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Vol 13, No 1 (2023)

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Towards post-capitalism: from inflation and free exchange to digitalization and sharing economy

Demirov V.V.


This article describes the economic causes and preconditions of the aggravated global imbalances, high rates of global inflation and non-standard dynamics in the energy markets. On the basis of the analysis of global trends and macroeconomic processes in Belarus, the possible factors that can affect the reduction of aggregate supply in the Belarusian economy in the near future is revealed. The article reveals the specifics of short-term adaptation dynamics of the Belarusian economy in the framework of the current processes and possible scenarios of their development in the future associated with the beginning of the global transition to post-capitalism. The underlying risks in this connection have also been identified. As a result of the analysis of the negative risks of the vertical platform model, the following conclusion is made. Digital consensual decentralized planning can represent the basis of the Belarusian economic strategy and the optimal paradigm of integration processes in the Eurasian space.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):15-26
pages 15-26 views

Sustainability vs. unsustainability of ecosystems under digital instability: conceptual attributes

Tsyokhla S.Y., Simchenko N.A.


The development of digital technology radically changes the concept of sustainable development of society, makes serious changes in the structure of economic systems and leads to the need to rethink the possibilities of economic growth. The article is devoted to the study of conceptual signs of ecosystem sustainability amidst digital instability. The review of thematic publications and scientific schools dealing with the problems of ecosystem economy development are given. The conceptual signs of ecosystem sustainability and unsustainability to ensure controllability amidst digital instability are highlighted. They are as follows: systematicity, infrastructurability, platforming, innovativeness and integrativeness.These signs are closely related to the organization of the economic agents' activities in the digital environment, the development of a digitalization strategy and the processes of regulating sustainable independent functioning for a long period. The application of an integrative approach to solving the problem of sustainable development of modern society in the digital environment on a new qualitative system basis is proposed. The obtained research results may be interesting for studying approaches to assessing the sustainability and unsustainability of ecosystems in the digital environment, for specialists responsible for carrying out digital transformation in organizations, and for researchers studying the prospects for the development of the digital economy.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):27-38
pages 27-38 views

Ecology, personnel, government: diagnostics and management

Moskvitina E.I., Ovsyannikova D.K., Pondo E.A.


The article is devoted to the implementation of the concept "Ecology, personnel, state" in Russia. The results of a comparative analysis of the Western and Russian concepts of sustainable development are presented. The basics of public administration by the implementation of the concept "Ecology, personnel, state" are considered. As a result of the analysis of the situation on the labor market over the past 5 years, it has been found out that the Central Federal District has the largest number of mentions in the geography of presence of organizations with a high level of sustainable development. Therefore it is proposed to consider this macroregion as a pilot region for the formed block of management measures aimed on the development of tools for diagnostics and management of the implementation of the concept "Ecology, personnel, state". Particular attention is paid to the pronlems of stimulating the development of points of growth within the framework of managed factors of personnel stability.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):39-58
pages 39-58 views

E-government models

Burdenko E.V.


Conducting a study of the use of digital technology for the provision of public services, the authors wanted to summarize the positive experience gained in different countries of the world. To solve this problem, four models of e-government formed in the world were considered. The features of each model are shown on the example of countries that use the e-government model. Within the framework of each model, a retrospective analysis of the introduction of information and communication technology for the provision of public services in individual countries was carried out. Within the framework of the Anglo-American model, the experience of the USA, Canada and Great Britain is considered. The European model provides general information on the European Union. Within the framework of the Asian model, the experience of South Korea, Singapore, China and Japan is considered. A more detailed study of the implementation of e-government in Russia has been conducted. The factors influencing each model are identified. The results of the study are of interest to scientists dealing with the problems of digital technology in the provision of public services,
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):59-76
pages 59-76 views

Financing Russia's innovative development amid growing geopolitical tensions and international sanctions

Petrov M.V.


The article analyzes the possibilities of financing innovation activities in Russia in the context of a sharp deterioration in foreign policy relations with developed countries and the introduction of unprecedented financial and technological sanctions. The impact of sanctions and other unfriendly actions of Western states on the national innovation financing system is examined. The prospects for maintaining investment indicators in this critically important area at the level necessary to ensure technological sovereignty and international competitiveness of Russia are considered. The article substantiates the conclusion that the leading role in increasing investment in innovation should be played by domestic business, which has lost access to foreign technology and products as a result of sanctions and is objectively forced to invest in the creation of its own competitive analogues. At the same time, the improvement of mechanisms of state financial support for innovative entrepreneurship, including the current system of tax benefits, would contribute to the growth of domestic spending on RD.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):77-92
pages 77-92 views

Approaches to building the science and technology sector in Russia

Frantseva M.V.


The sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation by foreign states limit the possibilities for its development, force it to quickly formulate and implement a special path built on a unique combination of national values and an effective science and technology sector. The author analyzes the possibilities of building a unique science and technology sector in the country. A review of theoretical approaches to this issue is given. The main types of science and technology activities are highlighted. The structural and functional capabilities for its development are studied. Basic methodological provisions that ensure the formation of a science and technology sector are proposed. A model of this complex to implement its priorities in science and technology development are formulated.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):93-104
pages 93-104 views

Russia's industry: current situation and conditions

Afanasyev A.A.


The author describes the object of industrial policy. First, the concept of industry as a scientific category is defined. The main features and criteria for industrial activity are described. The approach to the classification of types of activities in domestic and international practice is considered; the relevant explanations are given. Then, the specifics of the industrial policy object are considered. The existing mobility of the composition of the considered object is defined; and the existing trends are characterized. Further, the conditions of the industrial complex in the modern period are characterized. The factors causing the formed conditions are considered. In the current realities of a limited open economy, the priority of long-term development of the country's industry becomes the achievement of technological sovereignty.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):105-126
pages 105-126 views

Analysis of innovation and investment balance of industrial policy in Russia amidst digital transformation with the application of artificial intelligence methods

Frolov V.G., Perova V.I.


The research purpose is to analyze the innovation and investment balance of industrial policy as an imperative of industrial development amidst digital transformation. The study solves the problem of improving the tools for assessing the effects of industrial policy in terms of implementing the principle of innovation and investment balance. To conduct the research, a method of complex analysis of heterogeneous statistical data is proposed. It consists in clustering data based on neural networks, which is an important section of artificial intelligence. Neural network modeling based on self-organizing Kohonen maps, objectified on the platform of the Deductor analytical package, was used, since it is free from model limitations and external interference in the neural network. A system of indicators grouped into four sectors has been developed. These sectors determine the balanced innovation and investment development of industrial policy, taking into account the interests of the most important groups of stakeholders amidst digital transformation. This allowed to give it a comprehensive assessment. The features of innovation and investment development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are systematized. There is a strong difference between the regions of the Russian Federation in terms of the level of innovation and investment balance of industrial policy, as well as the main imbalances amidst digital transformation. The article may be of interest to specialists involved in the problems of design and implementation of program documents of industrial development at the regional and federal levels.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):127-148
pages 127-148 views

Changes in the behaviour of economic actors in the digital transformation

Strelets I.A.


Amidst digital transformation, there is a global revision of the behavior patterns of economic actors, as well as the ways of interaction between them. The author identifies qualitative changes in consumer behavior associated with hyperpersonalization and the growth of cognitive capabilities as a result of digital technology implementation. Significant transformations in the activities of companies are shown. They include the application of fundamentally new approaches to business and operational models. Based on the analysis, the conclusion about signs of digital transformation in the modern economy and its advantages for the consumer and the company is made. Separate problems arising in connection with digital transformation are considered. They are as follows: algorithmic discrimination, the problem of trust and information asymmetry. The materials presented in the article may be of interest to researchers dealing with the digital transformation of the economy. The research results can be useful for practitioners whose field of activity is related to digital business. The research results can be used in the educational process at economic faculties during the study of digital economy and digital commerce.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):149-158
pages 149-158 views

Decision-making algorithm for the implementation of predictive equipment maintenance in high-tech companies

Yakovleva M.V., Shalina A.I.


The authors consider the problems of predictive equipment maintenance in high-tech industries. The analysis of the experience of predictive equipment maintenance at Russian and foreign companies is carried out. The advantages of implementing this technology are highlighted. The rationale for obtaining an economic effect due to early detection of pre-failure conditions and anomalies of high-tech equipment is given. An algorithm for making decisions on the feasibility of implementing predictive equipment maintenance of high-tech companies has been developed.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):159-172
pages 159-172 views

Digital transformation: possibilities of applying end-to-end technologies in digital engineering projects

Gorodnova N.V.


