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Current situation of crop production branch of Khabarovskiy Kray

Aseeva T., Sinegovsky M.


The paper analyzes the level and current state of crop production and the main agricultural crops of the Khabarovsk Territory, considers the current trends and patterns of development. It has been revealed that the share of agricultural products of the region in the gross regional product is at the level of 2%, while half of the contribution to the region's agriculture is made by crop production with a production volume of 9.48 billion rubles per year. Arable land area of the Khabarovsk Territory for the period 2017-2021 varied from 55.4 thousand ha to 68.6 thousand ha. Soybean can be considered the main agricultural crop of the region in terms of area. The soybean yield in the region has increased by 35% over the past 5 years and amounted to 1.55 t/ha in 2021. Under its crops, more than half of the total area of the region is occupied annually. Also, the article shows the state of technical equipment of the agriculture of the region and the pace of its renewal, indicating a positive pace of renewal of the machine and tractor fleet of the Khabarovsk Territory.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(3):4-6
pages 4-6 views

Model of winter soft wheat variety for steppe condition zone

Fomenko M., Grabovets A., Oleynikova T., Babrovskaya E., Chernousov E.


Due to the increased aridization of the environment in the main agricultural zones of the Don, the parameters of the model of winter soft wheat varieties of intensive and semi-intensive types have been clarified. At the present stage, the potential productivity of intensive wheat at a high agrofone is 9,0-10,5 t/ha of grain, which is due to the productive stem of 660-800 ears/m2. In semi-intensive varieties on the average agrophone, the values of these indicators are respectively 7,0-7,5 t/ha and 580-620 ears/m2. The productivity of the ear, respectively, should be 1,2-1,5 g and 1,1-1,2 g and with a grain share in the cenosis of 40-45% and 36-38%, respectively. With different stress factors, the peculiarities of the formation of agroecotypes of new varieties were revealed. The selection criterion for drought-resistant productive forms was the selection of genotypes with a high yield index. However, the main trend related to productivity and adaptability in drought conditions is the creation of new genotypes with increased grain weight from the plant and from the ear. This is the most objective integrated assessment of their drought resistance. The progress in the yield growth of semi-dwarf and medium-sized wheat varieties is also due to an increase in the capacity of cenosis. as a result of the use of new parameters of the model of intensive and high-intensity genotypes, varieties of winter soft wheat Donmira, Akapella, Bogema, Bylina Dona i Pal'mira 18, Kuryanochka 19, Pafos, developed for the Central Chernozem, North Caucasus, Lower Volga, Middle Volga and Ural regions, were created and included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements in 2019-2022. These varieties are well adapted for arid regions according to the complex of breeding and valuable traits.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(3):7-12
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Spring wheat and triticale varieties productivity in risk farming area

Zenkina K., Aseeva T.


The studies were carried out in 2015-2022 at the Far Eastern Research Institute of Agriculture (Khabarovsk Territory). The object of study is released varieties of spring wheat (Khabarovchanka, Lira-98, Anfeya) and spring triticale (Ukro, Rovnya, Grebeshok). Agrometeorological conditions during the years of research were varied: 2015, 2016, 2019, 2022 - with excessive moisture, 2021 - insufficient precipitation, 2017, 2018 - within the average annual values. As a result of the research, it was found that under favorable conditions, the yield of triticale varieties was 45.2-79.8 centners per hectare, under the influence of limited factors, this indicator decreases by 3.6-5.0 times, and the formation of the productivity of wheat samples in the region is more stable. (average yield was 33.6-51.4 сentners per hectare). In terms of grain quality, there were differences in grain crops - wheat varieties accumulate a high amount of protein in grain (more than 15 %), triticale samples have the highest content of lysine in grain (more than 400 mg/%). It was revealed that the signs of productivity in the zone of risky farming in triticale and wheat varieties are inversely correlated with agrometeorological environmental conditions. High correlations were noted between: yield and heat in July for the triticale variety Grebeshok (r=0.75), grain size and heat in May and July for samples of triticale Grebeshok and Rovnya (r=0.74 and r=0.73 respectively), yield and amount of precipitation in June for wheat varieties Khabarovchanka and Lira-98 (r= -0.77 and r= -0.78 respectively), weight of 1000 grains and surface air temperature for variety Lira-98 (r= - 0.78).
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(3):13-15
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Sources of selective-valuable traits of spring soft wheat in South Dagestan conditions

Shikhmuradov A.


