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Nº 5 (2023)


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Patterns for digitalization of grain crop production in the crop rotations of the central black earth region forest-steppe

Akimenko A., Sviridov V., Dudkina T., Dolgopolova N.


The purpose of the study is to identify significant patterns in the use by crops of natural resources of yields and fertilizers, suitable for decision support through the use of digital technologies. The results are as follows: a method is proposed for predicting the yield of grain crops, taking into account the moisture supply of crops and nitrogen norms in the composition of mineral fertilizers, based on a regular relationship between the energy accumulated by crops and water consumption; comparison of the annual predicted yield values with the experimental ones obtained in the stationary experiment on typical heavy loamy chernozem confirmed statistical reliability of the yield forecasts for spring barley and winter wheat, sown after reliable predecessors that provide timely and vigorous shoots; the productivity of crop rotations, calculated on the basis of the regular relationship between the exchange energy and the nitrogen content in the marketable part of the yieldby the input of fertilizers into the soil, coincided with the actual productivity with sufficient accuracy; the economic and environmental effect against the background of equalrates of mineral fertilizers turned out to be the smallest and the largest ones, respectively, in the grain-fallow-row crop and field crop rotations. The presence of patterns for predicting yields and reproducing soil fertility allows, at the stage of designing specific crop rotations (also during their modernization), using digital technologies, to choose the most economically feasible of the possible crop rotation schemes in relation to specialization, financial condition and infrastructure of agricultural enterprises. A prerequisite for making adequate decisions at the same time, there is the absence of obviously unacceptable alternations in the crop rotation.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(5):4-9
pages 4-9 views

Study of wild barley species in Southern Dagestan conditions

Batasheva B., Kovaleva O., Abdullaev R., Muslimov M., Radchenko E.


Wild-growing barley is widely distributed in Dagestan from the coastal lowland to the subalpine zone and is a good fodder and soil-strengthening plant. The study of wild-growing species of barley in the aspect: distribution, systematic diversity, significance are devoted to the works of prominent scientists (Vavilov, Grossheim, Lvov, Kobylyansky, Omarov, Zhukovsky, Tsvelev), which, in the context of the distribution and use of species of the genus Barley in Dagestan, are summarized by Omarov D.S. [6] Wild species are of interest as carriers of valuable breeding traits and can be included in breeding and genetic programs for the possible introgression of valuable genes into the cultivated barley genotype in order to create new promising varieties with a high adaptive potential. At the Dagestan Experimental Station of VIR in 2020-2022 a field study of 114 samples of wild-growing barley species from the VIR collection was carried out to identify the breeding value of these "wild" forms of plants. The sample included representatives of five species: H.spontaneum, H.bulbosum, H.murinum, H.hrasdanicum, and H.glaucum of different ecological and geographical origin. The samples were evaluated for resistance to barley fungal diseases widespread in the region (powdery mildew, dwarf and yellow rust). Interspecific and intraspecific differentiation in terms of resistance to these biotic factors is shown. Resistant forms recommended as sources and susceptible forms as testers are noted.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(5):10-13
pages 10-13 views

Ecological testing of spring triticale new varieties in Mari El republic

Maksimov V., Lapshin Y., Zolotareva R.


