卷 26, 编号 1 (2024)


The role of direct oral anticoagulants in cancer-associated thrombosis. Review of clinical guidelines and real practice

Tereshin O.


Oncology is one of the undisputable leaders of the present day medicine in terms of innovations and research. Globalization and a high number of randomized clinical trials generate an ever increasing amount of new data, clinical guidelines on cancer treatment, complications prevention and supportive care. Modern oncology practice demands vast and firm knowledge on venous thromboembolism treatment and prevention. The article is a survey of the present day clinical guidelines and real world data in the field of cancer-associated thrombosis.

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(1):7-11
pages 7-11 views

Venous thrombosis during systemic antitumor therapy: risks, prognosis, treatment

Fedyanin M., Rumyantsev A., Tryakin A.


Venous thromboembolic events (VTE and ТЕ) in cancer are a complex and multicomponent process involving various non-modifiable and modifiable factors that increase or reduce the risk of abnormal thrombus formation. The paradigm of prevention and treatment of VTE in cancer patients has significantly changed with the introduction of new oral anticoagulants; however, the choice of a particular agent remains challenging for practitioners. This review aims to address the VTE development mechanisms in cancer patients, compare different scales in predicting VTE occurrence, and compare the effectiveness and tolerability of anticoagulant therapy in various clinical situations.

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(1):12-19
pages 12-19 views

Final data on the efficacy of the FORA study (FOrteca Real practice Assessment): a multicenter prospective observational study on the real-world efficacy of prolgolimab in patients with metastatic melanoma in Russia

Orlova K., Fedyanin M., Simanenkov K., Dergunov A., Goldshmidt P., Saydullaeva A., Bogacheva D., Yavorskaya M., Azanov A., Fedenko A., Bolotina L., Deshkina T., Babina K., Kuzevanova E., Zhukova L., Feoktistova P., Polshina N., Peganova E., Shikina V., Sobolev M., Mironov O., Vaschenko V., Ershova M., Mezhueva A., Orlova S., Tantsyrev D., Taskina D., Teterich A., Karabina E., Kostalanova Y., Bogacheva M., Zhukova N., Orlova R., Zinkevich M., Kazmin A., Volkonskiy M., Voronkova L., Karpova A., Maleyko M., Gorshenina M., Kryuchkova E., Moiseenko F., Murzina Y., Musin S., Ogloblin A., Perminova M., Dumbrava R., Emelyanov S., Protsenko S., Sultanbaev A., Tarasova A., Shakhnovich E., Demchenkova M., Lozovskaya Y., Musaeva K., Pavlova E., Skotnikov R., Chernova V., Chichkanova A., Akhmatova A., Zafirova M., Mischenko A., Ovsienko E., Petrukhnenko V., Syusyukaylova O., Tyugina Y., Shumilkina E., Stroyakovskiy D., Yurchenkov A., Baldin P., Belova A., Diduk O., Konovalova E., Lebedeva L., Li Y., Mashtapa V., Mironenkova Y., Narovenkova K., Pavlikova O., Parsadanova E., Pimonova I., Ruzhnikova A., Sivunova I., Soloveva E., Sosnin M., Temirsultanova K., Tyulegenova M., Khodkevich A., Shakurova N., Efendieva S., Avagimyan K., Anokhina E., Antoshkina M., Borzyanitsa S., Dzhentemirov S., Dmitrochenko M., Zheleznyak A., Komoza Y., Kopanev A., Kornienko T., Krasilnikova M., Lukhmanova D., Mazur N., Markina P., Mitapov Z., Osodoeva S., Prokopenko I., Radyukova I., Ramazanova M., Safarova A., Safronova M., Khabrieva K., Tsygankova N., Chermakova K., Chirkova T., Samoylenko I., Nazarova V., Akhmetyanova A., Demidov L.


