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Vol 13, No 3 (2019)


Multipotent Mesenchymal Stem Cells Derived from Sheep Bone Marrow: Isolation and Cryopreservation

Korovina D.G., Volkova I.M., Vasilieva S.A., Gulukin M.I., Savchenkova I.P.


Sheep are often used as preclinical large animal models for testing the therapeutic potential of multipotent mesenchymal stem cells (MMSCs). A cell culture with characteristics typical for MMSCs was obtained due to optimization of the method of cell isolation from sheep bone marrow (BM) in a Ficoll density gradient. The advantage of using SepMate-15 tube compared to the isolation by the classical method has been demonstrated. The obtained cells demonstrated a strong adhesion to the culture plastic, fibroblast-like morphology, and, being induced in vitro, the ability to differentiate into cells of adipose, bone, and cartilage tissues. Adipogenic differentiation was confirmed on day 14, when adipocytes with lipid vesicles positive for Oil Red O specific staining had been formed. On day 14, specific alkaline phosphatase activity appeared in cells in osteogenic medium. Von Kossa staining revealed the presence of insoluble calcium salts in the intercellular space. Chondrogenic differentiation appeared on day 14 and was accompanied with the formation of multilayer structures with an abandon matrix, in which the isogenic groups that resemble hyaline cartilage lacunae were visualized. On day 21, the cells formed tight microgranules with glycosaminoglycan matrixes. Cells were cryopreserved in three different media at the zero passage. A comparative analysis of cell viability was then performed, which revealed a relatively good cell state (more than 70% of live cells). The MMSCs culture obtained from sheep BM was deposited at two to three passages in the specialized Collection of Somatic Cell Cultures of Agricultural and Industrial Animals at the All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine of Russian Academy of Science and could be used in preclinical studies.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2019;13(3):161-169
pages 161-169 views

Ion Homeostasis during the Growth of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Culture. II. Age-Related Changes in Cell K+ Content

Marakhova I.I., Shatrova A.N., Vinogradova T.A., Domnina A.P., Zemelko V.I., Pugovkina N.A., Nikolsky N.N.


Ionic homeostasis of human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) during their long-term cultivation was studied. It was found that, at early passages (second to fourth), the intracellular K+ content calculated for total cellular protein was almost 40% higher than in cells of the same clone after 12–15 passages. Under the same conditions, the intracellular Na+ content remains practically unchanged in MSCs with age. Flow cytometry assay of MSC proliferation at various passages revealed that a decrease in the intracellular K+ content correlated with the cell accumulation in the G1 phase of the cell cycle and was accompanied by a slower cell division. On the basis of data on monovalent ion transport in permanent cell lines of different origin, human stem cells as well as activated human lymphocytes, the mechanism of implication of K+ in the cell proliferation has been discussed. It is suggested that changes in cellular K+ content per total cell protein accompanying triggering or inhibition of cell proliferation show the involvement of K+ in the cell volume regulation. The high intracellular K+ content is important for successful proliferation of hMSCs, and the cell K+ content per cell protein is an informative test for assessing the functional status of stem cells in vitro.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2019;13(3):170-175
pages 170-175 views

Characteristics of Tumors That Develop in Athymic Mice after Transplantation of Human Malignant CD4+ T-lymphocytes Transformed ex vivo

Zhdanov D.D., Gabasvili A.N., Gladilina Y.A., Grishin D.V., Pokrovsky V.S., Pokrovskaya M.V., Alexandrova S.S., Plyasova A.A., Sokolov N.N.


Normal human CD4+ T-lymphocytes can undergo malignant transformation during prolong cultivation in conditions of high endonuclease G (EndoG) expression or after DNA damage. The aim of this work was to study biochemical and cytogenetic features of transformed ex vivo human malignant CD4+ T- lymphocytes, as well as biochemical and morphological characteristics of tumors that develop in athymic mice after transplantation of these cells. The telomerase activity was higher and telomere length was shorter in tumor cells than in control cells. Transformed malignant cells exhibited a high level of chromosomal aberrations. Expression of genes regulating the cell cycle changed in transformed malignant CD4+ T-lymphocytes and tumor cells. The tumors that developed were classified as multicomponent Т-cell lymphomas and panniculitis-like T-cell lymphomas. Thus, transformed CD4+ T-lymphocytes can generate malignant tumors of various histogenesis.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2019;13(3):176-187
pages 176-187 views

Temporal Parameters of p53-GFP Protein Transfer via Exosomes in Cocultured HEK293 and GFP-HEK293 Cells

Pantina R.A., Varfolomeeva E.Y., Burdakov V.S., Landa S.B., Bayramukov V.Y., Kovalev R.A., Filatov M.V.


