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Vol 15, No 7 (2022)

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The History of the Formation and Development of Mythologemes in Philosophical and Right-Wing Thought About Artificial Intelligence

Kiselev A.S., Barkova A.V.


The article discusses the main milestones in the development of artificial intelligence (AI), provides definitions of artificial intelligence, including from Russian legislation. Examples of domestic and foreign legal acts regulating the development, activity, and use of AI are given. Special attention is paid to the "National Strategy for the development of artificial Intelligence for the period up to 2030". The problems of legal regulation of AI are considered. The purpose of this work is to search for the origins of mythologies about artificial intelligence in the XX century, their impact on society, on philosophical and legal thought. Taking into account the novelty of the idea, the article also examines the views of modern scientists on the future of artificial intelligence. Conclusions. In the near future, artificial intelligence will take an increasingly strong position in fundamentally important spheres of public life: in the management of the economy, the state, weapons, in the dissemination of information and political struggle, etc. All this poses a task for lawyers: to create legal norms regulating fundamentally new social relations, because artificial intelligence not only changes existing relations, but also creates new opportunities for illegal activities. Domestic legal scholars believe that it is necessary to introduce terms and norms related to AI into the Civil Code, because this would clarify a wider range of legal norms related to AI. However, to do this, it is necessary to solve a number of not only legal, but also philosophical and legal problems. The main issue here is the question of the legal personality of AI. In what form the legal subjectivity of artificial intelligence will be adopted by legislators will, among other things, depend on the technical capabilities of specific AI samples. The second issue of legal regulation of AI is who will be responsible for the implemented incorrect, dangerous, or illegal solution proposed and executed by artificial intelligence: the robot itself, its manufacturer, owner, or operator. Global challenges in 2020-2022 have pushed the development of such promising technologies as AI into the background: state structures of developed countries are forced to solve current urgent problems. But even now we can confidently say that the issues of AI development and the relevant law will remain on the agenda of the most developed countries in the coming years. Despite the fact that governments of different countries are trying to guide the development of AI with the help of special legal acts, the leading role here still remains for the development of technology. And the technical trend is obvious: in the coming years, universally used "smart robots" will become a reality in developed countries.

Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):15-21
pages 15-21 views

Legal Customs Is No Typical Sources of Labor Law Aimed at Eliminating Defects in Labor Legislation: Theory and Legal Aspect

Efimova O.A.


The article analyses the essence of the phenomenon of legal practice in Russian labour law. Discusses examples of legal custom, it investigates the nature of particular legal traditions. This article provides an analysis of such a theoretical and legal phenomenon as legal custom in russian labour law. Examples of legal customs are considered, the essence of specific legal customs is investigated in order to identify the role of legal custom in the formation of legislation, as well as the procedure for authorizing customs and filling gaps in law, the nature of the operation of legal customs is analyzed on a par with the law and in some cases instead of the law. The examples of judicial practice related to the legalization of legal customs and the practice of sanctioning legal customs within the framework of contractual relations, as well as options for the direct impact of customs on social relations, are considered on the example of certain types of legal relations. In addition, the author identifies the characteristic features that make it possible to define custom as a modern source of law, and establish the need for a more comprehensive study of the application of legal custom as a source of individual branches of law.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):22-28
pages 22-28 views

Legal Support for the Implementation of the Educational Function in the Context of Generation Experience Transfer

Petyukova O.N.


Goals / objectives. The article is devoted to topical issues related to the legal regulation of education in general and upbringing in particular within the framework of intergenerational communication. The goal is to study theoretical and legal approaches to the implementation of the educational function in the context of the transmission of the moral experience of generations, taking into account the current legislation and the practice of its application. Within the framework of scientific research, the ethicocentrism of Russian law; the correlation of the legal culture, legal education, patriotic education; the legal dimension of patriotic education in the educational process are characterized. The development trends of Russian legislation on patriotic education and the practice of its application are also considered. Methodology. The study used methods of analysis and synthesis, dialectical, systemic, comparative legal, formal legal and others. The data of sociological surveys of the Center for the Study of Public Opinion on the knowledge of the norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation by citizens of Russia, as well as statistical data of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation on the state of civil society for 2021 are presented. Conclusions. The article notes that the extensive regulatory legal framework in the field of education in the Russian Federation is formed taking into account the guidelines of state policy in this area, laid down in the strategic planning documents. However, at present there is no unified approach to the legal support for the implementation of the educational function, taking into account the previous legal experience of the intergenerational communication.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):29-34
pages 29-34 views

Information and Reference Systems as a Means of Implementation of Legal Education of Senior School Children

Adaeva O.V.


The purpose of the study is to analyze the process of formation of the legal consciousness of senior schoolchildren through the use of legal reference systems in the organization, implementation and implementation of the model of legal education. Methods. The study is based on the use of legal and pedagogical methods: logical, systematic, theoretical analysis of literature, generalization, systematization, modeling; participant observation, conversation, survey, questioning, interviewing, generalization and study of innovative pedagogical experience, analysis of student activity products, audio and video recordings, ranking, sociometry, pedagogical experiment, peer review; statistical processing of the data obtained as a result of the study. Findings. Raising the level of legal culture of the younger generation is decisive in the process of formation of the rule of law and public order. There are many methods and means of legal education of schoolchildren used in pedagogical practices. Information and reference legal systems are an effective means of achieving the goal of forming the legal consciousness of students.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):35-40
pages 35-40 views

Constitutional and Legal Status of the Parliamentary Ombudsman for Administration in Norway

Rakitskaya I.A., Pavlov E.Y.


