
On the Issue of Classification and System of Responsibilities of Citizens in the Field of Ensuring Biological Safety
Aleshkova I.A., Sapelchenko N.E.
Concept, Essence and Manifestations of Terrorism as a Threat to National Security
Sabitov R.A., Mayorov A.V., Pass A.A., Begishev I.R., Shutova A.A., Skorobogatov A.V.
Problems of Identification and Suppression of Channels for Financing Extremist and Terrorism Activities
Abazov I.S.
Protection of Big Data as an Element of the National Security Structure of the State
Aripshev A.M.
Topical Issues of Combating Crime in the Field of Road Safety and Vehicle Operation
Gutaev A.M.
Comparative Analysis of Some Means of Countering Discovery of Crimes in the Sphere of Illegal Drug Traffic Committed with the Use of the Internet
Bitov A.A.
On Proposals for Improving the Legal Support of Information Security of the Russian Federation in the Context of Sanctions and Threats from Unfriendly States
Kiselev A.S., Barkov A.V.
Analysis of the Experience of Foreign Countries in the Fight Against International Terrorism
Magomedov M.N.
On The Impact of Cyberterrorism on the National Security of the Russian Federation in Modern Conditions
Zhukov A.Z.
Modern Model of Interaction of Criminal Executive Inspections with Internal Affairs Bodies
Tarasov M.Y., Fedorov A.N., Vechkaev N.S.
Cyber Attacks on Critical Information Infrastructure as a Threat to National Security
Abidov R.R.
Prospects and Benefits of Using Autonomous Vehicles
Tarasov A.Y., Tarasova I.A.
Ensuring the Security of the Digital Space from Cyberterrorist Threats
Ordokov M.K., Martynenko O.V.
Formation of the System of Navigation Safety in Sweden in the 19th - Early 20th Centuries
Kirov A.A.
The Ban on the Import and Export of Certain Types of Goods as a Measure of Influence (Counteraction) Used to Ensure the Security of the Russian Federation
Abazova E.K.
Economic Crimes as a Threat to the National Security of the Russian Federation: Criminal Law Aspect
Shuisky A.S.
About "Public Entities" in Private Law (on the Example of Public Law Companies)
Pavlikov S.G., Tamaev T.R.
On the Issue of Criminal Liability in the Absence of Formal Evidence of Treason
Shogenov Z.A.
Cyberterrorism as a Modern Threat to State Security
Zhukov A.Z., Ogorodnikov M.A.
Priority Directions of Countering Extremism and Terrorism at the Present Stage of Society Development
Zhamborov A.A., Semiglazov A.G.
Individual Digital Medical Profile as an Effective Means of Countering Corruption
Bikeev I.I., Klemin A.V., Latypova E.Y.
Administrative Responsibility for Public Actions Aimed to Discredit the Use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
Dugenets A.S., Kanunnikova N.G.
The Use of Psychological Aspects in the Framework of Preventive and Preventive Actions in Ensuring Public Order at Public Events
Teplyakov O.V., Moldavsky M.V., Gorbanev V.M.
How European Union Countries Harbor Fugitive Criminals from Russia
Tarasov M.Y., Stupachenko E.V.
Current Problems of Counteraction to Crimes Against Military Service in Russian Federation
Abazova E.K.
International Search for Terrorists and Its Alternative Means in Ensuring the National Security of the Russian Federation
Tarasov M.Y.
Criminalistic Characteristics of Crimes in the Field of Computer Information
Tambiev S.A., Teunaev A.S.
On Some Aspects of the Criminal Law Policy in the Field of Security of the Russian Federation
Borovikov V.B., Borovikova V.V.
On the Issue of Ensuring the Safety, Protection of the Rights and Freedoms of Victims in the Framework of Criminal Proceedings
Kankulov A.K.
Filling Existing Gaps in International Law in the Context of the Development of the Modern World Order
Nikiforov S.V.
Legal Restrictions in the Application of Reproductive Technologies: in Search of a Balance Between Private and Public Interests
Dovnar A.N.
Transformation of Modern Crime: Features of Prevention and Counteraction
Makoeva E.R.
Improving the Legal Protection of Citizens in Cyberspace
Ostroushko A.V.
Ensuring Information Security as an Object of Criminal Law Protection
Kur I.N.
Environmental Expertise Objects: Changes and Prospects
Zhochkina I.N.
The Concept of Monitoring Threats to Information Security in Organizations of the Fuel and Energy Complex
Severin V.A.
The Value Policy in the Russian Federation: the Legal Aspect
Zubov V.V.
Main Directions of Increasing the Efficiency of the State Policy to Counter Cyberterrorism in the Russian Federation
Aramisov A.A.
In the Struggle for the Laws and Customs of War and Peace: Ideas of P.S. Romashkin's Scientific Heritage
Sushkova Y.N.
Criminal Risk Factors for the Development of the Digital Economy
Zhalsanov M.K.
Modern Terrorism and Extremism: Development Trends, Problems of Counteraction
Zhamborov A.A.
Analysis of the Hazards Associated with the Appearance of Robots Moving in Pedestrian Zones
Tarasov A.Y., Tarasova I.A.
Cyberspace as a Resource Base for the Spread of Terrorism
Kanokova L.Y.
Selected Aspects of Financial Investigations
Danilkina V.M., Shuvaeva M.S.
Organized Crime in the Russian Financial Market
Pinkevich T.V., Bakasov R.R.
Socio-Economic Determinants of Terrorism as a Threat to Society and the State
Makoeva E.R.
Information Security as an Object of Protection Under Criminal Law
Kazakova V.A.
Current Features of Criminological, Criminal Law and Criminological Characteristics of the Involvement of a Minor in Committing Crimes
Sitdikova G.Z.
Modern Trends in the Development of State Sovereignty
Kochesokov Z.H., Mankieva A.V., Voropaev I.G.
Consumer Rights to Food Safety
Ivanova S.G.
1 - 50 of 50 Items

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