
N.I. Vavilov, VIR, university
Inge-Vechtomov S.G.
Identification of effector genes of Parastagonospora nodorum, P. pseudonodorum in Tambov populations and sensitivity genes to NEs in varieties and hybrid lines of spring soft wheat
Zeleneva Y.V., Sudnikova V.P., Gusev I.V., Baranova O.A.
Ecological genetics. What is it? 20 years later
Inge-Vechtomov S.G., Barabanova L.V.
Review of population history reconstruction methods in conservation biology
Totikov A.A., Tomarovsky A.A., Yakupova A.R., Graphodatsky A.S., Kliver S.F.
Modern investigations of plant genetic resources. Development of scientific schools and guidelines founded by N.I. Vavilov
Khlestkina E.K.
G.D. Karpechenko — an outstanding geneticist, “sunny man”, legendary fellow-compatriot
Vishnyakova M.A.
Peterhof collection of rye and its use in genetic studies
Voylokov A.V., Sosnikhina S.P., Tikhenko N.D., Tsvetkova N.V., Mikhailova E.I., Smirnov V.G.
Polymorphisms of 5’-UTR of rad51 gene in prostate cancer
Al-Zoubi M.S., Al-Batayneh K., Al Trad B., Alorjani M., Al Bashir S., Al-Zoubi R., Al-Zoubi R., Al-Khatib S.M., Al Hamad M., Abd Al-Razaq M., Muhaidat R., Matalka I.
Review of heterozygosity visualization approaches in the context of conservation research
Tomarovsky A.A., Totikov A.A., Yakupova A.R., Graphodatsky A.S., Kliver S.F.
Cytogenetic methods of ecological stress indication in water and terrestrial biosystems
Daev E.V., Dukelskaya A.V., Barabanova L.V.
Genetic control of chlorophyll metabolism
Chekunova E.M.
1 - 11 of 11 Items

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