Том 23, № 4 (2023)


Бүкіл шығарылым


Ontological foundations of technology in the concept of Friedrich Dessauer

Bogatov M., Kosykhin V., Malkina S., Nevvazhay I.


Introduction. In connection with the growing development of technology in the XX–XXI centuries the role and significance of theoretical reflection on how human dependence on technology transforms our everyday life are increasing. At the same time, two main strategies can be distinguished in relation to the rising influence of technology: critical (pessimistic) and “progressive” (optimistic). If the critical approach is constantly in the field of view of the humanities (starting with Ernst Junger, Oswald Spengler, Martin Heidegger), then the “progressive” one actually falls out of sight of modern researchers. The article is intended to appeal to the argument of one of the optimists, the concept of Friedrich Dessauer. Theoretical analysis. Friedrich Dessauer proceeds from an ontological model of understanding technology as the constant disclosure of the potential inherent in nature itself. Technology does not oppose nature, but continues and improves it in every possible way. Adhering to religious views, Dessauer says that technology continues the creation by God, and inventors and engineers act as co-creators of the divine plan. At the same time, the author sets out a rather abstract and mainly Kant-oriented idea of the structure of being and the place of a man in this being. Conclusion. Despite the fact that over the past 70 years, since the publication of Dessauer’s work, the face of the planet has changed significantly due to technical inventions, the argumentation of thinkers advocating both for and against the spread of technology has not actually changed: already in the 21st century we again and again encounter arguments proposed by Dessauer in 1958.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(4):368-373
pages 368-373 views

Transhumanism and bioethics about human ecology: The limits of what is permitted

Kraynov A.


Introduction. The article is devoted to the issues of human ecology, the choice of the optimal way for the interaction between science and the human body and consciousness. Transhumanism and bioethics have different views on solving this problem. Theoretical analysis. Developing NBIC-technologies set as their task the global transformation of a person. The idea of creating people-cyborgs and digital copies of human consciousness is considered. Also, modern concepts of the development of science provide for the chipization of a person within the framework of the Neuronet-2035 project. The ethical side of the issue is important. The basic principles of bioethics partially allow technological intervention in the human body, but its degree is not spelled out anywhere. In this regard, a subjective interpretation of the principles of “do no harm”, “do good”, “fairness” and “respect for the autonomy of the patient” is acceptable. Conclusion. Human ecology involves the search and development of effective methods for improving human existence in the “society-nature” system. At the same time, the quality of both the person himself and his environment should be improved. The modern anthropocentric approach to solving this problem has not given any positive results. It is possible that cyborgization will partially solve it, but as a result of this, the person himself will disappear.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(4):374-378
pages 374-378 views

The problem of liberty: The importance of theorizing about classical liberal philosophy in the compatibilism concept formation

Lang P.


Introduction. Modern discussions about free will are reduced to the confrontation between compatibilism and incompatibilism. The desire of the former to connect the free will of the individual with physical conditioning actualizes the problem of responsibility for the moral actions performed by the individual. Theoretical analysis. The main socio-philosophical reflections on liberty and responsibility in the context of the 17th century liberalism theory are analyzed. The concepts of T. Hobbes, J. Locke and B. Spinoza are interpreted through the prism of the rational justification of liberty, understanding the correlation between a person’s choice and his actions. The paradigm of new thinking, created by liberal philosophers, made it possible to assess the meaning of freedom in a fundamentally different way – from the point of view of the interaction between an individual and society. A comparative analysis of the provisions on free will allows us to assert the aggravation of the problem of moral responsibility, caused by the rational awareness of free action criteria. Conclusion. The ideas of classical liberal-thinking philosophers acted as a theoretical foundation in the development of the compatibilism concept, the supporters of which associated freedom with necessity. Thus, we can talk about the continuity outlined back in antiquity – from freedom as a “cognized necessity” to its understanding as free will.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(4):379-383
pages 379-383 views

The practical component of early Greek philosophy

Maslov V.


