卷 18, 编号 2 (2015)


Genodiagnosis of HPV beta DNA association with seborrheic keratosis in immunosuppressed and immunocompetent patients

Korneva L., Snarskaya E., Molochkov V., Polyanskaya A.


Numerous data indicate the involvement of human papilloma virus (HPV), genus beta, in the development of epithelial tumors of the skin. We studied the association of seborrheic keratosis (SK) with HPV by analysis of HPV beta DNA, including that in immunosuppressed patients. Twenty recipients of renal transplants and 20 immunocompetent patients with SK were examined. Control group consisted of 49 volunteers without epithelial tumors of the skin. Genodiagnosis of HPV beta DNA in biopsy specimens was carried out by the real time polymerase chain reaction with hybridization fluorescent detection. Amplification and detection were carried out on a Rotor-Gene 3000 device (Corbett Research, Australia). The results indicated high levels of HPV DNA in transplant recipients - in foci of SK and in visually intact skin (in 85 and 55% cases, respectively), which was higher than the incidence of the virus in donor skin (47%). Virus charge in SKfoci was significantly higher than in the control group.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2015;18(2):4-7
pages 4-7 views

Clinical characteristics of basalcell cutaneous carcinoma and risk factors for this disease in residents of an industrial city region

Pisklakova T., Ekimova O.


The register of patients with basal-cell cutaneous carcinoma (BCCC) in Regional Center of Skin and Sexually-Transmitted diseases No. 3 in Chelyabinsk, was created with consideration for the professional appurtenance of 267 patients living in the industrial region of the city (in the town of Kopeisk). The patients were distributed into 5 professional groups: 56 patients engaged in coal mining, 18 in metallurgy, 92 workers without harmful occupational exposure, and 58 patients not engaged in industry. Multiple BCCC was more often diagnosed in patients from professional groups exposed to harmful factors (21.9, 27, and 27.8%); primary multiple cancer was diagnosed in 14.6% of patients engaged in coal mining and 16.2% of patients engaged in chemical industry. Multidimensional factorial analysis showed that occupational factors were the leading risk factors for BCCC in professional groups with harmful occupational exposure, while the risk factors for other professional groups were insolation and patient’s skin phototype.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2015;18(2):7-10
pages 7-10 views

On classification of bullous dermatoses

Tkachenko S., Teplyuk N., Allenova A., Lepekhova A.


Modern classifications of bullous dermatoses, created by Russian and foreign scientists, are reviewed. The classical variants, widely used in clinical practice, and rare variants are presented. The authors describe in detail the structure of classifications and the basic signs for classifying bullous dermatoses and their forms into groups and present the specific features of classification of various forms of bullous dermatoses. Comparative analysis of the classifications is carried out, differences in the approaches to classification preferred by the Russian andforeign authors are discussed. The advantages andflaws of some variants and the factors limiting the practical use of some classifications are discussed. The use of various classifications in research and clinical work is analyzed.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2015;18(2):11-14
pages 11-14 views

Efficiency of betamethasone dipropionate innovation dosage form - spray for external use - in therapy of patients with steroid-sensitive dermatoses

Kokhan M., Keniksfest Y., Letaeva O., Kashcheeva Y., Shaibakova Y., Stukova E., Nikolaeva K., Pakhomova I.


The advantages of betamethasone dipropionate innovation dosage form - spray (Beloderm Express; Belupo, Croatia) - are discussed. The data on the use of the spray in therapy for steroid-sensitive dermatoses are presented, the treatment efficiency, safety, and compliance for patients are discussed. Protocols of treatment with the use of Beloderm spray and other dosage forms are createdfor patients with steroid-sensitive dermatoses with consideration for the nosological entities and clinical characteristics of the process.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2015;18(2):15-22
pages 15-22 views

Benign cutaneous lymphoplasia developing at the site of tattoo

Olisova O., Teplyuk N., Garanyan L., Pyatilova P.


Relevant published data and a clinical case with benign cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia at the site of a multicolor tattoo are presented. The clinical picture and the diagnosis carried out by standard and noninvasive methods are described in detail. Benign cutaneous lymphoplasia was effectively treated by injections of betamethasone (diprospan) suspension into the focus.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2015;18(2):23-26
pages 23-26 views

Tuberous sclerosis

Tarasenko G., Kuzmina Y., Grigoryeva E., Kuznetsova A.


