Cutis verticis gyrata of the hairy part of the head

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A clinical case is presented: cutis verticis gyrata of the hairy part of the head. The patient is consulted at outpatient department of Omsk Regional Clinical Center for Skin and Sexually-Transmitted Diseases. Cutis verticis gyrata is a rather rare disease. Genetically determined dermatosis is combined with congenital primary leukoderma with autosomal dominant inheriting, associated with disorders in melatonin production. The disease is diagnosed on the base of the clinical picture and histological description of a biopsy specimen of the skin of the hairy part of the head. There is no specific therapy for this disease. This clinical case is interesting for practical dermatologists and cosmetologists.

About the authors

V. A Okhlopkov

Omsk State Medical Academy

Кафедра дерматовенерологии и косметологии; доктор мед наук, профессор Omsk, Russia

Elena Yu. Zubareva

Omsk State Medical Academy

MD, PhD, docent Omsk, Russia

E. V Radul

Omsk State Medical Academy

Кафедра дерматовенерологии и косметологии; кандидат мед. наук Omsk, Russia

S. D Bocharova

Omsk State Medical Academy

Кафедра дерматовенерологии и косметологии; ассистент Omsk, Russia


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