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Vol 20, No 3 (2022)

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From the Editorial Board

Modern investigations of plant genetic resources. Development of scientific schools and guidelines founded by N.I. Vavilov

Khlestkina E.K.


The issue No. 3 of the journal “Ecological Genetics” is dedicated to the 135th anniversary of Academician Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov, which is celebrated on November 25, 2022. N.I. Vavilov laid the foundations for systematic work with the world collections of cultivated plants and their wild relatives. To carry out large-scale work on the study of plant genetic resources, N.I. Vavilov attracted geneticists, biochemists, and physiologists to the institute he created. A distinctive feature of the extensive large-scale and complex studies of the VIR gene pool were the approaches that allowed generalizations of the observations made in the light of hereditary variability. The fundamental works of Vavilov and his associates in the direction of complex research of cultivated plants allowed to make cardinal transformations in the entire scientific and production chain “collection–prebeeding–beeding–seed production–production”. This issue presents a cross-section of modern works in the field of the study of plant genetic resources, which demonstrates the continuity and development at a new level of the directions founded by N.I. Vavilov and his associates.

Ecological genetics. 2022;20(3):169-173
pages 169-173 views

Genetic basis of ecosystems evolution

Genetic diversity of barley accessions from Mongolia for greenbug resistance

Radchenko E.E., Abdullaev R.A., Akimova D.E., Zajtseva I.Y.


BACKGROUND: Significant damage to barley crops in the southern regions of the Russian Federation is caused by the greenbug Schizaphis graminum Rondani. Cultivation of resistant varieties is a cheap, efficient and environmentally friendly way to combat the phytophage. The specificity of relations between S. graminum and barley is shown, that determines the need to broad the genetic diversity of cultivated varieties.

AIM: The study of effectiveness and genetic control of the greenbug resistance in barley accessions from Mongolia.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: We studied 175 barley landraces from Mongolia for resistance to the Krasnodar aphid population. We assessed damage to resistant lines selected from heterogeneous accessions k-3885, k-3904, and k-4080, as well as the variety Post (a carrier of the previously identified Rsg1 gene) by 86 aphid clones isolated from the population. Under laboratory conditions, the aphid resistance segregation of F2 hybrids was analyzed from crossing three accessions from Mongolia with a susceptible tester.

RESULTS: Five heterogeneous accessions were identified, in which plants with high resistance to the pest were found; in 28 accessions, damage to the leaf surface of the resistant component varied from 31% to 60%. As a result of the assessment of the resistance of four barley accessions to S. graminum clones, 15 virulence phenotypes were identified. Accessions k-3885, k-3904 and k-4080 each have one dominant resistance allele, which differ from each other and differ from Rsg1.

CONCLUSIONS: The genetic diversity of barley accessions from Mongolia in terms of greenbug resistance is low. The genotypes of S. graminum differentially interact not only with the major, but also with weakly manifested barley resistance genes.

Ecological genetics. 2022;20(3):175-182
pages 175-182 views

Search for SNP markers of stress tolerance in the TaDREB1 and TaWRKY19 genes of bread wheat in the Cis-Ural steppe zone

Zaikina E.A., Ismagilov K.R., Kuluev B.R.


BACKGROUND: Under the conditions of the Cis-Ural steppe zone, abiotic stress factors such as winter conditions and drought have a negative impact on the yield of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). However, the efficiency of breeding to these stress factors is limited by wide variations depending on the weather conditions in different years. To collect stress-resistant forms in the selected material, genomic selection can be used, however, SNP markers of drought tolerance and winter hardiness of bread wheat, unique to this region, are unknown.

AIM: The purpose of this study is to identify SNP markers in the genes of the key transcription factors of bread wheat TaDREB1 and TaWRKY19, which are involved in the regulation of plant resistance to abiotic stresses.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: 16 varieties and lines of bread wheat were analyzed, contrasting in terms of winter hardiness and drought tolerance. DNA from wheat leaves was isolated by the standard CTAB method. Primers were selected, fragments of open reading frames of the studied genes were amplified, and nucleotide sequences were determined by automatic capillary sequencing.

RESULTS: Among the analyzed bread wheat varieties and lines, 12 SNPs in the TaDREB1 gene and 5 SNPs in TaWRKY19 were found.

CONCLUSIONS: The results of statistical analysis showed that substitution 866 T/A in the TaDREB1 gene is associated with winter hardiness, while substitution 587 A/G in the TaWRKY19 gene is associated with winter hardiness and drought resistance.

Ecological genetics. 2022;20(3):183-192
pages 183-192 views

The use of R-nj, B1, Pl1 genes to improve marker properties in the selection of maize haploinducers

Liu X., Ulyanov A.V., Khatefov E.B.


BACKGROUND: Studies were carried out on the creation of haploinductor lines using various methods for testing haploinductor and marker ability from the VIR maize genetic collection, adapted to the conditions of the Liaoning province in China and the South of Russia.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: On 22 maize testers, studies were carried out on the creation of haploinductor lines and testing the haploinductor and marker ability by the test-cross method. Sources of R1-nj, B1, Pl1 genes from the VIR maize genetic collection were used.

RESULTS: The lines of maize haploinducers Liaoyu No. 1, Liaoyu No. 2, Liaoyu No. 3 and Liaoyu No. 4 were created with a haploinduction frequency of 6.85%, 7.53%, 6.66% and 6.03%. respectively, with a high quality of labeling with the R1-nj, B1, Pl1 genes in test crosses.