Background. Prior to the introduction of new agents — immune checkpoint inhibitors — for inoperable and/or metastatic melanoma (IMM), chemotherapy outcomes were generally poor. The median (Me) overall survival (OS) in IMM was no more than 6-9 months, and the Me of progression-free survival (PFS) was about 2 months. The introduction of immune checkpoint inhibitors and targeted therapy changed the prognosis for the life of IMM patients dramatically. The development, studies, and approval of a new original PD-1 inhibitor, prolgolimab, in Russia in 2020 prompted the professional community to conduct a prospective observational study in the Russian Federation to assess its real-world efficacy and safety.

Aim To evaluate the real-world efficacy and safety of prolgolimab in patients with IMM.

Materials and methods. From October 2020 to October 2022, 700 patients with IMM receiving prolgolimab in real clinical settings in oncological institutions of various levels in the Russian Federation were included in the study. The main inclusion criteria were: pathology-confirmed diagnosis of melanoma; metastatic and/or inoperable type; use of prolgolimab outside of clinical trials; and signed informed consent. Objective response rate in the general population and the Intention-to-treat and Per Protocol populations was considered the main criterion for evaluating the efficacy of therapy, and the safety criterion was the incidence of grade 3-4 adverse events (AEs). PFS and OS rates were also assessed. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS 25.0 software package.

Results. The objective response rate for the Per Protocol population (with radiographic assessment available) was 42% (n=235/559). Disease progression was reported in 26.7% (n=149) of patients, stabilization in 31.3% (n=175), and disease control in 73.3% of patients with IMM, regardless of the line of therapy. At the follow-up Me of 12 months (0-36), PFS for all patients regardless of the line of therapy was 8 months (95% confidence interval [Cl] 6.537-9.463), 6-month PFS was 55%, and 12-month PFS was 41%. OS Me for all included patients was 32 months, 6-month OS was 82%, and 12-month OS was 69%. Depending on the line of therapy, the OS Me was: line 1 - not reached, line 2-30 months (95% Cl 16.007-43.993), line 3 and subsequent- 22 months (95% Cl 14.264-29.736); p=0.736. According to the CTCAE 5.0 general terminology criteria for AEs, a total of 136/693 (19.6%) AEs of varying degrees were reported, in particular: grade 1-2 - 105/693 (15.2%), grade 3-4 - 25/693 (3.6%), unknown grade - 5/693 (0.7%), as well as one fatal case (0.1%) due to thromboembolism in the vascular center with an unclear (according to the investigator's assessment) relation with prolgolimab.

Conclusion The results obtained at 12 months of follow-up confirm the high efficacy and satisfactory tolerability of prolgolimab in patients with IMM in real-world practice, regardless of the line of therapy and other characteristics.

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(1):20-34
pages 20-34 views

Toxicity and safety of the combination of lenvatinib with pembrolizumab in patients with advanced renal cell cancer: The Russian phase IV observational study

Volkova M., Kalpinskiy A., Goncharova O., Menshikov K., Karabina E., Dergunov A., Polshina N., Alexandrova E., Lebedinets A., Panov A., Sultanbaev A., Usynin E., Volkonskiy M., Mikhalyuk V., Zukov R., Anzhiganova Y., Gusniev M., Igumnova E., Kuzmicheva S., Pokataev I., Olshanskaya A., Pervakova N., Parsadanova E., Sannikova T., Bystrov A., Dubovichenko D., Miliausha M., Chubenko V., Shkret K., Gorshenina M., Davlatova M., Kosareva A., Lutoshkina O., Maslova O., Makhnutina M., Mishina A., Murzalina M., Podyacheva O., Kalinin S., Mailyan O., Safarova A., Semenova K., Strokova M., Urashkina E., Shmygina O.


Aim To evaluate the safety and toxicity of lenvatinib with pembrolizumab in unselected patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC).

Materials and methods. The Russian phase IV observational study included 151 patients with advanced RCC who received lenvatinib with pembrolizumab in a standard dose regimen in 36 clinical centers of the Russian Federation. Most patients were diagnosed with clear cell RCC (n=145, 96.0%), with synchronous (n=77,51.0%) metastasesof more than one location (n=111,73.5%), removed primary tumor (n=98, 64.9%) and were classified into intermediate and poor IMDC prognostic groups (n=111, 73.5%). Median follow-up was 9.6 (1—68) months.