The progressive, dynamic development of the economy and digital transformation are inextricably linked with new end-to-end digital technologies, such as machine algorithms of artificial intelligence, Big Data, as well as the implementation of digital engineering capabilities. In this regard, the research related to modelling the specifics of digital transformation in Russia, the decision-making process using the capabilities of artificial intelligence and other end-to-end technologies in digital engineering implementation programs can be recognized as relevant.The scientific novelty consists in the development of the theoretical foundations of the digital economy, in particular, in clarifying the conceptual and categorical apparatus, modelling the digital transformation of an organization, the process of making IIoT decisions by Russian companies and the IIoT maturity of decisions made, as well as in identifying the specifics of end-to-end technologies in digital engineering.The introduction of end-to-end technologies, including artificial intelligence systems and neural networks as part of the implementation of digital engineering projects, is one of the most relevant and promising areas within the framework of digital transformation and the development of digitalization of the Russian economy.The research results can be useful for specialists and experts in the IT and business spheres, scientists engaged in the study of socio-economic aspects and specifics of artificial intelligence algorithms, managers of digital engineering projects, as well as representatives of state authorities engaged in the digital transformation of regions.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):173-192
pages 173-192 views

ESG strategy as a conceptual vision for institutional business design in the format of a high-tech product lifecycle contract

Mavrin A.N., Posadov I.A., Trishankov V.V., Khimich E.Y.


The authors particularize the relevance of synergetic vision of institutional building a business in the format of a high-tech product lifecycle contract based on staging principles of ESG strategy as a response to the global challenges and trends of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The subject content of ESG staging according to the facet of trinitarian and connective definition of system-structural integrity, which expresses the architectonics of acquiring an innovative platform of doing business in the format of a high-tech product lifecycle contract, has been disclosed. There is a problem of achieving success in the field of institutional building a business in the format of a high-tech product lifecycle contract through the adequate adaptation of the ESG strategy concept because of the entrenched commitment to the command and administrative practice of economic management, which is in in antagonistic contradiction with the motivation of creative activity as the basis of post-industrial social development.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):193-214
pages 193-214 views

Particularities of the introduction of neural networks and artificial intelligence systems at power companies

Unizhaev N.V.


The theoretical foundations necessary to identify the features of neural networks and artificial intelligence systems in the digital transformation of the electric power industry are presented. The need for such a study is caused by the difficulties of implementing end-to-end digital technology in all companies, including the electric power industry. Neural networks and artificial intelligence systems allow to automate most of the repetitive intellectual work. Such routine activities can be performed by neural networks and artificial intelligence more efficiently. Modern chatbots and other prototypes of future more advanced artificial intelligence systems have shown their high efficiency. A partial problem lies in the fact that most managers of the electric power industry and other managers do not have the competencies necessary to use neural networks and artificial intelligence in practice. The refusal of unfriendly countries to supply new information technology necessary for the normal operation of neural networks and artificial intelligence systems is another problem. Traditional information processing in existing management systems does not allow for an economic breakthrough and a rapid digital transformation. In addition, the analysis of methods of description and formalization of neural networks and artificial intelligence systems for further use in automated complexes of the power companies was carried out.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):215-232
pages 215-232 views

Analysis of the Russian underwater robotics market

Mitus K.N., Garmashova E.P.


The article is devoted to the urgent task of studying the features, trends and factors of the development of the Russian underwater robotics market. Until 2022, the vast majority of products in this market were imported. However, the introduction of a wide list of sanctions actualized the expediency of studying the underwater robotics market from the point of view of assessing the prospects for eliminating the resulting shortage of products by domestic manufacturers. In addition, the need to analyze the underwater robotics market is explained by a wide range of areas of its application: inspection of pipelines and other underwater man-made structures, monitoring of the seabed in ports and during the construction of underwater infrastructure, emergency rescue operations, monitoring of the chemical composition of water, meteorological observations, etc. The article discusses the global trends in the development of the underwater robotics market. The Russian market of underwater vehicles is analyzed. The key factors of its growth are highlighted. The main manufacturers are systematized; and the parameters of their products are analyzed. The analysis carried out in the article made it possible to propose ways to improve the production of domestic uninhabited underwater vehicles, namely: the creation of universal vehicles, that is, full-fledged marine robotic complexes, improving the control system of uninhabited underwater vehicles and buoys, increasing the technological level of research equipment, improving materials for construction, and increasing the energy capabilities of underwater vehicles.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):233-254
pages 233-254 views

Achieving the sustainable development goals amid e-commerce further spread in the Russian Federation

Revinova S.Y., Tretiakova D.A.


