Study of the beef cattle genetic potential realization indicators for digitalization of the animals breeding qualities assessment

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In the course of the study, the indicators of the realization of the genetic potential of economically useful traits of beef cattle were considered, allowing to expand the completeness of the assessment of the breeding qualities of animals: exterior criteria (height at the withers, chest depth, trunk width, chest girth, etc.) related to productivity (average daily weight gain, removable live weight, etc.). Factors of selection were studied - genetic and phenotypic features. Particular attention was paid to the phenotypic indicators of the realization of the genetic potential of beef cattle, reflecting the important contribution of genotype and environmental factors. The high level of their variability contributes to the efficiency of selection. At the same time, a significant proportion of variability is due to the action of non-genetic factors, primarily the influence of changeable and unchangeable environmental factors. The accuracy of the assessment of breeding qualities of animals directly depends on the methods of their identification, registration and control of their productivity. The purpose of the study is to study a number of indicators of the best expression of signs of the realization of the genetic potential of animals for the digitalization of the evaluation of breeding qualities of beef cattle. An assessment of breeding animals is proposed, which will allow obtaining an instrument of expanded boundaries of genetic variability in the formation of the desired type of beef cattle. The development of the direction of digitalization of signs of qualitative genetics, in particular, signs of the exterior of an animal related to productivity and their inclusion in programs and plans to increase the genetic potential of animals, will be one of the effective methods of increasing it in cattle herds. Digitalization of the assessment of breeding qualities of beef cattle allows you to realize hidden reserves to increase the genetic potential of signs of meat productivity and covers the use of indicators that were previously not used due to the use of significant resources and the complexity of existing methods of collecting a large amount of data on animals. The proposed assessment of breeding animals will allow us to obtain an instrument of expanded boundaries of genetic variability in the formation of the desired type of beef cattle and will serve as an addition to the zootechnical rules and in the development of an automated system for managing breeding work in beef cattle breeding.

About the authors

E. B Petrov

Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM"


F. E Vladimirov

Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM"

S. O Bazaev

Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM"


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