Results. Any adverse events (AEs) were noted in 109 (72.2%), grade ≥3 AEs-in 26 (17.2%), serious AEs-in 9 (6.0%) of 151 patients. There were no deaths caused by AEs. AEs were an indication for lenvatinib dose reduction in 32 (21.2%), a dose interruptions in lenvatinib treatment in 21 (13.9%), and lenvatinib discontinuation in 2 (1.3%) cases. A dose interruptions in pembrolizumab therapy due to AEs was necessary in 15 (9.9%) cases. Both combination drugs were discontinued due to toxicity in 10 (6.6%) cases. AEs were assessed as immune-mediated in 24 (15.9%) patients (grade 3-4 - n=7, 4.6%) and required the prescription of high doses of glucocorticosteroids in 2 (1.3%) patients.

Conclusions. A Russian observational study confirmed the acceptable safety profile of lenvatinib plus pembrolizumab therapy in patients with advanced RCC.

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(1):39-47
pages 39-47 views

Detection of mutations in the BRAF in patients with melanoma in routine clinical practice: Survey results

Orlova K., Demidov L.


Background. According to current clinical guidelines, patients with inoperable and/or metastatic melanoma (IMM) should undergo a molecular genetic study for the presence of mutations in the BRAF V600 gene in order to select drug therapy. Its accessibility and timing may vary in the regions of Russia.

Aim. To assess the possibility, accessibility, and timing of a molecular genetic study for melanoma in Russia.

Results. From November 15, 2023, to December 11, 2023, a survey was conducted, which included 32 respondents (oncologists and heads of depart- ments/laboratories) from various federal districts, where 1 to 1000 IMM patients are being diagnosed and treated annually. A mutation in the BRAF gene was detected in 79,1% of patients. The duration of the study was about 15 (3-35) days. The mutations were detected in a local institution in 60% of cases, within the Russian Society of Clinical Oncology diagnostic program in 21,1%, and in other programs in 18,9%.

Conclusion. The wide accessibility of the detection of BRAF gene mutations in the Russian Federation was reported due to the following factors: the introduction of molecular genetic diagnostics programs, in particular the Russian Society of Clinical Oncology program, as well as other programs sponsored by pharmaceutical companies and the possibility of testing under a compulsory health insurance policy. However, approximately 21% (20,9%) of patients with IMM do not test for mutations in the BRAF gene, even if they have their own laboratory in the institution. It is crucial to test all patients with melanoma from stage III onwards for BRAF mutations, especially when treatment is started with immunotherapy and there is enough time for the BRAF mutation result to be routinely obtained.

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(1):36-38
pages 36-38 views

Hereditary forms of breast malignant neoplasms: prognosis, screening and prevention. A review

Sultanbaev A., Kolyadina I., Gilyazova I., Nasretdinov A., Musin S., Sultanbaeva N., Menshikov K.


Carriers of germinal mutations are at high risk of developing malignant neoplasms, characterized by an early age of manifestation, an aggressive course, and a high risk of recurrence. The wide introduction of medical genetic testing in the target population of potential carriers of germinal mutations will optimize primary prevention, screening, and treatment approaches. Primary prevention (removal of target organs) with BRCA½ mutation carriers should be based on the benefit-risk ratio; the development of screening programs should take into account the early age of disease manifestation, high breast density in young women, and the predominance of aggressive biological subtypes of the disease, which requires more intensive screening programs in this population. Pathogenetic adjuvant therapy with olaparib significantly reduces the risk of recurrence and death in patients with early BRCA - associated breast cancer and can also help prevent the development of second malignant neoplasms.