In 2019-2021 the 1985 samples of spring soft wheat from the world collection of the Vavilov N.I. All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources named after (VIR) on a set of selection-valuable traits. Field and laboratory evaluations were carried out according to the VIR guidelines. As a result of the field study, samples of spring soft wheat with a complex of breeding valuable traits and combining high grain productivity were identified. Particularly important for breeding are samples that combine resistance to a complex of diseases (powdery mildew, brown and yellow rust) with high productivity from India - k-6414, k-5627, Afghanistan - k-12437.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(3):16-18
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Creation of new rice genotypes tolerant to long-term water flooding using DNA markers

Dubina E., Lesnyak S., Garkusha S., Makukha Y., Kutischeva A.


The aim of this work is to search for informative molecular markers for the identification of the Sub1A gene in rice breeding material. Studies have been carried out to identify specialized DNA marker systems that provide a clear control of the inheritance of the target locus on the basis of tolerance to prolonged flooding with water, as a factor in the fight against weeds. Of the studied set of microsatellite markers (13 SSRs), two SSR markers (RM 7481, PrC3) showed high efficiency in detecting polymorphism between donor varieties and varieties of domestic selection. Based on them, the DNA of the obtained hybrid rice plants of the F2 segregating population was analyzed for this trait and a laboratory express method was performed to evaluate the phenotype. During the statistical analysis, it was found that both SSR markers are co-heritable with the trait of tolerance to prolonged flooding under water, and on their basis, plants were selected that have the target gene in the genotype in the homozygous state, which were transferred to the breeding process for study by morphometric characteristics and economically valuable traits.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(3):19-23
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Efficiency of tank mixes usage to protect sweet corn from pests

Khanieva I., Shibzukhov Z., Kashukoev M., Magomedov K., Boziev A.


The article presents the results of a study to identify the effectiveness of the use of Aktofit, Lepidocid, Aktara, Aktellik, Admiral and their tank mixtures against cotton budworm in the foothill zone of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. Sweet corn is a vegetable crop that is the most demanding on growing conditions and requires attention to itself. It is especially important to obtain high-quality sweet corn cobs. The yield and quality indicators of sweet corn cobs are significantly affected by such pests: meadow moth, stalk moth, cotton budworm, aphids, swedish fly, chickweed. The most dangerous among them is the cotton budworm, it is difficult to deal with it. The period of formation of butterflies is more than a month, during which time several generations appear. The cotton bollworm causes irreparable damage if no measures are taken to protect the cobs. The usage of different treatment schemes affected not only the number of the pest, but also the damage to the cobs, taking into account the lateral damage to the cobs. When selling cobs with upper damage, it is possible to cut off the damaged part and present it as a marketable one, and in case of lateral damage, the entire cob is rejected. Having carried out chemical and biological treatments, the number of lateral damaged cobs was noticeably reduced. This is due to the fact that the number of individuals decreased sharply and did not have time to breed on the sides of the cobs. It was found that without the use of treatments, the length of damage to the cobs reached 3.5 cm. In the variants with the Aktara + Admiral tank mixture, the length of damage to the cobs was 1.3 cm, and ac Aktara + Aktellik - 1.5 cm. Thus, the best treatment scheme was determined: 1. Aktara + Actellik (0.1+0.5 l/ha); 2. Aktara + Admiral, (0.1+0.5 l/ha), which had the lowest indicators: the number of damaged ears, the length of the damage and the number of ears with lateral damage, as well as the percentage of marketable yield was higher.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(3):24-27
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Economic and energy efficiency of perennial agrophytocenoses with the jerusalem artichoke participation in the Karelia conditions

Evstratova L., Kondratyuk E.