Introduction. The relevance of «practical philosophy» is contrasted with «traditional philosophy», detached from life. The final perspective sees the harmonization of theoretical-practical and practical-theoretical activity of philosophers, based on the appropriate historical and logical rethinking of the history of philosophy. The classical beginning is to emphasize the practical component of early Greek philosophy. Theoretical analysis. The direct connection to life unites Thales as a sage with Thales as a philosopher (the widespread idea of the remoteness of Thales' philosophy from practice is criticized as being engaged by the dominant theoretical-practical paradigm of philosophy). The expert model of the practical component of Thales' philosophy generally characterizes the Milesian school and the Eleates. The absence of effective philosophical practice contributes to the skepticism of Xenophanes and the tragic nature of Heraclitus' work. Political activity of Pythagoreans is the objective maximum of the practical component of philosophy (political model of the practical component of philosophy). The problematic nature of philosophers' political activity, the growth and complication of theoretical research lead the ancient atomists towards the formation of a theoretical-practical model of philosophical activity. Conclusion. The problem of connection with life was positively solved in the work of Thales and was significant for all early Greek philosophy. This should be taken into account in the further study of the history of philosophy; the latter is in essence the school of thought that contributes to the harmonization of theoretical and practical activities of modern philosophy.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(4):384-388
pages 384-388 views

Phenomenon of a therapeutic misconception: Bioethical aspect

Nartova M.


Introduction. The obligatory study of medical drugs during clinical trials conduction can be named as one of the fundamental principles of evidence-based medicine. The article deals with the phenomenon of a therapeutic misconception occurring in volunteers participating in such experiments, who failed to understand the scientific goals of clinical trials and incorrectly expect the therapeutical advantages linked with such a participation. It is analyzed which methodological decisions can cause a therapeutic misconception, and also the main bioethical risks associated with this phenomenon are indicated. Theoretical analysis. It is shown that the procedure of the receipt of informed consent form is the main problematic aspect for an adequate understanding of clinical trials’ goals by its volunteers, and violation of the principle of patient autonomy can be named as a primary bioethical risk. During the COVID-19 pandemic there has been a heterogeneity of therapeutic strategies fixed because of the lack of knowledge about the new pathogen. As a result, the inability to adequately assess the risks of the intended treatment both by a patient and a doctor became a new factor that caused the therapeutic misconception. Conclusion. The procedure for obtaining informed consent form is supposed to be revised, the additional analysis of the methodology of clinical trials should be done to reduce the risk of a therapeutic misconception.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(4):389-393
pages 389-393 views

Socialism vs Christianity: Ideological reasons for the confrontation

Novikov I.


Introduction. The object of research carried out in the article is the consciousness of modern society, which is an internally contradictory conglomerate, including both Christian and anti-Christian moments. The subject of the study is the religious content of the socialist program for the reorganization of society. The methodological basis of the study is the works by Russian authors, who are defined as representatives of Russian religious philosophy. Theoretical analysis. Socialism is an alternative to Christianity religious position (not a doctrine, since it does not recognize itself as a religion, but a position) which is specified by the fact that it is a rebellion against God. Socialism does not deny God (that is why it rebels against Him), but it denies religion, the connection between God and a man, its forms and content, and claims to create its own surrogate religion. Whereupon socialism must be qualified as anti-Christianity, but not as atheism. The essence of the socialist “religion” is disappointment in man, denial the right of a man to freedom as a result, and the assertion of the need for total control by society and the state over a man and people. Conclusion. The religion can be denied only by the religion. Therefore the ideology of socialism that denies Christianity must be qualifiedas a religion sui generis.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(4):394-398
pages 394-398 views

The position of science in the consumer society

Pashchenko O.


Introduction. Science in modern reality is closely intertwined with the cultural attitudes of the consumer society, and this connection is becoming stronger every year. The market economy, which underlies the culture of modern society, is a fairly flexible system, balancing like a tightrope walker between dynamically changing demand and consumption. Theoretical analysis. In order not to end up on the periphery of the economic system, scientific knowledge needs to show the same properties that a market economy does and, above all, flexibility. Science, becoming a branch of production, before producing must evaluate the results and think over the mechanisms for marketing the “product”, i.e. acquired knowledge or innovative technologies. Conclusion. Thus, scientists, choosing the topics for their scientific research, must clearly understand that there will be a consumer ready to “buy” the proposed research product. At the same time, it is important not to forget about the “product packaging”. It is necessary to present your research in such a way that the target audience does not doubt the need for its acquisition. Financing is received by those projects that were able to interest the commission and off era competitive product. The values of the consumer society inevitably act as markers of the productivity of scientific research.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(4):399-403
pages 399-403 views

The problem of digital recognition of personal behavior in the context of modern challenges: Socio-philosophical and theological analysis

Ustyantsev V., Orlov M., Listvina E., Ryazanov A.