In this study, we present a model for visualization of the exosome transfer of p53-GFP protein between cultured mammalian cells. The temporal parameters of the accumulation of fluorescent labeled protein in recipient cells have been analyzed. We employed HEK293 cells transfected with p53∆Y126-GFP plasmid (a GFP clone) as donor of the exosomes, while the original HEK293 cell line was used as a recipient. Our results provide evidence that the transfer of the GFP protein from cell to cell is carried out via exosomes. It has been shown that the accumulation of this protein by the recipient cells in cocultures of these cells takes a prolonged time. The temporal parameters of this transfer differ between the cells within the same population.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2019;13(3):188-197
pages 188-197 views

Distribution of Some Functional Molecules on T-Lymphocytes in Chronic Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Isaeva N.V., Zotina E.H.


T-lymphocytes, their subpopulations, and natural killer cells (NCs) were characterized according to the distribution of membrane molecules involved in intercellular interactions and signaling (CD45, CD3, CD4, CD8, CD16, CD56) in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia at the stage of disease diagnosis. Current methodological approaches to determine the studied parameters were used, taking into account the characteristics of the lymphoid pool of blood in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. It has been established that the population of T-lymphocytes of the patient peripheral blood is characterized by decreased content of CD45 and CD3 surface receptors. The average level of the membrane CD4 receptor was reduced in lymphocytes belonging to the T-helper subpopulation. The CD8 receptor remained unchanged in subpopulation of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes. CD8 and CD16 molecules were distributed on the surface of NC cells of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia at a normal level, while the expression of CD56 was significantly less. The data facilitate understanding of the energy of immune system cells and can be used to predict the course of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2019;13(3):198-206
pages 198-206 views

Micronuclei Elimination in MCF-7 Human Breast Adenocarcinoma Cells

Sutyagina O.I., Kisurina-Evgenieva O.P., Onishchenko G.E.



t—Recent literature data have demonstrated that cells are able to eliminate micronuclei. Induction of micronuclei with antitubulin agents is widely used in antitumor therapy and elimination of micronuclei presumably facilitates the survival of tumor cells during therapy. In this regard, the investigation of micronuclei elimination has both fundamental and practical significance. In the present study, we show presence of two subpopulations of micronuclei (small single and large multiple micronuclei) in MCF-7 cells (human breast adenocarcinoma cell line, p53+) both in control and after paclitaxel treatment. Each of these subpopulations obviously has different mechanisms of formation. It has been shown that the lysosomal compartment can be involved in the elimination of micronuclei (for small micronuclei). It has been found that elimination of a micronucleus is a rare phenomenon. Most micronuclei were preserved, but the micronuclei could have morphological defects. We described different defects in a micronuclear envelope: lack of peripheral heterochromatin, swelling of the perinuclear space, micronuclear membrane breaks, and complete or partial absence of a nuclear lamina. We found the presence of p53-negative micronuclei. Lack of p53 activation is more characteristic for small single micronuclei. The obtained data allow us to conclude that the elimination of micronuclei cannot have a significant impact on the results of therapy. However, there is a danger of micronuclear cells progressing through the cell cycle (primarily for cells with small single micronuclei).

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2019;13(3):207-218
pages 207-218 views

The Role of Different NO Synthase Isoforms in the Regulatory Effect of Prolactin and Growth Hormone on the State of Chromosomes in Mature Oocytes Aging in vitro

Lebedeva I.Y., Singina G.N., Shedova E.N., Lopukhov A.V., Zinov’eva N.A.


The fertility of female mammals depends on the quality of oocytes, which decreases in the process of biological aging. We found an inhibitory effect of two related pituitary hormones (prolactin (PRL) and growth hormone (GH)) on destructive modifications of metaphase chromosomes in the eggs of domestic cow (Bos taurus taurus), aging in vitro. The involvement of different NO synthase (NOS) isoforms in realization of the effect of PRL and GH on age-related changes of MII chromosomes with prolonged cultivation of in vitro matured cow oocytes was studied in the present work. In the absence of hormones NPLA, neuronal NOS (nNOS) inhibitor had no effect on the frequency of chromosomal abnormalities in aging oocytes. At the same time, 1400 W (inducible NOS (iNOS) inhibitor) and L-NAME (efficient endothelial NOS (eNOS and nNOS ) inhibitor) decreased this frequency, while the blocking of all three NO synthase isoforms led to the opposite effect. The inhibitory effect of PRL on destructive chromosome modifications in aging eggs increased in the presence of L-NAME, but was not expressed with the inhibition of nNOS, iNOS, or all NO synthase isoforms simultaneously. Neither NPLA nor L-NAME modulated the inhibitory effect of GH on abnormal chromosome changes in oocytes. On the contrary, the blocking of iNOS, as well as all three NO synthase isoforms, led to an increase in the portion of oocytes with destructive changes of MII chromosomes. At the same time, the level of total activity of NO synthase in oocytes did not depend on the presence of the studied hormones or NOS inhibitors during the prolonged cultivation of oocyte–cumulus complexes. Data obtained suggest that the inhibitory effect of PRL and GH on abnormal changes of metaphase chromosomes in aging cow eggs is associated with a decrease in the activity of endothelial NO synthase, as well as (in the case of PRL) with an increase in the activity of neuronal NO synthase in the cumulus cells surrounding the oocytes.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2019;13(3):219-227
pages 219-227 views

C-Peptide and Insulin during Combined Intranasal Administration Improve the Metabolic Parameters and Activity of the Adenylate Cyclase System in the Hypothalamus, Myocardium, and Epididymal Fat of Rats with Type 2 Diabetes

Derkach K.V., Bondareva V.M., Perminova A.A., Shpakov A.O.