An important condition for the growth of livestock production is the creation of a stable feed base. One of the promising forage crops is spring triticale. The main advantages of this crop are its high resistance to viral and fungal diseases, ecological plasticity, which allows it to be cultivated in more extreme conditions compared to other crops. Triticale resistance to stresses caused by both weather factors and soil conditions is significantly higher than that of other cereals. It is able to produce stable yields on eroded, sandy, acidic, light soils, where wheat significantly reduces yield. But any crop without the use of fertilizers cannot reveal its potential, especially on poor sod-podzolic soils. The use of mineral fertilizers is the most effective and fast-acting method of increasing the productivity of agricultural crops. The Department of seed production of grain crops in the fields of the Mari Research Institute - branch of the FGBNU FANC of the North-East conducted research to study the effect of levels and timing of mineral fertilizers on grain productivity of zoned and promising varieties of spring triticale. In the course of the study, it was found that the most productive in the conditions of the growing seasons for 2020-2022 with a yield of 3.09 to 4.06 t/ha, depending on the level of mineral fertilizer (factor B), were the varieties Dobroye, Savva and KNIISH 9. Varieties Timur and KNIISH 22 on average by factor B provided a smaller reliable increase in grain to the control grade Rovnya. On average over three years of tests reliably to the standard variety Rovnya highest productivity, with the lowest cost per kg of grain produced with the highest level of profitability, were the varieties Dobroe, Savva, KNIISH 9 at all levels of mineral nutrition and Timur (on background N30P60K60 and N60P60K60 + N30). By recoupment of 1 kg of grain kg of the active substance of fertilizers made the yield stood out varieties Dobroe with indicators on the background of fertilizer N60P60K60 - 5.4 kg, and Timur N30P60K60 - 5.2 kg.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(5):14-17
pages 14-17 views

Influence of the technology elements on the soybean georgia’s variety yield in the Ryazan region

Zakharova M., Rozhkova L., Svirina V., Chernogaev V.


The article presents the results of two-year tests and gives a comparative assessment of the bacterial preparation and chemical disinfectants on the productivity of soybeans of the George variety. In the scheme of the experiment, the inoculant Nitragine KM was studied, SP - 0.08 kg / 1 ha seed rate and chemical preparations Tirada, SC - 2.0 l / t + Tabu, HSK - 1.0 l / t + Nitragin KM, SP - 0.08 kg / 1 ha seed rate. The studies were conducted in 2021 and 2022 at the experimental field of the institute. Soil: dark gray forest heavy loam, humus content 3.8%, mobile potassium 153 mg / kg, mobile phosphorus 226 mg / kg, pH - 4.88, exchange calcium. The predecessor is winter wheat. Determination of germination of soybean seeds showed that laboratory and field germination when using an inoculant (option 2) and chemical disinfectants + an inoculant (option 3) practically did not differ from the control variant and were at the level of 86% - 91.4%. The safety of plants for harvesting was 6.5% - 14.1% more than in the control. Two-year testing of technology elements in the cultivation of soybeans using the inoculant Nitragin KM, SP and chemical disinfectants had a positive effect on the productivity of the crop. The safety of plants for harvesting was 84.5 - 92.1%, the yield of the crop increased by 113.6 - 125.8%.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(5):18-21
pages 18-21 views

Soybean it is the crop of world farming

Sinegovsky M.


The research paper is devoted to assessing the state of soybean production in the world and its role in modern agriculture. An analysis of the dynamics of the development of the soy industry over the past 50 years, as well as a more detailed analysis of the last five years of cultivation of this crop in the world, is given. The research paper presents data on the area of cultivation, yield, gross production volumes, as well as the scale of soybean processing. It also reflects the volume of world trade of soybeans and its main players.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(5):22-25
pages 22-25 views

Evaluation of perennial poaceae grasses species and varieties for creating lawns

Novitskiy G., Zolotarev V.