Introduction. The article examines the problem of digital personality recognition as one of the dimensions of artificial intelligence from the perspective of socio-philosophical and theological analysis. Theoretical analysis. One of the distinctive features of the scientific and technological development of modern society is that various artificial intelligence (AI) systems have moved from the category of science fiction, utopian projects, innovative developments, prototypes and market innovations to the category of familiar and little-noticed elements of everyday life. This technology, also known as the Internet of Behavior, involves identifying and assessing an individual’s behavior both from the point of view of compliance with requirements and from the point of view of identifying patterns of individual behavior that can become the basis for his identification. The prerequisites and conditions for the emergence of the phenomenon of “golemization” of the individual are analyzed, i.e. its reduction to a set of external physical actions and manifestations without taking into account internal motives as one of the risks that require social philosophical and theological reflection. Conclusion. Within the framework of socio-philosophical and theological discourse, digital recognition of personal behavior can have a positive meaning, because increases attention to responsibility for one’s actions and potentially leads to a decrease in crime rates, as well as a negative value due to the possibility of creating virtual identities that differ from a person’s true identity.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(4):404-408
pages 404-408 views

Utopia, war, post-apocalypse: The image of the USSR in foreign and Russian video games

Tselykovsky A.


Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of the representation of the image of the USSR in foreign and domestic video games. The main purpose of the study is to examine the specifics of the impact of video games on the historical memory of the Soviet past. Theoretical analysis. The study was based on the hypothesis that video games in the conditions of mediatization and digitalization of public consciousness turn into one of the significant factors in the formation of historical memory. The research interest in the representation of images related to Soviet history in video games is conditioned by the policy of returning the Soviet heritage to the Russian ideological and socio-political discourse. Since Soviet history, and primarily the period of the Great Patriotic War, has become a significant element of contemporary Russian memory politics, there is a need to analyze the specifics of the images of the USSR constructed and broadcast by both domestic and foreign video games. Conclusion. As the study has shown, foreign video games are characterized by a predominantly negative image of the USSR based on Cold War stereotypes. Domestic video games broadcast various images of the Soviet past, which can be considered as a tool for reflection on the history of the Soviet Union and working through the historical trauma associated with its collapse.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(4):409-413
pages 409-413 views

Socio-philosophical aspects of the development of generative artificial intelligence

Shatkin M.


Introduction. The article offers a socio-philosophical reflection on the development of generative artificial intelligence (GAIN) and its interaction with human society, through the lens of the dialectical method. Theoretical analysis. The characteristic feature of the GAIN is its complexity, which makes it incomprehensible to human consciousness, making it similar to social institutions created by society but not controlled by it. The GAIN, which creates content without understanding it, reflects the characteristic of the human spirit, which creates phenomena without ever understanding the principles and consequences of their work. The possibilities and unpredictability of the GAIN’s work, which exceeds the capabilities of the human mind, lead to the emergence of an attitude towards it not as a tool, but as a helper. But the universal nature of the GAIN prevents the generation of a personal history of interaction between a person and the GAIN, which leads to the need for individualization and concretization of the GAIN in a material medium. The connection of GAIN with a certain material medium gives GAIN the experience of independent existence, which triggers the cycle of infinite self-perfection and self-generation, as well as the transformation of matter, including society. The result of such transformation can be a digital-material society of swarm intelligence, where the openness of people’s consciousnesses to each other is conditioned by their connection with GAIN. Conclusion. The development of the GAIN is a dialectical movement from universality towards its concreteness and material embodiment, and then back to universality through the inclusion and transformation of the material world within the GAIN.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(4):414-418
pages 414-418 views

Order training as a method of managing the formed suborders of organizational culture (Castalia program)

Aksenovskaya L.