The purpose of the research. A parliamentary ombudsman which exists in the constitutional mechanism of many modern states performs two main functions: to exercise control over the legality of the activities of the public administration and to consider individual complaints related to the violation of human rights and freedoms. The office of parliamentary ombudsman for administration (civil ombudsman) was founded in Norway in 1962, ten years after the foundation of the position of the military ombudsman. The present article is devoted to the analysis of the legal status of the Norwegian parliamentary civil ombudsman, the procedure for appointing, the functions and powers of the civil ombudsman, the procedure for considering of the incoming complaints. The authors pay special attention to such element of the status of the parliamentary civil ombudsman as a national preventive mechanism. The article was written on the basis of an analysis of the new Act on the Parliamentary Ombudsman for Control of Administration dd. June 18, 2021, which introduced a number of changes to the status and procedure for exercising powers by the civil ombudsman. The results: The new Act changes the title of the position. Now it is officially referred to as the parliamentary ombudsman for control of the administration. The word "control" which appeared in the title of the position emphasizes the strengthening of the protective function of the Norwegian civil ombudsman, as well as the expansion of his/her powers to supervise the activities of public bodies and officials. The current legislation simultaneously considers the parliamentary civil ombudsman as a national preventive mechanism, which is entitled to issue recommendations in order to improve the treatment and conditions of detention of persons deprived of their liberty, as well as to prevent torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Despite the rather broad powers of the Norwegian parliamentary civil ombudsman, unlike the parliamentary ombudsmen of some other countries, he/she does not have the legally enshrined right to initiate changes to the current legislation to fill in the gaps or improve it in order to more fully regulate the mechanisms for protecting the human rights and freedoms. The analysis of statistical data indicates a trend towards an increase in the number of applications to the parliamentary civil ombudsman in recent years. This fact shows not only an increase in cases of violations of human rights by the authorities and officials during the COVID-19 pandemic, but also, in general, an increase citizens’ confidence in this national mechanism for protecting fundamental human rights an freedoms. The adoption of the new Act also reflects the desire of the Norwegian members of parliament to improve the model of the civil ombudsman in order to ensure its efficiency.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):46-52
pages 46-52 views

About the Peculiarities of Bringing Priests to Administrative Responsibility When They Carry out Missionary Activities

Ivanov D.V.


This article discusses issues related to bringing citizens to administrative responsibility for violations when engaged in missionary activities. In some cases, violations occur due to such persons' ignorance of their rights and the current legislation. In other cases, there is no guilt in committing an offense, but law enforcement agencies send such materials to the courts for making decisions on them. Such facts indicate existing problems, both in legislation and in its application, which we will try to deal with in this work.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):53-57
pages 53-57 views

Legal System - A Matrix for State Self-Identification

Bezuglya A.A., Nikonova L.I.


This article analyzes the author's approaches to the consideration of the category "legal system" in the legal theory. It was revealed that the indicated legal phenomenon is mainly studied by scientists in two senses: the first approach (broad) allows us to consider it as a fundamental, complex, multidimensional and collective "legal formation" that combines a variety of legal phenomena, means and processes; the second - studies the legal system through a set of normative legal acts in force on the territory of a particular state. It is clarified that the second approach is based primarily on the constitutional provisions of Part 4 of Art. 15. In the course of the study, the substantive difference between the categories "legal system", "legal family", "system of law", "system of legislation" is indicated. The variability of the author's positions in terms of fixing the elemental composition of the legal system is also noted, while the similarity of these components (the system of law, the system of legislation, legal practice and legal ideology) is emphasized. As a special classification of legal systems, the position of the authors was reflected, proposing to consider the legal system through legal arrays: as a national legal system, a legal family and a group of legal systems. The analysis of doctrinal approaches to the study of the Russian legal system made it possible to formulate a conclusion about the need to “grow” it, taking into account the cultural, historical, national, political, social, and economic identification of our society and state. It is emphasized that the legal system of Russia is the personification of its state sovereignty.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):41-45
pages 41-45 views

The State of Legality in the Field of Urban Planning and Measures to Increase the Effectiveness of Prosecutorial Supervision of the Implementation of Laws in This Area (Based on Materials from the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Dagestan)

Magomedov M.A.


The article analyzes the state of legality in the field of urban planning, which has developed in the Republic of Dagestan in recent years. As a result of the analysis, the author comes to the conclusion that, despite the adoption of exhaustive measures of prosecutorial supervision, the unsatisfactory state of legality in this area is maintained due to non-fulfillment of court decisions for the demolition of unauthorized buildings erected on the lands of the recoverers- municipalities, from For the absence of debtors to finance the costs of drawing up projects, estimates and execution of dismantling work on their demolition. It is justified by the need to give the bailiff the authority to submit in the framework of the enforcement proceedings in its proceedings, a motivated decision on the payment of these expenses from municipal budget accounts of the recoverers after taking comprehensive measures to search for funds and not detecting the same by the debtor, with the simultaneous disposal of the debtor. obligations for their subsequent compensation; Such a legislative solution to the problem gives the prosecutor the reason to demand from the bailiff the implementation of this executive action and thereby will ensure the real execution of court decisions on the demolition of unauthorized buildings, which will increase the effectiveness of prosecutorial supervision and the level of legality in this area
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):58-63
pages 58-63 views

The Highest Official of the State in the System of Public Authorities

Tebayev D.B.


