Modeling of interregional integration processes: cluster approach amidst digitalization

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Substantiation of options for the formation or development of interregional integration processes in the new realities of foreign economic cooperation and capital flows, threats to economic security and national sovereignty is an urgent task for the adjustment of state economic policy at the federal and regional levels of executive power and leading regional organizations, as well as large national corporations. Rethinking the cluster approach to integration processes allows not only to clarify the classification of clusters relevant for the level of the regional economy, but also to present the authors' version of the classification of interregional interaction models that have an artificial nature associated with the initiation and management of such processes by the regional executive authorities. The importance of standardization of cluster creation processes by analogy with the system of international, national and industry standards for project activity determines the prospects for formalizing the stages of the cluster life cycle and methods of managing its movement from initiation to completion.The presented models' classification is based on the economic systems' typology in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with division into agricultural, industrial and service types. This makes it possible to substantiate the directions and results of integration processes related to the clusters' creation, a network form of business and obtaining synergetic effects from such forms in the regional economy.

About the authors

Natalya Evgenevna Buletova

Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)

профессор кафедры управления и экономики, доктор экономических наук, доцент

Aleksandr Mikhaylovich Gubin

Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)

зав. кафедрой управления и экономики, кандидат юридических наук


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