Financial Worries of Americans Before the Presidential Elections in the U.S.

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The article addresses the concerns of Americans about their financial state, despite the stabilizing economic conditions post-pandemic. The overall positive economic trends don’t correspond to a wild range of concerns about personal finances, including difficulties with paying bills, cutting on nonessentials (like entertainment, holiday trips etc.), and other household worries. With the uncertainty that prices may rise again, the adults are afraid they won’t be able to finance their families’ needs. At the same time more Americans are experiencing anxiety not only about their own financial position, but also about the economic situation in the country, the direction the economy is headed; worry about the deficit of federal budget. Being in the process of transformation, the opinions of Americans reflect growing challenges to their financial stability, both currently and in the long term.

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About the authors

L. F Lebedeva

Georgy Arbatov U.S. and Canada Institute Russian Academy of Sciences

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4464-2916
Scopus Author ID: 56808936800
Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, honored scientist of the Russian Federation, Chief researcher Moscow, Russian Federation


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