The article presents the results of the research of cultivation technology of topinambur with perennial legumes and grasses in the Republic of Karelia. The highest dry mass yield (9.3 t/ha) has been achieved by joint agrophytocenosis with Helianthustuberosus L. in comparison with the control of timothy grass + brome grass + clover (7.9 t/ha). Inclusion of topinambur has increased productivity of perennial stands of grass (7.99 thousand fodder units, 97.0 GJ of metabolizable energy, 1.34 t of crude protein per 1 ha). On the basis of economic and energy efficiency, it has been proved that agrophytocenoses of topinambur and perennial legumes and grasses are the most economically efficient. The maximum value of the agro-energy coefficient in terms of metabolizable energy has been obtained in the following variant: timothy grass + brome grass + clover + topinambur.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(3):28-31
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Influence of planting and maintenance practices on the soil’s agrophysical properties, yield and quality of potato varieties of kamchatka breeding

Gainatulina V., Khasbiullin R., Khasbiullina O.


The influence of different technological methods of planting and care, different in the number of treatments and timing of formation of a full ridge profile on the agrophysical properties of soil, the formation of yields in the cultivation of new varieties of potatoes of Kamchatka breeding, to improve the existing technology was studied. Rolling the soil when planting potatoes, contributed to the conservation of moisture in the soil at an average of 1.6%. During the vegetation period soil moisture was the highest at potato planting with soil consolidation and ridging in the period of mass sprouts and made up 36,65 % at 34,04 % in the control. On the average during the vegetation period, the soil volume weight in the layer 0-15 cm varied within the range 0,64-0,66 g/cm3 and was optimal for potatoes. Application of new technological methods in growing potatoes had a positive effect on the structural and aggregate state of the soil. At different system of care during vegetation the maximum size of a ridge was formed at early ridge formation with filling of shoots, the ridge height before harvesting averaged 24.5 cm, and the area of cross-section 930.4 cm2, increase to the control - 16.0 cm and 572.6 cm2 respectively. This method created favorable conditions for the development and accumulation of potato yield, the yield of the variety Geyser was 37.6 t/ha, Vulkan - 33.3 t/ha. Covering of soil at planting and ridge forming during the period of mass potato shoots promoted the increase of the crop capacity of the variety Geyser by 4,7 t/ha (14,3 %), Vulkan - 3,7 t/ha (12,5 %), due to soil rolling the increase of the crop capacity on the variety Geyser was on the average 4,0 %, Vulkan - 2,6 %, due to ridge forming - 10,0 %, 9,6 % respectively.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(3):32-36
pages 32-36 views

Evaluation of the productivity of open ground cucumbers according to the adaptability parameters in the Middle Amur region conditions

Kuzmitskaya N., Yurechko T., Kuzmitskaya G.


The research was conducted in 2019-2021 in the Khabarovsk district of the Khabarovsk Territory in the open ground at the breading plot of the Vegetable Crops and Potato Department of the Far Eastern Agricultural Research Institute on the meadow-brown heavy loamy soils. The purpose of the research is to evaluate the variety samples of open-ground cucumber by yield and adaptability parameters in the conditions of the Middle Amur region. The material for the study were 15 variety samples of breeding by the Far Eastern Agricultural Research Institute. The meteorological conditions in the years of researches differed from the long-term average values, especially in the amount of precipitation. The hydrothermal conditions in the active growing season of cucumber in the summer months were characterized mainly by redundant humidification, hydrothermal coefficient = 2.1-5.4. The average annual yield of cucumber for three years was 21.4 t/ha. The level of the average yield varied from 17.1 to 27.2 t/ha. The indicator of quantitative variability on the trait of yield varied from insignificant V=0.75-5.80% to average V=11.11-12.43% variation. “Mig” variety sample and the variety samples № 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10 (bi=1.22-2.81) are among the varieties of the narrowly adaptive type (bi>1). “Khabar”, “Yerofey”, “Naslednik” variety samples and the variety samples № 2, 3, 7, 8, 11 are among the varieties of neutral or broadly adaptive type (bi<1). “Mig”, “Yerofey” variety samples and the variety samples № 1, 2, 3, 6, 10 (σ2d=0.002-0.187) turned out to be highly stable varieties capable to maintain an optimal level of yield in various soil and climatic conditions. According to the results of comprehensive assessment and ranking of data from 15 samples of open-ground cucumber according to the parameters of adaptability and stability and value of yield, the zoned “Mig”, “Khabar”, “Naslednik” variety samples and future variety samples № 1, 3, 7 (Σ Ranks =42-59) have shown up.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(3):37-42
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Papirovka tetraploid is a source for summer triploid apple trees creation