Introduction. The organizational and cultural approach to the management of modern organizations remains a priority in the context of an increasing variety of management technologies. Theoretical analysis. The theoretical basis for understanding the phenomenon of organizational culture and socio-psychological training as a method of managing it is the order approach to the socio-psychological study and change of organizational culture. In the order approach organizational culture is considered as a complex socio-psychological order of organizational and managerial interactions, constituted and regulated by subsystems of ethical meanings of participants in interaction. Empirical Analysis. The analysis is based on the material of the training case. Conclusion. The socio-psychological mechanism underlying the training method of managing the suborders of organizational culture is a step-by-step recoding of the ethical and semantic code of culture, taking into account at the same time the features of the existing culture of the organization and the actual management task.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(4):419-423
pages 419-423 views

Eye-tracking study of the perception of folk art on the example of Gzhel and Khokhloma

Zinchenko E.


Introduction. Folk art is the basis of spiritual and moral education. Given that folk art is entering our lives in a new way, the chosen topic is relevant. Theoretical analysis. Gzhel and Khokhloma have accompanied the development of artistic taste over the centuries. It is known about the influence of art on the psycho-emotional state of a person, an indicator of which is oculomotor activity. Eye movements can be used as indicators of the perceptual process. Empirical analysis. The characteristic values of blinking, fixations and saccades were revealed during the perception of images of Gzhel and Khokhloma, taking into account the preference for one or another folk art. It has been established that those who prefer Gzhel use a contemplative strategy of observation, while those who choose Khokhloma use a research one. Also, when considering blue-white images, persons who have chosen Gzhel use a rational way of perception, and when perceiving gold images, they use an emotional one. Participants who preferred Khokhloma showed an inverse ratio of perception methods. Conclusion. When considering folk art, different ways of processing information are actualized among people who prefer Gzhel and Khokhloma. The identified features of oculomotor activity will make it possible to use these types of folk art in art therapy when conducting additional research.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(4):424-430
pages 424-430 views

The socio-psychological adaptation of Indian students in Russian University

Lazareva L., Sarmah B.


The introduction notes the increase of educational migration and the relevance of creating the necessary conditions for the successful socio-psychological adaptation of international students in Russia. The theoretical analysis is devoted to identifying modern problems of adaptation of international students in universities in different countries, including Russia. Among the various forms of work with international students, group culturally-sensitive counseling can help actualize the individual’s adaptive resources through immersion in the socio-cultural environment of the country of educational migration. Empirical analysis is based on a description of the results of a comparative study of the dynamics of personal characteristics of international students before and after group culturally-sensitive counseling. The advisory sessions involved 30 Indian first-year students (Penza State University). The analysis of the personal characteristics was carried out by means of the 3 methods: The Freiburg Personality Questionnaire, The Image-associative test “The image of the native country – the image of foreign countries” (S. V. Frolova), “The adaptation of a person to a new sociocultural environment” (L. V. Yankovsky). Reliably significant positive changes in the personality states of the respondents (decrease in the level of neuroticism, spontaneous aggressiveness, depression) were revealed. Conclusion. The analysis shows the effectiveness of group culturally-sensitive counseling in the socio-psychological adaptation of international students, which contributes to their active entry into the new socio-cultural environment of the country of educational migration. There has been an increase in integration among respondents with both Russian and Indian culture.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(4):431-437
pages 431-437 views

Problems and ways of comprehensive study of the consequences of combat stress and combat injuries

Maluchenko G.


Introduction. The article is devoted to the analysis of theoretical approaches to understanding the intrapsychic mechanisms that generate combat stress and psychotrauma. This article draws the attention of specialists to the psychophysiological and individual-typical factors affecting the occurrence and course of combat PTSD. Theoretical analysis. The stages of research on the consequences of human participation in hostilities conducted over the past century are presented. Scientifi c views on the role of such innate properties of the nervous system as the strength of nervous processes, their balance and dynamism in the development of combat PTSD are considered. The signifi cance of the type of human temperament in his reactions to specifi c combat stress is revealed. The role of plasticity of higher nervous activity as a factor of overcoming pathological environmental factors, including its application in the conditions of military events, is also revealed. Conclusion. In conclusion, the analysis of the factors of overcoming combat stress and psychotrauma manifested in the form of physiological and psychological dysfunctions, including individual factors that determine the mental reactions of participants in combat operations, is carried out. Conclusions are drawn about the most effective ways to correct the general functional state of the psyche and neuromuscular apparatus of the combatant.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(4):438-444
pages 438-444 views

Personality’s emotional ecological safety: Phenomenological analysis and research prospects

Frolova S.


