G.D. Karpechenko — an outstanding geneticist, “sunny man”, legendary fellow-compatriot

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Georgy Dmitrievich Karpechenko was the organizer and the first head of VIR’s Genetics Department (1925–1940) and the first head of the Chair of Plant Genetics at Leningrad University (1932–1940). The charm of the personality of the great scientist is evident not only from his letters to colleagues and relatives: it is seen in his reports at scientific forums, it is preserved in the genetic memory of fellow countrymen from his small homeland in the town of Velsk. Cordiality, love of life, openness, kindness, sense of humor coexisted in him with unbending firmness, integrity, intolerance towards trampling on the scientific truth, towards any untruth, towards pseudoscience. The article presents a series of previously unpublished archival facts, excerpts from his personal correspondence, as well as evidence of the zeal of the inhabitants of Velsk in perpetuating the name of G.D. Karpechenko.


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Ceremony of laying the monument to G.D. Karpechenko. Velsk, 1989. From left to right: M.E. Ramenskaya (secretary of the Vavilov’s commission, MSU, Moscow), T.K. Lassan (VIR, Leningrad), I.A. Zakharov (IOGEN RAS, Moscow), A.S. Kuzmin (Velsk), R.H. Makasheva (VIR, Leningrad), N.A. Chuksanova (BIN RAS, Leningrad), V.G. Karpechenko (Moscow); at the background: Yu.L. Goroshchenko (LSU, Leningrad), … V.G. Smirnov (LSU). To the right of the pedestal in the first row: N.N. Orpova (MSU), G.G. Shubina (Velsk); in the second row: M.M. Aslanyan (MSU), … B.V. Simarov, N.A. Provorov (VNIISHM, Leningrad)

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3. Fig. 2. Portrait sculpture of G.D. Karpechenko installed on June 19, 2009 in the square in the yard of his house in Velsk by the grateful citizens

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4. Fig. 3. New plaque with the street name after renaming. June, 2011, Velsk

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