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(1):48-55
pages 48-55 views

Safety and efficacy of ribociclib in combination with letrozole in an extended population of patients with HR+/HER2- advanced breast cancer: analysis of data from a subgroup of patients from Russia in the phase lllb CompLEEment-1 study

Zhukova L., Bolotina L., Dvornichenko V., Fadeeva N., Ganshina I., Grechukhina K., Hasanova A., Kislov N., Kudryavtsev I., Manikhas A., Musaeva N., Nizhegorodtseva A., Sadikova O., Sakaeva D., Snegovoy A., Stroyakovskiy D., Tjulandin S., Trishkina E., Vladimirova L., Volkov N., Kostalanova Y.


Background. The use of cyclin-dependent kinase 4 and 6 (CDK4/6) inhibitors in combination with endocrine therapy is a key initial treatment for advanced luminal HER2-negative (HR+/HER2-) breast cancer. The approval studies MONALEESA-2 and 7 demonstrated the efficacy and safety of ribociclib in combination with aromatase inhibitors as a first-line treatment in post- and premenopausal patients. In the Phase lllb CompLEEment-1 study, the same treatment regimen was evaluated in an extended patient population in terms of both safety and efficacy. The article presents an analysis of data from a subgroup of patients from Russia.

Materials and methods. The study included 129 patients from Russia who met the inclusion criteria for the CompLEEment-1 study. The primary endpoint was the incidence of adverse events (AEs) at a median follow-up of 25.4 months. Secondary endpoints were median progression-free survival, objective response rate, and disease control.

Results. The efficacy and safety results of the therapy in the subgroup of patients from Russia were consistent with the general population of patients included in CompLEEment-1. The incidence of AEs requiring dose adjustment or treatment interruption was 58.1%, and the permanent discontinuation rate was 15.5%. The most frequently reported treatment-related AEs grade 3 or higher were neutropenia and transaminase increased.

Conclusion Data obtained in a subgroup of patients from the Russian Federation confirm the safety and tolerability of ribociclib in an extended population of patients with HR+/HER2- breast cancer in settings close to the real world.

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(1):56-64
pages 56-64 views

Efficacy and safety of alpelisib in patients with HR+HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer in real clinical practice: Results of a single-center observational retrospective study

Sultanbaev A., Kolyadina I., Menshikov K., Musin S., Nasretdinov A., Sultanbaeva N., Rakhimov R., Lipatov D., Menshikova I., Izmailov A., Lipatova E.


Background. The combination of alpelisib with fulvestrant is the optimal targeted endocrine therapy for patients with hormone-positive (HR+) HER2-negative (HER2-) metastatic breast cancer (mBC) with mutations in the PIK3CA gene. This regimen has been shown to be highly effective in large phase II and III studies. However, randomized clinical trials cannot fully cover all possible clinical populations of pre-treated patients. Therefore, the real-world study of the efficacy and safety of the alpelisib + fulvestrant is warranted.

Aim. A retrospective analysis of the real-world efficacy and safety of alpelisib in patients with pre-treated luminal HER2- mBC.

Materials and methods. The study included 33 patients diagnosed with HR+ HER- mBC who received alpelisib in combination with fulvestrant in routine practice from 2020 to 2023. Twelve (36.4%) patients had a mutation in exon 9 of the PIK3CA gene, and 21 (63.6%) patients had a mutation in exon 20. Alpelisib was administered to pre-treated patients in different therapy lines: the median number of mBC treatment lines before alpelisib was 5 (1–8), 1 patient received alpelisib in line 1, 4 in line 2, 6 in line 3, 5 in line 4, 8 in line 5, 1 in line 6, 7 in line 7, and 1 in line 8. Patients with luminal B-type BC accounted for 72.7% (n=24). The ECOG status of 0, 1, and 2 points had 9.1%, 75.7%, and 15.2% of patients, respectively.

Results. The median overall survival was 14.0±2.5 months (95% confidence interval 9–18.9), and the median progression-free survival was 6.0±2.7 months (95% confidence interval 0.7–11.3). The prognostic factor was an interruption of drug therapy for any reason, which increased the risk of mortality. The adverse event profile was consistent with data from previous randomized trials.