The purposes of the research are to identify the problems of the legal status of the President in the system of public authorities and develop proposals for their solution. The article analyzes the development of the theory of separation of powers and the legal status of the head of state, presents different positions on the position of the head of state in the system of public authorities. The results of the research, the author came to the conclusion that the head of state in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation occupies a central position and this does not contradict the principle of separation of powers.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):64-70
pages 64-70 views

Gaps in the Anti-Terrorism Function of the EMERCOM of Russia

Metelkov A.N.


In order to increase the effectiveness of the participation of the Russian Emergencies Ministry in countering terrorism, including nuclear (radiological) terrorism, based on the methods of interpretation of legal norms, comparative legal and system analysis of regulatory legal acts and the content of basic concepts regulating the competence of authorities, the author revealed a mismatch of functions EMERCOM of Russia and its territorial bodies. An analysis of the elements of legal norms on countering terrorism in the activities of the Ministry and its subordinate bodies shows a split approach to the entire system and its individual structural elements. The results of a comparative law study of legal relations in the field of countering terrorism demonstrate disproportions in the main functions of the Main Directorates for the constituent entities of the Russia and the Ministry itself, the mismatch of departmental competence with the norms of basic anti-terrorist legislation, which is reflected in the quality and completeness of their implementation in practice. Therefore, the author proposes to clarify departmental functions in accordance with the current legislation of the Russia and make appropriate changes to the Decree of the President of the Russia of July 11, 2004 No. 868.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):71-76
pages 71-76 views

Topical Issues of Judicial Law Enforcement in Labor Disputes Contesting Classes (Subclasses) of Working Conditions of an Employee

Galaeva L.A., Khnyreva E.S.


The article analyzes the features of resolving labor disputes related to appealing (challenging) the results of a special assessment of working conditions and restoring the employee's rights to reduced working hours and additional leave. The authors focus on the problems of judicial enforcement, in particular, during the state examination of working conditions, in which the results of a special assessment of working conditions are disputed. An analysis of the current labor legislation and legislation on a special assessment of working conditions allowed the authors to identify the problems of legal regulation of the revision of the procedure for remuneration in connection with an additional agreement signed by the employee to the employment contract based on the results of the SOUT. The methodological basis of the study was the formal legal method, the use of which contributed to the disclosure of the specifics of the consideration of labor disputes related to challenging the results of the SAUT, as well as significant gaps and problems in the legal regulation of the studied sphere of social and labor relations.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):77-84
pages 77-84 views

Certain Problems of the Measures of Responsibility of the Antimonopoly Legislation to Digital Markets

Yaremchuk A.V.


The article is devoted to the issue of application of antimonopoly law and legislation on administrative offenses to cases of violation of antimonopoly law in digital markets. The purpose of the study was to consider certain problems of the measures of responsibility and response of the antimonopoly authority established in the current legislation to such violations, including taking into account examples from foreign experience. The author came to the conclusion that it is necessary to revise the procedure for calculating fines, assess the feasibility of their appointment, as well as consider establishing a clear procedure for applying such a measure as forced separation.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):85-88
pages 85-88 views

Features of the Use of Astrent as a Way to Protect the Rights of the Creditors

Kudryavtseva O.V.


This article analyzes the legal nature of the astrent or court penalty. Based on the study of judicial practice, Russian and foreign doctrine, the problems that arise when appointing an astrent in relation to debtors who do not voluntarily execute court decisions are studied. The article provides a detailed list of categories of cases in which a court penalty can be collected. The cases of ambiguous judicial practice, including cases of recovery of astrent in administrative disputes, are investigated. Based on judicial practice, the amount of astrent collected in different categories of cases is analyzed in detail. Based on the results of the article, a conclusion was made about the high efficiency of astrent as a way to protect the rights of the creditor.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):89-96
pages 89-96 views

Security Mechanism for Exercising the Rights and Legal Interests of the Debtor in the Process of Insolvency (Bankruptcy): Main Provisions

Mikhaylova V.I.


To date, the institution of insolvency (bankruptcy) has begun to undergo changes in terms of the development of a rehabilitation function within the framework of out-of-court bankruptcy of citizens, the anti-sanction potential of the moratorium mechanism on filing an application for declaring a debtor bankrupt. In order to fully understand the rehabilitation properties of bankruptcy, it is necessary to consider the institution from the point of view of its ability to ensure the rights of subjects, in particular, debtors. In this article, the author presents the content of the concept of a security mechanism for the implementation of the rights and legitimate interests of a debtor declared bankrupt, using the example of organizations. The author comes to the conclusion that such a mechanism makes it possible to apply the norms of the Bankruptcy Law from the standpoint of the need for rehabilitation, guaranteeing and ensuring the rights of the debtor.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):97-102
pages 97-102 views

Self-Regulation in the Housing Legal Regulation Mechanism

Karyagina V.S.


