
Durum wheat from North African countries (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt) in the southern planar zone of the Dagestan Republic conditions
Shikhmuradov A., Magomedov M.
Research of a spring soft wheat collection material based on ear’s structure and grain quality elements
Kokoreva V., Gladysheva O., Barkovskaya T.
The effect of green manure on the agrochemical properties of soil in winter wheat crops, yield and grain quality
Kishev A., Bitov K., Bzheumykhov V.
Variation of winter wheat grain quality traits in the Steppe zone of the Rostov region
Fomenko M., Oleynikova T., Babrovskaya E., Biryukova O.
Model of winter soft wheat variety for steppe condition zone
Fomenko M., Grabovets A., Oleynikova T., Babrovskaya E., Chernousov E.
Field studies of the operation of the combined coulter
Chekusov M., Kem A., Mikhaltsov E., Shmidt A.
Comparative characteristics of the durum wheat newest samples based on a complex of agrobiological characteristics
Shikhmuradov A., Magomedov M.
Agrobiological characteristics of ancient and newest varieties of durum wheat from Italy in the conditions of the Southern Dagestan coastal zone
Shikhmuradov A., Magomedov M.
Productivity of crop rotations depending on the degree of saturation of alfalfa and winter wheat with stubble natural phytocenosis in the Western Caspian region
Guseynov A., Arslanov M., Gasanov G., Bashirov R., Mirzaeva K.
Climate change and selection features of winter soft wheat on productivity and adaptability to it
Grabovets A., Fomenko M.
Screening of raw material for a spring soft wheat selection in the Middle Volga region conditions
Taranova T., Demina E., Kincharov A.
Ecological varieties research of spring wheat in northern forest steppe in Chelyabinsk region
Pyrsikov D., Glaz N., Pualakkainan L., Ufimtseva L.
Patterns for digitalization of grain crop production in the crop rotations of the central black earth region forest-steppe
Akimenko A., Sviridov V., Dudkina T., Dolgopolova N.
Study of winter wheat genetic resources and genetic sources with drought resistance identification for selection and production usage
Temirbekova S., Kulikov I., Ionova N., Afanasyeva Y., Kalashnikova E., Bastaubaeva S., Sardarova I.
Sources of selective-valuable traits of spring soft wheat in South Dagestan conditions
Shikhmuradov A.
Correlation of structural indicators of winter wheat with grain productivity influenced by contrasting meteorological conditions in the central region
Levakova O., Zharkova E.
Spring wheat and triticale varieties productivity in risk farming area
Zenkina K., Aseeva T.
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