Conclusion. The outcomes of therapy with alpelisib and fulvestrant show the effectiveness of this regimen in real-world settings in patients with HR+ HER2- advanced BC with a somatic mutation in the PIK3CA gene.

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(1):65-72
pages 65-72 views

Benefits and limitations of breastfeeding for mothers with malignant tumors

Ladodo O., Iurova M., Khokhlova S., Rodionov V., Sheshko E., Zubkov V., Makieva M., Chutkova D., Akhapkina E., Degtyarev D.


In the modern world breastfeeding (BF) is considered as a significant factor in reducing the risk of developing malignant tumors of the mammary gland and ovaries. However, the problem of maintenance or refusing BF in malignant neoplasms (malignant neoplasms) still remains open. In recent years, there has been a steady increase in breast cancer (BC), especially in developed countries, with more than 10% of all breast malignancies (BC) diagnosed in women under 40 years of age. The presented article highlights aspects of maintaining lactation in different periods of the relevance of BF in relation to the timing of manifestation of cancer, and also presents data from the multicenter study POSITIVE (Pregnancy Outcome and Safety of Interrupting Therapy for women with endocrine responsIVE breast cancer) on the possibilities of implementing reproductive function and BF in women receiving therapy for hormone-receptor positive (HR+) BC stages I–III. BF with cancer detected in the postpartum period depends on the treatment of the underlying disease. In patients undergoing surgical treatment, BF is not contraindicated, but it is not always technically possible. During chemotherapy, BF is not recommended. When carrying out radiotherapy, it is possible to undergo BF using a healthy mammary gland. There is currently no evidence to suggest that BF woman diagnosed with cancer may have any negative effects. In general, it has been shown that preserving and maintaining lactation in women with a history of cancer is safe for both mother and child.

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(1):73-79
pages 73-79 views

Experience of like-SJMB03 protocolin treatment of children with medulloblastomain the age group over 3 years:results of an intercenter pilot study

Levashov A., Zagidullina S., Valiev T., Stroganova A., Khochenkov D., Grigorenko V., Mikhaylova E., Tyurina E., Ryzhova M., Horielyshev S., Kadirov S., Polyakov V.


Background. The experience of using the like-SJMB03 therapeutic program is presented. The aim of this study was to assess the potential possibility of reducing the dose of craniospinal and local radiation therapy in the standard and high-risk group patients, and to identify clinical, therapeutic, morphological and molecular-biological factors that determine disease prognosis.

Materials and methods. From 2008 till 2016 years 48 patients with newly diagnosed medulloblastoma were included in the study. In most cases (85%), localization of the primary tumor site was presented by a lesion of the cerebellar vermis with spread into the 4-th ventricle cavity. Gross total or near gross total resection of the primary tumor focus (R0 status) was achieved in 32 (66.7%) cases. The presence of a metastatic disease was established in 15 (31.2%) patients. Molecular biological characteristics of tumor samples were assessed using fluorescent hybridization in situ (FISH), Sanger PCR sequencing, and Illumina Infinium Human Methylation 450/850K BeadChip. Risk group stratification was according to SJMB03 (standard risk group was defined as: R0, M0 status; high-risk group: R1M0 or R0/1M+). A distinctive feature of this protocol was a reduction of the craniospinal irradiation dose down to 36 Gy for patients with M2/M3 status (without additional irradiation of metastatic foci) and the local irradiation dose down to 54 Gy (regardless of R status).