The introduction describes intrascientific and sociocultural factors that determine the difficulties of studying research problems of psychology of a personality’s emotional sphere, and highlights its insufficiently studied issues. The solution to these issues may offer new prospects of the development of fundamental and applied knowledge of the essence of human nature. The author suggests examining a personality’s ecological safety in expressing and controlling feelings as one of the heuristic objectives. The theoretical analysis aims at the phenomenon of a personality’s emotional ecological safety. Its description is based on the ideas of personality ecology that have recently emerged in the field of psychology. The author introduces and defines the notion of a personality’s emotional ecological safety as a complex ability to generate and express psychologically safe for a personality and other people, eco-sensitive, proactive reaction to the events and emotional behavior of other people. The research identifies the components of emotional ecological safety connected with the ways of expressing empathy, interest and trust in another person’s feelings, giving him or her freedom of emotional experience, and readiness to neutralize other people’s negative emotions, regulation of one’s own emotional expressiveness, the locus of control over emotions. The conclusion outlines the prospects for designing psychodiagnostic tools to find the ability of a personality’s emotional ecological safety and application of the results of further empirical research in the positive psychological counseling.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(4):445-451
pages 445-451 views

Saratov industrial and organizational psychology in the 1920–1930

Yuzhaninova A.


Introduction. The first study of the history of Saratov organizational psychology was carried out by L. N. Aksenovskaya, who traced the development of the industrial and organizational direction at Saratov State University from 1971 to the present. The purpose of our research was to analyze the process of formation of organizational and psychological science in Saratov in the 1920s–1930s. Such historical and psychological methods as the analysis of information presented in scientific and reference publications, historical reconstruction, interpretation of factual material were used. Theoretical analysis. A study was conducted on the development of Saratov organizational psychology in the 1920s–1930s as an integral part of two directions – scientific organization of labor and psychotechnics. Conclusion. It is established that organizational psychology in Saratov developed in accordance with the general trends of the scientific process for the whole country. For research and practical work, divisions were created at provincial administrative institutions, regional branches of All-Russian scientific communities, experimental laboratories. The article presents the activities of three Saratov laboratories organized by engineers at the Saratov Institute of National Economy, doctors at the Provincial Department of Public Education, psychologists at the Department of Philosophy and Psychology of Saratov University (the heads respectively N. M. Dyakonov, I. L. Stychinsky, A. A. Krogius).
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(4):452-457
pages 452-457 views

Forming graduate students’ vision regarding pedagogical activity of a classical university professor

Balakireva E., Bolshakova A.


In the introduction it is stated that forming graduate students’ readiness for pedagogical activity is based on the methodology of the post-non-classical science, which allows to use qualitative research methods aimed at interpreting opinions, standpoints, values of the actors as legitimate “data” and to define understanding of pedagogical activity’s specifics and the key trends in the development of higher education. Theoretical analysisis dedicated to understanding the purpose and meaning of pedagogical activity of a university professor from the standpoint of holistic approach. The article analyses valuable, theoretical and technological components of activity. It is pointed out that pedagogical activity can be logically analysed as a type of activity aimed at certain pedagogical problems. Empirical analysis is built around describing research results within the framework of solving academic pedagogical tasks by graduate students of Saratov State National Research University within the framework of the course named “University-level Pedagogics”. The article presents the results of academic tasks performed by graduate students. Conclusion Graduate students working as teaching assistants and instructors showed greater psychological readiness to carry out teaching activities at university. On the one hand, a significant fraction of graduate students has virtually no experience in teaching and, due to this, has certain expectations of teaching practice; on the other hand, the empirical study results indicate that it is this category that is interested in working under conditions of changes in the digital environment and mastering new educational technologies.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(4):458-463
pages 458-463 views

Pedagogical cases in the higher education system

Vilkova E.