Under the conditions of the Moscow region, in a field experiment, a comparative assessment of 6 types of perennial grasses and 13 of their varieties was carried out in the lawn mode of use for 12 years. It has been established that in the first year of life, the highest intensity of tillering in the first two to three months was observed in perennial ryegrass, meadow fescue and giant bentgrass. The projective cover of single-species lawns from these species amounted to 92-96% by autumn. In the first year, red fescue was characterized by lower development rates and by the beginning of autumn formed a high-quality lawn with a closed-mosaic structure and 71-79% projective cover, depending on the variety used. The slowest formation of lawns in the year of sowing was noted for meadow bluegrass, which provided projective cover in different varieties from 14 to 60%. The bluegrass lawns reached their maximum density mainly in the third year. The most high-quality lawn with a closed-diffuse composition and 100% projective cover was formed already in the first year when using a grass mixture with the participation of varieties of red fescue, meadow fescue, perennial ryegrass, bent grass, a mixture of meadow fescue, perennial ryegrass and giant bent grass, as well as a mixture of these species with varieties of bluegrass, red fescue and meadow timothy. The best longevity with a high density of shoots and close-diffuse composition with more than 90% annual projective cover for 12 years was distinguished by lawns from red fescue varieties Dipa and Celianna. In polyspecific lawns with the participation of bluegrass meadow, the share of its shoots in the total structure did not exceed 17-38%. Starting from the eighth year, due to the low vegetative mobility of red fescue, there was a consistent increase in the number of bluegrass shoots in the lawn. With intensive constant use of the lawn for sports, the grass mixture with a predominance of up to 90% of bluegrass meadow variety Balin turned out to be the most stable.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(5):26-32
pages 26-32 views

Productivity of crop rotations depending on the degree of saturation of alfalfa and winter wheat with stubble natural phytocenosis in the Western Caspian region

Guseynov A., Arslanov M., Gasanov G., Bashirov R., Mirzaeva K.


The photosynthetic activity of alfalfa and winter wheat with PEF in crop rotations was studied at Vympel-2002 LLC in the Khasavyurt district of the Republic of Dagestan. The soil of the experimental plot is meadow-chestnut, heavy loamy, in the arable layer contains humus 2.77%, K2O - 32.8 and P2O5-2.21 mg / 100 g, its density is 1.24 g / cm3, the lowest moisture capacity of the soil layer - 0.6 m, in which the humidity was studied to determine the timing and norms of irrigation - 29.2%. The studies were carried out in three grain-grass crop rotations saturated with alfalfa and winter wheat with PEF from 25 to 75%, and their monocultures. The formation of PEF for green manure after harvesting winter wheat in the second half of summer, in terms of its influence on the photosynthetic activity of crops of subsequent winter wheat in the crop rotation, made it possible to achieve the same high indicators as after such a most valuable predecessor for it as alfalfa. Despite the fact that the latter, due to its multi-cutting, alfalfa forms 2.8 times more leaf surface area during the growing season, in terms of photosynthetic potential of crops (PPP) and net photosynthesis productivity (NPP) it is inferior to winter wheat with PEF in 1.6 and 6.2 times, respectively. PEF phytomass used for green fertilizer, smoothing out the negative impact of its long-term re-sowing on the phytosanitary state of the soil and the yield of the leading grain crop, can become the most acceptable way out of the situation when, due to the current structure of sown areas, winter wheat occupies 60- 80% of the crop rotation area and it has to be placed in the same field for 3-5 years without a change.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(5):33-36
pages 33-36 views

Susceptibility to certain types of scab in the Karelia’s conditions

Evstratova L., Nikolaeva E.


The article presents the results of a three-year field experiment to study potato yields, as well as the incidence of Kholmogorsky (early ripening) and Nevsky (middle early) varieties with black scurf and silver scurf when planting visually infection-free seed tubers with varying degrees of growth cracks. Tuber cracking can be caused by abiotic, biological and anthropogenic factors. Tuber cracking leads to a decrease in the marketability, an increase in waste during mechanical peeling of potatoes, an increase in the likelihood of its infection with pathogens. It was found that the maximum shortage of the crop was detected with the greatest degree of fracturing of the seed material. The use of tubers with such a defect for planting caused a 1.1-fold decrease in the yield of the studied varieties relative to the controls - without growth cracks. With the intensification of the development of functional disease on potatoes, the prevalence of black scurf increased (by 8.3) and silver scurf (7.6%), especially in the early-maturing Kholmogorsky variety.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(5):37-41
pages 37-41 views

Breeding institutions of Russia and their contribution to improving the apple tree assortment

Sedov E., Korneeva S., Yanchuk T.