A case with a hereditary disease - tuberous sclerosis - is presented. This disease is characterized by skin involvement - numerous semiglobular tumors from nail head to a pea in size, their color varying from normal skin color to yellowish and dark red. The surface of the elements is smooth, glossy, with telangiectasias. Oval light-brown maculi (“coffee with milk” maculi) on the skin of the back, hand and sole nail plates are dull, longitudinally striated; there are also periungular and subungual fibromas on the skin of the soles and hands. The authors emphasize the importance of comprehensive examinations of these patients with consideration for probable visceral diseases.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2015;18(2):26-28
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Cutis verticis gyrata of the hairy part of the head

Okhlopkov V., Zubareva E., Radul E., Bocharova S.


A clinical case is presented: cutis verticis gyrata of the hairy part of the head. The patient is consulted at outpatient department of Omsk Regional Clinical Center for Skin and Sexually-Transmitted Diseases. Cutis verticis gyrata is a rather rare disease. Genetically determined dermatosis is combined with congenital primary leukoderma with autosomal dominant inheriting, associated with disorders in melatonin production. The disease is diagnosed on the base of the clinical picture and histological description of a biopsy specimen of the skin of the hairy part of the head. There is no specific therapy for this disease. This clinical case is interesting for practical dermatologists and cosmetologists.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2015;18(2):28-30
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Potentialities of liposomal cosmetics in therapy for psoriasis

Khlebnikova A., Molochkov A.


A unique line of creams, Isida (Russia), is used in therapy for psoriasis. The cream is based on Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant (DAS), a potent antiseptic stimulating the natural defense force of the skin and the metabolic and immune processes. Modern liposomal technologies create a unique base compensating for the lipid deficiency and restoring the defense function of the epidermis. The Isida products are effectively used in combined therapy for psoriasis and as a means for care of the skin during remissions. Face and body cream for dry and sensitive skin is effective in psoriasis vulgaris, hand cream is recommended in psoriasis of the palms and soles, and dry skin balm is effective in involvement of the hairy part of the head.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2015;18(2):31-34
pages 31-34 views

Psoriasis in a patient with ichthyosis

Tlish M., Katkhanova O., Naatyzh Z., Popovskaya E., Sycheva N.


A clinical case is presented: a combination of disseminated psoriasis vulgaris, Barber’s pustular psoriasis, and ichthyosis vulgaris in the same patient. This combination is regarded as syntropy - a form ofpolymorbidity. Specific features of clinical course of these diseases consist in the absence of psoriatic elements in sites of ichthyosiform efflorescence on the skin. Complex examination of the patient included histological studies of skin biopsy specimens. This case is theoretically and practically interesting, as no combination of this kind has been reported over the recent 5 years. This case may indicate the common etiology and pathogenesis of various forms of psoriasis with ichthyosis and their mutual effects on each other.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2015;18(2):34-39
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The hematoma feigning Becker's nevus

Bazaev V., Tseboeva M., Tsarueva M.


Is described the clinical case of hemangioma feigned of Becker’s nevus at the girl of 9 years old. Clinical signs of Becker’s nevus (a hyperpegmentation with reinforced body height of hair, the beginning at the age of 10-20 years) not always are specific that can create particular difficulties of diagnostics and maintaining such patients. The decisive role in the differential diagnosis may belong to ultrasound and dynamic monitoring. The case is interesting not only for dermatologists, but also for the doctors of related specialties - surgeons, oncologists.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2015;18(2):40-41
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Clinical case with Brocq's ichthyosiform erythroderma

Degtyarev O., Mesnyankina O., Yanchevskaya E., Shashkova A.


Ichthyoses are a heterogeneous group of hereditary diseases of the skin, characterized by disorders in hornification processes. Rather low incidence of this abnormality in the common structure of dermatological morbidity, persistent course, total systems involvement, poor efficiency of treatment make the problem of congenital ichthyosis one of the difficult and pressing problems of dermatology. The clinical case with Brocq’s ichthyosiform erythroderma, presented in this paper, attracts special attention to congenital ichthyosis and suggests prenatal medical genetic counselling offamilies, particularly with family history of the condition.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2015;18(2):42-44
pages 42-44 views

Immune aspects of segmentary and nonsegmentary vitiligo

Sharafutdinova L., Lomonosov K.


