Ecological testing of spring triticale new varieties in Mari El republic

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An important condition for the growth of livestock production is the creation of a stable feed base. One of the promising forage crops is spring triticale. The main advantages of this crop are its high resistance to viral and fungal diseases, ecological plasticity, which allows it to be cultivated in more extreme conditions compared to other crops. Triticale resistance to stresses caused by both weather factors and soil conditions is significantly higher than that of other cereals. It is able to produce stable yields on eroded, sandy, acidic, light soils, where wheat significantly reduces yield. But any crop without the use of fertilizers cannot reveal its potential, especially on poor sod-podzolic soils. The use of mineral fertilizers is the most effective and fast-acting method of increasing the productivity of agricultural crops. The Department of seed production of grain crops in the fields of the Mari Research Institute - branch of the FGBNU FANC of the North-East conducted research to study the effect of levels and timing of mineral fertilizers on grain productivity of zoned and promising varieties of spring triticale. In the course of the study, it was found that the most productive in the conditions of the growing seasons for 2020-2022 with a yield of 3.09 to 4.06 t/ha, depending on the level of mineral fertilizer (factor B), were the varieties Dobroye, Savva and KNIISH 9. Varieties Timur and KNIISH 22 on average by factor B provided a smaller reliable increase in grain to the control grade Rovnya. On average over three years of tests reliably to the standard variety Rovnya highest productivity, with the lowest cost per kg of grain produced with the highest level of profitability, were the varieties Dobroe, Savva, KNIISH 9 at all levels of mineral nutrition and Timur (on background N30P60K60 and N60P60K60 + N30). By recoupment of 1 kg of grain kg of the active substance of fertilizers made the yield stood out varieties Dobroe with indicators on the background of fertilizer N60P60K60 - 5.4 kg, and Timur N30P60K60 - 5.2 kg.

About the authors

V. A Maksimov

Mari Agricultural Research Institute - Mari Agricultural Research Institute - Branch of Federal Agricuctural Research Center of the North-East named N.V. Rudnitsky


Yu. A Lapshin

Mari Agricultural Research Institute - Mari Agricultural Research Institute - Branch of Federal Agricuctural Research Center of the North-East named N.V. Rudnitsky

R. I Zolotareva

Mari Agricultural Research Institute - Mari Agricultural Research Institute - Branch of Federal Agricuctural Research Center of the North-East named N.V. Rudnitsky


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