The requirements for apple cultivars are constantly increasing due to the improvement of their cultivation techniques. Even cultivars, which satisfied consumers 20-30 years ago, now do not meet due to the changed requirements. One of the main reasons for this lag of breeders is the duration of the juvenile period in hybrid apple seedlings. According to our data, it takes 27 years to create one cultivar (from hybridization to inclusion of the cultivar in the State Register of Breeding Achievements). The task is to reduce this period to at least 20 years. This reduction depends on the breeders. The final assessment of the apple cultivar largely depends on the State Commission of the Russian Federation for Testing and Evaluation of Cultivars. Below is information on the number of apple cultivars created in large Russian breeding institutions. 57 apple cultivars have been created and zoned in the Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding, of which 4 cultivars have already been zoned in 4 regions, 4 apple cultivars are zoned in 3 regions, 10 cultivars are zoned in 2 regions, the remaining cultivars are zoned in one region so far. FSBSI FSC named after I. V. Michurin (former CSL named after I. V. Michurin and Russian Research Institute of Horticulture named after I. V. Michurin). 37 apple cultivars were created and zoned. Of particular interest, in our opinion, are such new cultivars as Academic Kazakov, Blagovest, Bylina, Vishnevaya, Vympel, Pamyat Nesterova, Krasnoye Rannye, Munster, Flagman and Fregat. FSBSI FSC of Horticulture (Birulyovo). 18 apple cultivars have been created and zoned. All of them are zoned in the Central Region of Russia. North Caucasian FSSC of Horticulture, Viticulture, Winemaking. 34 apple cultivars have been created and zoned, of which 5 cultivars are already cultivated in two regions. Crimea. Nikitsky Botanical Garden. Scientific Center (Crimean Experimental Gardening Station). 14 apple cultivars have been developed. FSBSI Ural Federal Agrarian Research Center of the Ural Branch of RAS. 37 apple cultivars have been developed. In this article, the authors tried to show the tremendous work that apple breeders are doing in different regions of Russia.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(5):42-46
pages 42-46 views

Ascorbic acid content in summer apple tree varieties fruit depending of rootstock and metrological conditions of vegetable

Galasheva A., Makarkina M., Vetrova O.


One of the quality indicators of fruits is their chemical composition, which depends on the cultivar, growing conditions, degree of maturity and a number of other factors. It varies in less stable cultivars with sudden changes in the weather conditions of the growing season. Apples contain one of the important antioxidant vitamins - ascorbic acid. In the temperate zone of horticulture, the average content of ascorbic acid in apple fruits is 10-15 mg/100 g. The correct selection of graft-rootstock combinations is important, since the rootstock affects the metabolic processes occurring in the fruit plant, including the chemical composition of the fruit. The objects of the studies were summer apple cultivars Orlinka and Yablochny Spas on various types of rootstocks - vegetatively propagated 62-396 and intercalary 62-396 and 3-17-38, grown at the site of variety studies at the Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding (VNIISPK). As a result of the conducted five-year studies, it was found that the meteorological conditions of the growing season had the greatest influence. The maximum content of ascorbic acid was observed in a year with excessive moisture during the active formation and development of the ovary and with drought during fruit ripening. Having conducted a comparative characterization of Yablochny Spas and Orlinka on clone rootstock 62-396 and dwarf intercalaries 62-396 and 3-17-38 in terms of ascorbic acid content in fruits, it was revealed that there were no significant differences between graft-rootstock combinations and cultivars.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(5):47-51
pages 47-51 views

Technological aspects of growing promising seed rootstocks for pears based on common quince selection VNIISPK

Semin I.


