
Psychophysiological Monitoring of the State of the Organism in Elderly Female Teachers
Dolgova V., Mamylina N.
Emotional burnout syndrome in elderly women–physicians
Myakotnykh V., Borovkova T.
Model of ontogenetic variability of the functional state of the organism in different regimes of motor activity
Myakotnyh V., Khodasevich L.
The contribution of stress and its mediators to the ontopathogeny of infections: a focus on the interactions of cytokines and glucocorticoids
Goudochnikov V.
Cardioprotective effect of a new glutamic acid derivative, glufimet, under conditions of acute immobilization and painful stress in animals of different ages
Perfilova V., Sadikova N., Prokofiev I., Inozemtsev O., Tyurenkov I.
Phytopharmacological Correction of Functional State, Hormonal Status, and Memory Performance in Patients of Different Ages with Organic Changes in Brain Vasculature
Vetosheva V., Volodin V., Volodina S.
Comparison of morphofunctional features of the ventral hippocampus in adult and old rats after combined stress
Ekova M., Smirnov A., Shmidt M., Tyurenkov I., Volotova E., Kurkin D., Grigorieva N., Ermilov V., Mednikov D.
Molecular Mechanisms of Aging: The Role of Oxidative Stress and Epigenetic Modifications
Aitbaev K., Murkamilov I., Fomin V.
Age- and sex-related differences in the lipid profile and stress response in human aging
Myakotnykh V., Emelyanov V., Gavrilov I., Ermakova E., Soloviev R., Borovkova T., Katyreva Y., Berezina D., Torgashov M., Myakotnykh K.
The Effects of Cloudberry Fruit Extract on Drosophila melanogaster Lifespan and Stress Resistance
Lashmanova E., Kuzivanova O., Dymova O., Moskalev A.
Age-related changes in biogenic amine content and oxidative stress profile in rat hypothalamus with hyperhomocysteinemia
Milyutina Y., Pustygina A., Zaloznyaya I., Arutjunyan A.
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