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Vol 10, No 5 (2016)


A172 and T98G cell lines characteristics

Kiseleva L.N., Kartashev A.V., Vartanyan N.L., Pinevich A.A., Samoilovich M.P.


During prolonged cultivation, cell lines may lose a number of innate characteristics or acquire new ones. In this work, we compared growth and phenotypic characteristics of human glioblastoma А172 and Т98G cell lines received from the cell culture collection of the Research Institute of Influenza (St. Petersburg, Russia). The activity of genes encoding intracellular proteins that define belonging of these cell lines to mesenchymal type, as well as activity of several growth factor genes and extracellular matrix genes was evaluated. Cell lines A172 and T98G varied in morphology and surface markers expression. High level of mesenchymal markers CD90 and CD105, fibroblast activation protein, and tenascin C was detected for A172 cell line. Both cell lines expressed high level of α2 smooth muscle actin gene. Data demonstrating high activity of genes encoding major angiogenesis inductors (VEGF, FGF2(b), TGFβ1) and thrombospondin-1 in cell lines under study are in agreement with published data. Reduction of fetal serum content in culture medium from 10 to 5% increased the number of cells with CD73 and CD105 surface antigens in both cell lines. A172 and T98G cell lines maintain the main features of glioblastomas and therefore can be used as research objects in investigation of this type of neoplasms.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(5):341-348
pages 341-348 views

Isolation and characterization of cardiac progenitor cells from myocardial right atrial appendage tissue

Dergilev K.V., Tsokolaeva Z.I., Rubina K.A., Sysoeva V.Y., Makarevich P.I., Boldyreva M.A., Beloglazova I.B., Zubkova E.S., Sharonov G.V., Akchurin R.S., Parfyonova Y.V.


Resident cardiac stem cells, known as “cardiogenic progenitor cells” (CPCs), are a heterogeneous population of immature cells residing in the myocardium and capable of self-renewal and differentiation into cardiomyocyte-like and vascular-like cells. CPCs are usually isolated by long enzymatic digestion of heart tissue and selection with stem cell markers. However, long exposure to enzymatic digestion and the small size of a myocardial sample significantly hinder acquiring a large number of viable cells. To avoid these problems, we developed a method based on CPC growth ex vivo and subsequent immunomagnetic selection.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(5):349-356
pages 349-356 views

The effect of quercetin on hepatic differentiation of human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells

Pinchuk S.V., Vasilevich I.B., Kvacheva Z.B., Volotovski I.D.


Human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can be stimulated to differentiate into hepatic cells. MSC differentiation was induced by fibroblast growth factor-4, hepatocyte growth factor, oncostatin M, and dexamethasone. The influence of quercetin on MSC hepatic differentiation in culture was assayed, and 1 or 10 μmole/L quercetin added into the induction medium enhanced the manifestation of MSC hepatic differentiation. Urea secretion, cytokeratin 19 expression, and α-fetoprotein synthesis were increased. Quercetin modulated CYP1A–cytochrome P450 activity in the differentiated cells. MSCs differentiated in the presence of quercetin exhibited higher viability and resistance to oxidative stress.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(5):357-364
pages 357-364 views

The role of p38 MAP-kinase in stress-induced senescence of human endometrium-derived mesenchymal stem cells

Borodkina A.V., Shatrova A.N., Nikolsky N.N., Burova E.B.