The article presents the results of agrotechnical research to optimize the technology of growing intensive-type seed stocks based on quince of ordinary VNIISPK breeding and improving the quality of grown seedlings in nursery conditions in order to intensify the production of pear varieties in Central Russia. Based on the conducted research, it was found that the seed productivity of quince of ordinary selection of VNIISPK is almost 8-10 times higher than that of pear, which is most often used as a seed stock in the central part of Russia. Selected forms of quince of ordinary selection of VNIISPK are quite hardy, able to grow and bear fruit in the conditions of the Orel region and can be used as seed rootstocks of pears. Technological methods of preliminary preparation and stratification of quince seeds and methods of growing seed crops for pears in artificial ridges have been developed and optimized. The advantage of using artificial ridges for growing quince seedlings in nursery conditions is shown. Experimentally selected the most reasonable methods of growing common quince, seed sowing schemes, timing and optimal stages of seed development for sowing, providing the best germination rates and the highest yield of seed rootstocks. Based on the obtained research results, a technological scheme is proposed for growing seed rootstocks of the intensive type of VNIISPK breeding in a nursery for the subsequent propagation of pear varieties using intensive technologies in the conditions of the middle zone of Russia.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(5):52-56
pages 52-56 views

Adaptability of variety and rootstock combinations of peach and nectarine in the Russia subtropics

Abilfazova Y.


The article presents the results of research into a collection of peaches and nectarines cultivated at the Federal Scientific Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Sochi. The experiment was conducted in open ground, plot area is 0.5 hectares, planting pattern is 5x2.5m, 5x2, 5x1.5m. In 2019, the Center’s assortment was replenished with 28 variety-rootstock combinations of peach and nectarine based on eight varieties (Pamyat Simirenko, Redhaven, Zolotoy Yubiley, Osenniy Rumyanets, Obilny, Orion, Pyatnitsa 13, Silver Roma) of different ripening periods on four clonal rootstocks: Kuban 86, BP, Best, VVA. The physiological and biochemical characteristics of variety-rootstock combinations of peach and nectarine, resistant to abiotic factors in the humid subtropics of Russia, have been studied. The object of study is peach leaves. Physiological analyzes were carried out in the plant physiology and biochemistry department using classical methods: water deficiency of peach leaves was determined according to Pochinok; tissue hydration - according to Gunar; water holding capacity - according to Arland; dry matter - by drying in a drying cabinet to constant weight. Leaves were collected from June to August. Agricultural technology is generally accepted for peach culture. Brown forest soils. It has been established that the best varieties of peach and nectarine in terms of ability to retain water during the dry period are: Redhaven (AP), Pyatnitsa 13 (AP), Pyatnitsa 13 (Best), Pyatnitsa 13 (BP) with low water deficit (11.06-4. 78%) and high water-retaining system of leaves (64-76%). They were distinguished by an increase in the turgor of leaf tissues to 66.33-69.27%, which is considered a sign of plant adaptability to disturbances in the water-thermal regime.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(5):57-60
pages 57-60 views

Esults of the study of black currant varieties on the complex of economically valuable traits in Kirov region conditions

Saltykova T., Vakhrusheva N., Sofronov A.


The aim of the research is to study collection material of black currant in conditions of Kirov region and to identify varieties which combine high productivity, large fruits and resistance to bud mite (Cecidophyes ribes West.) and powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca mors-uvae (Schw) Berk et Gurt.). The researches had been held in an experimental garden of FSBSI FARC of the North-East (Kirov) in 2015-2021. The objects of the research were 36 black currant varieties of 2013 planting year. The check variety was Vologda. As a result of the research, source of the complex of economically valuable traits was distinguished: three varieties of Cherniy Zhemchug (Black Pearl), Chishma, Karachinskaya singled out for the combination of high productivity 62,3-142,0 c/ha (the exceeding of productivity over the check variety is 35,0% and more), for the large fruit (an average mass of a berry is 1,20 -1,70 g) and for high resistance to bud mite; the varieties Yadrenaya (Vigorous) and Gulliver were differed in a combination of high productivity 47,0 - 62,9 c/ha (the exceeding over the check variety is 35% and more), a large fruit (an average mass of a berry is 1,20 - 1,30), a high degree of resistance (the maximum degree of damage is 0,5 - 1,0 point) to powdery mildew and bud mite; two samples, Mila and Sputnik were identified for a combination of high productivity 46,7 - 49,6 c/ha (the exceeding of productivity over the check variety is 35,0% and more), for the large fruit (an average mass of a berry is 1,20 -1,80 g), a taste (4,0 points), a high degree of resistance (the maximum degree of damage is 0,5 - 1,0 point) to powdery mildew and bud mite. Complex resistance to powdery mildew and bud mite (the maximum degree of damage is 0 point during the research) was found in the Alexandrina variety.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(5):60-63
pages 60-63 views

