
Lithochemistry Potential for Comparison and Correlation of Deposits on the Example of the Komsomolsk Section in Northern Sikhote-Alin, Far East of Russia
Medvedeva S.
Stratigraphy, Tectono-Stratigraphic Systems, and Paleogeography of the Uda and Torom Sedimentary Basins (Far East of Russia)
Zabrodin V., Kirillova G.
Comparative Analysis of Aptian–Albian Rocks of the Kema and Kiselevka–Manoma Terranes: Geochemistry, Geochronology, and Paleomagnetism
Arkhipov M., Voinova I., Kudymov A., Peskov A., Otoh S., Nagata M., Golozubov V., Didenko A.
Structure of the Northwestern Boundary of the Middle Amur Sedimentary Basin (Russian Far East) from Audiomagnetotelluric Sounding Data
Kaplun V.
Material composition and geochemical characteristics of ores of the Malinovskoe gold-ore deposit (Primorskii Krai, Russia)
Dobroshevsky K., Gvozdev V., Shlykov S., Stepanov V., Fedoseev D.
Rare-Earth Elements and Noble Metals in Phosphorites of the Gremuchy Occurrence, Lesser Khingan, Far East of Russia
Cherepanov A., Berdnikov N., Shtareva A.
Early Cretaceous Granitic and Monzonitic Rocks of the Southern Part of the Zhuravlevka Terrane (Sikhote-Alin): Geochemical Composition and Melt Sources
Kruk N., Gvozdev V., Orekhov A., Kruk E., Kasatkin S., Golozubov V., Rudnev S., Aoki S., Komiya T., Kovach V., Serov P.
Mantle Seismic Anisotropy beneath the Amur Plate According to the Data of ScS Waves from Deep-Focus Earthquakes
Luneva M., Pupatenko V.
New data on chemical composition of Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the Bureya basin (Far East of Russia)
Medvedeva S.
Geochemistry and Conditions of the Formation of the Ulsk Thermal Spring (Coasts of the Sea of Okhotsk, Khabarovsk Krai)
Chelnokov G., Bragin I., Kharitonova N., Aleksandrov I., Ivin V., Chelnokova B.
Paleogene–Neogene Boundary of Primorye, Russian Far East
Pavlyutkin B., Petrenko T., Chekryzhov I.
Natural and Technogenic Mineral Formation in the Aquifer of the Amur-Tunguska Interfluves
Kulakov V., Berdnikov N., Krutikova V., Arkhipova E.
The importance of radiocarbon dates and tephra for developing chronologies of Holocene environmental changes from lake sediments, North Far East
Lozhkin A., Brown T., Anderson P., Glushkova O., Melekestsev I.
Accretion of the Anuy Zone, Tectonic Zonation, and Evolution of the Samarka Accretionary Complex: Details of Evolutionary Scenario of the Sikhote-Alin Segment of the East Asian Continental Margin
Zyabrev S., Shevelev E.
Gas-Geochemical Anomalies of Surface and Ground Waters of the Birofeld Graben of the Middle Amur Sedimentary Basin (Far East of Russia)
Gresov A., Yatsuk A., Obzhirov A., Razvozzhaeva E.
Interregional Correlation of the Permian Continental and Marine Deposits of Northeastern Russia, Southern Far East, Siberia, and Pechora Cisurals
Kotlyar G., Pukhonto S., Burago V.
Numerical modeling of the tectonic and thermal history of the Kyndal Graben of the Bureya Basin (Far East of Russia)
Prokhorova P., Lapkovskii V., Razvozzhaeva E.
Volcanic rocks of the Khabarovsk accretionary complex, southern Far East Russia
Voinova I.
Conodont Assemblage from the Upper Part of the Lower Olenekian Abrek Bay Section, South Primorye
Bondarenko L., Popov A.
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