control of Harvesting of a Renewable Resource Distributed on the Earth Surface
Tunitsky D.
Stabilization of a Chain of Three Integrators Subject to a Phase Constraint
Pesterev A., Morozov Y.
Output Stabilization of Lurie-Type Nonlinear Systems in a Given
Nguyen B.
An Attracting Cycle in a Coupled Mechanical System with Phase Shifts in Subsystem Oscillations
Tkhay V.
Iterative Learning Control of Stochastic Multi-Agent Systems with Variable Reference Trajectory and Topology
Koposov A., Pakshin P.
Stabilizatsiya kolebaniy upravlyaemoy avtonomnoy sistemy
Tkhay V.
Global Stability of a Second-Order Affine Switching System
Pesterev A.
Simultaneous Stabilization of Second Order Linear Switched Systems Based on Superstability and D-Decomposition Technique
Shatov D.
Iterative Learning Control of a Discrete-Time System under Delay along the Sample Trajectory and Input Saturation
Pakshin P., Emel'yanova Y.
An Extension of the Feedback Linearization Method in the Control Problem of an Inverted Pendulum on a Wheel
Rapoport L., Generalov A., Barulin B., Gorbachev M.
Stability Analysis of Mechanical Systems with Highly Nonlinear Positional Forces under Distributed Delay
Aleksandrov A., Tikhonov A.
Global Stabilization of a Chain of Two Integrators by a Feedback in the Form of Nested Saturators
Pesterev A., Morozov Y.
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