Safety assessment of Bаcillus atrophaeus В-11474, which is promising for the development of a microbial biological product with complex action

Soprunova O., Soprunova V., Lutsenko A., Gabitova N.


Representatives of the genus Bacillus are known as producers of a wide range of antagonist compounds of different structures (bacteriocins, antimicrobial peptides and lipopeptides, polyketides and siderophores) with growth-stimulating and protective properties. A necessary condition for the use of microbial objects in biotechnological processes is safety for human and animal health. The safety of Bacillus atrophaeus B-11474 strain, which is the basis of a microbial biopreparation of complex action to increase the yield and protect agricultural plants from diseases according to the indicators of virulence, acute toxicity, toxigenicity and ability to dissemination was studied.The non-pathogenicity of Bacillus atrophaeus strain B-11474 was established by testing on white Balb/c mice. The studied strain was deposited in the All-Russian Collection of Industrial Microorganisms (VKPM). The experiment was performed in compliance with all established regulatory requirements for work with laboratory animals according to GLP rules and ethical ethical standards for handling animals. The results of investigation of Bacillus atrophaeus VKPM B-11474 live culture suspension revealed no adverse effect on the experimental animals, indicating the absence of virulence, acute toxicity, toxigenicity and dissemination. Mice actively consumed food and water, were motile, with adequate response to experimenters and physical factors, no lethal outcome was observed. The autopsy has shown that the surface of the internal organs was smooth, without visible pathology, with normal color and of dense structure. The test culture was not found in smears-imprints of internal organs. It was shown that Bacillus atrophaeus strain VKPM B-11474 is promising for obtaining a biopreparation safe for use in agriculture and can be used for further research.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(5):64-67
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Influence of fungicides usage on the growth, development and yield of potatoes

Udalova E., Zamyatin S.


The article assesses the effect of protective preparations of chemical and biological origin in the treatment of potato tubers and plants during the growing season in the climatic conditions of the Republic of Mari El. The results of the action of fungicides on the formation of potato yields are presented and the effect of the studied preparations on the leaf surface area during the growing season, as well as the effect of chemical preparations in the fight against diseases in the treatment of tubers before planting and plants during the growing season. The use of the fungicide Celest Top and the treatment of plants during vegetation with chemicals increased the leaf surface area during the flowering phase to 40 thousand m2/ ha. In this variant, thanks to chemical fungicides, there were the highest indicators of germination density, phytometric indicators of resistance to the most common diseases, which made it possible to increase and maintain the maximum leaf surface area, thanks to which the yield of potato tuber increased by 4.2%. The purpose of the study is to study the influence of various disease protection systems on potato yield in the conditions of the Republic of Mari El.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(5):68-70
pages 68-70 views

Features of the soil aciditification dynamics in agricultural landscape

Ivanov D., Rublyuk M., Antsiferova O.