Yanchuk T., Sedov E., Korneeva S., Veprintseva M.


Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding (VNIISPK) is the oldest breeding and pomological institution of Russia and one of the main suppliers of new apple cultivars in Central Russia. To date, the Institute has created and included in the State Register 56 apple cultivars of different maturation periods for the conditions of the Middle zone of Russia. In addition, our Institute took part in the creation of a number of cultivars for the North Caucasus. We have numerously drawn attention to the value of apple varieties of folk selection in creating adaptive, competitive cultivars. In this paper we tried to show the role of the tetraploid form of Papirovka of folk selection in the creation of new summer triploid cultivars with more regular fruiting and more marketable fruits. 20 cultivars have been created with the participation of the varieties of folk selection, including six cultivars with the participation of Antonovka Krasnobochka: Zarianka, Orlovsky Pioner, Pamyat Isaeva, Patriot, Svezhest and Slavyanin; five cultivars with the participation of tetraploid Papirovka: Avgusta, Dariona, Maslovskoye, Osipovskoye and Yablochny Spas; five cultivars with the participation of folk variety Antonovka Obyknovennaya widely distributed in the central part of Russia: Zdorovie, Imrus, Morozovskoye, Orlovim and Pamyat Voinu; three cultivars with the participation of Skryzhapel: Bolotovskoye, Vavilovskoye and Nizkorosloye; Ranneye Aloye with the participation of Papirovka (diploid). Of particular interest, in our opinion, are the summer triploid cultivars obtained with the participation of the variety of folk selection Papirovka tetraploid.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(3):43-45
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Evaluation of the mechanical and biochemical composition of rare citrus taxa fruits in the Russia’s humid subtropics

Kuleshov A., Kulyan R., Belous O.


In the present study, an assessment was made of the mechanical and biochemical composition of the fruits of rare citrus taxa grown in the humid subtropics of Russia. The studies were carried out on the basis of the bioresource collection of citrus crops of the Federal Research Center "Subtropical Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences" (Sochi). The objects were 13 taxa of the genus Citrus belonging to the rare category: C. aurantiifolia Sw. (cv. ‘Tahiti’, cv. ‘Foro’), C. × aurantium var. myrtifolia Ker Gawl. cv. ‘Cinotto’, C. × bergamia Risso Poit., C. × ichangensis Sw., C. limon L. ‘Del Brasil’, C. × limonelloides Hayata, C. × limetta Risso cv. ‘Chontipico’, C. maxima Burm. Merr. cv. ‘Sambokan’, C. medica L. (var. sarcodactylus Sw.), C. × meyerii Yu. Tanaka. Measurement of the mass concentration of organic acids, sugars and vitamin C was carried out by capillary electrophoresis using the Kapel-105M system. The results showed that the studied taxa have fruits with different mechanical and biochemical composition. All studied rare taxa were divided into three groups according to fruit weight: small-fruited, medium-fruited and large-fruited. Taxa C. × meyeri, C. maxima cv. ‘Sambokan’, C. aurantifolia, C. aurantifolia had a high juice yield from 51.3 to 57.2%. The maximum levels of vitamin C were noted in C. × aurantium var. myrtifolia ‘Cinotto’, C. × limetta ‘Chontipico’ and C. medica. Among the organic acids identified, citric and malic acids were the most common, followed by tartaric and succinic acids, although other acids predominated for some taxa. Most samples have the highest amount of sucrose, followed by fructose and glucose. The least amount of sucrose was found in C. aurantifolia ‘Foro’, C. × aurantium var. myrtifolia ‘Cinotto’ and C. × limetta ‘Chontipico’ Fruits of C. × aurantium var. myrtifolia ‘Cinotto’, for C. maxima ‘Sambokan’, for C. × limetta ‘Chontipico’. For all the studied objects, a high assessment was given to the appearance of the plant, fruits, which indicates their decorative properties.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(3):46-52
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Field and laboratory investigations of clonal rootstocks in South Cisbaikal

