
Strategic national priorities of Russia in the 2020 amendments to the Russian Constitution
Komkova G.
Precedent in Roman law: Basic terms and their semantic content
Tatarnikov D.
Parliamentary control in the subjects of the Russian Federation: Problems of legal regulation and implementation practice
Zametina T., Kulikova S., Kamenskaya E.
Free use of someone else’s work for educational purposes: Some problems of legal regulation and law enforcement
Ilyukhina Y.
The child and the Constitution of Russia: Conversations about important issues
Galkin N., Pryakhina T.
Statistical analysis of housing availability in Russian regions
Tsypin A., Kabanova E., Gadzhimirzoev G.
On the concept and legal means of ensuring sustainable urban development
Anisimov A., Uzakova G.
Legal problems of using the virtual space of the metaverse in the educational process of the university
Eresko P.
Law and socioecosystem of small-numbered peoples of the North of the Russian Federation: Theoretical and legal analysis of the correlation of social phenomena
Strygina S.
Political and legal mechanisms for the formation of Russian constitutional identity in the conditions of information society
Berdnikova E., Kulikova S.
The legal regime of the Caspian Sea and directions for improving Russian environmental legislation
Ryzhenkov A.
Methodology of research into constitutional subjective law
Maly A.
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  • Palavras-chave são sensíveis a maiúsculas
  • Preposições e conjunções ingleses são ignoradas
  • Busca é feita por todos os palavras-chave (agente AND experimentador) por omissão
  • Use OR para pesquisar um termo exato, ex.: educação OR formação
  • Use parênteses para criar frases complexas, ex.: arquivo de ((revistas OR conferências) NOT teses)
  • Para pesquisar uma frase precisa use aspas duplas, ex.: "investigações científicas"
  • Exclua uma palavra utilizando o sinal - (hífen) ou operador NOT; ex.: concurso-de beleza ou concurso NOT de beleza
  • Use * como caractere-coringa, ex.: científic* recuperará as palavras "científico", "científicos", etc.

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