Achieving the sustainable development goals is the task of all states, both developed and developing ones. At the same time, almost all countries are switching to a digital economy. E-commerce is the core of the digital economy. It can have both positive and negative effects on achieving these goals. The maximum positive effect can be achieved with the interest of Internet companies and consumers themselves. The results of the study showed the need to increase the awareness of online shoppers about the impact of their behavior on the Internet on the achievement of sustainable development goals. Leading Internet companies are implementing sustainable development goals in their activities, related both to the environmental component and to the elimination of any kind of inequality and discrimination. The possible policy directions of e-commerce companies for maximum contribution to the achievement of sustainable development goals are identified. The results of the study may be of interest to students, postgraduates, researchers engaged in e-commerce research and sustainable development issues, as well as representatives of Internet companies.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):255-274
pages 255-274 views

Key aspects of Digital Signage in retail

Merzlikin S.S.


Modern customers are in conditions of a large selection of goods in the real and digital world. Thus, it is not enough for retailers to offer good quality goods. It is necessary to arouse customer interest in products, attract and retain attention. Digital Signage systems are designed to create communication with the customer. They are high-tech and serve as marketing and advertising tools. They create a comprehensive favorable environment, encourage the customer to make a purchase. The article discusses current technological solutions of Digital Signage and presents methods for conducting research on Digital Signage systems in retail. The author analyzes the scientific research of Digital Signage in retail. The key aspects of Digital Signage systems are identified. The transformation of systems that has occurred in the last two years has been taken into account. The article is recommended for representatives of retail trade, marketers and programmers engaged in software development for Digital Signage systems.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):275-288
pages 275-288 views

Digital transformation of the customer relationship management system

Abramov V.I., Abramov I.V., Polivanov K.V., Semenkov K.Y.


The key concepts and principles related to the digital transformation of such a key area of enterprise activity as customer relationship management are considered. The importance of the transition from product-oriented CRM to customer-oriented and the difficulties that arise in this case are discussed, since existing CRM usually perform accounting and control functions, but do not allow managing relationships with a large number of customers in a dynamic mode, taking into account feedbacks. It is shown that automation of a significant part of customer relationships allows to increase the effectiveness of the entire interaction system. Working with client data allows to better understand customer requests and build long-term relationships. The real-time translation of CRM will ensure high customer focus of the campaign and operational efficiency. The proposed approach is designed to help the management of enterprises to prioritize the further development of customer relations with an increase in the level and quality of feedback and innovation activity. This article may be of interest to researchers whose area of interest includes innovative trends in management, customer satisfaction and the effectiveness of companies' digitalization. The research results can be useful for practical managers who develop and implement enterprise strategies in the field of customer service and digital transformation.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):289-306
pages 289-306 views

The effectiveness of ROA forecasting models amidst global uncertainty

Kostin K.B., Mamedova L.E., Kononov V.A.


The article examines the advantages and disadvantages of classical models for capital asset pricing amidst socio-economic uncertainty. The most significant factors influencing the expected return on assets have been identified.Taking into account the impact of these factors, a corresponding study of existing capital asset pricing models has been conducted. The choice of the optimal model for predicting the profitability of assets amidst global uncertainty is justified.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):307-326
pages 307-326 views

Hedge fund investment decision support system based on logical-linguistic modeling and digital twin

Voronova N.S., Yakovleva E.A., Sharich E.E., Yakovleva D.D.


The article presents methodological support in the form of a developed decision-making algorithm for formalizing a decision support system based on logical-linguistic knowledge modeling and a situational approach to management. The methodological support is adapted for making investment decisions in hedge funds, taking into account the parameters and limitations of the financial market specifics using cross-sectoral and cross-functional risk management. The algorithm is based on the hedge fund digital twin by selecting and digitizing the main parameters and indicators to solve problematic situations in investment management for hedge funds and other financial market participants. The developed recommendations in the form of an alternative network diagram were tested in the process of making investment decisions of a hedge fund with a refined characteristic of flows between elementary objects of the system and a description of the interaction of elementary objects in a digital twin and a frame representation of knowledge for decision making.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):327-340
pages 327-340 views

Transforming the corporate finance function

Smirnov V.D.