The purpose of the research. The increased concern in the research community to various problems of the mechanism of legal regulation, taking into account the sectoral characteristics has predetermined the need to identify its specificity in relation to the housing sector and to clarify the role of self-regulation as an independent use by participants of law enforcement activities in the field of housing system of private law means of implementation of their housing rights. The article considers the correlation between self-regulation and the most significant elements of the mechanism of legal regulation of housing relations, it also traces the dynamics of their interaction and identifies sector-specific features of self-regulation in relation to the housing sector. The purpose of the study is to identify the specific features of self-regulation in the housing sector and to determine its role in the mechanism of legal regulation of housing relations. Results. The author concludes that the complex nature of the legal regulation of housing relations, which combines elements of both private law and public law regulation, arises from the heterogeneous nature of housing relations themselves. Differentiation of legal regulation of housing relations is based on differences in methods, ways and techniques of legal impact on relations in the housing sector, which ultimately determines the peculiarities of the mechanism of their legal regulation. The central role in the system of civil law legal means of regulating that part of housing relations, which are by their legal nature civil law relations, belongs to such key civil law instruments as civil law contract, legal entity, decisions of meetings. The discretionary nature of civil law regulation of housing relations gives its participants the possibility of choosing their own legal ways and means of satisfying their private interests, and therefore the possibility of self-regulation. Self-regulation in the mechanism of legal regulation of housing relations is the use of legal means directly by the participants of the relations regulated by housing law to structure their own behaviour, independent determination of their rights and duties within the law. Self-regulation in the housing sphere is closely interconnected with such elements of the mechanism of legal regulation of housing relations as norms and legal relations. The normative foundation of self-regulation in the housing sphere is primarily of dispositive norms. The significance of dispositive rules in the regulatory impact of housing law on the housing relations that constitute its subject matter lies in enabling the parties to exercise rights and fulfil duties in accordance with an individual pattern of behaviour agreed upon in the process of self-regulation. The most important legal means by which self-regulation is achieved is the category of «discretion», which gives subjects of housing legal relations the possibility of free choice of the optimum way of exercising subjective housing rights. The legal ground for self-regulation in the housing sector is provided by the norms-principles enshrined in the housing legislation - the principle of legal equality and the principle of economic freedom, the content of which is differentiated depending on the subject composition of enforcement. Self-regulation in the field of housing has sectoral specificity determined by the peculiarities of the subject composition of the regulated relations and the object about which these relations are formed. The diversity of housing rights and the particularities of their exercise imply a wide range of subjects exercising their rights, thus requiring a constant balancing act not only between private and public interests, but also between the set of private interests themselves. In this context, the limits to the exercise of housing rights, which have a significant impact on self-regulation, are of particular importance. The exercise of certain housing rights by virtue of the requirements of housing legislation is subject to the need for getting the approval or authorisation. The peculiarity of self-regulation in housing sector is also the fact that for the emergence of most legal relations, in which housing rights and duties are implemented, self-regulation alone is not enough, but individual-contractual regulation is required, which, compared to other types of legal regulation, is more dependent on the will of the subjects of contractual obligation, optimization of interaction between the subjects is achieved through self-regulation. The use of the contractual form of regulation makes it possible to coordinate the multiple interests of the participants in housing relationships.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):103-116
pages 103-116 views

Digitalization and Open Justice in Costa Rica

Gronic I.A.


The purpose of the research. The study is aimed at analyzing the definitions of "e-justice" and "open justice" from the point of view of scientific-theoretical and practice-oriented approaches, their interaction and application in the justice system of Costa Rica. Results. In the course of the study, the characteristic features of electronic were identified, the main elements of open justice and the procedure for observing legal principles were identified.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):117-121
pages 117-121 views

Topical Issues of Termination of the Fixed-Term Contract on Service in the Federal Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergencies Russia

Krylova J.A., Chiranova I.P.


The purpose of the research. The article is devoted to the study of the issue of termination of a fixed-term contract for serving in the EMERCOM of Russia. The relevance of the indicated topic is due to the entry into force of the legal norm from January 01, 2022, securing an increase in the age limit for being in the service of an employee of the Federal Fire Service by five years, which entailed the emergence of a number of practical issues related to the further passage of service by persons with whom a fixed-term service contract has already been concluded once they reach the age limit. The relevance of the study determined its purpose, which is to determine the legislative possibility of further service by fire service employees with sufficient experience and skills in their professional activities. Results: Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that employees of the fire service who have reached the age limit fixed by law until January 01, 2022 can continue to serve in the Federal Fire Service only on the basis of fixed-term contracts, while the legislative obligation to conclude indefinite service contracts with these persons is excluded; there is no obligation to carry out certification of the employee with whom the fixed-term contract ends, since the urgency of legal relations does not imply the existence of an employer's justification that they cannot be extended; we consider it possible to terminate urgent contractual relations with an employee while he is on sick leave, on vacation or on a business trip.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):122-128
pages 122-128 views

Problems of the Criminal Legislation of the Russian Federation at the Present Stage of Development

Romanova L.I., Kvasnikova T.V.


