Influence of planting and maintenance practices on the soil’s agrophysical properties, yield and quality of potato varieties of kamchatka breeding

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The influence of different technological methods of planting and care, different in the number of treatments and timing of formation of a full ridge profile on the agrophysical properties of soil, the formation of yields in the cultivation of new varieties of potatoes of Kamchatka breeding, to improve the existing technology was studied. Rolling the soil when planting potatoes, contributed to the conservation of moisture in the soil at an average of 1.6%. During the vegetation period soil moisture was the highest at potato planting with soil consolidation and ridging in the period of mass sprouts and made up 36,65 % at 34,04 % in the control. On the average during the vegetation period, the soil volume weight in the layer 0-15 cm varied within the range 0,64-0,66 g/cm3 and was optimal for potatoes. Application of new technological methods in growing potatoes had a positive effect on the structural and aggregate state of the soil. At different system of care during vegetation the maximum size of a ridge was formed at early ridge formation with filling of shoots, the ridge height before harvesting averaged 24.5 cm, and the area of cross-section 930.4 cm2, increase to the control - 16.0 cm and 572.6 cm2 respectively. This method created favorable conditions for the development and accumulation of potato yield, the yield of the variety Geyser was 37.6 t/ha, Vulkan - 33.3 t/ha. Covering of soil at planting and ridge forming during the period of mass potato shoots promoted the increase of the crop capacity of the variety Geyser by 4,7 t/ha (14,3 %), Vulkan - 3,7 t/ha (12,5 %), due to soil rolling the increase of the crop capacity on the variety Geyser was on the average 4,0 %, Vulkan - 2,6 %, due to ridge forming - 10,0 %, 9,6 % respectively.

About the authors

V. V Gainatulina

Kamchatka Research Institute of Agriculture


R. A Khasbiullin

Kamchatka Research Institute of Agriculture

O. I Khasbiullina

Kamchatka Research Institute of Agriculture


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