The immune status was evaluated in patients with segmentary (SV) and nonsegmentary (NSV) vitiligo and normal subjects. Significant differences were detected between the patients with the two clinical forms. Cellular immunity imbalance was detected in NSVpatients: a more marked reduction of T-lymphocytes and T-helpers paralleled by high suppressor activity. In addition, these patients developed a significant increase in the levels of circulating immune complexes and a reduction of the zero cell levels in comparison with SV patients and controls. The results indicated that different pathogenetic mechanisms led to melanocyte destruction in SV and NSVpatients.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2015;18(2):44-46
pages 44-46 views

Evaluation of laser therapy efficiency in onychomycosis

Akmaeva A., Olisova O., Pinson I.


Onychomycosis is one of the most prevalent diseases in dermatological practice. A new method for onychomycosis treatment - laser therapy - is presented. The method is realized on Q-Switched 1064/532 nm and Nd:YAG 1064 nm lasers. The method is highly effective and safe. The study was carried out in 80 patients (aged 27-80 years) with the diagnosis ofplantar onychomycosis confirmed by laboratory findings (microbiological and microscopic). Patients of the study group (N=40) received laser therapy as follows: 1 exposure every other week during 6 months, a total of 12 sessions. Controls (N=40) received total systems introconasole by the pulsed therapy protocol during 3 months. Clinical cure without side effects was attained in 90% of patients in the study group, vs. 85% patients in control group, with 7.5% patients (controls) developing side effects (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea). Hence, laser therapy is effective and safe and comparable by efficiency with total systems antimycotics.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2015;18(2):47-50
pages 47-50 views

Correction of age-associated changes in the skin in women by amino acid cluster

Smolyakova S., Olisova O.


Chronoaging (natural aging) is associated with involutive changes in the skin. Correction of these changes is one of the main tasks of cosmetology and plastic surgery. Use of a functional amino acid cluster (50% glycine, 37% proline, 6% lysine, 7% leucine, and 1% sodium hyaluronate solution) is highly effective. A total of 72 women aged 35-55 years with clinical manifestations of involutive changes in the skin received a course of 4 procedures at 7-10-day intervals. Noninvasive diagnostic methods (laser confocal microscopy, ultrasonic scanning of the skin, videoscanning) showed that intradermal injections of the functional amino acid complex led to improvement of the structural and morphofunctional organization of the epidermis and derma, promoted thickening of the dermal layer, and smoothed out the microrelief. Analysis of GAIS questionnaires showed that the majority of patients were satisfied with the result: 85% women evaluated the result by 2-3 points, which could be interpreted as a “significant improvement” and “improvement”, corresponding to manifest correction of skin aging.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2015;18(2):50-57
pages 50-57 views

Clinical Epidemiological Aspects of Congenital Syphilis in Russia

Syrneva T., Malishevskaya N., Makarenko A.


The time course of congenital syphilis incidence in the Russian Federation in 2009-2012 is presented per 100 000 infants born live. Clinical epidemiological data of 2 groups of women and their case histories are presented: group 1 - 103 patients receiving timely adequate therapy for syphilis during pregnancy and group 2 - 45 women who had babies with congenital clinical and epidemiological syphilis. Labor outcomes were analyzed using the congenital syphilis epidemiological case test (CDC, USA).
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2015;18(2):57-60
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Cases with late diagnosis of tertiary syphilis

Degtyarev O., Molchanov V., Nersesyan A., Goryunova S., Voronina L., Vetoshkina L.


Clinical observations of tertiary syphilis in female patients are presented. The disease was diagnosed too late because the patients were refusing from therapy for a long time and the disease was detected only after hospitalization in psychoneurological center. The patients were hospitalized for lues nervosa, mental disorders, and cutaneous manifestations of syphilitic gumma with degradation and cicatrization.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2015;18(2):60-62
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From collection of prof. G.I. Sukolin. Parasitic dermatoses

Sukolin G., Li V.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2015;18(2):63-64
pages 63-64 views

Plaques in the buccal mucosa

Snarskaya E., Grishina V.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2015;18(2):65-66
pages 65-66 views