The article is devoted to the study of the corporate financial service transformation from a registrar of company transactions, a provider of reports to the management and an organizer of funding of the main activity to a business partner who analyzes current processes and innovation to develop joint proposals with other departments for long-term and sustainable growth, increasing profits and maximizing the company's value. The reasons for changing the role of the financial service in improving the efficiency of the entire company are determined. The assessment was carried out from the position of consumers evaluating the products produced and organizations funding company's activity.The key priority of the financial service is the generalization of all types of information sought internally and externally, the interpretation of the data obtained and the development of proposals primarily in the company's non-financial activity. Modern digital technology makes it possible to radically change the balance of time spent on routine operations and analytical work. The research results affect the creation of new value both by increasing the internal operational efficiency of the company and by implementing innovative solutions.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):341-360
pages 341-360 views

Financial ecosystems in the era of digital technology (Sberbank case)

Konovalova M.E., Kuzymina O.Y.


The active introduction of digital technology significantly changes the traditional mechanisms of financial relations. Financial ecosystem is one of the forms of manifestation of this transformation. The article highlights the key features of financial ecosystems and discusses their classifications. Particular attention is paid to identifying the reasons for the formation of an ecosystem on the basis of credit institutions. On the example of Sberbank, influence of investment in building an ecosystem on the financial performance of the aggregator company was determined. The author offers recommendations for improving the state regulation of financial ecosystems.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):361-380
pages 361-380 views

Human-centered resource as the driver of innovative changes in the mobilization economy

Shchepakin M.B., Khandamova E.F., Bzhennikova D.G.


The reasons for the deceleration and inertia of the national economy development associated with the unresolved internal problems in the socio-economic system are argued.The authors substantiate that the human-centered resource acquires the properties of a driver of innovative changes in transformative processes of different directions. It is pointed out that it is necessary to create a harmonized integrity of a set of diverse components in business activities for transformations in key areas of industry and sectoral segments based on the intellectualization of production and technological and similar processes. The factors hindering the development of these processes are identified. It is argued that the factors determining the sustainability of economic growth are the accumulation of human capital based on Russian value orientations. The authors propose a model to activate the involvement of the intellectual and creative potential of people with their underutilized innovative ability to strengthen the competitiveness of business and the national socio-economic system as a whole.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):381-404
pages 381-404 views

Machine learning methods in human resource management

Krichevskiy M.L., Dmitrieva S.V., Martynova Y.A.


The application of machine learning methods in human resource management is considered. The main tasks of personnel management, which can be solved by the methods of artificial intelligence and machine learning, are highlighted. The analysis of various platforms of artificial intelligence in the procedures for working with personnel was carried out. A brief description of machine learning methods, primarily related to the category of supervised ones, which are able to find solutions to selected problems in the specified area, is given. Practical examples of the implementation of a number of such tasks that are performed in the MatLab software product with obtaining specific results in recruiting, staff selection and training are given. The ways of further research on the involvement of artificial intelligence methods in the personnel management tasks are indicated.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):405-420
pages 405-420 views

The university digitalization level as a key factor of the competitiveness of Russian universities in the innovation economy

Izotova A.G., Gavrilyuk E.S.


This article analyzes the digital level of the university as one of the key factors of competitiveness of Russian universities in the innovation economy. The main approaches to the classification of university competitiveness factors are considered. A set of parameters, reflecting the level of university digitalization, was formed. On their basis, the level of digitalization of St. Petersburg universities was assessed. A correlation between the digitization level of a higher education institution and its place in international and national rankings was established: the higher the digitization level is, the better is the university's position on the list. This correlation reflects a better comprehensive assessment of the university based on its competitive advantages. This allows to conclude that the university digitalization level affects its competitiveness. The article will be of interest to specialists in education and innovation, as well as to all those who observe the current situation in higher education and its key directions and development trends.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):421-438
pages 421-438 views

The role of universities in the innovative development of Russian business

Serebrennikov S.S., Ivanova N.M., Orlov M.A.


Amidst the development of the digital economy, digital competitiveness is of great importance for the economic security of the country. The COVID-19 pandemics and subsequent crisis phenomena, measures specifically taken by the state, the desire to obtain competitive technologies through modern information technology, as well as the general interest of stakeholders are forcing Russian business to embark on the path of digital transformation. In the article, the authors analyze the conditions that encourage organizations of various industries to create conditions for the creation and implementation of digital innovations. Based on the study of modern practice, the role of higher education institutions in the formation of an innovative agenda and training for digital transformation is determined.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):439-452
pages 439-452 views

Development of university project ecosystem for the benefit of the region's key stakeholders

Berezin A.S., Minaeva O.A., Medveditskova A.S., Yurova O.V.