The purpose of the research. The article deals with the problems of reforming criminal legislation since the beginning of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in 1996. The most important norms that have undergone transformation, the ongoing changes in social relations and their criminal law regulation are analyzed. The purpose of the study is to identify the problems of the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation at the present stage of development, as well as to compare changes in criminal law with modern realities. This is necessary to determine the main directions of development of the Russian criminal law policy in the field of combating crime. Results. As a result of the study, the authors come to the conclusion that in the current Russian criminal legislation there are many problems associated, firstly, with the types of punishments provided for by the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and secondly, with the fragmentation of the norms of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, providing for criminal liability for some crimes. Concluding, the authors propose to carry out constant monitoring of the legal system, analysis of the effectiveness of legislation and law enforcement practice, adoption at the state level of state legal policy in general and in the field of combating crime, in particular, and its further implementation.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):129-134
pages 129-134 views

Some Problems of Responsibility for Unfinished Crimes in Russian Criminal Law

Bikeev I.I., Klemin A.V., Zharov S.N.


The aim of the study is to improve criminal liability for unfinished crimes. In its course, problems were identified related to the qualification of unfinished crimes under Part 1 or Part 2 of Art. 105 "Murder" and under part 3 of Art. 30 “Preparation for a crime and attempted crime” of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as well as the consequences of the implementation of the provisions of Part 2 and Part 3 of Art. 66 "Sentencing for an unfinished crime" of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. It is proposed to state paragraph “a” of Part 2 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation as follows: "two or more persons or associated with the preparation for the murder of another person or attempted murder of another person." Art. 66, it is proposed to add part 5 of the following content: “When imposing a punishment for preparing for a crime or attempted crime in cases where the perpetrator, in the process of committing it, by his actions (inaction) performed another corpus delicti, which is part of a crime that was not completed in the intended volume, the court has the right not to apply the rules provided for by parts 2 and 3 of this article if it establishes that the operation of these norms will lead to the imposition of a punishment that does not sufficiently take into account the nature and degree of social danger of socially dangerous actions (inaction) committed by a person. As an alternative to the last sentence, it is recommended to state part 3 of Art. 66 of the Criminal Code as follows: "The term or amount of punishment for an incomplete attempt to commit a crime may not exceed three-quarters of the maximum term or amount of the most severe type of punishment provided for by the relevant article of the Special Part of this Code for a completed crime."
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):135-140
pages 135-140 views

Special Operation: Historical and Theoretical Aspects

Kireev M.P., Vystropov V.G., Borisov O.Y.


The heritage of the Soviet Union, regarding special operations, should not be forgotten by our contemporaries. On the contrary, the best should be studied, improved, and the problematic aspects should be corrected. In the article, the author has made a historical digression to the emergence, formation and improvement of law enforcement agencies and special services specializing in special operations.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):141-145
pages 141-145 views

The Current State and Prospects for the Development of the Contemporary Criminal Legislation of the Russian Federation on Probation

Skripchenko N.Y., Anoshchenkova S.V.


Studium de principalibus trendibus in evolutione legis criminalis institutionis probationis.Academic and pragmatic interest in probation is due to the permanent reform of legislative regulation and practical requirements. The complex normative regulation of probation indicates the demand to define it, determine the trends in legal regulation, and identify the tendencies in its enforcement. The authors identify the reasons for the emerging dynamics and decrease in use of probation by noting that the edition of Art. 73 and 74 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is carried out in line with expanding the grounds and conditions for the application of probation; establishment of prohibitions and restrictions on suspended (conditional) sentencing; specifying the probation period, the conditions for imposing additional punishment, the duties and restrictions carried by the probationer. The article justifies the proposals for the prospective development of the institution of probation at the present stage of criminal law.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):146-152
pages 146-152 views

Individual Digital Medical Profile as an Effective Means of Countering Corruption

Bikeev I.I., Klemin A.V., Latypova E.Y.


An actively developing area of state activity is the digital economy, one of the leading vectors of which is the creation of a digital profile of a citizen. An individual digital medical profile can be used both to monitor the health of an individual citizen and groups of the population as a whole. Corruption is a serious disorganizing social phenomenon that complicates the functioning of both the state administration apparatus as a whole and its individual areas, which largely disorients ordinary citizens, reducing the level of trust in existing public legal mechanisms, and is an obstacle to the formation of elements of civil society. The main tasks of the fight against corruption, among other things, include an increase in the risk of negative consequences for persons committing corruption offenses at all levels of government, which, in turn, contributes to the identification, prevention, suppression, disclosure and investigation of corruption offenses in various spheres of public activity. Traditionally, it is believed that the field of medicine is extremely corrupt. There are many justifications for this, we will not dwell on the analysis of which. Anti-corruption measures are being actively discussed, and one of the most effective is the use of digital technologies and means to minimize corruption risks. We believe that the use of information and communication technologies in ensuring the activities of officials of various state bodies, including health authorities, will be a significant and effective means of countering corruption manifestations.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):153-159
pages 153-159 views

Trends in the Historical Development of Juvenile Criminal Responsibility in Russia

Sabitov R.A., Zharov S.N., Denisovich V.V.


The Institute of Juvenile Criminal Responsibility has passed a long historical path of development, starting from the very first legal regulatory sources and ending with today's current legislation. In its history, the criminal liability of minors has undergone changes in wording, age threshold, number of punishments and the range of crimes for which it was assigned.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):160-164
pages 160-164 views

Criminal Procedure Features of Interrogation of a Minor Injury and Witness

Berova J.M., Tutukov A.Y.


