Forming graduate students’ vision regarding pedagogical activity of a classical university professor

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In the introduction it is stated that forming graduate students’ readiness for pedagogical activity is based on the methodology of the post-non-classical science, which allows to use qualitative research methods aimed at interpreting opinions, standpoints, values of the actors as legitimate “data” and to define understanding of pedagogical activity’s specifics and the key trends in the development of higher education. Theoretical analysisis dedicated to understanding the purpose and meaning of pedagogical activity of a university professor from the standpoint of holistic approach. The article analyses valuable, theoretical and technological components of activity. It is pointed out that pedagogical activity can be logically analysed as a type of activity aimed at certain pedagogical problems. Empirical analysis is built around describing research results within the framework of solving academic pedagogical tasks by graduate students of Saratov State National Research University within the framework of the course named “University-level Pedagogics”. The article presents the results of academic tasks performed by graduate students. Conclusion Graduate students working as teaching assistants and instructors showed greater psychological readiness to carry out teaching activities at university. On the one hand, a significant fraction of graduate students has virtually no experience in teaching and, due to this, has certain expectations of teaching practice; on the other hand, the empirical study results indicate that it is this category that is interested in working under conditions of changes in the digital environment and mastering new educational technologies.

About the authors

Ekaterina Igorevna Balakireva

Saratov State University

83, Astrakhanskaya str., Saratov, 410002, Russia

Alina Sergeevna Bolshakova

Saratov State University

83, Astrakhanskaya str., Saratov, 410002, Russia


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