Results. In the standard risk group (R0M0), 5-year and 10-year EFS were 84.0±7.3% and 67.2±9.6%, 5-year and 10-year OS were 92.0±5.4% and 76.4±9.9%, in the high-risk group (R1M0): 5-year and 10-year EFS – 62.5±17.1% and 62.5±17.1%, 5-year and 10-year OS – 75.0±15.3% and 62.5±17.1%, in the high-risk group (R0/1M+): 5-year and 10-year EFS – 33.3±12.2% and 33.3±12.2%, 5-year and 10-year OS – 60.0±12.6% and 33.3±12.2%. Structure of events was presented by 15 disease recurrences (7 localized – 2 early, 5 late; 8 disseminated – 3 early, 5 late), 2 cases of disease progression, 2 cases of secondary tumors (in the first – osteosarcoma, in the second – glioblastoma) and 2 episodes of fatal septic complications. Most of the events were found in patients with a Group 4 tumor. Two peaks of the events were established in standard risk group (the first peak was within 2 years after the end of treatment program, mainly in the age group of 8 years and older, the second peak was within 3 years after the fifth year of observation, predominantly in the group from 3 to 7 years). CSI dose reduction down to 36 Gy for patients with M2/M3 status (without additional irradiation of metastatic foci) in the high-risk group led to a dramatic decrease of 5-year EFS. There was a trend towards a decrease in 5-year EFS and OS in patients aged 8 years and older, as well as in the presence of the C-MYC, N-MYC genes amplification, isochromosome 17q in tumor cells.

Conclusion. Despite the accumulated experience, it is necessary to continue studying the relationship between age groups and the molecular biology of tumor cells in medulloblastoma.

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(1):80-86
pages 80-86 views

Intensity of repeated disability due to brain malignancies in the female population in Moscow for 2017–2021

Zaparii S., Potapenko O.


Aim. To study the rates of repeated disability due to brain malignancies in the female population in Moscow for 2017–2021 and develop measures to prevent morbidity and reduce disability from these causes.

Materials and methods. The study was continuous; the information database of the Single Automated Vertically Integrated Information and Analytics System for Social Security Medical Assessments of the Main Office of Medical and Social Assessment was used based on the results of a re-examination of female patients with brain malignancies (BM) at the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise for 2017–2021.

Results. The study of repeated disability of the female population due to brain malignancies in Moscow for 2017–2021 showed an increase in the absolute number and percentage of persons repeatedly recognized as disabled; the predominance of persons of working age (63.8%) with an upward trend; the predominance of disabled people of group II with a tendency to increase in absolute number, proportion and level; the predominance of disabled people of groups II–III among women of working age and groups I–II among persons older than working age.

Conclusion. The study of repeated disability of the female population due to brain malignancies in Moscow for 2017–2021 showed an increase in the absolute number and percentage of persons repeatedly recognized as disabled; the predominance of persons of working age (63.8%) with an upward trend; the predominance of disabled people of group II with a tendency to increase in absolute number, proportion and level; the predominance of disabled people of groups II–III among women of working age and groups I–II among persons older than working age. It indicates the need for preventive measures, screening for early detection of brain malignancies, primarily of the working-age population, with the expansion of high-tech approaches to patients, observing routing at all stages of medical rehabilitation with the introduction of modern technologies.

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(1):88-91
pages 88-91 views

Laparoscopic pelvic exenteration for malignant tumors of the female reproductive system: a case series

Lyadov V., Nevrov A., Garipov M., Moskalenko A., Simbiryov T., Galkin V.


Background. Surgical treatment of locally advanced and recurrent malignant neoplasms of the female reproductive system is a difficult task requiring extensive multivisceral resections and exenteration. Minimally invasive access allows for less traumatic intervention and improved visualization, potentially leading to improved oncologic outcomes and fewer complications.

Aim. To evaluate intraoperative and early postoperative results of laparoscopic pelvic exenterations.

Materials and methods. 12 laparoscopic pelvic exenteration were performed between December 2022 and September 2023. Strict selection of patients for laparoscopic access was not performed. Local recurrence was noted in 8 patients, in 3 cases there was continued growth after chemoradiotherapy. 8 patients had a history of pelvic irradiation. 9 women had received drug therapy in the past.

Results. Total exenteration was performed in 5 patients, anterior exenteration in 5 patients, and posterior exenteration in 2 patients. The average duration of the operation was 420.8±99.2 (300–625) minutes, the average volume of blood loss was 166.7±98.5 (100–400) ml. Significant postoperative complications (Clavien–Dindo grade III) were registered in two cases: pelvic abscess that required relaparoscopy and sanation, as well as intra-abdominal abscess – drained under ultrasound control. In one case on the 18th day after the surgical intervention a fatal outcome (Clavien–Dindo grade V) due to pulmonary embolism was registered. The median postoperative bed-day was 14.5 (8–32) days.