Our recent findings demonstrate that human endometrium-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hMESCs) respond to sublethal oxidative stress by stress-induced premature senescence via the АТМ/Chk2/p53/p21/Rb pathway. Application of SB203580 (SB) inhibitor suggested p38 MAP-kinase involvement in the senescence progression. However, there are several disadvantages concerning this inhibitor: (1) SB is toxic and hardly suitable for in vivo experiments and (2) poor kinase selectivity profile of SB complicates interpretation of the obtained data. Here, to confirm the involvement of p38 in H2O2-induced hMESCs senescence, we applied another highly specific p38 inhibitor, BIRB796 (BIRB). In the presence of BIRB, the cell size decreased, the level of reactive oxygen species reduced, proliferation partially resumed, and Rb phosphorylation level increased in comparison to H2O2-treated hMESCs. Summarizing these results, we can postulate p38 involvement in H2O2-induced senescence of hMESCs and suggest p38 inhibition as a promising approach in prevention of premature senescence.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(5):365-371
pages 365-371 views

Tight junction proteins of cerebral endothelial cells in early postnatal development

Kuvacheva N.V., Morgun A.V., Malinovskaya N.A., Gorina Y.V., Khilazheva E.D., Pozhilenkova E.A., Panina Y.A., Boytsova E.B., Ruzaeva V.A., Trufanova L.V., Salmina A.B.


The formation and functional plasticity of the blood–brain barrier are inextricably linked to the molecular events occurring in cerebral neurovascular unit during the embryonic and early postnatal development of the organism. To study the features of the barrier genesis under physiological conditions, as well as after perinatal hypoxia and stress in early life, tight junction proteins of cerebral endothelial cells (the number of JAM-, ZO1-, and CLDN5-positive cells) in rats at the age of 7 (P7), 28 (P28), and 70 (P70) days were investigated. It was found that, under physiological conditions, the number of cells expressing JAM, ZO1, and CLDN5 slightly increase in the period from P7 to P70 in the cortex, hippocampus, and amygdala of the brain. After perinatal hypoxia, the number of cells expressing the proteins of tight junctions (JAM, CLDN5) is significantly increased to the age of P28–P70, while the number of ZO1+ cells in the same period of time is reduced. Early life stress causes an imbalance between the expression of ZO1 and other proteins of tight junctions, but these changes are opposite in direction.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(5):372-377
pages 372-377 views

The influence of mast cells on reparative regeneration of tissues characterized by various degrees of immune privilege

Khramtsova Y.S., Artashyan O.S., Yushkov B.G., Volkova Y.L., Nezgovorova N.Y.


Tissues characterized by various degrees of immune privilege are thought to differ in repair processes. This circumstance may be due to mast cells (MCs) that occur in all tissues of the body, secrete a wide range of biologically active compounds, and play an important role in the regulation of repair processes. The present paper reports the results of investigations of morphometric parameters and functional activity of MCs in tissues characterized by various degrees of immune privilege such as the skin and testis. It was shown that MCs migrate into the skin in the early stages after damage, followed by a slow increase in the synthetic activity and degranulation index of MCs for 30 days. In the case of the testis, the MC degranulation index increases immediately after damage, with a pronounced migration of MCs being absent. The stabilization of MC membranes with ketotifen inhibits skin repair; namely, there is no increase in the thickness of the dermis and epidermis and the number of fibroblasts and collagen fibers, along with slowing down of the scar formation. Meanwhile, the MC inactivation contributes to the reparative regeneration of the testis. This circumstance is confirmed by a significant reduction of the number of nonfunctioning tubules and an increase in the number of normal spermatogonia, which are a proliferative pool for all subsequent stages of spermatogenesis. Thereby, the number and the functional state of MCs influences the repair processes in tissues characterized by various degrees of immune privilege.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(5):378-386
pages 378-386 views

Regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor production in mouse thymic epithelial cell lines

Rutto K.V., Lyamina I.V., Kudryavtsev I.V., Kiseleva E.P.


Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in adults is synthesized in small amounts by thymic epithelial cells and is important for the maintenance of vascular homeostasis. However, its role dramatically increases during the process of thymic reconstitution after damage caused by radiation, chemo-, or hormonotherapy. The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of different factors on VEGF production by mouse thymic epithelial cells in vitro. As a model, two cell lines were used: cortical cTEC1-2 and medullar mTEC3-10 cells. These cells were characterized by their ability to synthesize VEGF mRNA and VEGF protein, as well as by the presence of VEGF receptors. No VEGFR1 or VEGFR2 mRNA expression was observed in these cells, while NRP-1 mRNA was expressed at a low level. An ELISA test showed that cTEC1-2 cells produced VEGF about 30 times more than mTEC3-10 cells. These cell lines, when exposed to cytokines, hormonal factors, or thymocytes, responded differently. Keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) enhanced VEGF mRNA expression, as well as VEGF protein production, in medullar cells, but down-regulated VEGF mRNA synthesis in cortical cells. Dexamethasone suppressed the levels of VEGF mRNA expression and its protein production in cortical cells, while in medullar cells only VEGF production was reduced. Introduction of IL-7, IL-1β, or murine thymocytes increased, while administration of semaphorin-3A, SDF-1α, or ACTH decreased, VEGF production by cortical epithelial cells with no influence on medullar cells. We suggest that our data, obtained in vitro, can serve for further development of special strategies directed for regulation of VEGF synthesis in the thymic epithelial cells in vivo.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(5):387-394
pages 387-394 views

Biological resorption of fibers from chitosan in endomysium and perimysium of muscular tissue

Dobrovol’skaya I.P., Popryadukhin P.V., Yudin V.E., Ivan’kova E.M., Yukina G.Y., Yudenko A.N., Smirnova N.V.


The resorption of fibers from chitosan implanted into emdomysium and perimysium of the rat’s broadest muscle of the back is comparatively studied in vivo by the scanning electron microscopy and histologic analysis methods. It is shown that the mechanism and rate of resorption of the fibers from chitosan depend on the fiber localization in the muscular tissue. Implantation of chitosan fibers into endomysium, where they have been in direct contact with muscle fibers, results in 14 days in the formation of transverse cracks, fiber fragmentation, and their partial resorption. Complete resorption of fibers in endomysium is observed in 30 days. Fibers implanted into perimysium maintain integrity in 7 days of the experiment, and a fibrous tissue is formed around the fibers. There is no destruction of chitosan fibers in 45 days of the exposition. The biocompatibility of the chitosan fibers is confirmed by the effective adhesion and proliferation mesenchyme stem cells on their surface.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(5):395-401
pages 395-401 views

Studies of the expression of subunits α2 and β1 of Na+/K+-ATPase, α1S (L-type) Ca2+-channel, and SERCA 1/2/3 of Ca2+-ATPase of phasic and postural rat muscles in a model of hypogravity using the method of fluorescent microscopy

Nurullin L.F., Tyapkina O.V., Volkov E.M.


Using fluorescent microscopy, we found decreased expression of the β1 subunit of Na+/K+-ATPase and subunits of Ca2+-ATPase, increased expression of the α1S subunit of the L-type Ca2+-channel, and no changes in the expression of the α2 subunit of Na+/K+-ATPase in rat postural muscle under the conditions of modeled hypogravity. In the phasic muscle, we observed decreased expression of the β1 subunit, which was similar to that found in the postural muscle, whereas the other studied parameters remained without alterations. However, a decrease in the fluorescence intensity of the β1 subunit was insignificant due to a high variability of data. Thus, hypogravity negatively influenced primarily those skeletal muscles that are responsible for static load.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(5):402-409
pages 402-409 views

Immunological and phenotypic characterization of cell constituents of breast milk

Zaitsev K.V., Mezheritskii S.A., Stepanenko N.P., Gostyukhina A.A., Zhukova O.B., Kondrat’eva E.I., Stepanov I.A., Dzyuman A.N., Nikolaevskaya E.E., Vorob’ev V.A., Abdulkina N.G., Zaitsev A.A., Yur’ev S.Y., Korshunova O.P., Litvinova L.S., Khlusov I.A.