CONCLUSIONS: In the process of selection of haploid maize on the basis of genes A, haploinductor lines with a high frequency of haploinduction and high efficiency of markers in test crosses, abundant pollen and grain productivity, resistance to late blight and lodging, and adaptation to the agroclimatic zone of Shenyang Province (China) were obtained and the North Caucasian Federal District (Russia).

Ecological genetics. 2022;20(3):193-202
pages 193-202 views

The efficiency of molecular markers of the SKr suppressor gene that determines the crossability of common wheat with rye

Porotnikov I.V., Puykkenen V.P., Antonova O.Y., Mitrofanova O.P.


BACKGROUND: Among the genes involved in the control of crossing between common wheat and rye, the dominant suppressor SKr (Suppressor of crossability) having the major effect on inhibiting crossability is the most studied. DNA-markers have been developed for this gene. There are cases of successful application of some of them in wheat breeding, but there is practically no information about their diagnostic efficiency in screening of ex situ collections.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: To evaluate the effectiveness of SKr markers Xcfb341, TGlc2, gene12 и gene13 to identify forms with high crossability with rye, we studied 103 bread wheat accessions from the VIR collection with different seed set (0–93%) after pollinated with rye.

RESULTS: Efficiency in detection crossable forms (upper 15%) was demonstrated by markers Xcfb341, TGlc2 and gene12. No significant allele-trait association was found for gene13 marker. Ten haplotypes were identified based on four markers. Five haplotypes were revealed for accessions from China, while two of them were associated with “high crossability”. Eleven accessions including the line L6-HSR were heterogenic in markers. For this line the relationship of diagnostic fragments with the crossability level observed in the field has been experimentally confirmed.

CONCLUSIONS: The SKr gene markers studied can be used for accessions searching at ex situ collections that potentially have high crossability with rye, for controlling the retention of recessive skr alleles when regenerating seed accessions, as well as in breeding programs.

Ecological genetics. 2022;20(3):203-214
pages 203-214 views

Influence of air humidity on variability of morphological features of Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. in artificial conditions

Krylova E.A., Khlestkina E.K., Burlyaeva M.O.


Vigna unguiculata (cowpea) is a species widely cultivated in southern countries, it occupies the third place in the world in terms of cultivation area among leguminous crops. Cowpea is distinguished by its resistance to drought and infertile lands, productivity, nutritional value and excellent culinary qualities of pods and seeds. In recent years interest in vegetable varieties of cowpea has increased in Russia. It is necessary the creation of new varieties that adapted to cultivation in different regions and suitable for mechanized cultivation. The type of stem growth habit is one of important signs in the selection of modern cowpea varieties. Knowledge of variability and stability of this feature and its interrelationships with other morphological features is necessary for the effective implementation of culture breeding programs.

4 cowpea samples with different growth types were the material in this study. The plants were grown in contrast air humidity conditions — at 60% and 90%. At total 14 morphological features were analyzed in 110 plants. The analysis revealed the significant influence of air humidity on the variability of the length and width of the first leaf. It was shown influence of humidity on the ability of plants to form a climbing shoot. The variability of length of the second internode, the pod length and the width of the middle leaflet was depended on the individual characteristics of the genotype. The variation in plant length was due to a complex of factors and it was interrelated with growth conditions and genotypic characteristics. In addition, an unidentifiable effect of air humidity on the growth habit type of different samples was revealed.

Ecological genetics. 2022;20(3):215-229
pages 215-229 views

Specific features of the biochemical composition of life forms of black medic (Medicago lupulina L.)

Malysheva N.Y., Shelenga T.V., Solovyeva A.E., Malyshev L.L.


BACKGROUND: Black medic is used as a pasture, cover, siderate, anti-erosion culture for fixing embankments along roads, on mining dumps and for phytoremediation. Mono-, bi- and polycarpic forms are distinguished within the species, differing in the number of fruitions during the plant life cycle. The presence of polymorphism of morphological features and features of ontogenesis suggests the presence of differences in biochemical parameters in the selected groups.

AIM: The aim of the study was to study the polymorphism of biochemical parameters of various life forms of black medic.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The material for the study was 20 accessions of black medic of various origins from groups of mono-, bi- and polycarpic plants of the VIR collection. For the study, a freshly harvested green mass of plants was used. The assessment was carried out according to the following biochemical parameters: the content of dry matter, protein, sugars, ascorbic acid, total acidity, chlorophylls, carotenoids, carotenes, β-carotene, anthocyanins. Statistical processing of the results included calculation of the main parameters of variation, analysis of variance and discriminant analysis.

RESULTS: The nutritional value of black medic was characterized by the content of crude protein and sugars. The range of protein variability ranged from 11,94 to 19,69 mg / 100 g of raw matter, sugars — from 0,44 to 2,67%. Differences in the sugar content of plants of different groups were revealed. The content of ascorbic acid was the highest in five varieties from the polycarpic plant group presented in the study in comparison with wild-growing accessions and the monocarpic Bereginya variety. Monocarpics are distinguished by the content of anthocyanin (19,5 ± 1,41 mg / 100 g); no significant differences were found in the content of other pigments.

CONCLUSIONS: The results of in-depth biochemical analysis of accessions from the collection of plant genetic resources demonstrate the high variability of biologically active substances in the green mass of plants and will significantly improve the choice of the initial material for selection for forage usage.

Ecological genetics. 2022;20(3):231-242
pages 231-242 views

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