C-peptide, a product of proinsulin proteolysis, regulates physiological and biochemical processes by increasing the bioavailability of insulin due to the formation of complexes and also by binding to C-peptide receptors. Under insulin deficiency in severe forms of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM), the levels of C-peptide and insulin in the brain, the target of their action, are decreased. This deficit can be compensated by intranasally administered C-peptide (IACP) and insulin (IAI). It is assumed that the administration of IACP and IAI in type 2 diabetes will lead to the normalization of the activity of the adenylate cyclase signal system (ACSS) in the hypothalamus and on the periphery and will provide, thereby, a therapeutic effect of IACP and IAI. The aim of the work was to study the effect of a 9-day treatment of 4-month-old male rats with the neonatal model of type 2 diabetes with IACP (at a daily dose of 10 μg per animal) and IAI (at a daily dose of 20 μg per animal) under their combined and separate administration on metabolic and hormonal indicators and the activity of ACSS in the hypothalamus, myocardium and epididymal fat (EF). The treatment of diabetic rats with IAI and IACP + IAI weakened hyperglycemia and insulin resistance, improved lipid metabolism and decreased atherogenic index. In the hypothalamus, the regulation of adenylate cyclase (AC) activity by MC4-melanocortin and D2-dopamine receptor agonists weakened in type 2 diabetes was restored. In the myocardium and EF, the restoration of stimulating effects of β12- and β3-adrenoreceptor agonists on the AC activity were noted, which indicates an improvement in hormonal regulation of the cardiovascular system and lipolytic processes in the adipose tissue. The combined use of IACP + IAI was more effective than the IAI monotherapy, which evidences an increase in the regulatory effects of insulin in the presence of C-peptide. The treatment of diabetic rats with IACP was not very effective. The obtained results suggest the prospects for the combined use of equimolar amounts of IACP and IAI for the correction of metabolic and functional disorders in severe forms of type 2 diabetes.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2019;13(3):228-236
pages 228-236 views

The Role of Mechanical Properties of the Nucleus in Maintaining Tissue Homeostasis

Lavrushkina S.V., Ovsyannikova N.L., Yudina A.S., Strelkova O.S., Zhironkina O.A., Perepelina K.I., Malashicheva A.B., Kireev I.I.


The rigid skeleton formed by networks of A- and B-type lamins is responsible for maintaining the nucleus shape. Moreover, the change in the ratio of lamin proteins in its composition, apparently, is a key factor determining mechanical properties of the cell nucleus, in particular plasticity. In this paper, the effect of the component composition of the nuclear lamina on the resistance of cells to mechanical stress and on the cell motility was considered. Expression of mutant forms of lamin A is accompanied by changes in the distance between microdomains of lamins within the nuclear membrane, and its increased bubbling relative to wild-type cells and cells overexpressing lamin A is observed. An increased number of deformed nuclei are noted when exposed to osmotic shock. The assessment of the effect of a change in the molecular composition of the nuclear lamina due to an increase (decrease) in expression of lamin A, as well as the introduction of progerin in an experimental wound model, showed that there are no differences under conditions of unlimited space.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2019;13(3):237-241
pages 237-241 views

Cyclic Polyploidy in Obligate Agamic Amoebae

Demin S.Y., Berdieva M.A., Goodkov A.V.


It is considered that asexual reproduction of organisms should lead to accumulation of harmful mutations in a series of successive generations (the so-called “Muller’s ratchet”). Accordingly, effective mechanisms for “nulling” this effect should exist in the life cycle of obligate agamic protists. According to one hypothesis, a so-called “cyclic polyploidy” (or agamic ploidy cycle) can act as such a mechanism. Lobose amoebae Amoeba proteus and closely related species are obligate agamic organisms. The karyological analysis that we conducted, as well as a detailed study of the cell cycle of A. proteus and A. borokensis using optical tomography, allow us to conclude that these organisms have a special kind of cyclic polyploidy. The euploid state of the nucleus takes a completely insignificant period of time relative to the duration of the entire nuclear cycle of these amoebae, the stages of meta- and telophase of mitosis, whereas the rest time of the cycle is associated with the aneuploid state of the nucleus.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2019;13(3):242-246
pages 242-246 views

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