The article substantiates the relevance of project activity ecosystem, contributing to the creation of education practice-oriented model in the university-stakeholder tandem. The interaction of universities and regional stakeholders in a common semantic field will create conditions and opportunities to identify, develop and support the talented youth' initiatives, as well as to form a students' cohort with relevant professional and non-professional competencies. This will reduce the qualification gap between the real competencies and skills of graduates and those required by the market economy and specific companies.The authors have developed a universal model of project activity ecosystem, which can be scaled by other universities. On the regional example, the authors consider a mechanism for building an ecosystem line of project activities. The center of the regional model is Volgograd State Technical University; the operator and the entry point of this model is the POLYGON Center for Project Activities. The key points of entry and interaction of ecosystem elements are defined; qualitative results for each segment of the target audience of the project are described. According to the results of the study, the bottlenecks of the ecosystem model are identified; and solutions to contribute to its permanent functioning and the achievement of positive results are proposed.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):453-470
pages 453-470 views

An empirical study of research grant support in Russian universities

Lavrinenko Y.B., Tinyakova V.I., Shishkina L.A.


The results of the authors' research make a certain contribution to the study of the problem of obtaining grants from the Russian Science Foundation and the President of the Russian Federation allocated to support and develop the universities' scientific and innovative activities. A set of Russian universities, which are the most frequent recipients of grants, was the object of the study. The authors carried out a correlation analysis between the number of grants received by these universities and their performance indicators, such as the average score of the Unified State Exam, the number of publications, the proportion of teaching staff with academic degrees, the average salary and a number of other indicators for the period 2020-2021. The hypothesis about the concentration of state grant support in a small group of universities and the maximum concentration of grants for universities in two cities of federal significance Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as the hypothesis about the existence of a relationship between the number of grants received by universities and the quality of publications affiliated with them, was tested. The results of the authors' research are of interest to the heads of scientific departments of universities, as well as to the authorities that form the scientific policy of the state.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):471-484
pages 471-484 views

Artificial intelligence in higher education

Lukichyov P.M., Chekmarev O.P.


This article is devoted to the application of artificial intelligence technology in higher education. The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that at present there is a significant gap between interest in the use of artificial intelligence in education and its real implementation. The scientific and practical works of Russian and foreign scientists in the field of economics and ethics of artificial intelligence in education were used as the methodological basis of the study. The authors identify two main directions of the influence of artificial intelligence on the higher education system. The article discusses artificial intelligence tools in education by subjects of application. The authors focus on identifying the economic and ethical issues of introducing artificial intelligence algorithms into the higher education system. It is necessary to apply an interdisciplinary approach to teaching today's students how to interact with artificial intelligence technology. Particular attention is paid to the problems of application the ChatGPT program in the educational process. The results of the scientific research can be useful for specialists in the field of artificial intelligence, scientists whose area of scientific interest is the study of the processes of improving the economy and ethics of higher education.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):485-502
pages 485-502 views

Comprehensive assessment of the quality and completeness of regional digital transformation strategies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

Shitov E.A., Rakov D.A., Kovrova E.S., Dvoryantseva N.A., Zarubin Y.V., Shaburova Y.S.


The article is devoted to the actual problem of managing the processes of digital transformation at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. For the first time, a methodology for evaluating approved regional strategies in the field of digital transformation has been developed. The methodology is based on a set of basic and additional criteria. The basic criteria contain a minimum list of requirements for the quality of the strategy development in the field of digital transformation; and the additional ones contain an expanded list of requirements, reflecting regional specifics. 55.3% of regions are among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with a sufficient level of elaboration of strategies according to basic criteria; and 40.0% of regions are among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with a sufficient level of elaboration of strategies according to additional criteria. The analysis of the relevant regulatory framework in the field of digital transformation and digital development has been carried out; and priority projects that are planned to be implemented in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the near future have been identified. The article is intended for specialists in the field of public administration, experts in the field of digital transformation and digital development, employees of federal and regional authorities.FUNDING.The article was written with the support of the Russian-Chinese Research Center for Digital Economy.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):503-520
pages 503-520 views

Modeling of interregional integration processes: cluster approach amidst digitalization

Buletova N.E., Gubin A.M.


