Creation of new rice genotypes tolerant to long-term water flooding using DNA markers




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The aim of this work is to search for informative molecular markers for the identification of the Sub1A gene in rice breeding material. Studies have been carried out to identify specialized DNA marker systems that provide a clear control of the inheritance of the target locus on the basis of tolerance to prolonged flooding with water, as a factor in the fight against weeds. Of the studied set of microsatellite markers (13 SSRs), two SSR markers (RM 7481, PrC3) showed high efficiency in detecting polymorphism between donor varieties and varieties of domestic selection. Based on them, the DNA of the obtained hybrid rice plants of the F2 segregating population was analyzed for this trait and a laboratory express method was performed to evaluate the phenotype. During the statistical analysis, it was found that both SSR markers are co-heritable with the trait of tolerance to prolonged flooding under water, and on their basis, plants were selected that have the target gene in the genotype in the homozygous state, which were transferred to the breeding process for study by morphometric characteristics and economically valuable traits.


E. Dubina

Federal Scientific Rice Centre, Kuban State Agrarian University


S. Lesnyak

Federal Scientific Rice Centre

S. Garkusha

Federal Scientific Rice Centre, Kuban State Agrarian University

Yu. Makukha

Federal Scientific Rice Centre

A. Kutischeva

Kuban State Agrarian University


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