Peterhof collection of rye and its use in genetic studies

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The article provides information about the history and methods of development of “Peterhof” rye genetic collection, founded by V.S. Fedorov, Associate Professor of the Leningrad University. Isolation of self-compatible mutants, their crosses with self-incompatible rye plants, and subsequent self-pollination of hybrids allowed to reveal the allele diversity in heterogeneous and heterozygous rye varieties. In the course of genetic collection assembly the study of inheritance of qualitative and quantitative morphological traits, genetic control of self-compatibility, genetics of meiosis, genetics of interspecific incompatibility was performed. The corresponding genes were identified and, in most cases, mapped using isozymes and molecular markers. Fundamental research was introduced into practical breeding. Under the direction of V. S. Fedorov, and V. G. Smirnov the first in Russia tetraploid rye variety Leningradskaja Tetra was produced. Currently, based on the study of the genetics of self-fertility, the initial material is being obtained and used for improving rye population varieties. The possibility of using the genetic collection of rye to solve the fundamental problems of plant genetics is discussed.


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Copyright (c) 2018 Voylokov A.V., Sosnikhina S.P., Tikhenko N.D., Tsvetkova N.V., Mikhailova E.I., Smirnov V.G.

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