Conclusion. Laparoscopic access for pelvic exenteration improves intraoperative and early postoperative results. It is necessary to further improve the techniques of this intervention and to define clear indications for its performance, which will allow to achieve better treatment results.

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(1):92-97
pages 92-97 views

Outcomes of extracorporeal partial nephrectomy in patients with malignant tumors: a retrospective and prospective study

Matveev V., Volkova M., Sinitsyna O., Kuznetsov K., Perlin D.


Aim. To establish the criteria of selection for extracorporeal partial nephrectomy (EPN) among patients with malignant tumors involving renal parenchyma.

Materials and methods. The study included data of 34 patients undergone 36 EPNs (2 [5.8%] bilateral) for absolute indications in 32 (94.2%) and relative indications – in 2 (5.8%) cases. The median age of the patients was 49 (31–61) years, and 24 (70.6%) were males. 33 (97.1%) patients were diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma, 1 (2.9%) – with primary retroperitoneal leiomyosarcoma involving a solitary kidney. No regional metastases were detected in any patients; 2 patients were diagnosed with solitary metastases in the adrenal gland. In all patients EPN was performed (2 [5.8%] – with adrenalectomy); the surgery was completed in 35 (97.2%) patients. No additional anti-tumor treatment was administered in any patient. The median follow-up was 65.6 months.

Results. The median surgery time was 674 (360–870) min, and the median blood loss was 2100 (500–7000) mL. The rate of postoperative complications of EPN was 82.9% (30/35), including 48.6% (17/35) of grade 1–4 and 8.6% (3/35) of grade 5 complications. Severe acute kidney injury was reported in 68.0% (25/33) of patients with completed EPN. Renal replacement therapy was required in 45.5% (15/33) of cases. The rate of postoperative autograft loss was 17.1% (7/35). One patient received intermittent hemodialysis (7 years after EPN). 5-year overall survival of 33 patients with completed EPN was 64.4%; the 5-year specific and disease-free survival of patients with renal cell carcinoma was 85.5% and 54.3%, respectively, and 5-year hemodialysis-free survival in patients discharged with autograft was 76.2%.

Conclusion. EPN is indicated only for carefully selected patients with absolute indications for organ-preserving treatment, with massive multifocal centrally located malignant tumors in the renal parenchyma, the radical removal of which in situ is technically impossible.

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(1):98-104
pages 98-104 views

Neuroendocrine tumor of thymus with ectopic production of adrenocorticotropic hormone in a 13-year-old child. Case report, 5-year follow-up

Slashchuk K., Reinberg M., Bazarova E., Kareva M., Przhiyalkovskaya E., Degtiarev M., Pikin O.


Neuroendocrine tumors (NET) of the thymus are rare, usually aggressive, and prone to metastatic lesion. Ectopic adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) secretion in thymic NET (TNEN) is associated with poor prognosis. Most of TNET express somatostatin receptors, it allows the use of somatostatin receptor scintigraphy (SRS) and SPECT/CT or PET/CT with 68Ga-labeled peptides for diagnosis and staging of the disease. Surgery (macroscopic-complete resection) is the mainstay treatment for TNET. Now, there are no unequivocal data in adjuvant therapy and its effectiveness. We present a case report of the pediatric patient with well differentiated atypical ACTH-producing thymic carcinoid. This localization was verified by whole body somatostatin receptor scintigraphy with 111In-DTPA-octreotide (Octreoscan). The patient proceeded with the surgical treatment followed by remission of hypercorticism without adjuvant chemotherapy. Tumor recurrence with redevelopment of ACTH-ectopic syndrome was detected after 67 months of observation.

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(1):106-111
pages 106-111 views

Isolated metastasis to the scalp in occult breast cancer: a clinical case

Ognerubov N., Sergeev R., Hizhnyak A., Ognerubova M., Dzhabrailov M.