Rachenko M., Rachenko A., Kiseleva E.


The study of the possibility of using low-growing clonal rootstocks in the conditions of the South Сisbaikal, the territory most suitable for horticulture in the Irkutsk region, was the goal of this work. The studies were carried out in 2017-2022 on experimental plots, which are located in the Irkutsk district of the Irkutsk region and on the territory of SIPPB SB RAS (Irkutsk). Assembled collection was included: six varieties of clonal rootstocks bred by MichGAU (62-396, 54-118, 70-20-20, 70-6-8, 64-143, 62-223), stock bred by A.P. Apoyan (Armenian RIVWFG) (Arm18), rootstock of Estonian selection (E56), eight rootstocks of Orenburg ESHV selection (Ural, Ural2, Ural5, 18-7, B-3-4, 4-12, 8-2, OB), rootstock Crimean OSH (K-2). The conducted field observations allow us to state that clonal rootstocks can be used in horticulture in the South Сisbaikal. We found out that of all the studied clonal rootstocks, the rootstocks of the Ural selection Ural and Ural 2 and the rootstock of the Estonian selection E-56 showed high winter hardiness. We attributed clonal rootstocks 70-6-8, Arm18, K-2 to low winter-hardiness. The rest of the rootstocks over the years of research showed an average winter hardiness. The results of laboratory studies confirmed the high winter hardiness of E-56. The study of cultivar-rootstock combinations showed good compatibility of clonal rootstocks with semi-cultivated apple trees: strong fusion of the rootstock with the scion, active growth, well-developed leaf apparatus, the absence of any signs of starvation and discoloration. It has been statistically proven that the variety and type of rootstock affect the degree of temperature damage to the fruit tree. Highly winter-hardy clonal rootstocks and medium-hardy clonal rootstocks with high regenerative capacity were selected as promising for breeding.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(3):53-57
pages 53-57 views

Adaptive restructuring of grape metabolism in winter period

Kiseleva G., Ilina I., Zaporozhets N., Sokolova V., Lutsky E.


In the unstable conditions of the Anapo-Taman zone of the Krasnodar Krai, the urgency of the problem of winter hardiness of grapes increases due to an increase in the average annual air temperature against the background of an increase in the frequency of low critical air temperatures in the winter. The adaptive rearrangements of grape metabolism associated with resistance to winter stresses have been studied. Objects of research: grape varieties of different ecological and geographical origin: Crystal, Dostoyny, Krasnostop AZOS, Vostorg, Aligote, Zarif. The electrophoretic separation of peroxidases in polyacrylamide gel in the studied grape varieties revealed that the quantitative and qualitative composition of isoforms changed during the winter period and depended on the variety and the influence of the stress factor. During the autumn-winter period, the varieties Crystal, Krasnostop AZOS, Vostorg revealed an increased total content of anthocyanins in (13.2-14.4 conventional units), ascorbic acid in shoots (13.7-18.4 µg/g of raw weight) in contrast to the varieties Aligote, Zarif. According to the research, it was found that the Crystal grape variety has increased frost resistance, followed in descending order by Krasnostop AZOS, Vostorg, Dostoyny. These varieties have great adaptive capabilities in unstable conditions of a changing climate and are recommended for cultivation in the Anapo-Taman zone, as well as for use in breeding as sources of frost resistance. Varieties Aligote, Zarif are singled out as less frost-resistant.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(3):58-62
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Influence of agromelioration and drainage methods on the field crops productivity

Mitrofanov Y., Gulyaev M., Pervushina N.