The results of long-term monitoring of the spatial dynamics of soil acidification within the terminal moraine hill are presented. The studies were carried out in 1996-2020. on the agro-ecological transect (VNIIMZ, Tver region) - an array crossing the landscape positions of the hill, consisting of 10 fields with an individual history. The exchangeable acidity of soils was determined at 30 sampling points, regularly located in each field at 40 m from each other. We used pHKCl data for 1996 and 2020 and acidification indicators determined as the difference in the values of soil exchange acidity at the beginning and end of observations. Statistical processing consisted in revealing the influence of anthropogenic and natural factors on soil acidification. It was found that the soils were significantly acidified during extensive farming. In 1996-2020 the average exchangeable acidity decreased by 0.6 (0.023 per year), but the soils did not move out of the slightly acidic category, which will take another 10 years. The spatial variability of pH significantly decreased: strongly acidic and neutral soils disappeared from the soil cover. It has been established that the landscape determines 34% of the spatial variability of soil acidification, and anthropogenic factors determine 26%. There are 4 groups of territories in the agrolandscape, significantly differing in the degree of soil acidification, which is explained by the heterogeneity of the relief and parent rocks. According to the diversity of anthropogenic impact, 5 groups of fields are distinguished, where differences in soil acidification are due to their history. In general, it is impossible to single out an anthropogenic factor in the agrolandscape that significantly affects the degree of soil acidification, however, the impact is noticeable on individual substowlands, which allows developing measures to reduce the intensity of this degradation factor. It is recommended to develop crop rotations within the tops of the hills and not to place fallows, hayfields and hatching fields with eastern goat's rue. On the middle, lower parts of the slopes and in inter-hill depressions, it is not recommended to place winter and cover crops.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(5):71-77
pages 71-77 views

Stability assessment of immunobiological medicinal products manufacturing for veterinary use with Shewhart control charts

Kotegova K., Zaberezhniy A., Neminushchaya L., Skotnikovа T., Eremets V., Markova E., Grin S., Popova V.


According to the current Rules of Good Manufacturing Practice of the Eurasian Economic Union, the principles of risk management for product quality must be applied to all aspects of the production and use of medicines for medical and veterinary purposes. The recommended quality risk management method used by regulators is the Shewhart Chart. Control charts, proposed in 1924 by W. Shewhart, are a graphical tool for applying statistical principles to process control. Statistical process control is a methodology for establishing and maintaining production at an acceptable and stable level, providing the required product quality. Control charts are used to collect data during the continuous recording of the characteristics of the quality of manufactured products. As a result of continuous analysis of information, control charts help to identify unusual patterns of data variation and take preventive measures to eliminate them and increase process stability. The use of Shewhart maps leads to a more detailed understanding of the process and helps to discover ways for valuable improvements. The purpose of the work is to assess the stability of the production of immunobiological medicinal products for veterinary use using Shewhart's control charts. The immunobiological drug "Oralrabivak" produced at the Schelkovo Biokombinat FKP was used as a model object. We used control charts of individual values (X-chart) and moving ranges (Rm-chart) and maps of mean values (-chart) and sample standard deviations (s-chart). The assessment of the stability of the production of Oralrabivak using Shewhart's control charts showed that during two production cycles (2021 and 2022) the technological process was in a state of statistical controllability. To improve the process and ensure the quality of the finished product, the specialists of the enterprise have taken preventive measures. The methodology of control charts made it possible to visualize and study in detail a new production process for the enterprise for a deeper understanding of its features by the specialists of the enterprise and further improvement.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(5):78-82
pages 78-82 views

Technology for non-contact assessment of the udder physiological state for early diseases diagnosis

Yurochka S., Pavkin D., Pekhalskiy I., Khakimov A., Polikanova A.


The results of a study on the creation of technology for non-contact detection of local temperature changes in the skin of the udder and teats are presented. The focus of the technology is the early diagnosis of mastitis in cows, since this disease of the udder is one of the most common and causes great damage to dairy farming, leading to a decrease in milk yield. The technology makes it possible to determine the temperature increase in local areas of the udder skin, to carry out early diagnosis and reduce additional costs associated with the treatment of mastitis. This paper presents an algorithm for non-contact temperature diagnostics of local areas of the skin of the udder of cows using 3 thermal imaging modules that allow you to receive thermograms simultaneously from all local areas of the skin of the udder. We have derived formulas for the main parameters of thermal imaging modules for their location relative to each other. Data collection can be carried out both in the dynamic and in the static position of the animal. This algorithm assigns one of 3 possible statuses to the animal: “healthy”, “suspicion of subclinical mastitis”, “suspicion of clinical mastitis”.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(5):83-89
pages 83-89 views

Several aspects of the cows viability in the Amur region

Klyuchnikova N., Klyuchnikov M.