Minors often act as participants in the criminal process. Regardless of the degree of participation of these persons in the criminal process, a number of investigative actions are carried out against them, which requires mandatory consideration of the peculiarities of their psycho-emotional and physical development by the employees of the competent authorities. Given the fact that in most cases the investigation of a criminal case requires a comprehensive examination of evidence to establish the truth, one of the most common investigative actions is interrogation, which allows authorized officers to obtain all the necessary information about the crime and the participation of specific individuals in it. In this context, the procedural aspects of organizing and conducting interrogation of minors in order to ensure their rights and legitimate interests are of particular importance. The purpose of the presented study is to study the existing criminal procedural features of the interrogation of a minor victim and witness. The author comes to the conclusion that the interrogation of juvenile victims and witnesses is a complex investigative and judicial procedure, which has significant specifics, which is associated with the mental characteristics of these persons and their role in the criminal process. Attention is focused on the fact that the changes made to the criminal procedure legislation in 2022 are of great practical importance, since the possibility of involving not only a teacher, but also a psychologist, their mandatory involvement during interrogation of persons under the age of 16, as well as securing limiting time for interrogation of minors, will fully ensure the rights and legitimate interests of interrogated persons, taking into account the specifics of their mental and physical development.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):165-169
pages 165-169 views

Criminological Analysis of Crime and Victimization of Minors in Modern Japan

Sabitov R.A., Mayorov A.V., Denisovich V.V., Dunaeva O.N.


Criminological analysis of crime makes it possible to establish the true picture of criminal activity, identify trends in the development of crime, predict possible prospects and suggest ways to counteract it by identifying its causes. In parallel with the study of crime, there is an opportunity to analyze victimization in society. The article presents an analysis of juvenile delinquency in Japan, as well as its causes, its criminological characteristics are given and the victimization of minors in the country is considered. The empirical basis was made up of statistical data on crime in Japan, published in the open press. The paper uses scientific works of foreign authors on the covered problem. The conducted research allowed the authors to show effective types of police activities in the direction of countering and preventing juvenile delinquency. In conclusion, the authors come to the conclusion about the importance of social partnership between the police and the population in increasing the legal integration of society. Using the experience of foreign countries, it is possible to increase efficiency in the fight against crime in Russia. This was the purpose of the study conducted by the authors, which allowed us to formulate conclusions about the effectiveness of countering juvenile delinquency, as well as reducing the level of victimization of minors.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):170-177
pages 170-177 views

On Modern Problems of the Activities of the Departments of Criminal Law in Higher Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation

Borovikov V.B., Borovikova V.V.


The purpose of the publication is to formulate the problems that arise in the activities of the departments of criminal law in connection with new trends in the development of Russian society. Conclusions obtained during the study. The results of the study show that the departments of criminal law of higher educational institutions of the country should make adjustments to the main directions of their activities (in the field of organizational, educational and methodological work). Scientific value of the publication. The publication is primarily of scientific and methodological significance, since it determines some ways to improve the main activities of the departments of criminal law, in connection with the new realities in society, associated with its digitalization, strengthening the role of educational aspects in the teaching process, using new approaches in teaching this academic discipline. The practical value of the publication. The article is important for improving the organizational, educational and methodological activities of the departments of criminal law.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):178-182
pages 178-182 views

State and Trends of Cybercrime in Russia and Foreign Countries

Afanaseva O.R.


Purpose of Research. Russia and foreign countries are faced with an unprecedented growth of cybercrime, causing enormous harm to states, businesses and individuals, and the low efficiency of implemented measures to combat it. Issues of definition of concept, essence of cybercrime and list of crimes constituting it, as well as law enforcement practice of combating it are referred to the number of relevant and sufficiently reflected in scientific literature. Of interest is the state and trends of cybercrime in foreign countries and the problems arising in countering it. The purpose of the study is to establish the status, basic trends and structure of cybercrime in Russia and foreign countries, as well as identifying the main directions of counteraction to it. Conclusions. The author notes that cybercrime is recognized as a complex transnational problem and represents a serious social danger. In spite of realized measures of counteraction to cybercrime and its high rate of latency in 2021 there was an increase in both the number of reports of crimes committed and the total amount of damages caused. The U.S. and the U.K. traditionally lead the world's top 20 countries affected by cybercrime. The threat of digital attacks continues to grow, organizations around the world are spending more and more money on cybersecurity, trying to circumvent such violations, but only a set of preventive measures implemented on a regular basis at the international, national and private levels will achieve positive results in the fight against cybercrime.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):183-189
pages 183-189 views

Dilatation (Expansion) of the Head’s of an Investigative Institution Authorities in the Initial Stage of the Criminal Procedure: Problem Statement and Ways to Solve It

Rodionova J.V., Denisov L.V.


In the said article, the authors carried out a comparative analysis of the current criminal procedural legislation regarding the head’s of an investigative institution authorities amount whilst performing procedural control in the initial stage of a crime report’s checking, and the real volume that he performs in practice. It is proposed to correct the wording of Article 39 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation and enact all possible actions of the head of the investigative institution whilst exercising procedural control on the material of the audit.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):190-197
pages 190-197 views

The Information Component of the Data of Operational Investigative Activities in Proving Criminal Cases

Vitovtov A.E.