The effectiveness of ameliorative strip loosening to a depth of 50-60 cm and volumetric soil slotting to 45-50 cm, their influence on the productivity of field crops and agrophysical properties of drained soils with different ameliorative systems (interdrainage distance of 18 and 28 m) was studied. The experiment was carried out in the period 2015-2021. at the Gubino agricultural polygon of the All-Russian Research Institute of Reclaimed Lands (Tver Region). The soil is soddy-podzolic cultivated light loamy gleyic, drained by closed pottery drainage, formed on a moraine. Volumetric slotting was carried out with a specially designed tool with filling the subarable part of the slot with crushed straw and plant residues mixed with a humus layer. Ameliorative loosening (MR) was carried out with a converted chisel plow. The pitch of slotting and MP is 140 cm. According to the generalized data, the best results on both drainage systems were obtained in the variant with volume slotting. Ameliorative loosening increased the yield of grain crops, on average over 5 years, by 0.60 t/ha (17.0%) and 0.79 t/ha (20.7%), slotting by 0.90 and 1.02 t/ha ha (25.6 and 26.7%), respectively. Additional grain harvest for the five-year period of MR action on the estimated drainage was 3.0, on sparse - 3.95 t/ha, and with volumetric slotting of the soil - 4.5 and 5.1 t/ha, respectively. On spring rapeseed, the best results were also obtained in the variant with sparse drainage and volumetric slotting of the soil. The increase in the yield of green mass in this variant, on average over 3 years, amounted to 3.6 t/ha of green mass, or 19.0%. It has been established that on soddy-podzolic light loamy gleyic soils with an atmospheric type of water supply, when designing ameliorative systems for field crop rotations, it is possible to use drainage systems with extended, compared to the calculated, interdrainage distances, which helps to reduce the cost of drainage. The use of land reclamation techniques increases the efficiency of sparse drainage.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(3):63-69
pages 63-69 views

Influence of crop rotations on soil density

Zamyatin S., Svechnikov A.


The survey objective is to study and evaluate soil density as one of its most important agrophysical properties. А two-factor experiment was conducted with two establishment of trial in 1996-2021 yrs.: factor A - crop rotations (one grain-grass and three fruit-changing), factor B - the level of mineral fertilizers. For the first time in the Mari El Republic, it was studied and found that the soil bulk density under perennial legumes in a layer of 0-20 cm was 1.34-1.28 g/cm3, under winter crops 1.29-1.28 g/cm3, spring crops 1.26-1.24 g/cm3, potatoes 1.15-1.12 g/cm3. Soil density decreased by the end of the growing season. Long-term fertilizations promotes the root development and leads to soil decompaction. The lowest average density per rotation was under the crops of the second crop rotation, where manure was used for potatoes. It was 1.24-1.23 g/cm3 at the beginning of the growing season. Potato cultivation increased soil density by 0.01 g/cm3 without organic fertilizations in crop rotations I and III. Perennial grasses without growing potatoes further increased the soil density at the vegetation beginning to 1.27-1.26 g/cm3. This trend persisted under crop rotations by the middle of the growing season. The difference between the soil density of grain-grass and fruit-changing crop rotations was 0.03-0.04 g/cm3 by the vegetation end.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(3):70-75
pages 70-75 views

Increasing the productive potential of large and small cattle breed resources in the South of Russia based on modern breeding methods

Gorlov I., Slozhenkina M., Anisimova E., Karpenko E., Mosolova D.