Malignancies remain a serious socio-economic health problem worldwide. Among them, breast cancer (BC) in women ranks 1st in the structure and 4th in mortality. Occult breast cancer accounts for 0.1 to 1% of all BC. In this type, metastases to the scalp are extremely rare. This article presents a case of metastatic lesion of the scalp in occult breast cancer. Patient S., 82 years old, presented with a skin tumor in the parietal region, which she noticed about 2 years ago. It has grown recently, with local alopecia and hyperemia around the lesion. A comprehensive examination was performed. Cytology of the punctate showed malignant cells. Mammography and ultrasound showed no specific changes in the breast and lymph nodes. Spiral computed tomography of the chest and abdomen showed no signs of tumor. The lesion was surgically removed. Histological examination revealed adenocarcinoma metastasis. Immunohistochemical examination revealed tumor cells with diffuse and strong expression of estrogen receptors, diffuse and weak expression of progesterone receptors, strong and focal-diffuse expression of cancer embryonic antigen (CEA), and epithelial membrane antigen (EMA). The proliferative activity index of Ki-67 was less than 20%, Her2-neu 0. Considering the morphology and immunohistochemical data, the lesion was a metastasis of breast cancer with a luminal type A molecular biological variant. Skeletal bone scintigraphy revealed no metastatic lesions. The patient was diagnosed with an occult type of breast cancer, stage IV cTxN0M1, with metastasis to the scalp. Hormone therapy with aromatase inhibitors was administered. There were no signs of recurrence during the follow-up for 6 months. Isolated scalp metastasis in occult breast cancer is extremely rare. Practitioners should consider this type of distant metastasis of malignancies in differential diagnosis.

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(1):112-117
pages 112-117 views

EDP chemotherapy combined with somatostatin analogues and mitotane in the treatment of disseminated adrenocortical carcinoma: a clinical case

Magamedova O., Oganesyan L., Feoktistova P., Feidorov I.


Adrenocortical carcinoma is an orphan disease with an annual incidence of 1–2 cases per 1 million adults. The median overall survival (OS) is only 17 months. Definitive surgery increases the median OS to 28 months. The article presents a clinical case of a patient with hormonally active adrenocortical carcinoma of the right adrenal gland, accompanied by tumor thrombosis of the inferior vena cava extending to the right atrium. Surgery was performed for the thrombus removal. A wrong initial diagnosis led to a delay in adjuvant mitotane therapy. The recurrence of the disease was treated with mitotane and somatostatin analogues, considering the high expression of somatostatin receptors in the tumor. At the second progression, the patient was switched to chemotherapy in the EDP regimen combined with continued therapy with mitotane and octreotide, resulting in long-term control of the disease. The time without progression and OS were 18 and 42 months, respectively.

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(1):118-121
pages 118-121 views

What type of intervention works best to help people with cancer get back to work?(Russian translation of the Plain Language Summary (PLS) of the Cochrane Systematic Review)


This publication is the Russian translation of the Plain Language Summary (PLS) of the Cochrane Systematic Review: de Boer AGEM, Tamminga SJ, Boschman JS, Hoving JL. Non-medical interventions to enhance return to work for people with cancer. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2024;3(3):CD007569. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD007569.pub4

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(1):123-124
pages 123-124 views

Mammography followed by ultrasonography compared to mammography alone for breast cancer screening in women at average risk of breast cancer (Russian translation of the Plain Language Summary (PLS) of the Cochrane Systematic Review)


This publication is the Russian translation of the Plain Language Summary (PLS) of the Cochrane Systematic Review: Glechner A, Wagner G, Mitus JW, Teufer B, Klerings I, Böck N, Grillich L, Berzaczy D, Helbich TH, Gartlehner G. Mammography in combination with breast ultrasonography versus mammography for breast cancer screening in women at average risk. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2023;3(3):CD009632. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009632.pub3

Journal of Modern Oncology. 2024;26(1):124-125
pages 124-125 views
