
The Influence of an Electret-Generated Electric Field Based on a Tantalum Oxide Anode on Differentiation Properties of Bone Marrow Stromal Cells from Patients with Osteoarthritis
Aleksandrova S., Aleksandrova O., Khomutov V., Morgunov M., Blinova M.
Adipogenic Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Derived from Fetal Bone Marrow Using Rosiglitazone
Revittser A., Neguliaev Y.
Establishment and characteristics of new human embryonic stem cell subline SC6-FF in an allogenic feeder-free culture system
Koltsova A., Yakovleva T., Poljanskaya G.
Characterization of a novel mesenchymal stem cell line derived from human embryonic stem cells
Koltsova A., Zenin V., Yakovleva T., Poljanskaya G.
Isolation and Comparative Characteristics of Mesenchymal Stem-Cell Lines Derived from Foreskin of Two Donors of Similar Age
Krylova T., Musorina A., Koltsova A., Zenin V., Turilova V., Yakovleva T., Poljanskaya G.
The effect of quercetin on hepatic differentiation of human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells
Pinchuk S., Vasilevich I., Kvacheva Z., Volotovski I.
Behavioral Changes of Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in Contact with Synthetic Calcium Phosphates in vitro
Litvinova L., Shupletsova V., Khaziakhmatova O., Yurova K., Malashchenko V., Melashchenko E., Todosenko N., Khlusova M., Sharkeev Y., Komarova E., Sedelnikova M., Shunkin E., Khlusov I.
Cultivation of boar spermatogonia on Sertoli cells
Savchenkova I., Vasileva S.
The Dynamics of Cell Properties during Long-Term Cultivation of Two Lines of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Derived from Wharton’s Jelly of Human Umbilical Cord
Koltsova A., Krylova T., Musorina A., Zenin V., Turilova V., Yakovleva T., Poljanskaya G.
Neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells and mouse neural stem cells on carbon nanotube films
Posypanova G., Gayduchenko I., Moskaleva E., Fedorov G.
Characterization of a Nonimmortalized Mesenchymal Stem Cell Line Isolated from Human Epicardial Adipose Tissue
Musorina A., Zenin V., Turilova V., Yakovleva T., Poljanskaya G.
Effect of cytokines (IL-2, IL-7, and IL-15) having common γ-chain of receptors on differentiation and maturation of CD4+/CD8+ T-cells in a CD45RA T-lymphocyte population in vitro
Yurova K., Khaziakhmatova O., Dunets N., Todosenko N., Shupletsova V., Litvinova L.
A product of BMI1 gene, a key component of the Polycomb family, positively regulates adipocyte differentiation of mouse mesenchymal stem cells
Petrov N., Vereschagina N., Sushilova E., Kropotov A., Miheeva N., Popov B.
Multipotent Mesenchymal Stem Cells Derived from Sheep Bone Marrow: Isolation and Cryopreservation
Korovina D., Volkova I., Vasilieva S., Gulukin M., Savchenkova I.
The changes of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells isolated from human adipose tissue during long-term cultivation
Savchenkova I., Savchenkova E., Gulyukin M.
Functional differentiation in bryozoan colonies: a proteomic analysis
Kutyumov V., Maltseva A., Kotenko O., Ostrovsky A.
The role of LMNA mutations in myogenic differentiation of C2C12 and primary satellite cells
Perepelina K., Smolina N., Zabirnik A., Dmitrieva R., Malashicheva A., Kostareva A.
Pairwise comparison of mammalian transcriptomes associated with the effect of polyploidy on the expression activity of developmental gene modules
Anatskaya O., Erenpreisa J., Nikolsky N., Vinogradov A.
The Effect of TCR-Activation and β-Estradiol on the Maturation and Differentiation of CD45RA+ T cells in vitro
Khaziakhmatova O., Yurova K., Todosenko N., Litvinova L.
Analysis of matrix metalloproteinase activity during differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells isolated from different tissues of one donor
Voronkina I., Smagina L., Krylova T., Musorina A., Poljanskaya G.
Induction of decidual differentiation in endometrial mesenchymal stem cells
Domnina A., Novikova P., Fridlyanskaya I., Shilina M., Zenin V., Nikolsky N.
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