
Phosphazene-Containing Ligands and Complexes on Their Base
Nikovskii I., Chistyakov E., Tupikov A.
Formation of Homo- and Heteronuclear Platinum(II) and Palladium(II) Carbene Complexes in the Reactions of Coordinated Isocyanides with Aminothiazaheterocycles
Mikherdov A., Orekhova Y., Boyarskii V.
Sulfur- and oxygen-containing platinum(II) complex
Azizova A., Gasanov K., Gasymov S., Mamedova I.
Synthesis of Functionalized Tris(2-propoxyphenyl)phosphine Oxides as Precursors of Tripodal Propeller-Shaped Ligands
Baulina Т., Kudryavtsev I., Sykat G., Brel’ V.
Synthesis of polydentate chalcogen-containing ligands using the system hydrazine hydrate–base
Levanova E., Vilms A., Bezborodov V., Babenko I., Sosnovskaya N., Istomina N., Albanov A., Russavskaya N., Rozentsveig I.
Quantum-Chemical Simulation of Tetra-, Penta-, and Hexacoordinated Stereoisomers of Bis-Ligand Ni(II) Complexes based on Polydentate Heterocyclic Derivatives of Azomethines
Kharabayev N.
Synthesis and structure of enaminoketones of pyrazole containing 2-thione(selenone)benzimidazolyl fragments and their zinc and cadmium complexes
Borodkina I., Burlov A., Borodkin G., Chesnokov V., Kuzmenko T., Uraev A., Korshunova E., Vasil’chenko I.
Coupling of Bis(xylylisocyanide) Palladium(II) Complex with 1,2,4-Thiadiazole-5-amines
Mikherdov A., Tiuftiakov N., Polukeev V., Boyarskii V.
New Tetrazole Tripodal Ligand Based on Triphenylphosphine Oxide
Bykhovskaya O., Matveeva A., Pasechnik M., Vologzhanina A., Matveev S., Kudryavtsev I., Baulina T., Brel V.
Synthesis and Properties of C,N-Chelated Carbene Complexes of Palladium(II) with 2-Aminobenzo[d]thiazole Fragment
Mikherdov A., Baikov S., Proskurina I., Shetnev A., Kotov A.
Synthesis of precursors to new tripodal phosphine oxide ligands
Kudryavtsev I., Bykhovskaya O., Aladzheva I., Baulina T., Brel’ V.
Design of Supramolecular Cluster Compounds of Copper Subgroup Metals Based on Polydentate Phosphine Ligands
Grachova E.
Rhodium(I) bisaldimine complexes in transfer hydrogenation
Nindakova L., Badyrova N., Sadykov E., Ushakov I., Vanzarakshaeva S.
Monolayers of Supramolecular Cryptate Complexes at the Electrode/Solution Interface
Stenina E., Sviridova L., Stenin V.
Reactions of silicon hydrides catalyzed by rhodium(III) sulfoxide complexes
Eliseeva A., Prudnikova E., Panikorovskii T., Skvortsov N.
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