The purpose of the study. The issues of using the results of operational investigative activities as evidence in criminal cases in criminal proceedings are considered. It is noted that Article 89 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, which establishes a certain prohibition for the use in proving the results of operational investigative activities in criminal cases, does not actually work, but rather is ignored, due to the objective need to use information obtained under the Federal Law "On Operational Investigative Activities" in proving. At the same time, attention is focused on the information component of the information obtained during the implementation of operational investigative measures. It is noted that not all information obtained by operational units can be directly used in proving criminal cases. The author concludes that it is necessary to differentiate the information product obtained within the framework of the Federal Law "On ORDO", in order to develop theoretical criteria for highlighting the results of the operational search.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):198-201
pages 198-201 views

Research of In-Prison Criminality in the Republic of Mordovia:An Introduction to the Problem

Ageeva O.N., Anoshchenkova S.V., Petrikova S.V.


The article presents a criminological analysis of crime in places of deprivation of liberty on the example of one of the regions of the Russian Federation, on the territory of which Dubravlag is located, one of the oldest systems of execution of punishments associated with the isolation of convicts from society. The interest in the topic is due to the identification of links and patterns of penitentiary crime with the state of crime in the country, trends in penal policy. In accordance with the Concept of the development of the penal system of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030, approved by By Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1138-r dated 04/29/2021, the main directions of improvement and development of the penal enforcement system include conducting scientific research on the effectiveness of the execution of certain types of criminal penalties, which can be carried out on the basis of an in-depth study of quantitative and qualitative indicators of penitentiary crime. The article examines the content of the category "crime in places of deprivation of liberty", by which the authors understand the totality of crimes committed by convicts serving sentences in the form of imprisonment for a certain term or life imprisonment, as well as other subjects of penal relations. Researchers come to the conclusion that crime in places of deprivation of liberty is associated with the criminal legal status of the person committing the crime, the time of the crime, often with the place of the crime.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):202-209
pages 202-209 views

The Scope of Criminal Law Repression Applied in Violation of Criminal Law Prohibitions in the Field of Combating Corruption Crimes

Idrisov N.T.


In this study, the author determines the scope and intensity of the use of criminal legal instruments to counter corruption crimes. Economic (material) criminal-legal repression and personal (non-material) criminal-legal repression, indicators and criteria for their implementation are highlighted. The author calculated the average term of imprisonment for one of the most common corruption crimes - taking a bribe, and also on the basis of a comparative method of legal research correlated the volume and intensity of criminal repression directed against persons who violated such a ban with similar indicators when persons commit crimes against life and health, as well as crimes against property. The conclusion is substantiated about the high level of criminal law regulation of this social sphere, which does not lead to the achievement of the goals announced by the highest officials of the state.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):210-215
pages 210-215 views

Modern possibilities of examining the scene of a traffic accident using robotics and artificial intelligence systems

Syromlya L.B.


The article is devoted to the study of the features of the inspection of the site of a traffic accident using artificial intelligence systems. In this article, the author touches on a number of problematic issues related to the development of artificial intelligence systems that can recognize accidents from recordings from CCTV cameras; with the possibility of using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and ground robots to detect, fix and remove traces at the scene of an accident. In addition, the author focuses on the use of innovative technologies in the production of examinations in cases related to road accidents. Examples of positive experience of the practice of using UAVs in the investigation of accidents in the Far Eastern Federal District and experiments conducted by the author in modeling accident scenes as part of the shooting of the educational forensic film "Innovative approaches to the inspection of the scene of a traffic accident using robotics and artificial intelligence systems" are demonstrated, which allow us to assert that photogrammetric shooting performed using quadrocopters, it is the most specific and effective way to collect information during the reconstruction of an accident. The features of the use of ground robots performing 3D scanning of the situation at the scene of an accident for 3D modeling of the situation at the scene of an accident are described. In conclusion, the author concludes that for the prompt disclosure and investigation of accidents, it is necessary to use an integrated approach that combines both the use of modern technical and forensic tools and artificial intelligence systems, including robotics with full or limited artificial intelligence. Working in the ecosystem of the human mind and artificial intelligence helps to solve and investigate accidents much more effectively. At the same time, it is necessary to use the potential of artificial intelligence and robotics in investigative, expert, judicial activities rationally, without completely replacing human potential with "artificial intelligence".
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):216-221
pages 216-221 views

Measures to Prevent Illegal Logging of Forest Plantations: Foreign Experience

Baikhanov A.I.


Purpose of the study. The article presents an analysis of international agreements, which demonstrates the possibility of implementing the norms of some of them in national legislation, which will provide more effective counteraction to crime in the field of natural resource use. And the study of the legal foundations for preventing illegal logging makes it possible to rank the means of combating crimes in this area, taking into account their effectiveness in a particular country.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):226-228
pages 226-228 views

Problematic Issues of Seizure at the Initial Stage of the Investigation

Taktoeva V.V., Yatskina I.A.


The article deals with problematic issues arising at the initial stage of the investigation related to the need to seize items and documents. The theoretical aspects of the legality of the seizure and search when considering reports of a crime, the possibility of their production before the initiation of a criminal case are analyzed. The authors make proposals to overcome the problems that arise when objects and documents are seized. The authors propose to clarify what is meant by withdrawal in the manner prescribed by the criminal procedure legislation.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):222-225
pages 222-225 views

Practical Features of the Qualification of Acts Aimed at Non-Execution of a Court Verdict, Court Decision or Other Judicial Act

Barkho V.Y.