Substantiation of options for the formation or development of interregional integration processes in the new realities of foreign economic cooperation and capital flows, threats to economic security and national sovereignty is an urgent task for the adjustment of state economic policy at the federal and regional levels of executive power and leading regional organizations, as well as large national corporations. Rethinking the cluster approach to integration processes allows not only to clarify the classification of clusters relevant for the level of the regional economy, but also to present the authors' version of the classification of interregional interaction models that have an artificial nature associated with the initiation and management of such processes by the regional executive authorities. The importance of standardization of cluster creation processes by analogy with the system of international, national and industry standards for project activity determines the prospects for formalizing the stages of the cluster life cycle and methods of managing its movement from initiation to completion.The presented models' classification is based on the economic systems' typology in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with division into agricultural, industrial and service types. This makes it possible to substantiate the directions and results of integration processes related to the clusters' creation, a network form of business and obtaining synergetic effects from such forms in the regional economy.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):521-534
pages 521-534 views

Prospects for the digital economy in the Siberian Federal District as a basis for innovative development

Pogrebtsova E.A.


The creation of a digital economy in the Siberian Federal District and the country as a whole is the main course of the state for the innovative development. To do this, it is advisable to study the factors contributing to or constraining digital technology. It is necessary to monitor on an ongoing basis. This will allow to assess the situation of each subject of the Siberian Federal District and outline options for the implementation of digital technology.The article analyzes the level of digital technology development within the subjects of the Siberian Federal District. The author identified disadvantages of digitalization, such as lack of financial resources, insufficient possession of digital competencies, underdevelopment of infrastructure, etc. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the general and commercial purposes of using the Internet. The author suggests ways to increase and develop the digital potential of the subjects of the Siberian Federal District.The results obtained are of practical importance, as they allow to outline trends in the growth of digital potential for individual subjects amidst uncertainty.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):535-546
pages 535-546 views

The impact of innovative development on the energy intensity of the Russian Arctic zone

Nalivaychenko E.V., Tishkov S.V., Volkov A.D.


The positions of the developed countries and the constituent entity of the Russian Federation included in the Arctic zone in the rankings of innovative development and energy efficiency were examined. A multiple correlation analysis was carried out.The authors identified the impact of domestic RD expenditure, companies' expenditure on innovation activities, the level of companies' innovation activity and a number of other factors on intensity the GRP energy of the Arctic constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The authors have identified innovative factors that need to be stimulated in the first instance to help reduce the energy intensity of GRP in Russia's Arctic regions.A possible decrease in the GRP energy intensity is predicted when the target indicators of the regional innovative development are achieved.FUNDING:The article was prepared with the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation (RNF), project No. 23-28-00693,
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):547-564
pages 547-564 views

Accelerating digitalization amid the pandemic: the development of digital economy in China

Fan D., Peng Q.


The article provides overview of the development of digital economy in China. Regarding the current situation of China\'s digital economy, the authors analyze it from both international and domestic perspectives. The authors analyze the problems existing in the development of China\'s digital economy from five aspects: infrastructure, industrial integration, talents needed for innovation and development, residents\' digital literacy, and laws and regulations, and therefore puts forward suggestions based on the corresponding problems.The statements and conclusions are based on modern scientific research and public statistics presented in 21 bibliography points.

Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):565-582
pages 565-582 views

Comparative analysis of science and innovation infrastructure development in Belarus and Russia in the Union State model

Klimuk V.V.


This study analyzes development of the innovation infrastructure subjects in Belarus and Russia. The author choses a system of indicators to assess the effectiveness of technology parks. A comparative analysis of the development of innovation infrastructure in Belarus and Russia is carried out. The directions of perspective development of scientific and innovation infrastructure in the Union State are presented.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):583-596
pages 583-596 views

Intellectual resources in strategic management of innovative development of the Republic of Belarus

Golovchanskaya E.E.


The article examines the importance of intellectual resources in the evolution of the national innovation-oriented economic system of the Republic of Belarus. Separate economic indicators of innovative development of the country as the effectiveness of the use of intellectual resources are analyzed. Statistical characteristics of intellectual resources are given. The state strategic and program documents defining the retrospective of the innovative economy are studied. The attention is focused on identifying the role of intellectual resources and the importance of their development in the system of the national innovation system. The conclusion about the gradual but insufficient increase of the intellectual resources' role in the system of state priorities, as well as the need for additional measures for their development is made.
Russian Journal of Innovation Economics. 2023;13(1):597-608
pages 597-608 views
pages 609-614 views

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