Cases with late diagnosis of tertiary syphilis

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Clinical observations of tertiary syphilis in female patients are presented. The disease was diagnosed too late because the patients were refusing from therapy for a long time and the disease was detected only after hospitalization in psychoneurological center. The patients were hospitalized for lues nervosa, mental disorders, and cutaneous manifestations of syphilitic gumma with degradation and cicatrization.

About the authors

O. V Degtyarev

Astrakhan State Medical Academy

Кафедра дерматовенерологии; доктор мед. наук, профессор Astrakhan, Russia

V. M Molchanov

Astrakhan Regional Center of Skin and Sexually-Transmitted Diseases

зав. отделением Astrakhan, Russia

A. Yu Nersesyan

Astrakhan State Medical Academy

Кафедра дерматовенерологии; клинический ординатор Astrakhan, Russia

S. P Goryunova

Astrakhan Regional Center of Skin and Sexually-Transmitted Diseases

врач Astrakhan, Russia

L. M Voronina

Astrakhan Regional Center of Skin and Sexually-Transmitted Diseases

заместитель главного врача Astrakhan, Russia

Lidiya N. Vetoshkina

Astrakhan State Medical Academy; Astrakhan Regional Center of Skin and Sexually-Transmitted Diseases

MD, PhD Astrakhan, Russia


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