Introduction. In the system of domestic higher education, the creation of individual cases on pedagogical situations in higher education, and then the formation of their base is in demand. The purpose of the study is to develop a version of the pedagogical case on the situation in the system of higher education as a model for creating a bank of similar cases in the future. Theoretical analysis. When teaching disciplines in the field of higher education for future teachers, cases on various pedagogical situations are used. At the same time, publications on pedagogy consider professional trainings and similar cases on certain situations in preschool and school education, but cases on pedagogical situations that arise in the process of university educational activities are not presented in scientific literature. Results and their discussion. The author’s definition of the case is formulated; the case study on the pedagogical situation when an exam on a discipline is taken ahead of schedule is proposed in the basic and extended version and its solution based on the legislative framework, life and pedagogical experience of the author is given. Conclusion. The formation of the bank of cases on pedagogical situations that characterize the educational process in higher education is only at the initial stage. They have to be worked out and improved in the context of the transformation of higher education in order to effectively solve the problems facing the national higher school today.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(4):464-468
pages 464-468 views

Socio-pedagogical prevention of addictive behavior among students

Zolotova A.


Introduction. In modern pedagogical science, there is a contradiction, which lies in the fact that, on the one hand, researchers pay a lot of attention to the problem of the growth of addictive behavior of young people, and, on the other hand, practice shows a steady increase in all types of addictions. Theoretical analysis. The study of scientific and pedagogical literature allows us to outline the strategy and tactics of experimental work and to form the necessary starting points on which the main directions for improving the socio-pedagogical prevention of addictive behavior of students will be based. Еmpirical analysis. An analysis of the implementation of socio-pedagogical prevention of addictive behavior among students revealed that the vast majority of teachers who are curators of student groups are not ready to implement the prevention of addictive behavior of students. The survey revealed the main reasons that make it difficult to prevent the addictive behavior of students. Among all types of psychoactive substances, it is most difficult for young people to give up smoking; there is a loyal attitude towards alcohol consumption. Conclusion. The levels of addictive behavior of students indicate unwillingness to refuse the offer of chemical addictions from the society. The responses received from teachers demonstrate that they need information education and organizational support to improve the effectiveness of preventive activities.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(4):469-474
pages 469-474 views

Modern aspects of teaching a foreign language to schoolchildren and students of secondary vocational education in Finland

Parshina M.


Introduction. Within the framework of this article, the author made an attempt to consider some features of teaching a foreign language in Finland at school and in institutions of secondary vocational education, which allow the Finns to speak a foreign language at a fairly good level. Theoretical analysis. Consideration of the reasons for these results made it possible to reveal the fact that in recent years a system of early learning of a foreign language has been introduced in Finnish education. Much attention is paid to the formation of communication and interaction skills. The study of a foreign language in the secondary school is aimed at familiarizing the student with the culture of the language being studied. When teaching a foreign language to students of secondary vocational education institutions, there is an active integration of general education and vocational training. Conclusion. When studying their native language, students consider general linguistic concepts that are also inherent in other languages and contribute to a common understanding of the language structure. Finnish teachers in their professional activities rely on the teachings of L. S. Vygotsky about the zone of proximal development. Language learning is seen as a lifelong process that aims to develop multilingual competence.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(4):475-479
pages 475-479 views

Will the zombie box eat your brains for breakfast?

Tikhonova S., Artamonov D.


Introduction. The review is devoted to the publication of the book “Cyberhumanism. How communication technologies transform our society” by Nizhny Novgorod researcher A. N. Fortunatov – the Doctor of Philosophy, specialist in the field of communication studies, media philosophy and the history of television. Theoretical analysis. In the book by A. N. Fortunatov, methodological principles of communicative theory, media philosophy and humanism as a philosophical trend were combined. The result was the emergence of the term "cyberhumanism", which serves as a characteristic of the aggressive nature of communication technologies aimed, according to the author, at subordinating a person to digital means of communication and media. The author claims that the digital transformation of society is a natural phenomenon that arose as a result of the development of scientific and technological progress, however, the “callousness” of the digital sphere negatively affects the personality, that becomes only a reflection of the media. A. N. Fortunatov shows how digital media reality is constructed, where the subject and the object change places. A person ceases to be a subject in interaction with the media, since it is not he who influences them, but, on the contrary, the means of communication subordinate him to their will and the logic of existence. Conclusion. Such an ambiguous approach to the consideration of the phenomenon of media constitutes the research value of the book, which may be of interest to a wide range of readers dealing with the problems of digital society.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(4):480-484
pages 480-484 views

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