Digital transformation of the customer relationship management system

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The key concepts and principles related to the digital transformation of such a key area of enterprise activity as customer relationship management are considered. The importance of the transition from product-oriented CRM to customer-oriented and the difficulties that arise in this case are discussed, since existing CRM usually perform accounting and control functions, but do not allow managing relationships with a large number of customers in a dynamic mode, taking into account feedbacks. It is shown that automation of a significant part of customer relationships allows to increase the effectiveness of the entire interaction system. Working with client data allows to better understand customer requests and build long-term relationships. The real-time translation of CRM will ensure high customer focus of the campaign and operational efficiency. The proposed approach is designed to help the management of enterprises to prioritize the further development of customer relations with an increase in the level and quality of feedback and innovation activity. This article may be of interest to researchers whose area of interest includes innovative trends in management, customer satisfaction and the effectiveness of companies' digitalization. The research results can be useful for practical managers who develop and implement enterprise strategies in the field of customer service and digital transformation.

About the authors

Viktor Ivanovich Abramov

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI

Профессор кафедры «Управления бизнес-проектами» факультета бизнес-информатики и управления комплексными системами, доктор экономических наук, доцент

Igor Viktorovich Abramov

Globatek JSC

управляющий партнер

Kirill Viktorovich Polivanov

Institute of Applied Information Technologies

Научный сотрудник

Konstantin Yuryevich Semenkov

Institute of Applied Information Technologies

Научный сотрудник


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Copyright (c) 2023 Abramov V.I., Abramov I.V., Polivanov K.V., Semenkov K.Y.

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