This article is devoted to the consideration of the practical features of the qualification of acts for the commission of which criminal liability occurs if it turns out that they are aimed at non-execution of certain judicial acts. The relevance of the research topic is determined by the fact that the range of human rights is extremely wide, while the state has undertaken to protect them from illegal and unjustified encroachments. In this regard, everyone has the right to apply to the court for the protection of their rights and interests (part 1 of Article 46 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). Currently, the activities of domestic courts are focused primarily on the correct, timely and full-fledged consideration and resolution of cases arising from the existing legal relations. The purpose of this article, which consists in analyzing the practical features of the qualification of acts under Article 315 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, largely depends on understanding the essence of the correct and timely execution of a court decision. As a general rule, any decision made by the courts on behalf of the Russian is correct, lawful and justified. Nevertheless, the law separately specifies the procedural aspects of making court decisions and establishes requirements regarding their legality and validity. In addition, the practical significance of the topic is confirmed by the importance of resolving competition between general and special rules. Taking into account these aspects, it is important to note that the protection of the rights of persons involved in the case is carried out, including through reasonable and balanced judicial decisions. In other words, non-execution of court decisions violates the basic foundations of the administration of justice in the Russian Federation, therefore, must be punished by law.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):229-232
pages 229-232 views

Interrogation of a Witness in Criminal Cases of Embezzlement in the Field of Energy Resources: Features of Conducting

Smirnova G.A.


Еnergy and its infrastructure facilities are important for the normal life of modern society. The theft of energy resources can lead to disruption of the operation of energy facilities, which in turn will affect the development of production, the daily life of a large number of people, will entail dangerous economic and social consequences. It should be noted that thefts in the field of energy resources are not as rare as it seems at first glance, and the investigation of criminal cases related to the theft of energy resources can be difficult due to the complexity of understanding the object of theft, the large volume of investigative actions that need to be carried out. First of all, the investigation of such criminal cases can be difficult for young professionals just starting their career. The list of necessary investigative actions, the procedure for their conduct may depend on the information that will be reported by witnesses questioned in criminal cases about theft in the field of energy resources - eyewitnesses of the acts, employees of the organization that was harmed as a result of theft, employees of operational units that revealed the fact of theft, relatives of the suspect (accused). However, the interrogation of these persons has its own peculiarities, which (together with practical recommendations for conducting this investigative action) are covered in this article.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):233-237
pages 233-237 views

The Structure of Crime in Penal Institution in the Republic of Mordovia

Anoshchenkova S.V., Petrikova S.V., Pomnina S.N.


One of the oldest and largest systems of execution of punishment is located in the Republic of Mordovia. In the article, quantitative indicators of crime in places of deprivation of liberty are studied on the example of the Republic of Mordovia. On the basis of historical, comparative-legal formal-logical, historical, sociological methods and the method of criminal statistics, a study of the state and structure of penitentiary crime in the Republic of Mordovia for the period from 1997 to June 2021. This makes it possible to trace the patterns of changes in its quantitative and qualitative indicators, as well as to identify trends. Analysis of criminal statistics on this type of criminality showed that up to 2004, in correctional institutions located in the Republic of Mordovia, the main crimes committed were illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. Since 2004, the above crimes have been predominated by those associated with disorganisation of institutions ensuring isolation from society. Traditional for places of detention crime falling within the scope of article 313 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation demonstrates a downward trend through-out the observed period, which is explained, inter alia, by the decrease in the number of convicts serving sentences in custody.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):238-252
pages 238-252 views

Organizational and Legal Features of Obtaining by the European Union Rights and Obligations Akin to Those of the World Customs Organization Members

Mozer S.V.


The presented research material is a continuation of a previously published article on the organizational and legal features of obtaining membership in the World Customs Organization (WCO) by the European Communities (EC), contains an analysis of the third and fourth stages (2006-2007), within which the EC received rights and obligations akin to those of the World Customs Organization Members. A task. To systematize and analyze legal and organizational features, as well as activities aimed at obtaining rights and obligations akin to those enjoyed by the WCO members for the EC in the period from 2006 and 2007. Conclusions. The research article is devoted to the issues of the legal status of the EU in the WCO and the use of the EU precedent for the implementation of the Strategic Directions for the Development of Eurasian Economic Integration until 2025 (Strategic Directions) in terms of joint actions with Member States aimed at obtaining by the Union the WCO membership status. The subject of the study is the stages, activities, organizational and legal instruments and consequences of EU membership in the WCO. The performed analysis of stages and legal and organizational features of obtaining by EU the WCO membership can be used to develop conceptual approaches for the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) to obtain the WCO membership status in the course of implementing the Strategic Directions. Social Consequences. Conducting a study of the legal status of customs and economic unions in the WCO is associated with the implementation of paragraph 11.7.5. of Strategic Directions in terms of cooperation with this international organization. Practical value. The results of the study are of interest to the customs cooperation block of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) and can be used by specialists from customs and other executive authorities in the EEU member states, EEC experts to organize and implement mutually beneficial customs cooperation between the EEC and the WCO. The article is recommended to researchers, teachers, students, graduate students and other categories of students in the Russian Customs Academy, in other universities and the WCO regional training centers in the specialties «Customs» and «Jurisprudence». Originality/value. The research material is based on an analysis of the practical aspects of the activities of the EU, the WCO and is the result of a comprehensive study of the issue of the legal and organizational basis for obtaining the WCO member status by economic and customs unions.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(7):253-266
pages 253-266 views

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