The influence of intensive breeding of Australian Holstein heifers on their future viability and productivity in the dairy farm OAO "Zarya" (Khabarovsk region) is showed as an example. The researches determined, that the overweights of twenty-four-hours up to 400 g is the main cause of late coupling of heifers. From 3416 individuals 40,2 % had calvings in the age after 30 months. And what is more, the researches exposed the pronounced seasonal prevalence of calvings and the hightened meetings of cows with longevity (27) in the group of animals of born seasons and first calving "autumn-autumn", while there were no individuals elder than 4 calvings from 69 cows in the seasons "summer-summer". In practice, more attention should be paid to an even distribution of calvings throughout the year. It is advisable for owners of small dairy cattle farms to postpone summer calving to the autumn-winter season, which will significantly increase the economic efficiency of the farm.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(5):90-93
pages 90-93 views

Study of the beef cattle genetic potential realization indicators for digitalization of the animals breeding qualities assessment

Petrov E., Vladimirov F., Bazaev S.


In the course of the study, the indicators of the realization of the genetic potential of economically useful traits of beef cattle were considered, allowing to expand the completeness of the assessment of the breeding qualities of animals: exterior criteria (height at the withers, chest depth, trunk width, chest girth, etc.) related to productivity (average daily weight gain, removable live weight, etc.). Factors of selection were studied - genetic and phenotypic features. Particular attention was paid to the phenotypic indicators of the realization of the genetic potential of beef cattle, reflecting the important contribution of genotype and environmental factors. The high level of their variability contributes to the efficiency of selection. At the same time, a significant proportion of variability is due to the action of non-genetic factors, primarily the influence of changeable and unchangeable environmental factors. The accuracy of the assessment of breeding qualities of animals directly depends on the methods of their identification, registration and control of their productivity. The purpose of the study is to study a number of indicators of the best expression of signs of the realization of the genetic potential of animals for the digitalization of the evaluation of breeding qualities of beef cattle. An assessment of breeding animals is proposed, which will allow obtaining an instrument of expanded boundaries of genetic variability in the formation of the desired type of beef cattle. The development of the direction of digitalization of signs of qualitative genetics, in particular, signs of the exterior of an animal related to productivity and their inclusion in programs and plans to increase the genetic potential of animals, will be one of the effective methods of increasing it in cattle herds. Digitalization of the assessment of breeding qualities of beef cattle allows you to realize hidden reserves to increase the genetic potential of signs of meat productivity and covers the use of indicators that were previously not used due to the use of significant resources and the complexity of existing methods of collecting a large amount of data on animals. The proposed assessment of breeding animals will allow us to obtain an instrument of expanded boundaries of genetic variability in the formation of the desired type of beef cattle and will serve as an addition to the zootechnical rules and in the development of an automated system for managing breeding work in beef cattle breeding.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(5):93-97
pages 93-97 views

Conceptual frameworks for creating an automated potato harvester with a digital system for identifying soil lumps and separating them from commercial potato products

Dorokhov A., Sibirev A., Mosyakov M., Sazonov N., Petukhov S., Godyaeva M., Kynev D., Chistyakova O.


FSC VIM has developed the conceptual basis for creating an automated potato harvester with a digital system for identifying soil lumps and separating them from marketable products. Existing machines carry out the technological process in conditions of high soil moisture, which negatively affects the quality of harvesting as a result of a decrease in the completeness of separation. To determine the optimal values of the developed separating system and recommendations for subsequent changes in the design and technological parameters of the machines, a design diagram of an automated harvester is presented, a schematic diagram of modeling a system for identifying soil lumps in the Matlab/Simulink environment, data selection from field studies of the operation quality of the harvesting machine separating system, as well as the work of the neural network system and the neuron error surface for identifying soil lumps while moving along the separating surface are shown.
Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2023;(5):98-104
pages 98-104 views

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