The morphology and immunological phenotype of plastic-adherent cells from human colostrum were studied in an in vitro short-term culture (6–7 days) using antibodies to CD3, CD31, CD34, CD45, CD68, vimentin, and osteocalcin. In 20% of the analyzed cultural flasks, nearly equal proportion of fibroblast-like cells and rounded cells was observed. In the 80% of the flasks, cells of regular shape were detected with the presence of single fibroblasts. The diameter of flattened cells ranged from 10 to 100 μm. All plastic-adherent cells did not express CD3 and showed weak binding (w) to the antibodies against CD31, CD34, and CD45. At the same time, we identified adherent cells that readily bound the antibodies against CD68, vimentin, and osteocalcin. According to the literature data, the CD68 + CD3CD31wCD34wCD45w immunological phenotype of the majority of the adherent cells from the colostrum allows them to be classified as monocytes/macrophages. High expression of stromal antigens—vimentin and osteocalcin—in 40–45% of the adherent cells in the culturing medium lacking any osteogenic supplements (β-glycerophosphate, ascorbic acid, and dexamethason) implies the presence of osteoblasts in the colostrum, which differentiate from mesenchymal stem cells under the action of humoral factors contained in breast milk.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(5):410-415
pages 410-415 views

The weak combined magnetic field, tuned to ion parametric resonance for Ca2+, stimulates dystrophin synthesis in the skeletal muscles of mdx mice subjected to cell therapy

Sokolova A.V., Sokolov G.V., Mikhailov V.M.


The possibility of using bone marrow stem cells for treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy is intensely studied. Mdx mice are the most widely used laboratory model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy. One approach of cell therapy of muscular dystrophy is substitution of bone marrow in mdx mice after their X-ray irradiation. However, this method does not allow one to increase significantly dystrophin synthesis in muscular fibers of mdx mice. To improve the effect of transplanted cells on muscle regeneration, we additionally treated mdx mice subjected to transplantation of bone marrow cells with a weak combined magnetic field tuned to ion parametric resonance for Ca2+ (Ca2+-CMF). We found that, in irradiated chimeric 3 and 5 Gy mdx mice, additional treatment with Ca2+-CMF for 1 month resulted in significant increases in the portions of dystrophin-positive muscle fibers, by 15.8 and 18.3%, respectively, as compared to the control groups. Furthermore, the share of muscle fibers without centrally located nuclei also increased. We suggest that the magnetic field with these parameters may stimulate functioning of nuclei of donor cells, which were incorporated into muscle fibers.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(5):416-421
pages 416-421 views

The karyosphere capsule in oocytes of hibernating frogs Rana temporaria contains actin, lamins, and SnRNP

Ilicheva N.V., Kiryushina D.Y., Baskakov A.V., Podgornaya O.I., Pochukalina G.N.


The nuclei of late vitellogenic oocytes of hibernating frogs Rana temporaria were studied. During this period of oogenesis, chromosomes are inactivated and surrounded by a fibrillar karyosphere capsule. Formation of the karyosphere capsule in grass frog oocytes has been investigated in detail at the light and electron microscopic levels, but the molecular composition of the capsule remains uncertain. Immunofluorescent staining of whole-mount preparations of oocyte nuclei revealed that the karyosphere capsule contained actin, lamins A, C, and B and snRNPs proteins. A putative role of these proteins in formation of the karyosphere capsule is discussed.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(5):422-429
pages 422-429 views

Changes in the 70 kDa stress protein content in the course of the Mytilus edulis L. mollusk acclimation to low salinity

Podlipaeva Y.I., Goodkov A.V., Berger V.Y.


The dynamics of changes in the stress protein content in the gill epithelium cells of the bivalve Mytilus edulis in the course of phenotypic adaptation to changes in environmental salinity was studied. It was demonstrated that, at low seawater salinity (10‰), which provokes the isolation reflex, induction of the Hsp70 family stress protein expression is achieved on the fifth day. The results of parallel measurements of the mussel extravisceral liquid osmolarity showed that the factor triggering stress proteins expression in the mollusks under study is not the seawater salinity, but rather osmolarity of their internal environment.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(5):430-434
pages 430-434 views

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