The results of the genetic characteristics research of large and small cattle populations grown in the Southern Russia are stated. Breed-specific DNA patterns have been identified in three of the most common cattle breeds of meat productivity in arid conditions. The milk productivity of Holstein cows of different breeding lines has been studied. It was found that increasing the frequency of animals of Vis Back Ideal and Reflection Sovering lines in the parent pairs could be able to increase the level of milk productivity of offspring and improve the quality indicators of dairy raw materials. The adaptive abilities and milk productivity of imported foreign Holstein cows depending on their origin were estimated. In comparison with Australian and Danish Holstein cows, American and German analogues have a higher level of milk productivity. However Australian and Danish animals have a more flexible adaptive capacity. As a result of the comparative study of the economic and biological characteristics of two generations of Aberdeen-Angus cattle (parental foreign generation, and the first generation - obtained under breeding conditions in Southern Russia), tendencies to increase productive values are revealed. The features of the meat productivity formation in Kalmyk steers different exterior and constitutional types are investigated. It was found that the Kalmyk steers of the tall body type have a higher meat productivity compared with their analogues of medium and compact body types. However, the beef of compact steers has a higher fat percentage, more attractive taste characteristics, culinary and technological indices. The features of polymorphism of CAST, GH, GDF9, CLPG, FABP4 and MC4R genes in populations of sheep of different breeds grown in the Republic of Kalmykia, Volgograd and Rostov regions, Kabardino-Balkaria Republic were also studied. As a promising method of early diagnosis of presence economically useful traits in sheep during ontogenesis, the effectiveness of DNA analysis in young lambs and the further selection of animals with desirable genotypes according to these genes were justified.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(3):76-82
pages 76-82 views

Genetic monitoring cattle a herd of the sychev breed

Dmitrieva V., Koltsov D., Gontov M.


According to the results of immunogenetic studies (2006-2020), the dynamics of changes in the herd allelofond according to genetic markers of blood groups with a period of five years was studied in JSC Smolenskoye for breeding work. A reduction in the number of EAB alleles in breeding bulls from 29 to 16, in cows from 39 to 33 was revealed. The frequency of occurrence of 12-13 main EAB alleles in the herd is 0.737 - 0.753, in the breed - 0,778. During all monitoring periods, the EAB alleles - G2Y2E/1Q/, Y1A/1, E/3G/G//, Q/ were found with a frequency of 4% and higher. There was an increase in the level of homozygosity for dam stock by 1.1%, for producing bulls - by more than 3%. It was found that in the herd for 2020 with a total frequency of 0.318, there are alleles of the EAB locus B2±G2O1Y2D/E/2G//, E/3G/, E/3G/G//, G2T2Y2A/1B/G/I/Q/Y/B//, G1A/1. The frequency of their occurrence by breed is 0.120. In 13% of cows of the herd, there are EAB alleles A1B/, B1I1Q, O1I/Q/, G3O1T1A/2E/3F/2K/G//, I1Y2I/, in the breed they occur in 22.3% of animals. It was revealed that alleles of the Holstein breed in different periods were found, respectively, in 43.3, 25.9, 61.7 percent of cows, alleles of the breed of Sychevka - in 19.2, 36.0, 23.2%. The index of genetic similarity between the breeding farms of the breed of Sychevka varied from 0.632-0.884, between the animals of the herd and the breed it was 0.750-0.855. We note that in bulls evaluated by the quality of offspring, the difference in the productivity of daughters in favor of one or another preferential allele from the producer was 61-1403 kg of milk, 0,01-0,15% fat and up to 0.06 percent protein for the first lactation. According to the highest lactation, the differences in milk yield are 26-1083 kg of milk, in fat content - 0,02-0,19%, protein 0,01-0,06%.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(3):83-88
pages 83-88 views

Evaluation of genetic markers in the analysis of the colors and marks occurrence in the vyatka breed horses

Belousova N., Bass S., Sorokin S., Gulyaeva A.


