
Synthesis and Properties of C,N-Chelated Carbene Complexes of Palladium(II) with 2-Aminobenzo[d]thiazole Fragment
Mikherdov A., Baikov S., Proskurina I., Shetnev A., Kotov A.
Synthesis of Mixed-Ligand Nitrileand Carbonyl–Isocyanide Complexes of Platinum(II) and Their Reaction with P-Toluenesulfonyl Hydrazide
Popov R., Novikov A., Mikherdov A.
Formation of Homo- and Heteronuclear Platinum(II) and Palladium(II) Carbene Complexes in the Reactions of Coordinated Isocyanides with Aminothiazaheterocycles
Mikherdov A., Orekhova Y., Boyarskii V.
Coupling of Bis(xylylisocyanide) Palladium(II) Complex with 1,2,4-Thiadiazole-5-amines
Mikherdov A., Tiuftiakov N., Polukeev V., Boyarskii V.
Low-temperature equilibriums in solutions of isocyanide-phosphine complexes of palladium(II) chloride
Kinzhalov M., Buldakov A., Petrov A., Mahmudov K., Ivanov A., Suslonov V.
Bisisocyanide complexes of Zn(II) halides: Synthesis, structure, and application in the catalysis of isocyanides reaction with secondary amines
Lavnevich L., Avdontseva M., Kinzhalov M., Bokach N.
The copper-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions of aryl diazonium salts and isocyanides
Li Y., Cao J., Zhu Q., Zhang X., Shi G.
Application of the Cleavable Isocyanide in Efficient Approach to Pyroglutamic Acid Analogues with Potential Biological Activity
Jassem A., Al-Ajely H., Almashal F., Chen B.
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