Vyatka breed is a valuable small native breed of horses. The study of the determination of suits is of significant practical importance in breeding. This is especially true for small breeds. The purpose of the research is to monitor the color and markings as important genetic markers of preservation the Vyatka breed gene pool. To meet the objective, the following tasks were set: to evaluate the structure of suits in a microevolutionary aspect and to study the polymorphism of the MC1R and ASIP genes, determine the basic suits, the “lightening” genes TBX3 and MATP, determining the desired suits in the breed, as well as to evaluate the influence of the TBX3 and W20 genes, giving the desirable "wild" markings and undesirable whites. The object of the study is Vyatka horses born in 1975-2022 (n=2949) registered in the breed database. DNA extraction from hair follicles of Vyatka horses (n=86) was carried out in the “HorsGen” laboratory (Moscow) using “ExtraGene DNA Prep” (“Isogen”, Moscow). Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified by allele-specific PCR. The calculations were performed using MS Excel 10. Prevailing colors in the Vyatka breed - dun (56.9%) and grullo (31.7%). Of commercial interest are the colors determined by the Dun + Cream genes (3.2%). The occurrence of the D/D genotype in the Vyatka breed is low (0.167), so there are non-dun colors (5,2%). All TBX3 genotypes were identified with a predominance of D/nd1 (0.405). The relationship between the TBX3 gene and white markings has not been found, but with a shade of color and “wild” markings, it has been identified. The D/nd1 genotype is more common in medium (0.440) and light (0.714) horses, with D/nd2 (0.455) predominating in darker individuals. Noticeable "wild" markings prevail in horses with the D/nd1 genotype (0.539), their absence was found only in species with D/nd2. The MC1R/EE genotype is predominant in horses without white markings (0.612) and those with small markings (0.500). The occurrence of the W20 allele in Vyatka breed is low (0.146) and affects the size of white marks: the lowest was noted in animals without marks, the highest - with large marks. Since the color is an important genetic marker and selection trait, genotyping of breeding stallions and mares for the set of genes associated with the colors and markings is important.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(3):89-94
pages 89-94 views

Creation of a hybridization probe for the diagnosis of classical swine fever by the FISH method

Komina A., Stafford V., Gulyukin A.


The article presents data creation of the DNA probe labeled with fluorescein-12-dUTP for its subsequent use in in-situ hybridization in cryotomic histological sections from samples of internal organs of pigs. This diagnostic method is especially relevant for the inapparate course of infection, which contributes to maintaining the viral load inside the herd without showing pronounced clinical signs. In addition, the method helps to identify the viral genetic material in the pathological samples during the post-viremia period. In this article the stages of creating a probe consisting of 173 pairs of nucleotide bases corresponding to the site of the glycoprotein E2 gene of the classical swine fever virus are shown. The final DNA probe was tested on tonsils from pigs infected with the CSF virus as a positive control for the DNA probe and as a negative control for the DNA probe is tonsils from healthy pigs not vaccinated against CSF were used. Finally, we obtained positive results of using the DNA probe, reflecting its high specificity and selectivity in the studied samples of positive control. The data obtained by us formed the basis for our further research in the field of infectious pathology of farm animals.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(3):95-97
pages 95-97 views

Research of the combined sowing working body

Radnaev D., Tsybikov B., Badmatsyrenov D.


Today, the issues of ecology, resource conservation and reduction of production costs in agriculture are associated with the development of combined tillage - sowing machines, which make it possible to reduce a number of technological techniques. Taking into account these factors makes it possible to equip agricultural enterprises with means of mechanization adapted to the specific conditions of their production use. Therefore, a promising direction is the development of universal and combined machines, that is, technical means of mechanization capable of performing several technological operations in one working cycle or, after relatively simple retrofits, ensuring the consistent execution of a number of operations. To carry out experimental studies, an installation was developed and manufactured, which is a combined machine that provides pre-sowing tillage, strip spreading sowing, mineral fertilizers and post-sowing rolling. Using the experimental planning method, mathematical models have been developed that link factors such as the speed of the unit, the angle of attack of the coulter's paw, the depth of the coulter's paw when optimizing the degree of soil crumbling, pruning of weeds, changes in soil hardness. Analysis of mathematical models shows that factors in a certain way affect the quality of tillage (crumbling, hardness, pruning of plants). In the first place in terms of significant importance is the speed of movement. The degree of pruning of plants depends on the angle of attack. As for the depth of processing, this factor has practically no effect on the degree of pruning of weeds. This can be explained by the fact that the root system is located at a shallow depth. For other cultures, this factor may play a significant role.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(3):98-102
pages 98-102 views